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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: sine.nomine

originally posted by: celltypespecific

originally posted by: sine.nomine
I'm in nebraska. My employer just put out travel and shipping restrictions. Just a heads up. We make medical supplies.

Don't leave us hanging....what are the restrictions...?

Sorry. It's a mandatory self quarantine for any travel to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore, Japan, Iran, and Italy. Business done in those countries won't be allowed to send product outside of their borders.

Products produced in the US will still be shipped within the US and abroad, but no US representatives are allowed to go.

Anyone thinking the U.S is immune to this virus is about to get rude shock it seems.

This business would one of many making similar changes.

Personally, I agree. I assume the policy will change after mistakes are made... We do our best to be clean and sterile, but... People....

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: DancedWithWolves

Thoughts and prayers.

Good. Prayer works. Sure as heck can't hurt.

Certainly you aren't implying that's allthey do at their meetings.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical

originally posted by: UFO1414

And the US numbers by state.



Merely correlation or is it, in fact this time, causation?


The quarantine camps definitely aren't spreading the virus into the nearby communities (see Fairfield, CA)..
Definitely brown people from Mexico in them durn "sanctiary cities"..


posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

No problem...I greatly appreciated your analysis/insight below:

One thing to note though: The deaths at 1% mortality (CFR), are twice that of 0.5%. 2% is twice that of 1%. This is not realistic. This only reflects deaths if the same level of medical care is achieved throughout. With many getting infected at once, this is impossible, so CFR effectively increases*. There will also be at least the same amount of deaths from lack of services in such situations, possibly even violence. * coming back to this. It is actually possible that the best care makes very little difference. Italy for example, first world services, is showing a high CFR. Not Wuhan but comparable. Wuhan could well be hell on earth right now, but if CFR there is not appreciably higher than say Italy, it stands to reason that those that are going to die, will likely die, no matter what current standards of care can offer. So much margin for error in figures, even if you could believe those figures, but worth consideration.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:10 PM
This was just on Japanese TV this morning:

A 20 year old girl that went to a live concert (small clubs called Live House here) on Feb. 21st is now in critical condition and on a respirator at the hospital. Tested positive for the virus (sorry, I didn't catch the date, but maybe about one week later) .
I've been mentioning about the casinos now for sometime about how they just won't be able to survive. The above is a classic example. I too visited a Live House concert on Dec. 30 of last year. But I will not be attending any more now.

This is also been on TV, a girl working at a major bank was tested with the virus, but there is no new news of her condition and all the news of it to the best of my knowledge can not be found on the net.

Currently I also believe that some cases can not be publicized due to the "economy or a politician" or its family member being infected. I know this is hard to believe, but ... it is just the way the world works ( I live in a medical university town with strong political connections to the govt. in Tokyo. When the news become public of what I'm mentioning then I'll post it along with this tread. Just for the dates to be proven what I said is true.

Our main concern (well we actually have many) is the ports of entry within the shipping industry. Where these ships are coming from and if personal onboard are known to have the virus. Keep in mind, the crew usually goes off ship to shop while here at port.

edit on 0300000055142020-03-03T17:14:55-06:00145503pm5 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: clay2 baraka

You can't say that with certainty given it's long incubation period and ability to spread after recovery. As well as the chance to reinfect multiple times.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

The circles are infections, the squares are sanctuary cities. Based on current numbers roughly 85% of US infections are in self proclaimed sanctuary cities/states. So, is it coincidence?

Yes, absolutely a coincidence. The infections are spreading primarily from cities with airports that are common destinations from other countries. Which is being witnessed happening in cities across the globe. The U.S. is not a special case, where immigrants are creating the outbreaks. Can an immigrant catch and spread it? Sure. It's not -the- reason however, as you are suggesting. That is completely ridiculous.

It was pointed out that 7 out of 10 areas with cases were the landing spots of citizens flown back by our government, to the airports they directed they be taken. I'd say that's much more likely. That, and U.S. citizens returning on flights from Iran, Italy, China and other countries. Not some vagrant migrants - that is a ridiculous premise.

Who even keeps a mental picture of “ sanctuary cities” saved in their mind ?

Wait I notice these cities with Coronavirus cases have McDonald’s and international airports. Must have something to do with People hungry for a Big Mac after a long flight !

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: hades84

a reply to: texasgirl

My post removed by me because the post I replied to was removed by it's original poster. Good show on their part.
edit on 3-3-2020 by TrulyColorBlind because: Altered my post because of what poster I replied to did.

edit on 3-3-2020 by TrulyColorBlind because: Fixed coding issue.

edit on 3-3-2020 by TrulyColorBlind because: Finally fixed coding issue.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: Liquesence
I just saw a local news report that said some Doctor's offices, when dealing with patients who are suspected of having coronavirus, have patients, at the end of their visit, leave through a back door.

The reason, they claim, is to not potentially infect people waiting in the lobby. Seriously, sneak them out of the back? Insane.

We had a briefing in BC, Canada today by our top health official there and she spoke of calling ahead to your doctor so they can make arrangements to meet you when the waiting room isn’t full. It makes no sense to infect everyone else, regardless if you have a cold, flu or this virus. Having folks leave through the back door if they made their way in through a busy waiting room makes sense.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: DancedWithWolves

Theres going to be hell to pay for this incompetence, not having the test kits available to test people is borderline criminal.

It's concerning medical practioners are speaking out about the lack of preparedness....

The U.S. response...has an * even and this....this is our task force...preparing....

Thoughts and prayers.


Well, God may be the only way out of this thing. Good for them!

*Que all the anti-God posts.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: pasiphae


That guy didn’t see videos on Twitter of patients being moved between hospitals. I linked a few of them in threads 2 and 3. Bringing WHO to Wuhan was for show, staged and totally controlled. To deny that and accept or draw any conclusions from that report is insanity.

CCP = masters of lying to your face while not engaging in very good cover ups.

The Canadian doc who refused quarantine coming home after being on that team showed how staged it was when he said he was no risk because they were only allowed in the "green zone" of the hospitals and not anywhere near the grey or contaminated zone.

Anyone wanting to believe the WHO/CCP team got the real picture should ask themselves how you spend a week in China to determine virus impact and not get anywhere near patients. He didn't even claim to be well-protected, just that they were nowhere near infected people ever. Sounds pretty thorough.

Expecting the CCP to suddenly start being honest is embarrassingly naive. Remember that people refused to believe what was going on in Nazi Germany until it was too late -- literally refused to believe it at the highest levels.

That aside, think about it for a second. Just assume that they have it contained and everybody is going back to work. How can that even make sense to be effective? If everybody goes back, that means you are back to "normal" with still a reasonable number of cases in those cities (even if you believe the small numbers). It is just going to light back up for round two.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves

originally posted by: celltypespecific
Hi someone please let me know why was it ITALY the first European country severely effected by covid19?

Any thoughts...speculation...?

This has not been discussed in the media to my knowledge.

One reason is they were looking for Coronavirus early. Unlike other places.


Italy announced on Feb. 26 that it would relax its testing criteria to the point that contacts linked to confirmed cases or recent travelers to outbreak areas would not be tested anymore, unless they show symptoms.

Also from the link...

March 2, 2020
Dr. Matt McCarthy, a staff physician at New York-Presbyterian:

“I’m here to tell you, right now, at one of the busiest hospitals in the country, I don’t have [a rapid diagnostic test] at my finger tips.” “I still have to make my case, plead to test people. This is not good. We know that there are 88 cases in the United States. There are going to be hundreds by middle of week. There’s going to be thousands by next week. And this is a testing issue.”

“In New York State, the person who tested positive is only the 32nd test we’ve done in this state,” he said. “That is a national scandal. [...] They’re testing 10,000 a day in some countries and we can’t get this off the ground,” McCarthy said. “I’m a practitioner on the firing line, and I don’t have the tools to properly care for patients today.”

We can't see what we refuse to find.


Ok thanks!

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop 18a36f

School closures Wa. State.

schools in the Northshore School District
Kentwood High School in Covington
Covington Elementary in Covington
Mt. View Elementary in Shelton
Eastside Prep in Kirkland - classes will be held online until April 13
Grove Elementary School and the Early Learning Center in Marysville
Lake Washington Institute of Technology in Kirkland
Bellevue Children's Academy in Bellevue - classes will be held online
Willows Preparatory School in Redmond - classes will be held online
Kirkland Seventh-day Adventist School and Puget Sound Adventist Academy in Kirkland

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:23 PM
Went to the grocery store after work and actually saw an elderly person with a mask on. Still plenty of rice and almost every other item, just some random items that weren't stocked (Annie's Mac & Cheese boxes, but there were the cups still, those "Smart Ones" frozen meals"). Shopping carts didn't look overloaded and most people just had a few items or their typical shopping items from what I've seen in the past.

Still no visible signs of elevated stress or panic where I'm at

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:24 PM
New Hampshire’s 1st Coronavirus Patient Went to Event Despite Isolation, Officials Say
New Hampshire has identified a second, presumptive case of coronavirus in a man who was in close contact with the first patient

New Hampshire's first coronavirus patient, a hospital employee, went to an event on Friday despite being told to stay isolated, officials say, and all others who went to the event are now being told to stay isolated.

The announcement on Tuesday came as state health officials said a second person in the state is presumed to have the new coronavirus, COVID-19. That person was in close contact with the first patient.

State health officials said that the first coronavirus patient "attended an invitation-only private event on Friday" despite being told to stay isolated. That person has now been ordered to remain isolated and all others who came into "close contact" with them at the event were asked to stay isolated for 14 days.


posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

I cant see the olympics happening

It would be reckless allowing so many people to fly into Japan.

Super athletes, the gold medal types will refuse. Why risk it when you are on xxx million a year back home?

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves
New Hampshire’s 1st Coronavirus Patient Went to Event Despite Isolation, Officials Say
New Hampshire has identified a second, presumptive case of coronavirus in a man who was in close contact with the first patient

New Hampshire's first coronavirus patient, a hospital employee, went to an event on Friday despite being told to stay isolated, officials say, and all others who went to the event are now being told to stay isolated.

The announcement on Tuesday came as state health officials said a second person in the state is presumed to have the new coronavirus, COVID-19. That person was in close contact with the first patient.

State health officials said that the first coronavirus patient "attended an invitation-only private event on Friday" despite being told to stay isolated. That person has now been ordered to remain isolated and all others who came into "close contact" with them at the event were asked to stay isolated for 14 days.


Wow, nice going jackass. Hopefully reports like this will help authorities recognize "self-isolation/self-quarantine" may not be a good option, especially considering the human factor.

Like musicismagic said about the 20 year old who previously went to a concert, but is now on a ventilator on critical condition.

Lucky for me I live super close to New Hampshire as well

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: Mamana12

originally posted by: dollukka
a reply to: Mamana12

There is one thing what is different in COVID19 from normal flu. In Covid 19 there is no runny nose ( very few has that ) or sneezing. You should get tested !

Now I'm facing the dilemma that many people here in the US are about to face. As of right now everyone in the family is ok and isn't sick enough to need a doctor and we are all fairly young and healthy with no underlying issues. From what I heard the test is going to result in an insurance bill of thousands of dollars per person. I'm happy to self isolate the family just in case to avoid passing whatever this is on to other people however I'm not in a financial position to incur an enormous medical bill just to find out for sure. Given where we live and the fact that the population here is mostly Asian, I'm assuming this is already out in the wild here and its pointless to try and avoid getting it. In the last few weeks alone I've had contact with many people who have travelled from China and Iran. The only way I see us getting tested is if one of us gets worse, or, more likely if my sons girlfriend gets tested by her Mom (nurse) and is confirmed to have it. Until then, we have enough supplies to stay home for months, in large part due to the info from this forum so thank you to everyone sharing info!

Do you mind me asking which state you're from? If you said it in your earlier post, I apologize. I hope you all get well soon. Aside from the cost of getting the test, I'm guessing part of the concern too is knowing that if you do go to ER, that you'll most likely have to argue with them to even get tested, if you wanted to be.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: DancedWithWolves

So, this hospital employee broke isolation, went to an event, and then tested positive for coronavirus.

If hospital employees are breaking home isolation then how are we to expect the rest of the nation to comply? This is just ridiculous.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 05:32 PM
This just in for NY. Two possible with virus. Very close to me. Oneida county. Don't think I agree with the idea of not putting them in quarantine though.

UTICA, N.Y. – Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente has confirmed that two people are being tested for coronavirus after a medical office in Rome closed unexpectedly Tuesday. Mohawk Valley Health System says one person was initially tested after experiencing respiratory symptoms upon returning from a country that has widespread COVID-19. MVHS is working with the Oneida County Health Department and the state Department of Health to ensure all testing and quarantine protocols are followed. The initial test results should be available by Thursday, according to MVHS. Picente says no one is quarantined at this time. A press conference will be held Wednesday morning, according to the county executive's office. Patients who normally see doctors at the Rome facility should call the Oneida Medical Office at 315-366-3700 if they are in need of non-emergency care. The county was monitoring a local resident in February who had recently returned from a trip to China. Tests in that case came back negative for coronavirus.

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