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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: 1point92AU

I think this COVID-19 is dangerous for older and ones that have allready health problems. I have some doubts do the doctors really use all the options for treating COVID-19 thought......i mean if doctors go just with the official medical school treatment strategys and decide to opt out IV vitamin C for example...

I dont really know how often IV vitamin is used to this in hospitals....i would be pissed if i would be in hospital with this COVID-19
And doctor would not even consider vitamin C & antioxidant support...

But there are doctors and nurses dying from this virus and they are healthy adults as far as we know or they wouldn't be doing the job they do/did/done

Well, I guess most people over 70 (I'll be there in July) are wondering when they get in front of the crowded triage nurse, which third they are going to be placed within.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: Wookiep
As it stands the U.S. has 104 cases and 7 deaths, "officially". That's a pretty high death rate...much more than seasonal flu. Am I wrong?

Flu mortality in the US is between 0.1% and 0.2%. 7 out of 104 is 0.6% mortality, so Covid-19 is between 5 and 6 times as serious.

Your math is wrong. 7 out of 104 is 6.7%. The bioweapon strains in Iran and Wuhan are above 15% CFR. I would watch closely those around the NY confirmed case that came from Iran. That is the one in the US that scares the hell out of me.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: Wookiep
As it stands the U.S. has 104 cases and 7 deaths, "officially". That's a pretty high death rate...much more than seasonal flu. Am I wrong?

Flu mortality in the US is between 0.1% and 0.2%. 7 out of 104 is 0.6% mortality, so Covid-19 is between 5 and 6 times as serious.

Wouldn't it be 6.7%? Not 0.6%

Right. Cause 1/100 is 1%. And I'm terrible at math.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: UFO1414
Found this on the GD thread. Footage from an Iranian hospital.

What is truly going on here on this planet we call earth right now ??

The PPE being worn in video makes the video seem possibly related to this PANDEMIC .

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: Leighthall
a reply to: Kenzo

My problem with that is look at Wuhan.

It has ~72% of the total cases in world at the moment (and 90% of the deaths).

It got like that before China slammed quarantine on the city and locked down half their population.

Once they put those measures in place, it has "seemed" (actual result to be determined) to have a massive impact in containing the virus.

Other countries the same thing - they are on heightened alert and at least attempting to quarantine cases and contacts as they come up.

I think Iran will be the benchmark - with their apparent lack of respect for the virus and determination not to quarantine, we'll see if it becomes the next Wuhan.

I guess you need to compare apples to apples - if everywhere was like Wuhan, would supplying the appropriate healthcare be cheaper than trying to contain the virus or would containment be quicker, more effective and cheaper in the long run?

Of course there's every chance that what happened in Wuhan is not what we are seeing everywhere else.

Well isn't that what quarantine is for? Keep infected people from infecting others? Every one person you keep contained could help keep more people from coming in contact with the infected person and in turn becoming infected themselves. And then they, in turn, will infect even more people. Ad infinitum until all possible eligible infectees are depleted in a population.

This is such a simple concept that seems to be escaping many government officials. IMHO.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:52 PM
Its up to 8 death now:

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:54 PM
U.S. just went to 111 cases, 9 deaths according to BNO.

edit on 3-3-2020 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:55 PM
it is 9 bno just updated on Twitter

a reply to: celltypespecific

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: pasiphae
There is this though:

"A young woman from Wuhan, China visited five family members, who all contracted novel coronavirus, COVID-19, in the first-ever documented case of an asymptomatic carrier with normal chest CT imaging results, researchers found."

Yep, but its from China - so totally untrustworthy, anecdotal at best, but definitely not 'proof'.

Okay well Vroomfondel confirmed what I have been reading. Also a reporter called him out on that and he deferred to the woman next to him (forget her name) and she basically didn't answer. She talked about the 1% of people tested who didn't have symptoms and said that they were not actually asymptomatic but PREsymptomatic because they later developed symptoms. She never actually answered the question but if someone can test positive and not have symptoms does that not mean there's already viral shedding going on? Anyway, my point is she didn't answer the question from the very concerned reporter who also had obviously thought it could spread with no symptoms. I think Vroomfondel may be right. Possibly they are saying that so people will stop hoarding masks that health care workers desperately need. There was talk about how PPE's were in low supply and it was a huge issue.

Typical double speak: "They are not asymptomatic, they just aren't showing any symptoms..."

It is becoming quite clear that TPTB are facing two very dangerous potentials - covid-19 and panic.

I pointed out the map of US outbreaks showing by far the greater majority of US infections in sanctuary cities/states, not as political baiting but as a simple direct observation. It is entirely possible that the concentrations of cases in sanctuary cities is purely coincidental. And it is also entirely possible that the concentrations of cases is due to illegal aliens carrying the virus here in an attempt to escape other highly contaminated areas. After all, they brought small pox and polio here again. Why not covid-19?

Realistically speaking, there aren't many countries where someone fleeing an outbreak in their homeland could turn to right now. At least not without intense vetting and quarantine, if even then. A border as easily crossed as the southern US is very attractive to someone who doesn't want to get caught in miles of red tape and bureaucratic posturing.
edit on 3-3-2020 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: celltypespecific
Its up to 8 death now:

They need to rename that place from LifeCare, to WhoCares, or DeathCare.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae
I really don't get why anyone thinks they can come in this thread and convince us all that the flu is worse. Makes no sense to me and clearly math and reading comprehension are not their strong points.

This is not for the troll... this is info for the rest of us

"U.S. labs will have enough materials on hand by the end of this week to perform "close to 1 million" coronavirus tests, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn said at a White House briefing Monday evening.

That estimate far exceeds the number of tests that several labs told POLITICO they will actually be able to run each day. Under ideal conditions, the nation's public health labs could run up to 10,000 tests per day by the end of the week, according to figures provided by the Association of Public Health Laboratories.

An FDA spokesperson says that Hahn's 1 million estimate includes capacity that would be added through commercial tests that the agency is working with firms to bring to market by the end of the week.

The announcement by Hahn comes amid intense scrutiny of the technical troubles that have slowed labs' adoption of the CDC diagnostic, with many public health officials and politicians blaming HHS Secretary Alex Azar for the delay.

FDA issued regulations over the weekend that allow some high-complexity labs to create and use their own coronavirus tests before seeking an emergency use authorization from the agency — a move aimed at closing the testing gap."

Well it is about darn time!! The USA health system has been acting like some third world country with nothing better than country bumpkin doctors only able to recommend taking two aspirin and calling them in the morning if symptoms don't get better.


ps. Sorry, I am now 10 pages behind again.

edit on 3-3-2020 by Rich Z because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:56 PM
Wuhan doctor who worked side by side with late coronavirus whistle-blower medic also died of the disease

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: celltypespecific

What is the death like?

Asphyxiation I'm assuming?

Is it a drawn out nightmare, or sudden?

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: ShortBus

The crazy part is that these people have already been dead for a week. So maybe next week we'll know what's happening this week. Geeze.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: pasiphae
I really don't get why anyone thinks they can come in this thread and convince us all that the flu is worse. Makes no sense to me and clearly math and reading comprehension are not their strong points.

This is not for the troll... this is info for the rest of us

"U.S. labs will have enough materials on hand by the end of this week to perform "close to 1 million" coronavirus tests, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn said at a White House briefing Monday evening.

That estimate far exceeds the number of tests that several labs told POLITICO they will actually be able to run each day. Under ideal conditions, the nation's public health labs could run up to 10,000 tests per day by the end of the week, according to figures provided by the Association of Public Health Laboratories.

An FDA spokesperson says that Hahn's 1 million estimate includes capacity that would be added through commercial tests that the agency is working with firms to bring to market by the end of the week.

The announcement by Hahn comes amid intense scrutiny of the technical troubles that have slowed labs' adoption of the CDC diagnostic, with many public health officials and politicians blaming HHS Secretary Alex Azar for the delay.

FDA issued regulations over the weekend that allow some high-complexity labs to create and use their own coronavirus tests before seeking an emergency use authorization from the agency — a move aimed at closing the testing gap."

Well it is about darn time!! The USA health system has been acting like some third world country with nothing better than country bumpkin doctors only able to recommend taking two aspirin and calling them in the morning if symptoms don't get better.


ps. Sorry, I am now 10 pages behind again.

Well unfortunately I think this info was questioned today. I agree with your statement that we're acting like a third world country. It's not helping to dispel my anxiety. Each day I'm more disturbed by the handling of this thing. I hate to think what this is going to look like by the end of the month.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:58 PM
Canada has another case in BC. Just listening to the live news cast now but will post a media link once the story goes out. 30 in Canada now (20 in Ontario, 9 in BC, 1 in Quebec)

Man in his 50s retuned from Iran.
edit on 3-3-2020 by NxNWest because: Added details and link

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 01:59 PM
Make that 9 Deaths

edit on 3-3-2020 by celltypespecific because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 02:01 PM
It is just like the flu...

Except it has different symptoms and more people die.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: pasiphae

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: pasiphae
There is this though:

"A young woman from Wuhan, China visited five family members, who all contracted novel coronavirus, COVID-19, in the first-ever documented case of an asymptomatic carrier with normal chest CT imaging results, researchers found."

Yep, but its from China - so totally untrustworthy, anecdotal at best, but definitely not 'proof'.

Okay well Vroomfondel confirmed what I have been reading. Also a reporter called him out on that and he deferred to the woman next to him (forget her name) and she basically didn't answer. She talked about the 1% of people tested who didn't have symptoms and said that they were not actually asymptomatic but PREsymptomatic because they later developed symptoms. She never actually answered the question but if someone can test positive and not have symptoms does that not mean there's already viral shedding going on? Anyway, my point is she didn't answer the question from the very concerned reporter who also had obviously thought it could spread with no symptoms. I think Vroomfondel may be right. Possibly they are saying that so people will stop hoarding masks that health care workers desperately need. There was talk about how PPE's were in low supply and it was a huge issue.

Typical double speak: "They are not asymptomatic, they just aren't showing any symptoms..."

It is becoming quite clear that TPTB are facing two very dangerous potentials - covid-19 and panic.

I pointed out the map of US outbreaks showing by far the greater majority of US infections in sanctuary cities/states, not as political baiting but as a simple direct observation. It is entirely possible that the concentrations of cases in sanctuary cities is purely coincidental. And it is also entirely possible that the concentrations of cases is due to illegal aliens carrying the virus here in an attempt to escape other highly contaminated areas. After all, they brought small pox and polio here again. Why not covid-19?

Realistically speaking, there aren't many countries where someone fleeing an outbreak in their homeland could turn to right now. At least not without intense vetting and quarantine, if even then. A border as easily crossed as the southern US is very attractive to someone who doesn't want to get caught in miles of red tape and bureaucratic posturing.

SFO and SeaTac also take in a large sum of international flights from Eastern Asia. To me that has little to do with sanctuary cities and more to do with frequency of potential exposure

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: GoShredAK
a reply to: celltypespecific

What is the death like?

Asphyxiation I'm assuming?

Is it a drawn out nightmare, or sudden?

From what I have read and seen in a video done by a doctor..... yes. It's like drowning in your own phlegm and it doesn't happen fast most of the time. I'm glad I'm not over 60 but I'm 50 and at least mostly healthy (rarely get sick) but I DO NOT WANT TO DIE OF THIS. Seems like one of my worst nightmares

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