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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: JSpader


A sanitation team conducted a deep clean of the Pittsburgh Pirates' spring training facility in Bradenton, Florida, on Tuesday morning out of "an overabundance of caution".

They initially reported the discovery of feces in the dugout, only later realizing it was the Pittsburgh Pirate team they were looking at.

Coronavirus related? Meh... the joke has a higher mortality rate.
Yeah I expect this post to be scrubbed and sanitized shortly...

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: Strifingsoul

Or if it’s nano, why the stop on public mask sales...

Nano meaning really really small and stuff...

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: JSpader


JPMorgan Chase is reportedly asking thousands of its employees to work from home to test a coronavirus contingency plan codenamed 'Project Kennedy'

Ha! I sold 50 or so shares of JP Morgan stocks yesterday. My finance guy was practically begging me to not sell anything..... told him to sell it all. I don't really have that much invested so what I do have I didn't want to lose. He tried to convince me China was getting better. I lectured him and he finally gave up trying to convince me to "wait 2 months".

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: JSpader
Don’t worry guys, my bottle of whiskey and my right hand will be just fine. qYU


Masturbation boosts your immune system, helping you fight off infection and illness

JSpader you owe me a dry keyboard I just had coffee shoot out of my nose after reading this! LMAO

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: Strifingsoul

That would be fine and dandy except for a small fact.

There are no required vaccines in China after you exit high school.

After that it’s all voluntary. And most people don’t get any because they don’t want to spend money. I checked the wife, she’s not had any shots, vaccinations or anything since high school. Only blood drawn when she was pregnant.

And for children they don’t even do full vaccine batteries like the US does. My sons lacked a lot of vaccinations when we moved to US.

Wife wants me to add - most people don’t get vaccinations in China because they don’t want to spend he extra money. Only if they are really scared of being sick will the even get a flu shot.

Interesting document on this here

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:15 PM
Los Angeles County will hold a press conference at 8:30 a.m. PT to make what they're calling "major announcements" about coronavirus. They'll outline actions they're taking and advice to the public.

Thats happening shortly.

Must be big infection numbers.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
Los Angeles County will hold a press conference at 8:30 a.m. PT to make what they're calling "major announcements" about coronavirus. They'll outline actions they're taking and advice to the public.

Thats happening shortly.

Must be big infection numbers.
Not Good

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: Strifingsoul

Or if it’s nano, why the stop on public mask sales...

Nano meaning really really small and stuff...

Masks... maybe they don‘t even have a clue its no real virus? There was a rumor about 5G being elites final bogeyman interconnected with smart dust and the internet of things. To deactivate unwanted populace by pressing a button.

I mean... in the end of the day both is bad. Bioweapon virus and 5G stuff with dust or even a real virus activated by this. ....this 5G stuff normally doesn’t catch my attention that much...
Wuhan was one of the first total 5G towns in China. Thats strange coincidence at least plus the BL4 Lab

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:19 PM

#BREAKING: Contra Costa County confirms its first local case of coronavirus. The resident had no travel history or known contact with an infected person.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:21 PM
Australian Update

BBQ Source

Our actual number of cases seems to have jumped from 33 yesterday to 41 today. There is no "official gubment word on any of this".

edit on 3 3 2020 by myselfaswell because: miss read the article

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:23 PM
For anyone interested in examining the cases, this is a good breakdown of the Canadian cases: ages, sex, dates, where they contracted the virus,etc.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Strifingsoul

Ahem from your link...

influenza vaccine is a category Ⅱ vaccine, which means influenza vaccination is voluntary, and recipients should pay for it.

I said most Chinese won’t get flu shots because they must pay. If you’re telling me that 11 million people in Wuhan got shots that would be wrong. Probably less than 5% of people get flu shots in China.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: Strifingsoul

originally posted by: Agit8dChop

GENEVA/LONDON (Reuters) - About 3.4% of confirmed cases of COVID-19 have died, far above seasonal flu’s fatality rate of under 1%, but the novel coronavirus can be contained, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday. dium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter

maybe now we can stop with the garbage ''its just the flu'' or ''the flu is deadlier''

1 in 10 people roughly end up in hospital, for an average of 12 days.

Ok here is some info from a Professor in cell research.. known by a friend of mine..

„Etwas Neues, welches ich von meinem Bekannten bekommen habe, der selber Professor der Biologie ist und in der Zellforschung tätig war:

Die Chinesen erhielten im vergangenen Herbst alle obligatorischen Impfstoffe. Der Impfstoff enthielt replizierende, DIGITISIERTE (kontrollierbare) RNA, die von 60 Ghz mm 5 G Wellen aktiviert wurden, die gerade in Wuhan (sowie allen anderen Ländern mit 60 Ghz 5 G) mit dem " Smart Dust den jeder auf dem Globus durch Chemtrails eingeatmet hat. Deshalb, wenn man sagt, jemand sei " geheilt ", kann der " Virus " jederzeit " digital " reaktiviert werden und die Person kann buchstäblich tot umfallen. Das Diamond Princess Kreuzfahrtschiff war speziell mit 60 GHz 5 G ausgestattet. Es handelt sich im Grunde um entfernte Attentat. Die Amerikaner atmen gerade in diesem "intelligenten" Staub durch Chemtrails ein. Stell es dir so vor..... Füge die Kombination aus Impfstoffen, Chemtrails (Smart Dust) und 5 G hinzu und dein Körper wird intern digitalisiert und kann ferngesteuert werden. Die Organfunktionen einer Person können ferngestoppt werden, wenn man als nicht konform gilt. Wuhan war ein Testlauf für ID202020. Die Elite nennt das 60 Ghz mm 5 G Welle die " V Welle (Virus), um uns zu verspotten. Wir müssen den versuchten "obligatorischen Impfstoff" vehement ablehnen, weil unser Leben davon abhängt.

Alles geplant, siehe Buch von Dean Koontz von 1981, der das Szenario genau benannt und beschrieben hat:
Wuhan 400 Virus.„

English translation:

„Something new that I got from my acquaintance, who is himself a professor of biology and was active in cell research:

The Chinese received all mandatory vaccines last fall. The vaccine contained replicating, DIGITIZED (controllable) RNA that was activated by 60 Ghz mm 5 G waves, which just in Wuhan (and all other countries with 60 Ghz 5 G) with the "Smart Dust that everyone in the world inhaled through chemtrails Therefore, if you say someone is "cured", the "virus" can be reactivated "digitally" at any time and the person can literally drop dead. DiamondThe Diamond Princess cruise ship was specially equipped with 60 GHz 5 G. It is about basically about distant assassination. The Americans are breathing in this "intelligent" dust through chemtrails. Imagine it ..... Add the combination of vaccines, chemtrails (smart dust) and 5 G and your body will become internal digitized and can be remotely controlled. A person's organ functions can be remotely stopped if not considered to be compliant. Wuhan was a test run for ID202020. The elite calls the 60 Ghz mm 5 G wave the "V wave ( Virus) to mock us. We have to vehemently reject the attempted "mandatory vaccine" because our lives depend on it.

Everything planned, see the book by Dean Koontz from 1981, who named and described the scenario exactly:
Wuhan 400 virus.„

I posted earlier about 5 exhaust from planes over the house in criss cross direction. look it up under my name here
and this is the truth
not sure if it has anything to do with your post, but people today are weird

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: Strifingsoul

originally posted by: Agit8dChop

GENEVA/LONDON (Reuters) - About 3.4% of confirmed cases of COVID-19 have died, far above seasonal flu’s fatality rate of under 1%, but the novel coronavirus can be contained, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday. dium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter

maybe now we can stop with the garbage ''its just the flu'' or ''the flu is deadlier''

1 in 10 people roughly end up in hospital, for an average of 12 days.

Ok here is some info from a Professor in cell research.. known by a friend of mine..

„Etwas Neues, welches ich von meinem Bekannten bekommen habe, der selber Professor der Biologie ist und in der Zellforschung tätig war:

Die Chinesen erhielten im vergangenen Herbst alle obligatorischen Impfstoffe. Der Impfstoff enthielt replizierende, DIGITISIERTE (kontrollierbare) RNA, die von 60 Ghz mm 5 G Wellen aktiviert wurden, die gerade in Wuhan (sowie allen anderen Ländern mit 60 Ghz 5 G) mit dem " Smart Dust den jeder auf dem Globus durch Chemtrails eingeatmet hat. Deshalb, wenn man sagt, jemand sei " geheilt ", kann der " Virus " jederzeit " digital " reaktiviert werden und die Person kann buchstäblich tot umfallen. Das Diamond Princess Kreuzfahrtschiff war speziell mit 60 GHz 5 G ausgestattet. Es handelt sich im Grunde um entfernte Attentat. Die Amerikaner atmen gerade in diesem "intelligenten" Staub durch Chemtrails ein. Stell es dir so vor..... Füge die Kombination aus Impfstoffen, Chemtrails (Smart Dust) und 5 G hinzu und dein Körper wird intern digitalisiert und kann ferngesteuert werden. Die Organfunktionen einer Person können ferngestoppt werden, wenn man als nicht konform gilt. Wuhan war ein Testlauf für ID202020. Die Elite nennt das 60 Ghz mm 5 G Welle die " V Welle (Virus), um uns zu verspotten. Wir müssen den versuchten "obligatorischen Impfstoff" vehement ablehnen, weil unser Leben davon abhängt.

Alles geplant, siehe Buch von Dean Koontz von 1981, der das Szenario genau benannt und beschrieben hat:
Wuhan 400 Virus.„

English translation:

„Something new that I got from my acquaintance, who is himself a professor of biology and was active in cell research:

The Chinese received all mandatory vaccines last fall. The vaccine contained replicating, DIGITIZED (controllable) RNA that was activated by 60 Ghz mm 5 G waves, which just in Wuhan (and all other countries with 60 Ghz 5 G) with the "Smart Dust that everyone in the world inhaled through chemtrails Therefore, if you say someone is "cured", the "virus" can be reactivated "digitally" at any time and the person can literally drop dead. DiamondThe Diamond Princess cruise ship was specially equipped with 60 GHz 5 G. It is about basically about distant assassination. The Americans are breathing in this "intelligent" dust through chemtrails. Imagine it ..... Add the combination of vaccines, chemtrails (smart dust) and 5 G and your body will become internal digitized and can be remotely controlled. A person's organ functions can be remotely stopped if not considered to be compliant. Wuhan was a test run for ID202020. The elite calls the 60 Ghz mm 5 G wave the "V wave ( Virus) to mock us. We have to vehemently reject the attempted "mandatory vaccine" because our lives depend on it.

Everything planned, see the book by Dean Koontz from 1981, who named and described the scenario exactly:
Wuhan 400 virus.„

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:43 PM
If 5g waves were used for some bio terroristic mass destruction they wouldn’t be using a 3% mortality rate virus that displays every aspect of a naturally animalistic mutated coronavirus

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
Los Angeles County will hold a press conference at 8:30 a.m. PT to make what they're calling "major announcements" about coronavirus. They'll outline actions they're taking and advice to the public.

Thats happening shortly.

Must be big infection numbers.

Do you have a link please? I'd like to watch this.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: MaverickLRD

Oh boy...

I just don’t understand how 3rd world countries have more test kits, more easier accessible also, than the United States. That makes me wonder...

Now I am guessing based off of social media, the cats about to get outta the bag. We all remember January 23, 2020.. I am no engineer, but I took this virus, seriously that day, and as an amateur logical thinker, I put 2 and 2 together, I mean they quarantined a metropolis, in China, and no one blinked an eye? Sure at the end of January, the potus banned flights from China, but once again I am no pro, but a Chinese person, could take a flight to say Italy, and then take a flight to the United States, kinda looks like they did that. 🤷‍♂️ I just have a bad feeling, the next logical assumption now is cluster infections in NYC, SEATLE, probably TPA, and I guess some big cities in CA. Now will we get test results when that occurs or are people going to have to be dying in order to get tested and treated? It just sounds like a damn b rated horror flick.
edit on 3-3-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: MaverickLRD

Oh boy...

I just don’t understand how 3rd world countries have more test kits, more easier accessible also, than the United States. That makes me wonder...

Now I am guessing based off of social media, the cats about to get outta the bag. We all remember January 23, 2020.. I am no engineer, but I took this virus, seriously that day, and as an amateur logical thinker, I put 2 and 2 together, I mean they quarantined a metropolis, in China, and no one blinked an eye? Sure at the end of January, the potus banned flights from China, but once again I am no pro, but a Chinese person, could take a flight to say Italy, and then take a flight to the United States, kinda looks like they did that. 🤷‍♂️ I just have a bad feeling, the next logical assumption now is cluster infections in NYC, SEATLE, probably TPA, and I guess some big cities in CA. Now will we get test results when that occurs or are people going to have to be dying in order to get tested and treated? It just sounds like a damn b rated horror flick.

Multiple state labs have isolated and developed their own PCR tests to prove positive or negative patients but the CDC has to have their moment so none can be confirmed until the CDC does a confirmation test
If there wasn’t so much red tape and more autonomy I’d venture to guess we would see our case numbers sky rocket. That’s my take on us vs 3rd world testing
NYC, sea,sfo,la are all the largest ports of entry for foreign travelers so to me those clusters make sense.especially since they are demographically diverse and travelers may not be just stopping thru but that is their final destination
Add in the population density vs say Dallas, Phoenix, Tampa etc

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: Mamana12

No links, it’s actually tomorrow...

BREAKING! Los Angeles County to make "MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT" at 8:30 a.m. Pacific Time March 4th

That ^^^^ is all over Twitter with the press release.


posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:57 PM
This just hit...

BREAKING: An @Amazon employee in #Seattle has tested positive for #COVIDー19, the disease caused by the #Coronavirus, according to an internal email viewed by @EpochTimes.

Epoch Times Twitter

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