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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

Just look at the number of confirmed cases and deaths it's about 3% mortality rate higher than the flu. Flu numbers are of course higher because it's been going around year after year. This virus only started in December maybe November, so you can't compare one to the other.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Beltalowda

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: myselfaswell

I'm expressly speaking of the US media in the US so your post is irrelevant. In the US the media is completely overhyping the Corona Virus.

The flu numbers in the US alone make the Corona Virus look like a simple runny nose.

It's clear this is nothing more than yet an attempt to smear and unseat Trump.

But keep your unjustified fear mongering going.

I really find it amazing how impossible it for some people to talk about a serious issue without looking at it through a partisan lens. This goes above partisan politics. If people can't see that they're misformed. I would suggest reading parts 1 and 2.

Show me the data that supports your claim the Corona Virus is more deadly than the current flu strains. Get ready for a rude awakening.

You are being hood winked mate. Time to wake up.

What is the mortality rate of the common flu?
How much has the common flu spread through the population vs. Novel Coronavirus?

Do the math first, then provide a response.

Say what? You need to wake up. Go to the WHO database and search the time period from the first reported case of Corona Virus and compare it to the flu strains circulating globally.

You need to wake up. Or you can keep with your fear mongering.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

I am not going to debate naivety.

Novel virus vs influenzas what is more scary.

edit on 2-3-2020 by Bicent because: Auto correct

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Beltalowda

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: myselfaswell

I'm expressly speaking of the US media in the US so your post is irrelevant. In the US the media is completely overhyping the Corona Virus.

The flu numbers in the US alone make the Corona Virus look like a simple runny nose.

It's clear this is nothing more than yet an attempt to smear and unseat Trump.

But keep your unjustified fear mongering going.

I really find it amazing how impossible it for some people to talk about a serious issue without looking at it through a partisan lens. This goes above partisan politics. If people can't see that they're misformed. I would suggest reading parts 1 and 2.

Show me the data that supports your claim the Corona Virus is more deadly than the current flu strains. Get ready for a rude awakening.

You are being hood winked mate. Time to wake up.

Just read the other parts here. There is all the information you need to get a clue mate. It was all posted before.

How much worth is a database with 3% of the whole data... πŸ˜‰

edit on 2-3-2020 by Strifingsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: 1Angrylightbulb
a reply to: 1point92AU

Just look at the number of confirmed cases and deaths it's about 3% mortality rate higher than the flu. Flu numbers are of course higher because it's been going around year after year. This virus only started in December maybe November, so you can't compare one to the other.


Your words "you can't compare one to the other" at the end of your sentence comparing one to the other. LOL.

Man there are some gullible media led sheep on ATS. You guys need to wake up and realize what ATS is about.

Just keep falling hook, line, and sinker for this hype machine.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:48 PM
You obviously have not been paying attention to the difference in the infectious nature and especially the death rate of this virus. Of course the flu has killed more so far as millions more have the flu at this point. The big takeaway here is if this cv virus ever gets to the infected numbers as the flu the death rate would be 1000% higher then the flu.

This flu season in the US at a minimum 29 million people have the flu and 16,000 have died from it .01% death rate

If those same 29 million get CV with a estimate death rate of 2% we would be looking at 580,000 dead.

Reality is the real number of infected world wide is probably 30-40% higher then reported.
a reply to: 1point92AU

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: Strifingsoul

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Beltalowda

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: myselfaswell

I'm expressly speaking of the US media in the US so your post is irrelevant. In the US the media is completely overhyping the Corona Virus.

The flu numbers in the US alone make the Corona Virus look like a simple runny nose.

It's clear this is nothing more than yet an attempt to smear and unseat Trump.

But keep your unjustified fear mongering going.

I really find it amazing how impossible it for some people to talk about a serious issue without looking at it through a partisan lens. This goes above partisan politics. If people can't see that they're misformed. I would suggest reading parts 1 and 2.

Show me the data that supports your claim the Corona Virus is more deadly than the current flu strains. Get ready for a rude awakening.

You are being hood winked mate. Time to wake up.

Just read the other parts here. There is all the information you need to get a clue mate. It was all posted before.



It's right there in black and white on the WHO database. You literally cannot lie your way out of this. You have no clue what you are talking about.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Strifingsoul

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Beltalowda

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: myselfaswell

I'm expressly speaking of the US media in the US so your post is irrelevant. In the US the media is completely overhyping the Corona Virus.

The flu numbers in the US alone make the Corona Virus look like a simple runny nose.

It's clear this is nothing more than yet an attempt to smear and unseat Trump.

But keep your unjustified fear mongering going.

I really find it amazing how impossible it for some people to talk about a serious issue without looking at it through a partisan lens. This goes above partisan politics. If people can't see that they're misformed. I would suggest reading parts 1 and 2.

Show me the data that supports your claim the Corona Virus is more deadly than the current flu strains. Get ready for a rude awakening.

You are being hood winked mate. Time to wake up.

Just read the other parts here. There is all the information you need to get a clue mate. It was all posted before.



It's right there in black and white on the WHO database. You literally cannot lie your way out of this. You have no clue what you are talking about.

Can some admin chime in here? This guy is derailing. πŸ˜‰

Sometime everyone has to face realities... you will at some point too. Itβ€˜s just facts, that this virus is more contagious, deadlier and no flu at all.
Even if you would have looked into your Database you could analyse this incomplete data so find out about a 20x-50x higher deathrate. Yeah still only some %. But 20% needing hospital care will kill the health system. Thats fact. Even is only 10% get it at once... it will go down in a hail of glory.

Anyway. We will soon find out. πŸ˜πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ»
edit on 2-3-2020 by Strifingsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: sirlancelot

You need to look at how many people contracted the flu during the same time period people contracted Corona Virus. Here's a hint at who wins that bet.

The flu.

Corona Virus is 100% political hype. Keep falling for it. And BTW...since you seem to know so much about how the virus propagates maybe you should be giving big pharma your exceptional brain power since it took them 2 years to come up with a vaccine for SARS. Long after the virus had spread.

I love you arm chair quarterbacks who know how the virus propagates more than the people actually studying it.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: Strifingsoul

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Strifingsoul

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Beltalowda

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: myselfaswell

I'm expressly speaking of the US media in the US so your post is irrelevant. In the US the media is completely overhyping the Corona Virus.

The flu numbers in the US alone make the Corona Virus look like a simple runny nose.

It's clear this is nothing more than yet an attempt to smear and unseat Trump.

But keep your unjustified fear mongering going.

I really find it amazing how impossible it for some people to talk about a serious issue without looking at it through a partisan lens. This goes above partisan politics. If people can't see that they're misformed. I would suggest reading parts 1 and 2.

Show me the data that supports your claim the Corona Virus is more deadly than the current flu strains. Get ready for a rude awakening.

You are being hood winked mate. Time to wake up.

Just read the other parts here. There is all the information you need to get a clue mate. It was all posted before.



It's right there in black and white on the WHO database. You literally cannot lie your way out of this. You have no clue what you are talking about.

Can some admin chime in here? This guy is derailing. πŸ˜‰

How am I derailing a thread full of trolls who are spreading hype and fear? The minute you can present the data that supports your false claims then I will concede.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

Tell you what in a years time compare death rate of coronavirus to the flu and see what it is. At the moment you are saying the flu is worse by numbers, but by percentages if you extrapolated deaths based on how many get the flu the coronavirus mortality rate would be higher than the flu mortality rate.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

WHO database < Wuhan message machines

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

The flu is already worldwide and established, the coronavirus is just getting started.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

It may be time to seek advice from a therapist, if you think this virus, is just political hype. You have plenty of good information here about the nature of this virus. Also the people it has effected families who have lost loved ones etc. trolling the thread does not replace the facts and the effects of corona. Facts are not hype nor fear either.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Strifingsoul

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Strifingsoul

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Beltalowda

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: myselfaswell

I'm expressly speaking of the US media in the US so your post is irrelevant. In the US the media is completely overhyping the Corona Virus.

The flu numbers in the US alone make the Corona Virus look like a simple runny nose.

It's clear this is nothing more than yet an attempt to smear and unseat Trump.

But keep your unjustified fear mongering going.

I really find it amazing how impossible it for some people to talk about a serious issue without looking at it through a partisan lens. This goes above partisan politics. If people can't see that they're misformed. I would suggest reading parts 1 and 2.

Show me the data that supports your claim the Corona Virus is more deadly than the current flu strains. Get ready for a rude awakening.

You are being hood winked mate. Time to wake up.

Just read the other parts here. There is all the information you need to get a clue mate. It was all posted before.



It's right there in black and white on the WHO database. You literally cannot lie your way out of this. You have no clue what you are talking about.

Can some admin chime in here? This guy is derailing. πŸ˜‰

How am I derailing a thread full of trolls who are spreading hype and fear? The minute you can present the data that supports your false claims then I will concede.

How blind or stupid are you to believe china will lock down ita whole industry for several months for about 3000 people dead? πŸ˜‰ enough data? Did they do this for the flu in the last few years? You will find out in 30 days.
China was at β€ž800β€œ cases 23.01.2020
Italy was at β€ž800β€œ last friday...
Italy even got some lockdown already. South korea?

Damn read the last 2000 Pages and learn about all this. There is plenty data from scientists from all around the world already.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

You're ignoring the fact that the flu was already prevalent throughout the world during this time. This is a novel virus (new). First reported cases in December and in that time it's killed people at a higher rate than the flu.

You really should read the first 2 parts. People were having intelligent conversation on this topic long before msn picked up on it and before people with your thinking had any idea what was going on in other parts of the world

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

This is a really good, science based article which explores the facts regarding
COVID19 v Influenza

edit on 2-3-2020 by tlearyus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 11:02 PM
The supply of masks but Trump said a supply of 30 million seems OK.
Supply of masks "This month's monthly production will exceed 600 million", I don't understand where the US Govt. thinks 30 million masks are fine a month.
At a press conference after the Cabinet meeting, Secretary-General Kan stated that masks are running out of stock. Last week, we decided to support the capital investment of three companies to increase the supply even more. "

He also stated that toilet paper is being stockpiled one after another. Japan makes its own toilet paper so really folks, we'll be just fine for that. Also tissues will be fine after the hoarding stops.

Today was SS for us so we are going shopping ( basically all important stuff that one would buy during the typhoon season is in low stock, but it still is on the shelf). No problem shopping for what is left on the shelf. LOL
Luckily as I mentioned Japan was 30 days behind China's action. Now Japan is even other then "forced" quarantine. America I'm quite sure is following the steps Japan is taking. I've said recently America is 3 days behind Japans current action. What I mean by that , we cancelled all attractions and pachinko businesses. It will be about 3 days now before people realize hey, I'm not going to the casinos (yes some will still go) but the economic side of the casino business won't last . Sorry to say this may not actually be MIM street talk stuff this time.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: 1Angrylightbulb
a reply to: 1point92AU

The flu is already worldwide and established, the coronavirus is just getting started.

Yeah you don't really understand how the various flu strains are tracked do you?

Well at least compare the same time periods of spread and the rate of spread within those time periods as well as the mortality rate within the same time period.

Or you can keep gobbling up the lies from the media. You have all you need at your finger tips yet you choose to let someone else TELL YOU what they want you to think.


posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 11:04 PM
Hello. I introduced myself on thread 2 page 125.

Another update. It's early and I'm can't sleep, no work as I'm on leave.

Work: Still nothing. I have not seen or heard of anything else at my location. There are still people walking about without a care. I have noticed some people, in what is my opinion, are in denial about how serious the situation is. Within the wider forces community I have not heard anything. I have heard rumours of stores being checked but cannot confirm if they are true. I think if what the government has been doing/prepping for over the last couple of days we might see some kind of instructions/warning orders in the near future. But right now, nothing, no change at my location.

Domestic: Ready and prepared. No worries there. Hopefully it will not be needed.

Opinion: I am glad I took notice when a country the size of China shut down. By all accounts if this spreads, which it will do by looking at what is happening before our eyes, then I'm also preparing for when I get it, and for my family. Fortunately I live in a rural area and a house with a setup which would allow me to prepare that way. All being fit and healthy we should be within get the 80% that catch a dose that feels like the worst illness you will ever have then get through it to recovery.

It is interesting on watching the different ways in which countries report on the situation. I have to say that I would not bother watching anything US news related, too much politics in the mix, it clouds the issue. Here in the UK the media are beginning to wake up and report fairly about the situation. Which is good. Of course there are still much we (the public) are not being made aware in regards to the virus but at least we know enough to prepare, or at least those that listen.

I will update here if I notice anything. Remember, it's not all bad. If you are fit and healthy or even reasonably so. Just accept that at some point you will catch it (if predictions of 80% becoming infected in UK are true), and as is the case, for the majority it will knock you on your back for a time. Until you slowly recover. The biggest concern will be the restrictions put in place which will affect everyone socially and what happens when the military has to support the civil/local authority (even if that happens). That's what you have to be prepared for. This is a rapidly changing situation and the nice comfortable, first world Western European lifestyle we are all accustomed to will very well change in the coming weeks and months for a time. Mental preparedness is just as important and every other type. I'm not a prepper but I have been in the army along time and know how to, so have done so. It's not panic, it's foresight. Stay safe and sharp everyone. I am signing for for a wee while. I will only come back on unless I have seen/heard movement UK military wise. I'm now concentrating on what's actually happening. I will be lurking though.

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