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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
Not sure if this was posted earlier
Public Health England:

As of today, due to the number of new cases, we will no longer be tweeting information on the location of each new case.

Instead, this information will be released centrally in a consolidated format online, once a week. We are working on this now and plan to share on Friday.

So unlike Singapore, USA, Japan and many other countries who tell their citizens where a case is daily - we are only going to see an update on this weekly basis. WTF. This will no doubt aid community spread, as we can't make informed choices about where to go - if we were planning a trip to a known cluster we could change our plans. From the continuing to handshake to this, I just feel like it's like they government want it to spread! Frustrating.
OR: “It’s so outta control and bad, we’ll keep ya posted. GL”

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:32 PM

Breaking: All sporting events in Italy will take place without fans present for at least the next month due to the coronavirus outbreak in the country, the Italian government announced on Wednesday.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: pasiphae
Did someone post about California declaring a state of emergency? I THINK it just happened but maybe it was hours ago. I keep saying that if state after state keeps doing this the Prez is going to have to declare something for the whole US.
They’re using Placer Co. to throw the fact that (even MSM reporting) the elderly individual that passed away, RIP was on a 10-day cruise 3 weeks ago from SF to Mexico. Stopped in my county at the “American Riviera”.

Side note: LAX screener just tested positive. LAX might be most heavily traveled airport outside NY? Maybe Most?

I’m sure we are fine.....

I saw that about the LAX screener and the cruise person. What happens when 2 or 3 more states declare a state of emergency? There's 3 already. State after state after state? Once testing gets rolling we'll all be in the same boat.
Well. Yesterday that awesomely informative and totally comprehensive CDC website had us at 60 cases and 12/50 states reporting. Couple that with the info tests here won’t be readily distributed until NEXT WEEK, I suspect we are on our own. Hug your loved ones, I’m sure the Nat’l Quarantine, FEMA camps, then Martial Law, are approaching.... I really like Fur Eels hope this ain’t the case.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Thanks for the heads up and info Jane. If you don't meet any of those warning criteria, are the said properties of the oils legitimate? There is a large amount of testimony of their uses. Thanks again.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: tetra50
I think it's no longer so much about what my government will do to protect me/the public, etc. It's now, for those with eyes to see, to look for how to protect themselves, and live as independently as possible.......

Another discrepancy between the reaction in China and elsewhere... notice how the entire field, including the incumbants, are actively campaigning in the United States, shaking hands, kissing babies, breathing in the air of the unwashed masses from sea to shining sea.

Honestly, I'm beginning to believe the idea that China jumped on a situation to tighten the screws on a population that was getting a touch uppitty prior to this outbreak there. Look at how well it has worked for them... the entire populace is back at the CCP's feet like loyal dogs and there is nary a peep of protests in their streets because everyone is too scared to venture out their doors.

You can't tell me that if there were actually tens or hundreds of thousands dying in China the US wouldn't have intel telling them so. If the US had such intel, the President and the US Senate would also have that intel. Anybody really believe Trump, Sanders, Warren, and company would be mingling with the heathens and sweathogs their rallies attract if any of them thought this posed much more risk than they face everyday where standard flus, colds, and (in Warren's case) smallpox are concerned?

Or they already had the vaccine ( my assumption) that Professor Lieber from Harvard U had been working on. Since his arrest, we haven't heard a thing about him.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: celltypespecific
Check out the higher risk category.

Almost everyone in America is overweight and is either Pr-Diabetic or suffers from Diabetes.

Additionally, because of our western diet we are all in the "high risk cat."

If you are on anti-inflamm med's you have a weaken immune system...

Was that you that made fun of my recommendation to take this wake up call as an opportunity to start getting healthy, starting with doing what you needed to do to get off the prescription meds?

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: Violater1

How long until produced in substantial numbers for us dirt-farming mouth-breathing masses?

Is that Chinese factory in operation? *Cough cougb

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

That's one of my stars from earlier today on that post.
Now, who at those companies plays golf? A lot.

Bravo research. Did those first 600 "contaminated" tests produce false negatives? Did we release people from quarantine who are starting to come back as positive? That's exponential.

Thank you so much. We'll continue to look at this, along with everything else you're tracking. So grateful you're here. Again. You rock.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:46 PM
Two interesting new contracts entries at Beta Sam just popped up:

UPDATE from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the below Special Notice for pre-proposal site visit for Seed Task Order Project – “Petroleum Contaminated Soil Removal, Aua Island of Tutuila, American Samoa":

To prevent the spread of novel coronavirus, American Samoa requires non-US passport holders to spend at least 14 days in Hawaii before entering.


The Government intends to award three (3) to five (5) IDIQ contracts as a result of this solicitation. The duration of the resulting contracts will include a five (5) year ordering period with an additional six (6) month option under FAR Clause 52.217-8, Option to Extend Services, for a total of five (5) years and six (6) months (if this option is exercised) or until the contract limit is reached, whichever comes first. Total length of the contract ordering period, including the options periods will not excess five (5) years and six (6) months from the date of contract award. The maximum capacity of the MATOC IDIQ is Not-to-Exceed $49,000,000.00.


The services will include, but not be limited to, the following:

Environmental assessments, environmental impact statements, social impact assessments, hazard investigations, data collection, literature searches, field investigations, site monitoring, risk assessments, research designs, mitigation measures, and environmental permits.
Planning studies, preparation of master plans, and housing studies.
Non-construction services related to site assessment, site characterization, removal of HTRW, HTRW cleanup, asbestos removal and disposal, contaminated soil removal, removal of underground storage tanks (USTs) and associated appurtenances, installation/closure of monitoring wells, emergency response, bioremediation, innovative technology methods, remediation of HTRW, and disposal of HTRW and/or unsafe debris.
Ordnance removal and/or remediation activities as required (incidental finds)

Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) for Environmental Services Activities at Various Locations within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Honolulu District (POH) Area of Responsibility (AOR)

And this one, while not a contract is rather an amendment to existing policy:

The BARDA Broad Agency Announcement will not allow submissions of white papers or full proposals for any of the research areas of interest unitl further notice. Due to our response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the necessity to prioritize resources, only submissions to special instructions for efforts that directly support our response to SARS-CoV-2 will be accepted. While we regret this action, it is required to focus BARDA's efforts on the immediate need.

The latest BARDA BAA is amendment 13 posted on March 4, 2020.

All Areas of Interest are suspended except:

a. AOI 7.7.1 Diagnostic Assay for human coronavirus using existing FDA-cleared platforms,

b. AI 7.7.2 Point-of-Care Diagnostic Assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus

c. AOI 7.7.3 Diagnostic Assay for detection of COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 infection)

d. AOI 8.3 COVID-19 Vaccine,

e. AOI 9.2 COVID-19 Therapeutics,

f. AOI 9.3 Immunomodulators or therapeutics targeting lung repair, and

g. AOI 9.5 Pre-exposure and Post-exposure Prophylaxis,

h. AOI 10 Respiratory Protective Devices,

i. AOI 11 Ventilators.

BARDA will only accept submissions related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus or the COVID-19 disease until further notice.

Office of Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)

ATS member fleabit was worried that the government's response to the coronavirus was hamstrung due to a few particular people having left their positions. The above policy amendment shows that the issue is being prioritized and addressed.
edit on 4-3-2020 by jadedANDcynical because: minor edits

(post by tanstaafl removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: tetra50
I’ll wear a N95 anyway.
And it won’t hurt you one bit.

Hey great for you, butcherguy......but, respectfully, most obviously can't.

and that has no bearing on your challenge to me over the paper masks. That was the whole point. But hey, I bit, and I guess that's the whole point, sadly.....
regards and stay safe,

Your point seemed to be that a ‘paper mask’ protects the patient from something coming from the mouth, nose or respiratory system of a healthcare worker.
In other words, that ‘paper mask’ is filtering out something from the workers system and preventing it from reaching the patient.
Wouldn’t it work both ways?
Unfortunately, that isn’t the case.
Many face masks have a check valve to make exhaling easier for the person wearing it, and the exhalations are not filtered. Only what is inhaled is filtered.
During surgical procedures, medical personnel wear surgical masks that do not have check valves, but that is one case where they are trying to prevent infection of a patient. The masks they use do not stop a virus, they are mainly used against tiny particles of spittle or sputum from entering a patients body through the open wound created during surgery.

If your real point is that an N95 is not going to filter out virus sized particles, the virus won’t be floating freely in most cases. It will be hitching a ride on water vapor and tiny droplets of bodily fluids, like a splash or spray from a toilet/urinal or the moisture or fluid from someone’s lungs.

I won’t be wearing a paper mask anyway. It will be a half face respirator that has been fit tested on my face using an OSHA approved irritant.
edit on b000000312020-03-04T19:54:35-06:0007America/ChicagoWed, 04 Mar 2020 19:54:35 -0600700000020 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:48 PM
Update on hand sanitizer shortages up near Chicago.

My brother text me a little bit ago and asked if we had hand sanitizer. He said it is getting a little harder to find around the Peoria Il. area.

This has been a public safety announcement made by liejunkie01.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: myselfaswell

originally posted by: celltypespecific
This is a major will hear learn more about this in news media several days from now.....

Among the 27 viruses isolated from Wuhan, 26 (96.3%) were L type, and only 1 (3.7%) was S type.However, among the other 73 viruses isolated outside Wuhan, 45 (61.6%) were L type, and 28 (38.4%) were S type. This comparison suggests that the L type is significantly more prevalent in Wuhan than in other places (P= 0.0004, Fisher’s exact test, Fig. 6and Table S3).

That is massive news.

As I suspected, more or less from the start, there is more than 1 virus.

This is really I'll put it out there again....there is more than 1 virus.

And it appears that it way well mutate;

Interestingly, the virus isolated from one patient in Shenzhen on January 13, 2020 (SZ_2020/01/13.a, GISAID ID: EPI_ISL_406592) had C at both positions 8,782 and 28,144 in the genome, belonging to neither L nor S type

I'd like to hear from anyone who can update with the implications of the mutability.

Wait until the T-Virus emerges. Its the 4th strain. But what is the third?

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: slapjacks
This is so ass backwards it literally makes me cringe. Don't wear masks if you haven't been in contact with someone sick. This thing is asymptomatic for quite sometime. Scary part is average Joe will believe every piece fed to him.

Correct - the masks are mainly to prevent you from spreading it to others, so only wear them if you were exposed, but have to go out for needed supplies or something.

Also, interesting that Yahoo left out one important aspect of this announcement from the V.P.

As I predicted a few posts ago, he announced that the test is now deemed an essential health benefit, meaning all insurance and medicare/medicaid will cover the cost of the test - although didn't specify so not sure if there would be a co-pay or not.
edit on 4-3-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Great find, I shoulda thought to check but very busy with work and home stuff (prepping for certification exam).

Goes back to what I said, laymen don’t understand how the US govt operates and they make grossly incorrect assumptions that things aren’t being done in the background.

Same people would complain if they grounded all flights today to stop the spread.

I imagine almost everyone at CDC is doing lots of unpaid overtime about now.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
To prevent the spread of novel coronavirus, American Samoa requires non-US passport holders to spend at least 14 days in Hawaii before entering.

In todays world of connection telecommunications it is near criminal that such disconnects are happening.

Australia tried this very tactic. Chinese students were required to be in another country for 14 days before being allowed in.

2 days later, one of those students was found to be infected.

Why are countries still using the '14 day quarantine' as if it works.. its been proven time and time again some people are showing 0 symptoms for up to 28days.

absolute madness.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl
What kind of fancy ass masks are these that will let a virus in.... but won’t let it out?

edit on b000000312020-03-04T19:58:06-06:0007America/ChicagoWed, 04 Mar 2020 19:58:06 -0600700000020 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

(post by tanstaafl removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: tanstaafl
What kind of fancy ass masks are these that will let a virus in.... but won’t it out?

It is to prevent, or at least minimize, the 'spray' from coughs and sneezes.

Do you seriously not see how that would work? Want me to draw you a picture?

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:59 PM
tennisdawg, where are you?

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