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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
only 9 have actually died of Covid19 related complications.

All but one of which are elderly and had underlying health problems, as did the man in his fifty's.

Time to start getting healthy people. Do what you have to do to get off the prescription drugs.

Could you leave the ignorance at the door? Seriously...

Edit: aren’t you the one asking for links and proof? Wtf does prescription drugs have to do with a NOVEL virus pandemic?
edit on 3-3-2020 by slatesteam because: Pho Cough

edit on 3-3-2020 by slatesteam because: Seriously

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:32 PM
Has anyone visited the CDC page to view cases per state? It's awesome.. you have to check it out! Just hover over the state to get results.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 in the U.S.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: MaverickLRD
My neighborhood Facebook group morale has changed substantially in 48 hours
It went from “this virus is a joke, the media is sensationalizing, stop hyping up the flu”

To today:
“Everyone that stockpiled are selfish asshole some of us actually need those supplies”

I had to laugh at this. You just described my friend.

You snooze..You lose.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: texasgirl

originally posted by: MaverickLRD
My neighborhood Facebook group morale has changed substantially in 48 hours
It went from “this virus is a joke, the media is sensationalizing, stop hyping up the flu”

To today:
“Everyone that stockpiled are selfish asshole some of us actually need those supplies”

I had to laugh at this. You just described my friend.

You snooze..You lose.

I mean, I tried to share my understanding of the situation. They mocked me away.
I’ll sleep on a bed of teepee instead hahaha

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: fleabit
Has anyone visited the CDC page to view cases per state? It's awesome.. you have to check it out! Just hover over the state to get results.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 in the U.S.
States reporting: 12/50.... cases: 60 Aaaargh!
Can we just go back to indentured servitude and subsistence farming already?

Edit that is slightly over 1/5 states, and by their numbers the CFR is f’ing 10%..LOL or um lemme just go die now
edit on 3-3-2020 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2020 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:36 PM
Lol I just touched that envelope thing and saw I have all kinda warnings from these threads 🤦‍♂️. I guess we can’t link articles to the thread 🤷‍♂️. I dunno.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: GlobalGold
the NC case person flew all the way out to Washington State to visit someone at the Kirkland nursing facility. But I guess they made it back before showing symptoms, so according to WHO, they weren't contagious

So that means the people on the plane, baggage handlers who picked up their suitcase, if they rented a car and the next person that rented it was exposed, etc. When you think about all of the points of contact you get a feel for how many could be exposed without even knowing it between here and there. Not to mention the people they've interacted with since they've returned home.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:39 PM

States reporting: 12/50.... cases: 60 Aaaargh!
Can we just go back to indentured servitude and subsistence farming already?

Oh.. aside from the amusing map, their #s are not even right. Amazing!

By the way, there are probably thousands actually infected. Within 2 months, we'll see how amused some of you still are. I mean.. I think some of you will still not care unless it impacts you directly. But yea.. we'll see.

Even more insightful - how are the countries doing that tried to lie about the #s, hide facts, and not tell their public the truth doing? Do we want to be SK, Singapore or another prepared country, or do we want to be China and Iran?
edit on 3-3-2020 by fleabit because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: fleabit
Has anyone visited the CDC page to view cases per state? It's awesome.. you have to check it out! Just hover over the state to get results.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 in the U.S.

Oh man... aside from the numbers being wrong the hovering over the states to see "yes" was pretty ridiculous. They have been under fire from docs today because they stopped publishing the numbers... yesterday maybe??? One doc on NPR this morning was pretty pissed

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: MaverickLRD

They’re losers.

Failing to plan = planning to fail.

Maybe if they pulled their idiot eyes off Twitter, Facebook and video games and paid attention occasionally they wouldn’t be complaining about their own idiocy. I have no sympathy for them.

Also stop the TDS in this thread please. This is directed at 2 of you (not who I’m replying to) You both have no idea how the US govt actually works and I’m too mentally tired to explain it. You both should be thankful the CDC is leveraging state level health agencies for a lot reasons including the one you said - not reporting cases. If you think case counts are wrong it’s your own state’s health agency!

Stay frosty and be safe everyone!

edit on 3-3-2020 by SpartanStoic because: Clarify

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: fleabit

I tried to leave them a polite message about how their GD info is wrong and they aren’t gonna make the 7/15 cutoff to collect their $475B....but they’re experiencing a high volume of call currently for some reason...

edit on 3-3-2020 by slatesteam because: Pho Cough

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

States reporting: 12/50.... cases: 60 Aaaargh!
Can we just go back to indentured servitude and subsistence farming already?

Oh.. aside from the amusing map, their #s are not even right. Amazing!

By the way, there are probably thousands actually infected. Within 2 months, we'll see how amused some of you still are. I mean.. I think some of you will still not care unless it impacts you directly. But yea.. we'll see.

I guarantee you the numbers are not right, I bet my life on it...

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: tennisdawg



Stop the damned censorship, please!

(post by fleabit removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:46 PM

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: fleabit

Mods have said more than a few times keep it in the mud pit in these threads. We have an old school ATS vibe in this thread, many of us want to keep it that way.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

So uh, Vroomfel and carewemust get to dance and have the floor, but us fence-riders and Trump-skeptics need to bounce? Seems kinda harsh...considering I have no dog in the political fighting cage...

This virus doesn’t care which way you swing. Members do?

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: Bicent

After you said that I checked my envelope and saw that I had a post removed for being off-topic and two messages. Who knew? LOL. Can you tell I'm a newbie at this site? I still don't know about the stars. Is that how you "like" a post on ATS? And how do you give a star to someone? Sorry for being off-topic...I just really want to know about the stars.

edit on 3/3/2020 by Tukota because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: Tukota

Yes, you touch on the star at the top of the post and it should light up. You can only give 1 star per post.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Tukota

lol stars are a silly way to say you like the reply or post. You just push the star, than I guess all the big wigs calculate the stars and give you lightning bolts. If a mod likes your post they give you a wine cup. But be careful, don’t shine to bright... RIP to the many back in the day that did..

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