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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

There are 97,735 confirmed cases worldwide, including 3,352 fatalities.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: cirrus12
Never did what the government say, instead do what the government do.

On one hand they’re telling us to keep calm and carry on, whilst on the other they’re running for the hills.

They don’t want to close schools, because then people stop working to look after their kids. It’s obvious they have one priority and it ain’t our safety, it’s the economy - it’s always the economy; the will of the corporate masters, the old and the new.

Soon we’ll get tv news conferences with Boris via video link from a secret location (probably a bunker in the Shires), telling us all to keep calm and carry on.

...yet in the US the government's highest officials are out campaigning across the country, hugging supporters and kissing babies for selfies.

(post by MrRCflying removed for a manners violation)

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

The question has to be asked, have any of your wife's family come down with Covid?

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: all2human

It's amazing how people are overreacting. I noticed this week that people are not flushing public toilets. They think the handle carries CoronaVirus, lol.

So true !

Its not true, you literally can get it from flushing handles

Oh really? Be sure to point to the studies that validate your claim. I'll post one here that refutes yours:

"Some coronaviruses can live on surfaces for days,but not much is known about the new coronavirus' ability to survive on surfaces."


Don't let facts get in the way of your hyperventilating fear mongering.

Uhh look it up on the CDC website

Literally says at this point they think it can live for at least 9 days on surfaces

I mean i know the CDC isnt as accredited as LIVESCIENCE, but. I said...keep telling yourself whatever you need. But I would recommend researching how deep the swamp is at the CDC. Do you know what revolving door politics is? The CDC is the poster child for this. Keep sucking on the teet.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist

Question just popped from you last post about Asian men being more susceptible to getting the virus.
Did China have a different set of vaccine programs for girls vs boys?

That’s a good question.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: JoeRivers

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: all2human

It's amazing how people are overreacting. I noticed this week that people are not flushing public toilets. They think the handle carries CoronaVirus, lol.

So true !

Its not true, you literally can get it from flushing handles

Oh really? Be sure to point to the studies that validate your claim. I'll post one here that refutes yours:

"Some coronaviruses can live on surfaces for days,but not much is known about the new coronavirus' ability to survive on surfaces."


Don't let facts get in the way of your hyperventilating fear mongering.

Do you wanna take the risk and be the one that confirms it?

What risk? Every 37 seconds someone dies from hear disease in the US. You have more risk continuing to eat at McDonalds than you do of getting CV. But stay locked in your bunker mate and letting CNN program you.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: JoeRivers

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: all2human

It's amazing how people are overreacting. I noticed this week that people are not flushing public toilets. They think the handle carries CoronaVirus, lol.

So true !

Its not true, you literally can get it from flushing handles

Oh really? Be sure to point to the studies that validate your claim. I'll post one here that refutes yours:

"Some coronaviruses can live on surfaces for days,but not much is known about the new coronavirus' ability to survive on surfaces."


Don't let facts get in the way of your hyperventilating fear mongering.

Do you wanna take the risk and be the one that confirms it?

What risk? Every 37 seconds someone dies from hear disease in the US. You have more risk continuing to eat at McDonalds than you do of getting CV. But stay locked in your bunker mate and letting CNN program you.

Heart disease isn’t contagious

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:44 PM
Maybe that's because they already have a vaccine for it!
well it is ATS after all! possible?!
*holds breath*
a reply to: burdman30ott6

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:46 PM
When I read the posts on daily mail story's about this virus, 95% of people posting still believe this is nothing compared to the seasonal flu! They don't believe this virus is going to be much worse.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
When I read the posts on daily mail story's about this virus, 95% of people posting still believe this is nothing compared to the seasonal flu! They don't believe this virus is going to be much worse.

It is unfortunate. Things are getting real now. 51 cases in the US today alone. By next week things will get really real. I expect to see it actually sink in late next week, and real panic buying and such to begin.

Confirmed cases I should say. By now I think it is in the thousands.
edit on 5-3-2020 by MrRCflying because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Currently none.

Some in Hubei Province are in quarantine. All others scattered around in various states of lockdown.

No one I know in China or worked with has it. In my old company, about 3000 people, only 5 have it, none died.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
When I read the posts on daily mail story's about this virus, 95% of people posting still believe this is nothing compared to the seasonal flu! They don't believe this virus is going to be much worse.

Good. They are smart people. Until it ACTUALLY BECOMES AN EPIDEMIC why the hell would you think it is going to become one? Why? Because a couple of countries got caught with their pants down?

Here is a current list of ACTUAL epidemics going on right now:

Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever
Ebola virus disease
Hendra virus infection
Influenza (pandemic, seasonal, zoonotic)
Lassa fever
Marburg virus disease
Nipah virus infection
Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Rift Valley fever
Yellow fever
Zika virus disease

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: JoeRivers

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: all2human

It's amazing how people are overreacting. I noticed this week that people are not flushing public toilets. They think the handle carries CoronaVirus, lol.

So true !

Its not true, you literally can get it from flushing handles

Oh really? Be sure to point to the studies that validate your claim. I'll post one here that refutes yours:

"Some coronaviruses can live on surfaces for days,but not much is known about the new coronavirus' ability to survive on surfaces."


Don't let facts get in the way of your hyperventilating fear mongering.

Do you wanna take the risk and be the one that confirms it?

What risk? Every 37 seconds someone dies from hear disease in the US. You have more risk continuing to eat at McDonalds than you do of getting CV. But stay locked in your bunker mate and letting CNN program you.

Heart disease isn’t contagious

But in this thread stupidity and fear mongering CLEARLY is.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Currently none.

Some in Hubei Province are in quarantine. All others scattered around in various states of lockdown.

No one I know in China or worked with has it. In my old company, about 3000 people, only 5 have it, none died.

That is very good to hear!

Do you believe the numbers coming out of China now? Have they just stopped testing, or fudging the numbers?

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

OK, so those you know who didn't get SARS vaccines don't have Covid... I'm not going to fall into a causation fallacy and say that indicates a connection between the two, but I'm also not willing to say there isn't some reason to be interested in just how many confirmed Covid infected also received SARS vaccines, or even flu vaccines or pneumonia vaccines in the past. It would be *interesting* if those who got prior vaccinations made up a higher percentage of current Covid infected and it would be beyond *interesting* if they made up a higher percentage of serious condition or deceased Covid cases... not that I'd ever expect we little people to be told that if it were the case, as the law suits and outrage would be magnificent.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:53 PM
I was still a little "on the fence" till I saw that news conference with relatives from the long term care facility patients in Kirkland, WA. How do I describe being "on the fence," in this particular situation, as so much remains unknown? That response, "news" of every kind about said virus, lack of certain, specific news, and what's being said/reported vs. actions......

Seems very concerning to me. Now, many will say....."well, those are all old people.....

What's that about I didn't speak when they came for these folks or those folks, and then they came for me? And lots of us about still love, respect and admire our old people, and do the best for them that we can, just as they did for us, raising us. And that's not anecdotal, btw, but doesn't have to be to understand it. In other words, my parents were total, but I totally understand people caring very much about their parents, grandparents, etc.

Still, I have to wonder what we've come to as a society, that I see so many comment here that as long as it's just affecting older people, it isn't all that concerning.
regards and stay safe,

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: JoeRivers

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: all2human

It's amazing how people are overreacting. I noticed this week that people are not flushing public toilets. They think the handle carries CoronaVirus, lol.

So true !

Its not true, you literally can get it from flushing handles

Oh really? Be sure to point to the studies that validate your claim. I'll post one here that refutes yours:

"Some coronaviruses can live on surfaces for days,but not much is known about the new coronavirus' ability to survive on surfaces."


Don't let facts get in the way of your hyperventilating fear mongering.

Do you wanna take the risk and be the one that confirms it?

What risk? Every 37 seconds someone dies from hear disease in the US. You have more risk continuing to eat at McDonalds than you do of getting CV. But stay locked in your bunker mate and letting CNN program you.

Heart disease isn’t contagious

But in this thread stupidity and fear mongering CLEARLY is.

Well, just give it a couple more weeks. Only time will tell. Personally, I think we are on a bad track, heading for a broken bridge.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: MrRCflying

Then why did you?

Hmm... Multiple accounts much? A whole lot of stars in 2 minutes.

You can browse my history. I do not care about stars and would not mind if I can turn them off. (think I mentioned that 9 years ago or so, pretty irrelevant)

Point is. You should blame the cause, not the dude. The dude was asked not order to quarantine. You don't know anything about him.

Not a thing at all. We do know he was a delivery guy that in itself shows he won't be some rich fellow that can easily handle staying home without income for a few weeks.

Some mass media reports that this dude was patient 0. Is that proven? No. But on ATS someone calls out to shoot him.

The article mentions immigrant. Imo that is to imply he caught it not in Italy. But how the hell does he get a job in 2 weeks in a country where is around 10% unemployment (oct 2019)?

Chase the bugs, chase the system that does not control this. Don't chase the, for lack of better words, messenger that brought it.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:54 PM
Tedros today:

He’s also worried that some countries aren’t taking this seriously enough or have decided that there’s nothing they can do to curb local outbreaks.

“This epidemic is a threat for every country, rich and poor. And as we’ve said before, even the high-income countries should expect surprises,” he said. “We’re concerned that in some countries, the level of political commitment and the actions that demonstrate that commitment do not match the level of the threat we all face.”

“This is not a drill. This is not the time to give up. This is not a time for excuses. This is a time to pull out all the stops,” he said.

Has anyone else noticed how he sounds off all the time but doesn't seem to actually give any clear examples of how to 'pull out all the stops'?!
Should governments ban travel (he said no a while back)
Stop events? Stop gatherings?
Limit freedom of movement internally?
Close all schools?

What are these things he keeps wanting people to do? He's being vague whilst shouting about the risk. Annoying.

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