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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 02:58 PM
Here's a snapshot of what's gone down today in the US (so far).
edit on 4-3-2020 by UFO1414 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

Something else that you may be able to do to prepare yourself against any respiratory tract infection -- modest daily dose of vitamin D.

He spends most of this video discussing on possible reason why seasonal infections like cold and flu tend to disappear over the summer. Some studies suggest it has to do with people being outside and getting more sun exposure leading to more vitamin D which has several different effects in the body where those sorts of infections are concerned - boost immune response, has implications for inflammatory response, etc. He goes into it.

He stresses this is not about COVID because there hasn't been any time to do randomized control trial studies on it, but taking a modest daily dose of vitamin D isn't going to hurt most anyone anyhow. Most people are deficient in it to begin with. Make sure you don't overdose though. You can overdose on vitamin D. More on this one is not better.

This may be true, but it's also important to remember that by getting sun on the skin, the UV kills a lot of bugs before they are ingested etc. The vit D is therefore just a side effect of getting the sun. I expect it's a bit of both.
edit on 4-3-2020 by Oppenheimer67 because: typo

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: liejunkie01

Speaking of travel.
2 coworkers are planning travel for next week... one to southern California to Disney land. Another is actually going on a cruise....
LA county just declared state of emergency. AMD we've all seen the cruise ships in the news.

People are not changing plans for the most part. The numbers will continue to climb.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: MrRCflying

But you mean for every disease, illness and cough?

My lungs have been bad for two decades now. So I should have stayed in all the time? With H1N1 (and the followers), with Mers, zika, sars and now corona?

They were all new originally. Maybe it's best if from now on we all stay home and never leave unless you have explicit governmental approval to travel from point A to B?

Of course not, you are putting words in my mouth.

This is something new, thus the "novel". Humans have no antibodies to it, resulting in the higher number of serious and critical hospitalizations, and deaths. Common colds and flu are not nearly as dangerous. Yes, people die from common colds and the flu, but the numbers for this seem to be higher.

There will come a time, in the next few weeks I think, that if you get sick, you most likely have Corona. I just don't see anyway around it at this point. Use common sense and do your best not to spread it.

I am coining a new term. "Percentage Deniers" PD for short. Those that are still trying to hang on to their reality, with fingers in ears, that Corona is not as bad as a cold or the flu. Even though WHO, CDC, and governments, and the statistics are proving otherwise.

I see we have a few PD's here.

BUT this is also a "common cold" identified virus, with HIV spike proteins in common. Are they the same "spike proteins" that cause reconfiguration of where the virus binds, as in its reinfection state.....the person reinfected.....which isn't really that, as viruses usually stay in our bodies after we host them. Even successful hepatitus treatments available today only render the virus under detection scale, meaning detectable can still occur, if the virus were to gain the upper hand, once more.

So, this virus, with its HIV compatible spike proteins, could conceivably sitting in you undetectable after a first "recovery," then finding the antibodies you newly produced, and binding to them, now, instead, to seek a different way to make you ill, and compromise your immunity and turn it onto itself, creating secondary issues such as septic shock and organ failure.

This is just what HIV/AIDS full blown did, too: you get a plethora of secondary infections, and are never well again, till one of them kills you.

All the fatalities being reported with "underlying health issues," tend to support same etiology.

If that is the case, and I surely hope it is not, then the world has a huge problem. I have no idea how anyone any government, any organization would/could deal with that.

I think it is a little early in the game though, and more follow up needs to be done to see if that is really the case.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: tetra50

I wholeheartedly agree with you, and the poster that you replied to. The more tests are made available, and doctors are actually testing, the more the numbers will jump. We see significant transmission/community spread, it seems, but too late to stop it. Many of us have even observed others becoming sick with same symptoms long before now, and perhaps still even struggling to get better. 

A good friend of mine just got out of the hospital a little while back, like weeks. He had pneumonia and couldn't shake it. Was in the hospital for days getting treatments.

Who knows how far amd wide it is.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: 40CalTone

Hey 40CalTone: Just saying, in regards to this:

People are not changing plans for the most part. The numbers will continue to climb.

A declared state of emergency is most likely the beginning of martial law in whatever area, and restrictions of NDAA applied as well. So......people's plans will change. Most definitively.
regards and stay safe,

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:03 PM
The HIV spike proteins I refer to are not a maybe, they are an ARE, right now. a reply to: MrRCflying

edit on 4-3-2020 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: 40CalTone
a reply to: liejunkie01

Speaking of travel.
2 coworkers are planning travel for next week... one to southern California to Disney land. Another is actually going on a cruise....
LA county just declared state of emergency. AMD we've all seen the cruise ships in the news.

People are not changing plans for the most part. The numbers will continue to climb.

Yeah I wouldn't travel anywhere.

There was a poster on the earlier threads that said she was going to the canary islands and she didnt have a worry in the world. Then all of the sudden the canary islands were in the news with hotel quarantines.

I still dont think we heard back from the poster.

I don't know. I wouldn't risk it. Even the idea of a quarantine because of somebody else would suck.
edit on 4-3-2020 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: MrRCflying

But you mean for every disease, illness and cough?

My lungs have been bad for two decades now. So I should have stayed in all the time? With H1N1 (and the followers), with Mers, zika, sars and now corona?

They were all new originally. Maybe it's best if from now on we all stay home and never leave unless you have explicit governmental approval to travel from point A to B?

Of course not, you are putting words in my mouth.

This is something new, thus the "novel". Humans have no antibodies to it, resulting in the higher number of serious and critical hospitalizations, and deaths. Common colds and flu are not nearly as dangerous. Yes, people die from common colds and the flu, but the numbers for this seem to be higher.

There will come a time, in the next few weeks I think, that if you get sick, you most likely have Corona. I just don't see anyway around it at this point. Use common sense and do your best not to spread it.

I am coining a new term. "Percentage Deniers" PD for short. Those that are still trying to hang on to their reality, with fingers in ears, that Corona is not as bad as a cold or the flu. Even though WHO, CDC, and governments, and the statistics are proving otherwise.

I see we have a few PD's here.

BUT this is also a "common cold" identified virus, with HIV spike proteins in common. Are they the same "spike proteins" that cause reconfiguration of where the virus binds, as in its reinfection state.....the person reinfected.....which isn't really that, as viruses usually stay in our bodies after we host them. Even successful hepatitus treatments available today only render the virus under detection scale, meaning detectable can still occur, if the virus were to gain the upper hand, once more.

So, this virus, with its HIV compatible spike proteins, could conceivably sitting in you undetectable after a first "recovery," then finding the antibodies you newly produced, and binding to them, now, instead, to seek a different way to make you ill, and compromise your immunity and turn it onto itself, creating secondary issues such as septic shock and organ failure.

This is just what HIV/AIDS full blown did, too: you get a plethora of secondary infections, and are never well again, till one of them kills you.

All the fatalities being reported with "underlying health issues," tend to support same etiology.

If that is the case, and I surely hope it is not, then the world has a huge problem. I have no idea how anyone any government, any organization would/could deal with that.

I think it is a little early in the game though, and more follow up needs to be done to see if that is really the case.

I think what's most saliently revealed here is that was never going to be "anyone any government, any organization would/could deal with that." those institutions dealing with anything.

It's going to be us, one individual at a time, able to discern and behave/act accordingly.
edit on 4-3-2020 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: tetra50

The HIV spike proteins I refer to are not a maybe, they are an ARE, right now. a reply to: MrRCflying

I have seen that. But at this point in time is anyone sure that future occurrences of symptoms, or post symptomatic transmission is possible? I think it is too early to come to that conclusion.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: tetra50

Right, they will change when they have to, but it seems too late, how many people have been in and out of LA county since the people now being tested positive for CV actually contracted it? Obviously we don't know exactly, but my point is that people have continued to travel to areas of higher risk since this started.
And many people have and will contract and spread this because they were being "optimistic".
Exchange optimistic for many different words depending on the way you are looking at it.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: MrRCflying

But you mean for every disease, illness and cough?

My lungs have been bad for two decades now. So I should have stayed in all the time? With H1N1 (and the followers), with Mers, zika, sars and now corona?

They were all new originally. Maybe it's best if from now on we all stay home and never leave unless you have explicit governmental approval to travel from point A to B?

Of course not, you are putting words in my mouth.

This is something new, thus the "novel". Humans have no antibodies to it, resulting in the higher number of serious and critical hospitalizations, and deaths. Common colds and flu are not nearly as dangerous. Yes, people die from common colds and the flu, but the numbers for this seem to be higher.

There will come a time, in the next few weeks I think, that if you get sick, you most likely have Corona. I just don't see anyway around it at this point. Use common sense and do your best not to spread it.

I am coining a new term. "Percentage Deniers" PD for short. Those that are still trying to hang on to their reality, with fingers in ears, that Corona is not as bad as a cold or the flu. Even though WHO, CDC, and governments, and the statistics are proving otherwise.

I see we have a few PD's here.

BUT this is also a "common cold" identified virus, with HIV spike proteins in common. Are they the same "spike proteins" that cause reconfiguration of where the virus binds, as in its reinfection state.....the person reinfected.....which isn't really that, as viruses usually stay in our bodies after we host them. Even successful hepatitus treatments available today only render the virus under detection scale, meaning detectable can still occur, if the virus were to gain the upper hand, once more.

So, this virus, with its HIV compatible spike proteins, could conceivably sitting in you undetectable after a first "recovery," then finding the antibodies you newly produced, and binding to them, now, instead, to seek a different way to make you ill, and compromise your immunity and turn it onto itself, creating secondary issues such as septic shock and organ failure.

This is just what HIV/AIDS full blown did, too: you get a plethora of secondary infections, and are never well again, till one of them kills you.

All the fatalities being reported with "underlying health issues," tend to support same etiology.

If that is the case, and I surely hope it is not, then the world has a huge problem. I have no idea how anyone any government, any organization would/could deal with that.

I think it is a little early in the game though, and more follow up needs to be done to see if that is really the case.

I think what's most saliently revealed here is that was never going to be "anyone any government, any organization would/could deal with that." those institutions dealing with anything.

It's going to be us, one individual at a time, able to discern and behave/act accordingly.

Yeah, like humans have ever acted "accordingly".
People are panic buying TP for gods sake.
Like thats the 1st neccessity.

edit on 4-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: liejunkie01

I was thinking earlier why people are still traveling around? There's just too much risk now and they are bloody infecting others without acknowledging it or thinking about it.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: MrRCflying

But you mean for every disease, illness and cough?

My lungs have been bad for two decades now. So I should have stayed in all the time? With H1N1 (and the followers), with Mers, zika, sars and now corona?

They were all new originally. Maybe it's best if from now on we all stay home and never leave unless you have explicit governmental approval to travel from point A to B?

Of course not, you are putting words in my mouth.

This is something new, thus the "novel". Humans have no antibodies to it, resulting in the higher number of serious and critical hospitalizations, and deaths. Common colds and flu are not nearly as dangerous. Yes, people die from common colds and the flu, but the numbers for this seem to be higher.

There will come a time, in the next few weeks I think, that if you get sick, you most likely have Corona. I just don't see anyway around it at this point. Use common sense and do your best not to spread it.

I am coining a new term. "Percentage Deniers" PD for short. Those that are still trying to hang on to their reality, with fingers in ears, that Corona is not as bad as a cold or the flu. Even though WHO, CDC, and governments, and the statistics are proving otherwise.

I see we have a few PD's here.

BUT this is also a "common cold" identified virus, with HIV spike proteins in common. Are they the same "spike proteins" that cause reconfiguration of where the virus binds, as in its reinfection state.....the person reinfected.....which isn't really that, as viruses usually stay in our bodies after we host them. Even successful hepatitus treatments available today only render the virus under detection scale, meaning detectable can still occur, if the virus were to gain the upper hand, once more.

So, this virus, with its HIV compatible spike proteins, could conceivably sitting in you undetectable after a first "recovery," then finding the antibodies you newly produced, and binding to them, now, instead, to seek a different way to make you ill, and compromise your immunity and turn it onto itself, creating secondary issues such as septic shock and organ failure.

This is just what HIV/AIDS full blown did, too: you get a plethora of secondary infections, and are never well again, till one of them kills you.

All the fatalities being reported with "underlying health issues," tend to support same etiology.

If that is the case, and I surely hope it is not, then the world has a huge problem. I have no idea how anyone any government, any organization would/could deal with that.

I think it is a little early in the game though, and more follow up needs to be done to see if that is really the case.

I think what's most saliently revealed here is that was never going to be "anyone any government, any organization would/could deal with that." those institutions dealing with anything.

It's going to be us, one individual at a time, able to discern and behave/act accordingly.

Yes, I agree it may come to that. We are still in the early stages though, so nothing is certain.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

There are 95,056 confirmed cases worldwide, including 3,253 fatalities.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

The HIV spike proteins I refer to are not a maybe, they are an ARE, right now. a reply to: MrRCflying

I have seen that. But at this point in time is anyone sure that future occurrences of symptoms, or post symptomatic transmission is possible? I think it is too early to come to that conclusion.

I think there was a post relating to a Chinese doctor speaking of a case of post symptomatic transmission in the last few pages f this thread.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: Tukota
Big news on testing today, from the segment I'm watching on Fox News right now as they await the funding vote for the $8B Coronavirus bill.

They just said that the guidelines for testing are being changed from "having to meet a certain set of criteria", to "anyone with a recommendation from a doctor can now get tested" with the goal for the change being that if people are ill, they can get tested and treated before getting too sick.

There is no link because it is live TV, but I've typed practically word-for-word what the reporter just said.
Bolding mine. Hey Tukota. Thanks for that update.

But this also means, that anyone testing positive, even without symptoms, can also be locked, down, followed, tracked, being told to "self quarantine", etc.
Just saying, and I think, worthy of consideration.
stay safe,

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:10 PM

A declared state of emergency is most likely the beginning of martial law in whatever area, and restrictions of NDAA applied as well.

Hmm.. not sure about that. They can't even get their test kits hammered out, flights monitored, or anything else. They are a long way off from organizing something like.. martial law.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tetra50

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: MrRCflying

But you mean for every disease, illness and cough?

My lungs have been bad for two decades now. So I should have stayed in all the time? With H1N1 (and the followers), with Mers, zika, sars and now corona?

They were all new originally. Maybe it's best if from now on we all stay home and never leave unless you have explicit governmental approval to travel from point A to B?

Of course not, you are putting words in my mouth.

This is something new, thus the "novel". Humans have no antibodies to it, resulting in the higher number of serious and critical hospitalizations, and deaths. Common colds and flu are not nearly as dangerous. Yes, people die from common colds and the flu, but the numbers for this seem to be higher.

There will come a time, in the next few weeks I think, that if you get sick, you most likely have Corona. I just don't see anyway around it at this point. Use common sense and do your best not to spread it.

I am coining a new term. "Percentage Deniers" PD for short. Those that are still trying to hang on to their reality, with fingers in ears, that Corona is not as bad as a cold or the flu. Even though WHO, CDC, and governments, and the statistics are proving otherwise.

I see we have a few PD's here.

BUT this is also a "common cold" identified virus, with HIV spike proteins in common. Are they the same "spike proteins" that cause reconfiguration of where the virus binds, as in its reinfection state.....the person reinfected.....which isn't really that, as viruses usually stay in our bodies after we host them. Even successful hepatitus treatments available today only render the virus under detection scale, meaning detectable can still occur, if the virus were to gain the upper hand, once more.

So, this virus, with its HIV compatible spike proteins, could conceivably sitting in you undetectable after a first "recovery," then finding the antibodies you newly produced, and binding to them, now, instead, to seek a different way to make you ill, and compromise your immunity and turn it onto itself, creating secondary issues such as septic shock and organ failure.

This is just what HIV/AIDS full blown did, too: you get a plethora of secondary infections, and are never well again, till one of them kills you.

All the fatalities being reported with "underlying health issues," tend to support same etiology.

If that is the case, and I surely hope it is not, then the world has a huge problem. I have no idea how anyone any government, any organization would/could deal with that.

I think it is a little early in the game though, and more follow up needs to be done to see if that is really the case.

I think what's most saliently revealed here is that was never going to be "anyone any government, any organization would/could deal with that." those institutions dealing with anything.

It's going to be us, one individual at a time, able to discern and behave/act accordingly.

Yeah, like humans have ever acted "accordingly".
People are panic buying TP for gods sake.
Like thats the 1st neccessity.

Well, there were reports early on that diarrhea was an early symptom. We might all need that extra TP. LOL I have over 200 rolls, so I am good for now.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

A declared state of emergency is most likely the beginning of martial law in whatever area, and restrictions of NDAA applied as well.

Hmm.. not sure about that. They can't even get their test kits hammered out, flights monitored, or anything else. They are a long way off from organizing something like.. martial law.

One word " Drones".

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