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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: K_OS
1,000 people asked to self quarantine in New York

About 1,000 people have been asked to self-quarantine following the coronavirus cases in Westchester, New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said.

Those individuals will be contacted by various health departments and provided guidance, Cuomo said.

“If anything we are being over cautious,” Cuomo said.

The temple, Young Israel, CNN reported on earlier this week has roughly 380 family congregants, its website said.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer previously advised the temple to halt all services due to exposure to the second New York coronavirus patient – adding that individuals who attended a funeral and a bat mitzvah on February 23 along with services on the 22 must self-quarantine.

A hotline has been established for people who have been asked to quarantine, Latimer said.

Those who have tested positive for the virus are being monitored by local health departments with regulation from the state, Cuomo said.

This seems to say that there is a possibility that a lot more people may have already been exposed than we have been lead on to believe.

ah, thats not what you want to hear, but better to be pro-active than passive i suppose.

While I don't think it gets too bad obviously more people are going to catch it virtually everywhere.
What's the option let them roam around like Typhoid Mary? You got to hope it curtails the spread even if it curbs their freedom for a while.

I don't think it's posible to contain it anymore.
Its already "here" wherever "here" is.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: fleabit

Hahaha … ATS is GREAT for posting political type info, just you need to pick the right thread in which to post political information. It isn't this thread, IMHO.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:39 PM

I don't think it's posible to contain it anymore. Its already "here" wherever "here" is.

I agree, but.. I still think it should be slowed as much as possible. Our hospitals are not ready for the #s that will end up needing critical attention. If they can slow the rate they show up at the hospitals, that will help.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:40 PM
Big news on testing today, from the segment I'm watching on Fox News right now as they await the funding vote for the $8B Coronavirus bill.

They just said that the guidelines for testing are being changed from "having to meet a certain set of criteria", to "anyone with a recommendation from a doctor can now get tested" with the goal for the change being that if people are ill, they can get tested and treated before getting too sick.

There is no link because it is live TV, but I've typed practically word-for-word what the reporter just said.
edit on 4/3/2020 by Tukota because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Expect numbers to jump siginificantly in the days that come then. 
If more tests are available to more people, the numbers will jump. 

It would give us a better idea at just how widespread this virus is.

Here in small town America people seem to think it can't happen here. The problem with that is many people such as myself travel to metropolitan areas to work. With the interstate system people are stopping in a gas station of a podunk exit and buying drinks, getting gas and using the bathroom.

I believe it has spread way farther than people think. More testing would give us an idea.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

I don't think it's posible to contain it anymore. Its already "here" wherever "here" is.

I agree, but.. I still think it should be slowed as much as possible. Our hospitals are not ready for the #s that will end up needing critical attention. If they can slow the rate they show up at the hospitals, that will help.

But how do you delay ?
The Brits and others seem to think pushing this beyond the Flu season will work, but it will just increase the spread, and increase the demand.
What do you have as a solution (its not easy) ?

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:44 PM


posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

Hey SpartanStoic: What disturbs me about this, from your link (good one) is this:

In any event, healthy skepticism is not close-mindedness, per se, because we may one day have a genuine pandemic on our hands. But Coronavirus® doesn’t present the way one would expect if real. Instead, the hysteria has a sort of Y2K vibe to it all.

So I ask you, Dear Reader, what if all the numbers and the reporting regarding the contagiousness, infectivity, and mortality of Coronavirus® were completely erroneous? Or, worse…, complete bullsh*t like the Russian Dossier and the whistleblower behind Operation Ukrainian Impeachment.

It isn't duality, per se, and yet, we're always presented with it, in regards to this: It isn't one or the other, real or not real. It's many, multifaceted, possibilities. From: there is absolutely no sickness circulating, to: there absolutely is sickness circulating, and a whole lot worse than being admitted, and also: there is sickness circulating but it isn't nature produced virus at all; and then: there's more than one or two things going on at any given time, they don't even necessarily oppose one another but we've indoctrinated people's responses to be in opposition, so that's what they'll believe and respond to, with fact/myth/fiction all blended, and we'll see what we propagandize by reactions, so we can then respond accordingly to control the narrative.

And then, also, if someone was just looking to this thread on ATS to gain information and put that information in proper perspective, there's a lot of wading through folks just arguing. Anyway, carry on. Perhaps the problem, partially, is the nature of dealing with one thread when we are looking at the entire quilt.....

Appreciate the link, thx.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Expect numbers to jump siginificantly in the days that come then. 
If more tests are available to more people, the numbers will jump. 

It would give us a better idea at just how widespread this virus is.

Here in small town America people seem to think it can't happen here. The problem with that is many people such as myself travel to metropolitan areas to work. With the interstate system people are stopping in a gas station of a podunk exit and buying drinks, getting gas and using the bathroom.

I believe it has spread way farther than people think. More testing would give us an idea.

It could go either way, proving that it hasn't, or has, spread.
Time is the factor, and we just have to wait.
Science is sooo slow sometimes.
But days is what it is going to take...

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

If we stay calm, and deal with this rationally, a lot more of the people at most risk - our parents, grandparents, sick kids, etc etc ad nauseum - will survive, because those of us who are at the lowest risk won't be clogging up the hospitals because we got a sniffle and are terrified of the boogeyman.

That is agreeable - but under no circumstances should the import of the virus and its problems or effects be minimized either.

This is deadly serious for reasons you wrote above. Out on wider net I have seen stupid panic but here on ATS surprisingly little.

My question is what world will be handed over to our children if we let wrong people take advantage of the situation - hence my shine very bright light upon it comment.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:48 PM

Something else that you may be able to do to prepare yourself against any respiratory tract infection -- modest daily dose of vitamin D.

He spends most of this video discussing on possible reason why seasonal infections like cold and flu tend to disappear over the summer. Some studies suggest it has to do with people being outside and getting more sun exposure leading to more vitamin D which has several different effects in the body where those sorts of infections are concerned - boost immune response, has implications for inflammatory response, etc. He goes into it.

He stresses this is not about COVID because there hasn't been any time to do randomized control trial studies on it, but taking a modest daily dose of vitamin D isn't going to hurt most anyone anyhow. Most people are deficient in it to begin with. Make sure you don't overdose though. You can overdose on vitamin D. More on this one is not better.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: MrRCflying

But you mean for every disease, illness and cough?

My lungs have been bad for two decades now. So I should have stayed in all the time? With H1N1 (and the followers), with Mers, zika, sars and now corona?

They were all new originally. Maybe it's best if from now on we all stay home and never leave unless you have explicit governmental approval to travel from point A to B?

Of course not, you are putting words in my mouth.

This is something new, thus the "novel". Humans have no antibodies to it, resulting in the higher number of serious and critical hospitalizations, and deaths. Common colds and flu are not nearly as dangerous. Yes, people die from common colds and the flu, but the numbers for this seem to be higher.

There will come a time, in the next few weeks I think, that if you get sick, you most likely have Corona. I just don't see anyway around it at this point. Use common sense and do your best not to spread it.

I am coining a new term. "Percentage Deniers" PD for short. Those that are still trying to hang on to their reality, with fingers in ears, that Corona is not as bad as a cold or the flu. Even though WHO, CDC, and governments, and the statistics are proving otherwise.

I see we have a few PD's here.
edit on 4-3-2020 by MrRCflying because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Expect numbers to jump siginificantly in the days that come then. 
If more tests are available to more people, the numbers will jump. 

It would give us a better idea at just how widespread this virus is.

Here in small town America people seem to think it can't happen here. The problem with that is many people such as myself travel to metropolitan areas to work. With the interstate system people are stopping in a gas station of a podunk exit and buying drinks, getting gas and using the bathroom.

I believe it has spread way farther than people think. More testing would give us an idea.

Hey liejunkie:

I wholeheartedly agree with you, and the poster that you replied to. The more tests are made available, and doctors are actually testing, the more the numbers will jump. We see significant transmission/community spread, it seems, but too late to stop it. Many of us have even observed others becoming sick with same symptoms long before now, and perhaps still even struggling to get better.

And then there are the numbers that perhaps may not even make the statistics, of whomever succumbed, BEFORE widespread testing happened.....

It's sounding a lot like HIV/AIDS sounded in the eighties: virus targeting a certain demographic, so others fail to pay attention. 2)Now it's in the blood resources, making its way into hemophiliacs. 3) Don't worry, be happy, as long as you aren't a gay man. 4) Versus, It's all Made In China, resentment across the USA. Trade war with China for several months now.

I live a long way from my small, hometown, but still have many contacts via FB. A girl I grew up with came down with an antibiotic resistant cold. She is still sick. No one in that country, health care providers, have a current test to give her......

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Expect numbers to jump siginificantly in the days that come then. 
If more tests are available to more people, the numbers will jump. 

It would give us a better idea at just how widespread this virus is.

Here in small town America people seem to think it can't happen here. The problem with that is many people such as myself travel to metropolitan areas to work. With the interstate system people are stopping in a gas station of a podunk exit and buying drinks, getting gas and using the bathroom.

I believe it has spread way farther than people think. More testing would give us an idea.

It could go either way, proving that it hasn't, or has, spread.
Time is the factor, and we just have to wait.
Science is sooo slow sometimes.
But days is what it is going to take...

I believe in one of these threads some people tracked the virus infection rate at close to doubling about every 2 to 3 days before lockdowns occur to stop the spreading.

Within the last week here in the states the numbers have steadily climbed. With the rate of spread versus the amount of travel Americans do, I would think that the infection rate is enormous. But that is just my opinion of course. Like at least 10 times the amount.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: MrRCflying

But you mean for every disease, illness and cough?

My lungs have been bad for two decades now. So I should have stayed in all the time? With H1N1 (and the followers), with Mers, zika, sars and now corona?

They were all new originally. Maybe it's best if from now on we all stay home and never leave unless you have explicit governmental approval to travel from point A to B?

Of course not, you are putting words in my mouth.

This is something new, thus the "novel". Humans have no antibodies to it, resulting in the higher number of serious and critical hospitalizations, and deaths. Common colds and flu are not nearly as dangerous. Yes, people die from common colds and the flu, but the numbers for this seem to be higher.

There will come a time, in the next few weeks I think, that if you get sick, you most likely have Corona. I just don't see anyway around it at this point. Use common sense and do your best not to spread it.

I am coining a new term. "Percentage Deniers" PD for short. Those that are still trying to hang on to their reality, with fingers in ears, that Corona is not as bad as a cold or the flu. Even though WHO, CDC, and governments, and the statistics are proving otherwise.

I see we have a few PD's here.

OK, but PD's in French pertains to Gay people, so, this being international and all, no, um, refrain from coining terms already in use elsewhere, lol

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

They are expecting an increase and alluded to trucking of products from CA and NV distribution centers. Not sure why that is.

What sorts of products come from these distribution centers that perhaps don't come from others?

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: MrRCflying

But you mean for every disease, illness and cough?

My lungs have been bad for two decades now. So I should have stayed in all the time? With H1N1 (and the followers), with Mers, zika, sars and now corona?

They were all new originally. Maybe it's best if from now on we all stay home and never leave unless you have explicit governmental approval to travel from point A to B?

Of course not, you are putting words in my mouth.

This is something new, thus the "novel". Humans have no antibodies to it, resulting in the higher number of serious and critical hospitalizations, and deaths. Common colds and flu are not nearly as dangerous. Yes, people die from common colds and the flu, but the numbers for this seem to be higher.

There will come a time, in the next few weeks I think, that if you get sick, you most likely have Corona. I just don't see anyway around it at this point. Use common sense and do your best not to spread it.

I am coining a new term. "Percentage Deniers" PD for short. Those that are still trying to hang on to their reality, with fingers in ears, that Corona is not as bad as a cold or the flu. Even though WHO, CDC, and governments, and the statistics are proving otherwise.

I see we have a few PD's here.

OK, but PD's in French pertains to Gay people, so, this being international and all, no, um, refrain from coining terms already in use elsewhere, lol

Ha.. Learn something new every day. Guess I will stick with "Percentage Denier".

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae
a reply to: Kuroneko

My husband works for a non profit under UT... he got a similar email from his boss yesterday. I expect him to get another one soon

The email I saw was from the "other" Texas university. ;-) So looks like they are both putting out the same info.

PS - Go Longhorns :-)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: MrRCflying

But you mean for every disease, illness and cough?

My lungs have been bad for two decades now. So I should have stayed in all the time? With H1N1 (and the followers), with Mers, zika, sars and now corona?

They were all new originally. Maybe it's best if from now on we all stay home and never leave unless you have explicit governmental approval to travel from point A to B?

Of course not, you are putting words in my mouth.

This is something new, thus the "novel". Humans have no antibodies to it, resulting in the higher number of serious and critical hospitalizations, and deaths. Common colds and flu are not nearly as dangerous. Yes, people die from common colds and the flu, but the numbers for this seem to be higher.

There will come a time, in the next few weeks I think, that if you get sick, you most likely have Corona. I just don't see anyway around it at this point. Use common sense and do your best not to spread it.

I am coining a new term. "Percentage Deniers" PD for short. Those that are still trying to hang on to their reality, with fingers in ears, that Corona is not as bad as a cold or the flu. Even though WHO, CDC, and governments, and the statistics are proving otherwise.

I see we have a few PD's here.

BUT this is also a "common cold" identified virus, with HIV spike proteins in common. Are they the same "spike proteins" that cause reconfiguration of where the virus binds, as in its reinfection state.....the person reinfected.....which isn't really that, as viruses usually stay in our bodies after we host them. Even successful hepatitus treatments available today only render the virus under detection scale, meaning detectable can still occur, if the virus were to gain the upper hand, once more.

So, this virus, with its HIV compatible spike proteins, could conceivably sitting in you undetectable after a first "recovery," then finding the antibodies you newly produced, and binding to them, now, instead, to seek a different way to make you ill, and compromise your immunity and turn it onto itself, creating secondary issues such as septic shock and organ failure.

This is just what HIV/AIDS full blown did, too: you get a plethora of secondary infections, and are never well again, till one of them kills you.

All the fatalities being reported with "underlying health issues," tend to support same etiology.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: liejunkie01

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Expect numbers to jump siginificantly in the days that come then. 
If more tests are available to more people, the numbers will jump. 

It would give us a better idea at just how widespread this virus is.

Here in small town America people seem to think it can't happen here. The problem with that is many people such as myself travel to metropolitan areas to work. With the interstate system people are stopping in a gas station of a podunk exit and buying drinks, getting gas and using the bathroom.

I believe it has spread way farther than people think. More testing would give us an idea.

It could go either way, proving that it hasn't, or has, spread.
Time is the factor, and we just have to wait.
Science is sooo slow sometimes.
But days is what it is going to take...

I believe in one of these threads some people tracked the virus infection rate at close to doubling about every 2 to 3 days before lockdowns occur to stop the spreading.

Within the last week here in the states the numbers have steadily climbed. With the rate of spread versus the amount of travel Americans do, I would think that the infection rate is enormous. But that is just my opinion of course. Like at least 10 times the amount.

I would 10x the official amount for everywhere as to an idea of who is infected/dead.
Just to be on the "Evil" Side.
My Glass is always half empty in situations like this.

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