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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: SpartanStoic


posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Yep... I posted something about this a few pages back.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 06:49 PM
Not sure if this was posted earlier
Public Health England:

As of today, due to the number of new cases, we will no longer be tweeting information on the location of each new case.

Instead, this information will be released centrally in a consolidated format online, once a week. We are working on this now and plan to share on Friday.

So unlike Singapore, USA, Japan and many other countries who tell their citizens where a case is daily - we are only going to see an update on this weekly basis. WTF. This will no doubt aid community spread, as we can't make informed choices about where to go - if we were planning a trip to a known cluster we could change our plans. From the continuing to handshake to this, I just feel like it's like they government want it to spread! Frustrating.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
China claims to have a vaccine already and tested it on the team that created it...

Jennifer Zeng Twitter

“China claims”.... How about they claim being at fault

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: redpassion
a reply to: SpartanStoic


We will give you the vaccine IF you reopen trading on our terms again. lol.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 06:54 PM
Meh I am about over the corona virus,I was working today in an elevator and a guy ask’s how do I feel about the virus, and it hit me, I was like meh, still working no sense it worrying about getting it nothing we can do about it. We both had a chuckle about it. That really about sums it up folks, unless it mutates into the Black Plague, it’s good to be vigilant about it but life goes on.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 06:59 PM
Update: March 5, 2020 Tokyo time 10 am

1. new infections from going to live concerts (small clubs)
2. the above infections are in Osaka
3. possible 9 people infected
4. new of a total of 15 have been infected to going to "live house", this is what we call club concerts (small clubs)
5. one lady infected works for the city tax office division (now closed for disinfection cleaning) her husband shows no sign of fever
6. tax office co-workers (have they too been exposed) we don't know yet
edit on 0300000050012020-03-04T19:01:50-06:00015003pm7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
Not sure if this was posted earlier
Public Health England:

As of today, due to the number of new cases, we will no longer be tweeting information on the location of each new case.

Instead, this information will be released centrally in a consolidated format online, once a week. We are working on this now and plan to share on Friday.

So unlike Singapore, USA, Japan and many other countries who tell their citizens where a case is daily - we are only going to see an update on this weekly basis. WTF. This will no doubt aid community spread, as we can't make informed choices about where to go - if we were planning a trip to a known cluster we could change our plans. From the continuing to handshake to this, I just feel like it's like they government want it to spread! Frustrating.

It's to cut down on panic. Keep it obscure. Eventually, the USA might just limit the information to numbers at the state level, but because we also have states and states do have some freedom of their own, it may come down to individual state decisions.
edit on 4-3-2020 by ShortBus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: tetra50
I think it's no longer so much about what my government will do to protect me/the public, etc. It's now, for those with eyes to see, to look for how to protect themselves, and live as independently as possible.......

Another discrepancy between the reaction in China and elsewhere... notice how the entire field, including the incumbants, are actively campaigning in the United States, shaking hands, kissing babies, breathing in the air of the unwashed masses from sea to shining sea.

Honestly, I'm beginning to believe the idea that China jumped on a situation to tighten the screws on a population that was getting a touch uppitty prior to this outbreak there. Look at how well it has worked for them... the entire populace is back at the CCP's feet like loyal dogs and there is nary a peep of protests in their streets because everyone is too scared to venture out their doors.

You can't tell me that if there were actually tens or hundreds of thousands dying in China the US wouldn't have intel telling them so. If the US had such intel, the President and the US Senate would also have that intel. Anybody really believe Trump, Sanders, Warren, and company would be mingling with the heathens and sweathogs their rallies attract if any of them thought this posed much more risk than they face everyday where standard flus, colds, and (in Warren's case) smallpox are concerned?

Hey burdman:
yes, exactly, per your last there.....
No, NONE of them would be out there "pressing flesh" for campaigns if we weren't talking about something else, entirely. These folks don't risk themselves, IMHO.....and that last HO would stand for HUMBLE opinion, and it's only mine, but still counts, I

But no, there is much to be discerned from the response/reaction vs. what is really happening, but that could also mean various things.....
regards and stay safe,

We have to watch Pence with the virus team tomorrow they go to Washington state... will they be seen in contact with general public.....

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:04 PM
Did someone post about California declaring a state of emergency? I THINK it just happened but maybe it was hours ago. I keep saying that if state after state keeps doing this the Prez is going to have to declare something for the whole US.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:09 PM
ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines🙄🙃

The program to leverage immunization as an opportunity to establish digital identity was unveiled by ID2020 in partnership with the Bangladesh Government’s Access to Information (a2i) Program, the Directorate General of Health Services, and Gavi, according to the announcement.

Check-out their Alliance Manifesto
and partners M$FT and Rockefeller. Bunch of effin criminals.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae
Did someone post about California declaring a state of emergency? I THINK it just happened but maybe it was hours ago. I keep saying that if state after state keeps doing this the Prez is going to have to declare something for the whole US.
They’re using Placer Co. to throw the fact that (even MSM reporting) the elderly individual that passed away, RIP was on a 10-day cruise 3 weeks ago from SF to Mexico. Stopped in my county at the “American Riviera”.

Side note: LAX screener just tested positive. LAX might be most heavily traveled airport outside NY? Maybe Most?

I’m sure we are fine.....

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: DancedWithWolves

DWW, look here for an answer to a question you asked earlier.


a reply to: armakirais

Not far from me either, I'm in Galveston County.


For those of you so inclined, at what point do you button up and cease interacting with the outside world in person?

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

SOON. Like nowish... but I’ve had practice outside ATS

Gonna read and garden and pester everyone here for fun!

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
It isn't bad. 9 dead. 9, out of 350,000,000, in the 2+ months this has been a thing. More people died in bathtub accidents in the same time frame.

And no, I'm not saying any of the things you're probably going to try to extrapolate from that. Yes, it will get worse. It may get much worse, and it may not. But we'll survive.

Yes, the count is now up to 11 - but check out this other thread titled H1N1 Virus - President Obama Let ONE THOUSAND Americans Die Before Taking Action. It goes into details on something that I surprising never even heard about beyond just 'something about H1N1' (aka Swine Flu). I never knew it was anywhere near as bad as it was - 12,000 American dies in just one year, 25,000 (at least) infected in the first 3 months - and Obama didn't do one thing about it except make a commercial about washing your hands until after 1,000 Americans had already died,and then, all he did was declare an emergency - and post some stuff about how to stay safe on two websites. They even bragged about not taking any more drastic actions (like, maybe restricting travel, which Trump did within the first month of reported cases).

So, no, forgive me if I maintain that 11 isn't anything to be fearful of. It is something to be aware of, and take action if you have loved ones who are vulnerable.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: pasiphae
Did someone post about California declaring a state of emergency? I THINK it just happened but maybe it was hours ago. I keep saying that if state after state keeps doing this the Prez is going to have to declare something for the whole US.
They’re using Placer Co. to throw the fact that (even MSM reporting) the elderly individual that passed away, RIP was on a 10-day cruise 3 weeks ago from SF to Mexico. Stopped in my county at the “American Riviera”.

Side note: LAX screener just tested positive. LAX might be most heavily traveled airport outside NY? Maybe Most?

I’m sure we are fine.....

I saw that about the LAX screener and the cruise person. What happens when 2 or 3 more states declare a state of emergency? There's 3 already. State after state after state? Once testing gets rolling we'll all be in the same boat.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: fleabit
I still think it should be slowed as much as possible. Our hospitals are not ready for the #s that will end up needing critical attention. If they can slow the rate they show up at the hospitals, that will help.

Well, something we can agree on... maybe... I guess it depends on what you mean by 'as much as possible'.

Destroying the economy, throwing Constitutional protections of individual Rights, etc, to try to slow it down is not the answer.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
I believe it has spread way farther than people think. More testing would give us an idea.

Yes, and it would also reveal a much better picture of the true CFR, which I posit will be dramatically lower, once all of the people who are infected but remain asymptomatic or only ever have minor symptoms are counted.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

For those of you so inclined, at what point do you button up and cease interacting with the outside world in person?

I'm not there yet.

I think if it gets to where it is everywhere, all around that is. I will have to make that call.

I actually had a co worker ask me when I was going to hunker down. I told them that one day I may need to take some time off.

The time us coming upon us when we will know just how bad it is. The question is will the authorities still share the info with us. Or will they leave us hanging. I figure that if it gets bad our public officials and the rich will pretty much stop all public appearances. That is when I might call it.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: DancedWithWolves

DWW, look here for an answer to a question you asked earlier.


a reply to: armakirais

Not far from me either, I'm in Galveston County.


For those of you so inclined, at what point do you button up and cease interacting with the outside world in person?

Honestly I'm limiting but I don't get out a lot in the first place. I had a flat tire and wound up sitting at the tire place for a couple of hours and I was STARVING. I don't do fast food but there was a McD's next door and one of the few things I'll get in an emergency hunger situation is an egg mcmuffin (egg n cheese only) but I stuck it out and didn't go because I didn't want to go in a high volume place like that. I'm sticking to the grocery store only (which I realize is high volume but have to make this exception for now). Part of me thinks I'm being silly but the other part REALLY doesn't want to get this thing. I feel like if everyone started being quietly more cautious it would be helpful. It seems like the most responsible thing to do.
edit on 4-3-2020 by pasiphae because: (no reason given)

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