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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: FamCore

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves
New Hampshire’s 1st Coronavirus Patient Went to Event Despite Isolation, Officials Say
New Hampshire has identified a second, presumptive case of coronavirus in a man who was in close contact with the first patient

New Hampshire's first coronavirus patient, a hospital employee, went to an event on Friday despite being told to stay isolated, officials say, and all others who went to the event are now being told to stay isolated.

The announcement on Tuesday came as state health officials said a second person in the state is presumed to have the new coronavirus, COVID-19. That person was in close contact with the first patient.

State health officials said that the first coronavirus patient "attended an invitation-only private event on Friday" despite being told to stay isolated. That person has now been ordered to remain isolated and all others who came into "close contact" with them at the event were asked to stay isolated for 14 days.


Wow, nice going jackass. Hopefully reports like this will help authorities recognize "self-isolation/self-quarantine" may not be a good option, especially considering the human factor.

Like musicismagic said about the 20 year old who previously went to a concert, but is now on a ventilator on critical condition.

Lucky for me I live super close to New Hampshire as well

It's the reason were going to see mass quarantine if this virus explodes, which seems inevitable at this point due to whole nothing burger attitude espoused from potus.

This is not a comforting supposition.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: Tukota

originally posted by: Mamana12

originally posted by: dollukka
a reply to: Mamana12

There is one thing what is different in COVID19 from normal flu. In Covid 19 there is no runny nose ( very few has that ) or sneezing. You should get tested !

Now I'm facing the dilemma that many people here in the US are about to face. As of right now everyone in the family is ok and isn't sick enough to need a doctor and we are all fairly young and healthy with no underlying issues. From what I heard the test is going to result in an insurance bill of thousands of dollars per person. I'm happy to self isolate the family just in case to avoid passing whatever this is on to other people however I'm not in a financial position to incur an enormous medical bill just to find out for sure. Given where we live and the fact that the population here is mostly Asian, I'm assuming this is already out in the wild here and its pointless to try and avoid getting it. In the last few weeks alone I've had contact with many people who have travelled from China and Iran. The only way I see us getting tested is if one of us gets worse, or, more likely if my sons girlfriend gets tested by her Mom (nurse) and is confirmed to have it. Until then, we have enough supplies to stay home for months, in large part due to the info from this forum so thank you to everyone sharing info!

Do you mind me asking which state you're from? If you said it in your earlier post, I apologize. I hope you all get well soon. Aside from the cost of getting the test, I'm guessing part of the concern too is knowing that if you do go to ER, that you'll most likely have to argue with them to even get tested, if you wanted to be.

We're in Southern California.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:37 PM
As reported by the State-funded TVE1 channel, the first Spanish death by coronavirus (male from Valencia) had traveled to Nepal.
That must mean there are way, WAY more cases there than officially confirmed (which is 1 so far).

Also, he died back on February 13th.
edit on 3-3-2020 by Mateo96 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2020 by Mateo96 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2020 by Mateo96 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2020 by Mateo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
a reply to: musicismagic

I cant see the olympics happening

It would be reckless allowing so many people to fly into Japan.

Super athletes, the gold medal types will refuse. Why risk it when you are on xxx million a year back home?

The Arnold Expo was just cancelled, thank God.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:43 PM
8% of Iran's parliament has the coronavirus, and it released 54,000 prisoners as the country descends into chaos

Eight percent of Iran's parliament — 23 out of 290 members — has been infected with the coronavirus.
At least seven government officials also have it, including one of Iran's vice presidents, and a key adviser to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has died from the virus.
The government's efforts to suppress information about the scale of the outbreak has exacerbated its impact, and experts warn this is a cautionary tale for the rest of the world.

Iran is descending into chaos amid the coronavirus outbreak, with the government seemingly incapable of handling the scale of the crisis and going as far as to threaten the death penalty to those who hoard necessary materials or equipment.

At least 77 people have died in Iran from the virus so far, according to the official death toll, though the number could be much higher because of the government's apparent efforts to hide the extent of the outbreak. Iran has over 2,300 confirmed cases.

A BBC News report, which cited hospital sources, on Friday said the death toll from coronavirus in Iran was actually 210.


edit on 3-3-2020 by DancedWithWolves because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:48 PM
A short video of Tokyo - the residents say they have to queue at 5am for supplies especially toilet paper

VIDEO: Residents in Tokyo say they cannot buy toilet papers as panic-buying empty shelves in pharmacies amid the coronavirus outbreak

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:50 PM
Australian Update

Well there isn't one.

The total crapness of the official accounting for this thing is reaching new levels of crapness.

The Official Gubment Website , which has been update today, is still showing yesterdays data. Presumably the update was a typo or something.

In the meantime I can tell you that the numbers are going to rise today, however, virtually all of the new cases are imported. There is only 1 additional local transfer case, bringing the Australian total to 3 local transfers.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: DancedWithWolves

How do you " temporarily" release prisoners? Do they pat them on the head and tell them to go straight home and not break any laws?

Meanwhile, Iran has temporarily released 54,000 prisoners to combat the spread of COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the virus, BBC News reported.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:53 PM


A major oil conference set for late March in New Orleans has been canceled by the organizer, IHS Markit, which cited worries over the worsening coronavirus outbreak.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: texasgirl
a reply to: DancedWithWolves

So, this hospital employee broke isolation, went to an event, and then tested positive for coronavirus.

If hospital employees are breaking home isolation then how are we to expect the rest of the nation to comply? This is just ridiculous.

The danger of downplaying the seriousness of a virus. Imo the government have seriously bungled this, so far. Of course the CDC was missing key players going into this, so that's a big problem. I think 8 out of 100 CDC public health centers as of a couple of days ago at least, were actually performing tests. Removed test #s, no screening for incoming flights, bad test kits, no test kits, a laughably low # tested - on and on it goes.

Looks like the American public are going to have to look out for themselves for this crisis.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: Chance321
a reply to: DancedWithWolves

How do you " temporarily" release prisoners? Do they pat them on the head and tell them to go straight home and not break any laws?

Meanwhile, Iran has temporarily released 54,000 prisoners to combat the spread of COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the virus, BBC News reported.

USA does it constantly with parole and bail.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: Chance321
This just in for NY. Two possible with virus. Very close to me. Oneida county. Don't think I agree with the idea of not putting them in quarantine though.

UTICA, N.Y. – Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente has confirmed that two people are being tested for coronavirus after a medical office in Rome closed unexpectedly Tuesday. Mohawk Valley Health System says one person was initially tested after experiencing respiratory symptoms upon returning from a country that has widespread COVID-19. MVHS is working with the Oneida County Health Department and the state Department of Health to ensure all testing and quarantine protocols are followed. The initial test results should be available by Thursday, according to MVHS. Picente says no one is quarantined at this time. A press conference will be held Wednesday morning, according to the county executive's office. Patients who normally see doctors at the Rome facility should call the Oneida Medical Office at 315-366-3700 if they are in need of non-emergency care. The county was monitoring a local resident in February who had recently returned from a trip to China. Tests in that case came back negative for coronavirus.

Crap... That is getting too close for me too. I live about an hour or so away.

I am thinking of pulling the kids from school till this passes. See how things are on the weekend, they may not go starting Monday.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:11 PM
Well, it’s looking like the USA is going to be just as transparent as China, or less. 105 cases REALLY...

AGAIN I know of cases right now not being reported...

We need to remain vigilant, places of just one case reported 24-72 hours ago if we can trust South Korean, numbers and Italian, numbers will become a cluster...

Unfathomable.. this is just the flu rhetoric, is dangerous, not only that people will get it thinking it’s just the flu and will spread it further, nevermind the asymptomatic cases, which also includes children who are going to school, becoming little virus torpedoes. I blame, the election year and the Dow Jones for this botchery.

A little pissed at the moment..

Did I mention I have cases in a hospital 5 mins away from me?


Not to mention over 80+ hospital worker under quarantine.
edit on 3-3-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: Fowlerstoad
a reply to: tanstaafl

To address your good question, the fact that this is a 'novel' virus means at the start of it's cycle, nobody had any immunity to it. As a result, every contact of an infected person had a chance to also be infected. As time goes by / (is going by?), some people previously infected will (hopefully) be immune to reinfection. That is what usually happens with other viruses. That is referred to as 'herd immunity'.

These 'herd immune' people should then not become infected a second time as easily, and will act as a 'fire break' for infection, helping the rate of infection in the community hopefully to decrease over time. So, if an infected patient is exposed to a 'herd immune' patient, the transmission will not proceed further in that instance. That covers the 'novel' part.

Once this virus is no longer novel, it probably will revert to being a seasonal virus, with yearly outbreaks, but less of an overall rate of infection compared to the first exposure of the population to the virus.

The problem with this specific novel coronavirus though, and something I am really having a hard time dealing with, is that some patients (14%? ) may be becoming 're-infected'. So, no herd immunity from them? That really could complicate things as time moves forward. Are these 14% having a 'relapse' of their own disease (like with herpes), or are they having a true re-infection from another person? That is the BIG question that I am personally hoping we can answer at some point.

Has any sort of 'herd immunity' developed for HIV?

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves
8% of Iran's parliament has the coronavirus, and it released 54,000 prisoners as the country descends into chaos

Eight percent of Iran's parliament — 23 out of 290 members — has been infected with the coronavirus.
At least seven government officials also have it, including one of Iran's vice presidents, and a key adviser to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has died from the virus.
The government's efforts to suppress information about the scale of the outbreak has exacerbated its impact, and experts warn this is a cautionary tale for the rest of the world.

Iran is descending into chaos amid the coronavirus outbreak, with the government seemingly incapable of handling the scale of the crisis and going as far as to threaten the death penalty to those who hoard necessary materials or equipment.

At least 77 people have died in Iran from the virus so far, according to the official death toll, though the number could be much higher because of the government's apparent efforts to hide the extent of the outbreak. Iran has over 2,300 confirmed cases.

A BBC News report, which cited hospital sources, on Friday said the death toll from coronavirus in Iran was actually 210.


I hope the people of Iran can find a way through this ! Forget our borders or our race . This PANDEMIC should make us all realize we’re the same .

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: Wookiep
As it stands the U.S. has 104 cases and 7 deaths, "officially". That's a pretty high death rate...much more than seasonal flu. Am I wrong?

Flu mortality in the US is between 0.1% and 0.2%. 7 out of 104 is 0.6% mortality, so Covid-19 is between 5 and 6 times as serious.

7/104 is 6,73% using my german math skills 😅

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
only 9 have actually died of Covid19 related complications.

All but one of which are elderly and had underlying health problems, as did the man in his fifty's.

Time to start getting healthy people. Do what you have to do to get off the prescription drugs.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
only 9 have actually died of Covid19 related complications.

All but one of which are elderly and had underlying health problems, as did the man in his fifty's.

Time to start getting healthy people. Do what you have to do to get off the prescription drugs.

Yea.. if you are elderly, that's a darn right pity!

Otherwise all is golden daisies, rainbows and sunshine!

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: roflhoff

Just read that Twitter thread you posted. Wow!

So I guess if any of us end up in ER and they start to question our travel, we just say, "why yes, I've just returned from Italy as a matter of fact..."

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 06:27 PM
My neighborhood Facebook group morale has changed substantially in 48 hours
It went from “this virus is a joke, the media is sensationalizing, stop hyping up the flu”

To today:
“Everyone that stockpiled are selfish asshole some of us actually need those supplies”

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