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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:09 PM
In the process of catching up to the latests posts
I dont recall if this has been covered
If a person had the regular cold or flu, say a teen or child
would that not increase the risk of them going serious or critical if Covid-19 was a secondary infection?

Also, has it been determined that C0-19 is a lifelong disease,short of a Cure?
interested to see the responses.

If this is true, anyone one with the seasonal flu or regular cold should isolate during this time

working my way from page 155.

edit on 4-3-2020 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: asdfa

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: tetra50
I’ll wear a N95 anyway.
And it won’t hurt you one bit.

Hey great for you, butcherguy......but, respectfully, most obviously can't.

and that has no bearing on your challenge to me over the paper masks. That was the whole point. But hey, I bit, and I guess that's the whole point, sadly.....
regards and stay safe,

N95 masks work pretty well. If they didn't, no doctors or nurses would show up for work tomorrow.
yah. that's kind of not the point though, either....AT ALL

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:12 PM
Want to highlight this:

Reporter just got real with Pence and asked when thing would escalate from a state to federal management level (quarantines, martial law, etc)

Pence gave q to Fauci.

Fauci answered when they see widespread community transmission.

I googled the term and got this from the CDC on Italy

CDC Warning on Italy

Italy is experiencing widespread community transmission of respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Italy to Date - 3,000 Cases - 100 Deaths

So, that's what they're waiting for.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: all2human
In the process of catching up to the latests posts
A thought crossed my mind today
if a person had the regular cold or flu, say a teen or child
would that not increase the risk of it going serious or critical if Covid-19 was a secondary infection?

hey all2human:

That's the very dangerous thing about not knowing etiology or transmission or progress. In other words, it's not that IT is secondary, it's that if it invades the second time around, binding to antogens you developed from the first time, then it hijacks your immunodefense, using the immunodefense......then secondary infections, septic shock (sepsis), widespread organ failure, etc. become the bigger issue.

If we do not know when it first arrived, how many times it's mutated, what those mutations comprise, then we cannot really know accurate statistics on its transmission or CFU or anything else, and so cannot prepare, either....
regards and stay safe,

It's a big circle of not knowing increasing attendant risk/transmission/etc.
edit on 4-3-2020 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:23 PM
UK update,Big jump in confirmed cases here today,from 51 yesterday to 87 now.
At this rate it will be a few hundred by middle of next week IMO. orting-story

One confirmed in Liverpool,a city I can see from the hill just by my house in the top right corner of North Wales.
(And my Mum has friends there and went a few days ago).
So I am worrying as my Dad has a bad chest (long term thing).
Its not nice seeing it creep closer to my area day by day,and not being able to do much about it.
At least Iv'e got my parents into the idea of using hand sanitiser if they leave their house.
My Bro in London says he's starting to see some people wearing masks the last couple of days-at last.

I think the Prime minster is foolish to keep the schools open TBH-we can all see the direction this is going,and everyone knows how kids are the biggest spreaders of all kinds of bugs,and they could pretty easily be taught from home using a skype type of deal..
That may save some lives down the road.
Stay safe everyone.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:24 PM
Another update from Chile:

3rd case of confirmed Coronavirus. (I posted about the 2nd case about 6 hours ago.

Source in spanish - Source in english by google translate

A 56 year old woman that traveled around Europe. She was in northern Italy.

She is in stable condition and currently at self-quarantine at her house.

She went to test herself yesterday because she presented symptoms: fever, cough, headache.

Again, they sent the patient to their house... It seems Chile doesn't have special rooms in hospitals for this type of cases.

(rant) And yesterday our dictator, sorry "president", was congratulating himself and saying that the actions he has taken are to be emulated all around the globe because he was preventing the entrance of the virus...4 hrs after he said that, the 1st case was announced... This guy is a clown. I do not know where he got the intelligence to steal a complete bank when he was younger.... (Sorry for the rant)
edit on 4/3/2020 by redpassion because: corrected minor mistake

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse
UK update,Big jump in confirmed cases here today,from 51 yesterday to 87 now.
At this rate it will be a few hundred by middle of next week IMO. orting-story

One confirmed in Liverpool,a city I can see from the hill just by my house in the top right corner of North Wales.
(And my Mum has friends there and went a few days ago).
So I am worrying as my Dad has a bad chest (long term thing).
Its not nice seeing it creep closer to my area day by day,and not being able to do much about it.
At least Iv'e got my parents into the idea of using hand sanitiser if they leave their house.
My Bro in London says he's starting to see some people wearing masks the last couple of days-at last.

I think the Prime minster is foolish to keep the schools open TBH-we can all see the direction this is going,and everyone knows how kids are the biggest spreaders of all kinds of bugs,and they could pretty easily be taught from home using a skype type of deal..
That may save some lives down the road.
Stay safe everyone.

You, and family, as well.....stay safe.

I think it's no longer so much about what my government will do to protect me/the public, etc. It's now, for those with eyes to see, to look for how to protect themselves, and live as independently as possible........and this just isn't easy, in a world where technology has been sold to share absolutely everything. Until sharing....well, just isn't so good.

I would now realistically assume and till proven otherwise to......what?
well, that's kind of the whole question, isn't it, and why we're all put in the position of filling in that blank. That, alone, should be instructive, about now.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: tetra50
I think it's no longer so much about what my government will do to protect me/the public, etc. It's now, for those with eyes to see, to look for how to protect themselves, and live as independently as possible.......

Another discrepancy between the reaction in China and elsewhere... notice how the entire field, including the incumbants, are actively campaigning in the United States, shaking hands, kissing babies, breathing in the air of the unwashed masses from sea to shining sea.

Honestly, I'm beginning to believe the idea that China jumped on a situation to tighten the screws on a population that was getting a touch uppitty prior to this outbreak there. Look at how well it has worked for them... the entire populace is back at the CCP's feet like loyal dogs and there is nary a peep of protests in their streets because everyone is too scared to venture out their doors.

You can't tell me that if there were actually tens or hundreds of thousands dying in China the US wouldn't have intel telling them so. If the US had such intel, the President and the US Senate would also have that intel. Anybody really believe Trump, Sanders, Warren, and company would be mingling with the heathens and sweathogs their rallies attract if any of them thought this posed much more risk than they face everyday where standard flus, colds, and (in Warren's case) smallpox are concerned?

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:40 PM
It seems like we were expecting this current growth of Coronavirus 2 weeks ago. Mostly based off 14 day incubation period. Well it started approximately 4 weeks later instead of 2.

Does this mean it could have a 4 week incubation period before it starts to show itself ?

I’ve seen the stats that say 3-5 days or whatever but what we are currently seeing is something most of us thought would happen a while ago .

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: tetra50
I think it's no longer so much about what my government will do to protect me/the public, etc. It's now, for those with eyes to see, to look for how to protect themselves, and live as independently as possible.......

Another discrepancy between the reaction in China and elsewhere... notice how the entire field, including the incumbants, are actively campaigning in the United States, shaking hands, kissing babies, breathing in the air of the unwashed masses from sea to shining sea.

Honestly, I'm beginning to believe the idea that China jumped on a situation to tighten the screws on a population that was getting a touch uppitty prior to this outbreak there. Look at how well it has worked for them... the entire populace is back at the CCP's feet like loyal dogs and there is nary a peep of protests in their streets because everyone is too scared to venture out their doors.

You can't tell me that if there were actually tens or hundreds of thousands dying in China the US wouldn't have intel telling them so. If the US had such intel, the President and the US Senate would also have that intel. Anybody really believe Trump, Sanders, Warren, and company would be mingling with the heathens and sweathogs their rallies attract if any of them thought this posed much more risk than they face everyday where standard flus, colds, and (in Warren's case) smallpox are concerned?

Hey burdman:
yes, exactly, per your last there.....
No, NONE of them would be out there "pressing flesh" for campaigns if we weren't talking about something else, entirely. These folks don't risk themselves, IMHO.....and that last HO would stand for HUMBLE opinion, and it's only mine, but still counts, I

But no, there is much to be discerned from the response/reaction vs. what is really happening, but that could also mean various things.....
regards and stay safe,

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Slightly disagree.

US intelligence apparatus has the intel. 99.9% they know what is really going on. They have the humans in place in China to know both in CCP and military.

Depending on how that info is classified Senate may not know. POTUS probably does know but there’s a chance he doesn’t.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:44 PM


posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: redpassion
Another update from Chile:

3rd case of confirmed Coronavirus. (I posted about the 2nd case about 6 hours ago.

Source in spanish - Source in english by google translate

A 56 year old woman that traveled around Europe. She was in northern Italy.

She is in stable condition and currently at self-quarantine at her house.

She went to test herself yesterday because she presented symptoms: fever, cough, headache.

Again, they sent the patient to their house... It seems Chile doesn't have special rooms in hospitals for this type of cases.

(rant) And yesterday our dictator, sorry "president", was congratulating himself and saying that the actions he has taken are to be emulated all around the globe because he was preventing the entrance of the virus...4 hrs after he said that, the 1st case was announced... This guy is a clown. I do not know where he got the intelligence to steal a complete bank when he was younger.... (Sorry for the rant)

Hey redpassion: Maybe Chile doesn't have that.

But I do wanna say: my daughter from 6 degrees below sea level raised, went to Chile, recently, to hike to a known achialogical site there.

Within 5 hrs. of landing there, in a hotel, she was in severe mountain sickness distress.

I was able, through a google phone, to contact the hotel she was staying in and request help for her, because she could no longer do so, she was that sick. Within fifteen minutes of my saying "altitude sickness" on the phone to hotel personnel who didn't speak english, my daughter was visited by a doc and an ambulance crew who, I firmly believe, saved her life.....

so yay for Chile, from my personal, anecdotal experience.

While we know so little, maybe blame can't yet be attributed anywhere. Just saying.
regards and s tay safe,

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: elitegamer23

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
and (in Warren's case) smallpox are concerned?

Do moderators really make such jokes? What’s next ? Jokes about blacks being lynched ?

I have a Native American Indian friend who would pound your face in for making such a joke in regards to native Americans .

I missed that, if it is so....was that a sneaky thing, just missed by others, too, disguised by espousing a whole other belief.
DAMN. LOL. gotta be careful out here, in the wind and
edit on 4-3-2020 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:51 PM

I don't think so. I think it was the tests, delayed confirmed cases and virtually impossible to get approval. I think our numbers are much higher and we will likely see a quicker doubling than seen elsewhere..

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

yes, that always has been one of the theories. But I think, if they did it to that end, it will end up backfiring. I think those actions have been a catalyser for the uprising of the people. Specially the last few days were they have passed out laws to obligate the people back to work, yet they cancel political meetings to protect them selves. As I have stated before, I sure hope we see a new China in a few years from now. To bad it depends on the people of that country, we can't do much from where we stand. We also need changes in a lot of countries in the west, like Venezuela and, here, Chile.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

You give them way to much credit.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: ragiusnotiel

Not necessarily. Italy is magnitudes of times smaller in terms of land area and population than the US.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: elitegamer23

Get over it.

It is historical fact that the Native Americans were devastated by small pox because they had not ever seen it as a contagion before the Europeans brought it with them.

If there is any offensiveness there it is that Warren is less Native American than the average American at 1/1024 of her heritage despite her claims.

And my part Native American husband would tell you as much.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: ragiusnotiel

Not necessarily. Italy is magnitudes of times smaller in terms of land area and population than the US.

I'm not suggesting the whole US. Like if WA was up to 100 deaths and 3,000 cases, etc. They may considered things relevant to that area.. etc ..

I can't expand on the meaning much more, they weren't very clear- Pence dodged the q didn't expect to be asked.. Clearly Fauci hadn't prethought his response.. Pence cut him short and they closed the q &a and left.

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