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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: RMFX1
a reply to: lostgirl

They should. All of these places should be closed. Just like all of the schools, all of the restaurants, all bars and cinemas. People will take a hit, but less people will die.

If they were to do that now, right now, and tell everyone to stay at home for at least 4 weeks, I think this would burn out.

I am a huge freedom guy. Very pro free speech, movement, and 2nd, but I think these are special circumstances.

Give everyone 24 hours to gather goods at the store, then shut everything, everything down.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:34 PM
5 firefighter/paramedic personnel placed in isolation in Arizona after responding and treating a covid 19 patient in Arizona

This patient was the 2nd confirmed case in AZ whom had contact with a positive individual from Florida
He’s in his 20s, yet was apparently sick enough to have to have an ambulance come triage him....doesn’t sound like it’s relegated to just the elderly
edit on 5-3-2020 by MaverickLRD because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: RMFX1

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: RMFX1

The scarf around her neck seems to be the filter. I doubt she will suffocate.
I wonder what the filter rating is for a knitted scarf?

Nice spot! I wonder if she has to change the scarf every 15 minutes for the sake of efficacy.

If anyone sees her out and about could you ask?

Joanne Fabrics will have a run on yarn now... great. Glad my wife has planned ahead and has at least 3 large Rubbermaid bins filled with yarn plus about 100 lbs of wool for her spinning wheel. Preparation is always the best course of action.

Sell them on ebay as Corona protective gear. You will make a fortune.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:38 PM
Chinese Scientists Find Genetic Explanation For Coronavirus Discriminating By Race


Above is a multi source article describing why Asian men are more susceptible to the virus.

I still want to see third party confirmation that the same virus that is infecting the world is what happened in Wuhan. The animal and human samples still have not been verified by a third party. I don’t count WHO as a third party.

Also saw a story I’m trying to find again that the World Military Games (like Olympic for militaries) was in Wuhan in October 2019 and how that may have been used as cover to plant a bio attack agent in Wuhan. Seems plausible wish I had posted it earlier.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:38 PM
This isn’t the post your looking for.

You can go about your business.

Move along. Move along.

edit on 5-3-2020 by SpartanStoic because: Duplicate post

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

You're clearly not married to a knitting woman. If I suggested selling that yarn, Covid-19 would seem like a pleasant alternative to my wife's response to me.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: MrRCflying

You're clearly not married to a knitting woman. If I suggested selling that yarn, Covid-19 would seem like a pleasant alternative to my wife's response to me.

She does some crocheting, but not a lot. I can only imagine though.

Move over little dog, the big dogs moving in.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

He ought to be shot

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

I hope he sees time from inside a cell. Because of him 3,000+ are infected and 148 have died.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: KingDoey

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

He ought to be shot

Just like the people inciting fear to one another. These are useless creatures

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
Chinese Scientists Find Genetic Explanation For Coronavirus Discriminating By Race


Above is a multi source article describing why Asian men are more susceptible to the virus.

I still want to see third party confirmation that the same virus that is infecting the world is what happened in Wuhan. The animal and human samples still have not been verified by a third party. I don’t count WHO as a third party.

Also saw a story I’m trying to find again that the World Military Games (like Olympic for militaries) was in Wuhan in October 2019 and how that may have been used as cover to plant a bio attack agent in Wuhan. Seems plausible wish I had posted it earlier.

Good info, similar to SARS.

The authors explain that “2019-nCov was reported to share the same receptor, Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)” as the SARS disease, an outbreak of which in 2003 seemed almost exclusively to kill Northeast Asians.

Link to your article

Based on “the public database and the state-of-the-art single-cell RNA-Seq technique” the Chinese scientists “analyzed the ACE2 RNA expression profile in the normal human lungs.” Crucially, they further found (in a comparison of eight individual samples) that the “Asian male one has an extremely large number of ACE2-expressing cells in the lung” in comparison to other races. (The database was based on analysis of eight normal human lung transplant donors of different races.)

Now what caused SARS?
edit on 5-3-2020 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

I hope he sees time from inside a cell. Because of him 3,000+ are infected and 148 have died.

originally posted by: KingDoey

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

He ought to be shot

Yes, lets start flinging crap at the people who got infected and then infected others, because they were told blatant lies by the WHO, the CDC, many governments. They were told this is no biggie, so they behaved like it was no biggie. We really haven't evolved much beyond apes have we.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: KingDoey

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

He ought to be shot

Is it an easy target tho, to say it is the Pakistani migrant. Rather than say an Italian who refused to quarantine? Happy to be wrong if there is science that says otherwise. How do they trace a patient zero when it's all hands on deck ?

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Dumbass

originally posted by: KingDoey

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

He ought to be shot

Just like the people inciting fear to one another. These are useless creatures

Has one person killed 148 people with fear of Corona virus? Because of this mans actions 148 have died so far. More to come.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

I hope he sees time from inside a cell. Because of him 3,000+ are infected and 148 have died.

originally posted by: KingDoey

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

He ought to be shot

Yes, lets start flinging crap at the people who got infected and then infected others, because they were told blatant lies by the WHO, the CDC, many governments. They were told this is no biggie, so they behaved like it was no biggie. We really haven't evolved much beyond apes have we.

Actually, if you read the article, he was told to stay home in quarantine. He instead delivered Chinese food and a dose of death door to door.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: checkmeout

Meh with a crude fatality rate higher than estimates from the 1918 Spanish flu mind you they did not have ICU’s back then, I think it’s ok to pay attention to it, be vigilant, but try not to panic. That’s one thing I noticed. This may be really bad for baby boomers and people with underlining medical conditions.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:02 PM
Activity in the US today (so far):
edit on 5-3-2020 by UFO1414 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

I hope he sees time from inside a cell. Because of him 3,000+ are infected and 148 have died.

originally posted by: KingDoey

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

He ought to be shot

Yes, lets start flinging crap at the people who got infected and then infected others, because they were told blatant lies by the WHO, the CDC, many governments. They were told this is no biggie, so they behaved like it was no biggie. We really haven't evolved much beyond apes have we.

Actually, if you read the article, he was told to stay home in quarantine. He instead delivered Chinese food and a dose of death door to door.

We were told it is nothing compared to the flu! This man might have a family to feed. He was told it was being blown out of all proportion. Why should his family starve, or him lose his job, possibly get deported, just because of the sniffles. How was he to know the truth. Billions don't know now! There are thousands going round right now, just like him, and just as innocent.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

Thanks to his selfish actions Italy is getting utterly hammered. Should face some sort of punishment if there is any truth behind the story

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Dumbass

originally posted by: KingDoey

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Reading where 'Patient Zero' in Italy has been identified.
Pakistani migrant who worked in a Chinese restaurant doing food deliveries and refused to self-isolate.

He ought to be shot

Just like the people inciting fear to one another. These are useless creatures

Has one person killed 148 people with fear of Corona virus? Because of this mans actions 148 have died so far. More to come.

Have you ever read a history book to see how many people are killed based on fear implemented by an indoctrinated masses? I guess not.

Did the dude got infected willingly or is he infected by something designed to implement fear and control the masses?

If someone can call for the death of another so may I?

He did not kill anyone. It was the weak immune system of the infected that got caught up by a natural cause or something by design.

But we disagree on if humanity as a whole as it is now is important or that a shift in humanity is more important.

I would happy to see the fearful, weak (you know that includes myself as well) and polarizing people gone.

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