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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: tetra50

Standard FEMA Declaration for State of Emergency does not include martial law. I seriously doubt any POTUS would sign it for a pandemic like this if it did.

On top of that we can compare to the near martial law situation in New Orleans during Katrina situation and we see how that worked out.

I strongly doubt there are enough resources (re: police, military and sheriffs) to place a state under martial law effectively much less a city of 1 million plus.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: myselfaswell

originally posted by: celltypespecific
This is a major will hear learn more about this in news media several days from now.....

Among the 27 viruses isolated from Wuhan, 26 (96.3%) were L type, and only 1 (3.7%) was S type.However, among the other 73 viruses isolated outside Wuhan, 45 (61.6%) were L type, and 28 (38.4%) were S type. This comparison suggests that the L type is significantly more prevalent in Wuhan than in other places (P= 0.0004, Fisher’s exact test, Fig. 6and Table S3).

That is massive news.

As I suspected, more or less from the start, there is more than 1 virus.

This is really I'll put it out there again....there is more than 1 virus.

And it appears that it way well mutate;

Interestingly, the virus isolated from one patient in Shenzhen on January 13, 2020 (SZ_2020/01/13.a, GISAID ID: EPI_ISL_406592) had C at both positions 8,782 and 28,144 in the genome, belonging to neither L nor S type

I'd like to hear from anyone who can update with the implications of the mutability. the manuscript the even discussed a patient that was infected with both strains at the same time S and L.

Could potentially explain some of the "reinfections" we have heard about..

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: MrRCflying

We have been there before. The fear was not picked up as it is now.

The thing is we will all get it one way or another. Delaying is at one side good at another side bad. Yes it will hurt a lot of people. I'm not advocating that it won't. The question is if it is as bad as some people mention do you want to slowly pull the bandage or rip it off fast.

Slowly is on the personal level the most comfortable. Ripping of fast is in the sense of bouncing up afterwards best.

I am sure if you would go in self quarantine as you mention it would ease your conscious. You might even double the adviced time. Few months later you hear you never really cured and infected more. Would that ease your mind? Hell no it would not.

Not sure why you start labelling again in response to me. PDs come on. I would hope a situation like this would finally solve the polarizing of society but clearly it has not (yet). If you have read back my post you see that I state you should interpreted these percentages as what they represent. Do I believe that there are only less then an 100k infections? No not at all. I think it is far more wide spread then anyone knows or that even the fear inciting people on mass media (sorry ATS, but that includes you) are mentioning.

Fact is the percentages are based on measurements as they should be. So check carefully what they measure and base your interpretation on that.

Btw the WHO and organisations from where I am tell me not to self quarantine unless I have the symptoms + have been to a contaminated zone or met with an infected. Should I ignore these as well? I mean I know how it feels when my lungs go bad. Should I ignore the possibility and follow the guidelines as they mention or should I go against them with common sense?

See where I'm going? People follow these guidelines and information when that suits them and ignore them when not.

Next question. What is will cause more damage in the long run? A slow spread with a societal collapse felt through every generation both healthy and not or a quick culling of weak bodies like mine? Think about it as if it weren't humans as that's too close to comfort for most. But animals in a forest. Which would be the less worst (as I can not say best) solution? Weaken the whole population to save the few?

I would give up my live in a heartbeat for a quick bounce for my kids and grandkids. Maybe you're more like to share the suffering amongst everyone. Idk.

If ifs and buts...

Do any of us know how this will go down? What is the best course of action? Turn right or left? Those are only things that we can answer ourselves.

Personally I would rather not have my son with asthma get it, or my 85 year old mother with other health problems. Honestly I don't think my mother could make it through. Is it greedy to want to spare my mother? Maybe some would say so. I guess I am just not into the whole culling thing.

I do wish you the best of luck, and hope you do not get it. Not having good lungs and catching this would not be a good thing.

Of course, that isn't greedy.

And you are precisely right that we can only answer those questions for ourselves.

Now is the time for all of us to be very wary of information and its call for our response.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:43 PM
Inside info. Confirmed but have to protect source. US test kits will NOT be available until next week. I will not reply to any questions.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: Tukota

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: Tukota
Big news on testing today, from the segment I'm watching on Fox News right now as they await the funding vote for the $8B Coronavirus bill.

They just said that the guidelines for testing are being changed from "having to meet a certain set of criteria", to "anyone with a recommendation from a doctor can now get tested" with the goal for the change being that if people are ill, they can get tested and treated before getting too sick.

There is no link because it is live TV, but I've typed practically word-for-word what the reporter just said.
Bolding mine. Hey Tukota. Thanks for that update.

But this also means, that anyone testing positive, even without symptoms, can also be locked, down, followed, tracked, being told to "self quarantine", etc.
Just saying, and I think, worthy of consideration.
stay safe,

I've thought of that too. There are definitely pros and cons to consider when the state becomes 'aware' of your situation. In the movie Outbreak, they just drove up to your house, collected you, and off you went with the nice army man. lol. I'd have to be pretty sick to go to ER with it, and I am immunosuppressed. The risk for having your choice taken away from you regarding self-isolation vs. forced isolation is the concern for me. But as we've seen posted on this thread, some that are supposed to self-isolate don't and then ruin it for others that do it the correct way. I think places like LA and King County are going to be ones to watch to see how far they go with the quarantines.

If anywhere is going to be "quarantined" in the USA, it is going to be done without many "boots on the ground".
IR detection for Humans/Vehicles.
It can be done, with or without AI.

Whether they have "Lethal response" is up to the users.

I remember seeing those videos out of China where the drones were being used to tell people to get their masks on and it sent a shiver down my spine. Drones have got to be the armed forces new best friend in terms of surveillance and possible weaponization to control a situation that personnel cannot, or do not want to, respond to.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: Gin

NEW: List of recommendations in King County, Washington, to prevent the spread of coronavirus. People 60+, those with underlying health issues, and pregnant women, are advised to stay home and avoid large groups.

Check out the higher risk category.

Almost everyone in America is overweight and is either Pr-Diabetic or suffers from Diabetes.

Additionally, because of our western diet we are all in the "high risk cat."

If you are on anti-inflamm med's you have a weaken immune system.....

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

The HIV spike proteins I refer to are not a maybe, they are an ARE, right now. a reply to: MrRCflying

I have seen that. But at this point in time is anyone sure that future occurrences of symptoms, or post symptomatic transmission is possible? I think it is too early to come to that conclusion.

I would ask your regard for science, there were reports today on scientific medical journals that Chinese scientists have mapped the virus they've been given samples, and then mapped 149 mutations of it in what they've been given to test.

They identified an L type and an S type. Not my naming, you understand. Why not call them I and Q or whatever.
But that is what is being published now.

"post symptomatic," I would just refer you to any good biology site referencing the life of viral infection. It isn't cured, it's just relegated to "below a detectable level." Once you've contracted any virus, this is what that means. You don't sometimes have Herpes, you ALWAYS have it. Dependent on your current viral lode, is what makes you extremely transmissable, or not at all......

I understand what you are saying. However, I don't think anyone inside or outside the scientific community would or can say that Corona will act this way. It is just too early. Only something that time will tell. I am not ruling out the possibility, but I am not going to jump to conclusions either.

One thing I can say, if that is the case, it would be much more horrific for mankind as a whole.

One thing I can say, sir, is respectfully, there's been a plethora of evidence to support that, including, but not limited to, the response we've seen before "numbers" arrived to support that contention.

I am not trying to fear monger, nor doom porn. You can check my profile to see I don't really endorse nor participate in those extravagancies, nor prevail on the human public to have some effect, biased or otherwise.

My goal is for the most people that can be to be prepared, in the right mindset, and able to provide for themselves.
THAT, I think right now, is the most responsible position to take.

I am not jumping anywhere, conclusions or otherwise. I am dutifully noting what I believe to be significant, either in etiology, transmission and/or response to those two. I humbly encourage others to do the same. If scientific journals publishing articles by research docs tell me a certain thing, I tend to go with their gut, and evidence for they may , in these times, not be able to really state what their worst fears are.

take care,

I understand that. I also thank you for bringing it to light. It is something to keep an eye on for sure.

Sometimes things don't work in real life like they do on paper. That is why real world experimentation is still done, and not just rely on simulations. There may be other factors at play, that may change the real world outcome.

It is concerning. I am not saying you are jumping to conclusions. If you came to that conclusion based on your research, I am good with that. I am just not ready to jump to any conclusions myself, yet.

I am going to take a cautious wait and see approach on this one, as time will give the answer. What could be done about it at this stage anyway. We already have the virus to worry about, I am not going to pile more worry on myself. Yes, I am concerned, but not panic stricken yet. I am also prepared to try to avoid this thing the best I can, if I believe things are getting too close for comfort.
edit on 4-3-2020 by MrRCflying because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

If I would get it. So be it.

I'm content. My kids have prepared themselves for a long time for shifting events. I'm proud as it shows me I did good and passed that along.

Btw where you say 10x the number. I say much much more. Italy is for me a great example of that. I do not see it as typically fast spreading but as unnoticed spreading way longer then we think.

Either way good luck

One thing I do hope. I hope that this teaches humanity as a whole to be less polarizing and dividing to each other. We are not in this phase as yet though. But if this Dumbass turns the light of it will not be in sorrow but with hope for a better future for the ones around me.
edit on 4-3-2020 by Dumbass because: Stupid typos - but whatya gonna do 🤷🏽‍♂️

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: GlobalGold

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: GlobalGold
From your link:

with dog picking up traces of the virus

As if the virus leaves footprints.
It didn't pick up traces, it was infected with the virus.
The dog got the virus and is a reservoir for it at this point.

I was wondering same thing. They say transmitted from human-to-dog, but then why couldn't it go the other way... dog-to-human

Personally I am wondering what else this virus can be transmitted to that would establish a reservoir in nature. Kind of makes you wonder what man would do about the "man's best friend" if it became known that dogs would become lifetime asymptomatic carriers of this virus.

Man, things sure seem to be getting complicated with this thing.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: tetra50

Standard FEMA Declaration for State of Emergency does not include martial law. I seriously doubt any POTUS would sign it for a pandemic like this if it did.

On top of that we can compare to the near martial law situation in New Orleans during Katrina situation and we see how that worked out.

I strongly doubt there are enough resources (re: police, military and sheriffs) to place a state under martial law effectively much less a city of 1 million plus.

Hey again SpartanStoic:

And just an aside, this is perhaps one circumstance it doesn't pay you to be stoic.

However, as to the state of emergency....
gov website

A State of Emergency helps:

Enable government officials to take extra measures to protect the public
Trigger anti-price gouging laws
Seek state or federal funding aid for disaster response if it is warranted
A State of Emergency can be declared by a governor, local mayor, governing body of a municipality, county or the General Assembly. Declarations typically include a description of the geographical area covered and can include lists of prohibitions and restrictions on certain activities to promote public safety.

At the state level, other executive orders may be issued along with the state of emergency declaration. For example, local and/or state authorities may restrict the sale of alcohol, impose curfews or limit where people may travel and gather. Other restrictions may include limiting the transportation and possession of dangerous weapons, controlling the comings and goings from an emergency area or ordering evacuations.

Over the years, some misconceptions have surfaced on how a State of Emergency impacts day to day activities, but many are incorrect, leading to confusion when a declaration is made.

So, no it doesn't automatically mean martial law, but it is the chipping away/fulcrum/tipping point to declaring that, no?

and as to this:

On top of that we can compare to the near martial law situation in New Orleans during Katrina situation and we see how that worked out.

Near martial law? LOL. Are you an Orleanian, cause it wasn't "near" anything.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: celltypespecific
I’ll bite, and include that sadly a little over 9% (100 million) of all Americans have diabetes and 90-95% of those have type 2 diabetes. Thats staggering. BTW 25% of those over 60 have diabetes, double jeopardy.
edit on 4-3-2020 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:57 PM
Australian Update

We are now confirmed at 52 cases. Up 10/11 from yesterday, depending on your source.

Unfortunately there is no other information, so I am going to assume that the additional cases are all imports and not local transmissions.

One other death has been recorded as "a 95-year-old resident of a Sydney aged care facility."

Soy Source

If there is any additional info during the day I will put that up if no one else does.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

The HIV spike proteins I refer to are not a maybe, they are an ARE, right now. a reply to: MrRCflying

I have seen that. But at this point in time is anyone sure that future occurrences of symptoms, or post symptomatic transmission is possible? I think it is too early to come to that conclusion.

I would ask your regard for science, there were reports today on scientific medical journals that Chinese scientists have mapped the virus they've been given samples, and then mapped 149 mutations of it in what they've been given to test.

They identified an L type and an S type. Not my naming, you understand. Why not call them I and Q or whatever.
But that is what is being published now.

"post symptomatic," I would just refer you to any good biology site referencing the life of viral infection. It isn't cured, it's just relegated to "below a detectable level." Once you've contracted any virus, this is what that means. You don't sometimes have Herpes, you ALWAYS have it. Dependent on your current viral lode, is what makes you extremely transmissable, or not at all......

I understand what you are saying. However, I don't think anyone inside or outside the scientific community would or can say that Corona will act this way. It is just too early. Only something that time will tell. I am not ruling out the possibility, but I am not going to jump to conclusions either.

One thing I can say, if that is the case, it would be much more horrific for mankind as a whole.

One thing I can say, sir, is respectfully, there's been a plethora of evidence to support that, including, but not limited to, the response we've seen before "numbers" arrived to support that contention.

I am not trying to fear monger, nor doom porn. You can check my profile to see I don't really endorse nor participate in those extravagancies, nor prevail on the human public to have some effect, biased or otherwise.

My goal is for the most people that can be to be prepared, in the right mindset, and able to provide for themselves.
THAT, I think right now, is the most responsible position to take.

I am not jumping anywhere, conclusions or otherwise. I am dutifully noting what I believe to be significant, either in etiology, transmission and/or response to those two. I humbly encourage others to do the same. If scientific journals publishing articles by research docs tell me a certain thing, I tend to go with their gut, and evidence for they may , in these times, not be able to really state what their worst fears are.

take care,

I understand that. I also thank you for bringing it to light. It is something to keep an eye on for sure.

Sometimes things don't work in real life like they do on paper. That is why real world experimentation is still done, and not just rely on simulations. There may be other factors at play, that may change the real world outcome.

It is concerning. I am not saying you are jumping to conclusions. If you came to that conclusion based on your research, I am good with that. I am just not ready to jump to any conclusions myself, yet.

I am going to take a cautious wait and see approach on this one, as time will give the answer. What could be done about it at this stage anyway. We already have the virus to worry about, I am not going to pile more worry on myself. Yes, I am concerned, but not panic stricken yet. I am also prepared to try to avoid this thing the best I can, if I believe things are getting too close for comfort.

what I am extraneously urging you to do, not panic, but if you've a family, to prepare for necessitous shortages, anyway. Not a matter of panic, certainly. The point, in any emergency, is NOT panicing, but taking care of all possibilities.
regards and stay safe,

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 04:00 PM
Hungary and Slovenia have joined the club.

Live feed 22h35 :

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 04:00 PM

Should we be wearing masks? Is it a global 'pandemic'?
Health officials say people should not wear masks if they are not sick and are not in contact with someone who is infected.

This is so ass backwards it literally makes me cringe. Don't wear masks if you haven't been in contact with someone sick. This thing is asymptomatic for quite sometime. Scary part is average Joe will believe every piece fed to him...


posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

The HIV spike proteins I refer to are not a maybe, they are an ARE, right now. a reply to: MrRCflying

I have seen that. But at this point in time is anyone sure that future occurrences of symptoms, or post symptomatic transmission is possible? I think it is too early to come to that conclusion.

I would ask your regard for science, there were reports today on scientific medical journals that Chinese scientists have mapped the virus they've been given samples, and then mapped 149 mutations of it in what they've been given to test.

They identified an L type and an S type. Not my naming, you understand. Why not call them I and Q or whatever.
But that is what is being published now.

"post symptomatic," I would just refer you to any good biology site referencing the life of viral infection. It isn't cured, it's just relegated to "below a detectable level." Once you've contracted any virus, this is what that means. You don't sometimes have Herpes, you ALWAYS have it. Dependent on your current viral lode, is what makes you extremely transmissable, or not at all......

I understand what you are saying. However, I don't think anyone inside or outside the scientific community would or can say that Corona will act this way. It is just too early. Only something that time will tell. I am not ruling out the possibility, but I am not going to jump to conclusions either.

One thing I can say, if that is the case, it would be much more horrific for mankind as a whole.

One thing I can say, sir, is respectfully, there's been a plethora of evidence to support that, including, but not limited to, the response we've seen before "numbers" arrived to support that contention.

I am not trying to fear monger, nor doom porn. You can check my profile to see I don't really endorse nor participate in those extravagancies, nor prevail on the human public to have some effect, biased or otherwise.

My goal is for the most people that can be to be prepared, in the right mindset, and able to provide for themselves.
THAT, I think right now, is the most responsible position to take.

I am not jumping anywhere, conclusions or otherwise. I am dutifully noting what I believe to be significant, either in etiology, transmission and/or response to those two. I humbly encourage others to do the same. If scientific journals publishing articles by research docs tell me a certain thing, I tend to go with their gut, and evidence for they may , in these times, not be able to really state what their worst fears are.

take care,

I understand that. I also thank you for bringing it to light. It is something to keep an eye on for sure.

Sometimes things don't work in real life like they do on paper. That is why real world experimentation is still done, and not just rely on simulations. There may be other factors at play, that may change the real world outcome.

It is concerning. I am not saying you are jumping to conclusions. If you came to that conclusion based on your research, I am good with that. I am just not ready to jump to any conclusions myself, yet.

I am going to take a cautious wait and see approach on this one, as time will give the answer. What could be done about it at this stage anyway. We already have the virus to worry about, I am not going to pile more worry on myself. Yes, I am concerned, but not panic stricken yet. I am also prepared to try to avoid this thing the best I can, if I believe things are getting too close for comfort.

what I am extraneously urging you to do, not panic, but if you've a family, to prepare for necessitous shortages, anyway. Not a matter of panic, certainly. The point, in any emergency, is NOT panicing, but taking care of all possibilities.
regards and stay safe,

Oh, for sure. I have enough food and supplies for 6+ months for my family of 5. A little less time if we take in my elderly mother. I have been doing some prepping since 2014. A little at a time. So I believe I and my family are ready, hopefully the worst will pass long before the food runs out. I also have quite a bit of PPE and P100 respirator, in case I do need to venture out.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 04:03 PM
Looks like the Wuhan/IRAN L Strain of COVID19 is in NYC.

That one lawyer has infected his wife, two kids, Driver.... and now it turns out he infected his neighbor...
The neighbor then infected his entire family.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: tetra50

Standard FEMA Declaration for State of Emergency does not include martial law. I seriously doubt any POTUS would sign it for a pandemic like this if it did.

On top of that we can compare to the near martial law situation in New Orleans during Katrina situation and we see how that worked out.

I strongly doubt there are enough resources (re: police, military and sheriffs) to place a state under martial law effectively much less a city of 1 million plus.

Largest US city (NYC) can be shut down quite easily. Saw it on 9/11. Easy with an island I suppose.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: celltypespecific
I’ll bite, and include that sadly a little over 9% (100 million) of all Americans have diabetes and 90-95% of those have type 2 diabetes. Thats staggering. BTW 25% of those over 60 have diabetes, double jeopardy.

Wow I did not realize it was so many individuals....lordy!

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 04:07 PM
UK confirmed cases now at 91, no link yet but I’ll add it once it comes online. Reported on sky news.

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