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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:42 AM
Someone is addressing the condition of the survivors.
Last night on Fox News Tucker Carlson had an expert on that admitted that some survivors do have lung damage.
Early on we heard about glass like fissures and scaring in the lungs of survivors.

The expert did qualify that everyone is different, so some could have mild scaring who others could have very serious scaring.
This is life altering if survivors have impaired lungs and cannot absorb sufficient oxygen into the blood.

We need to focus on the survivors!

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: Encia22

originally posted by: solarone

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: solarone

originally posted by: Tukota
Has anyone heard how the British couple from the Diamond Princess are doing? The Abel's. The last I had heard they had tested positive and were in quarantine in Japan.

There was a news report the other day stating that David Abel had developed severe Pneumonia. I think Mrs Abel was fairing better.

Its just broken on the news here that a British man from the cruise ship has died in Japan.

Sky News
It may be David if only 4 brits with the virus were held back, and he developed severe Pneumonia 2 days ago and is wife's ok. So a 1 in 3 chance its David. Sad if so, whoever it is.

Indeed, my was exactly my first thought.

I've been following David's vlog on YouTube for a while. His last video was today (28th) and he's looking and sounding much better. The person who died can't be him... unless he had a relapse or sudden complication.

Or he just keeled over like the people in the Chinese videos.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:46 AM
I'm gonna put this out there. I'm not necessarily a Christian but I was raised one. My father and Grandmothers tales all involved end times....particularly the mark of the beast. If as has been proposed this infection does not actually ever truly leave the body and does lay dormant as some are saying then it would be a perfect opportunity to role out the vaccine. A vaccine the whole world must submit to. A vaccine that you must have or not be able to work, a vaccine that you cannot sell ot trade unless you have....a vaccine that would make you a pariah if you did not get, possibly even hunted and put into a camp where your choice is submit or die....
The Mark of the Beast.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

I just edited my post. It's not David. The British victim did not reside in the UK.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome, is a feature of this disease in its severe form as is pneumonia.

Lung scarring. ARDS causes the lungs to become stiff (scarred) and makes it hard for them to expand and fill with air. Being on a ventilator also can cause lung scarring.

This is a possible side effect of ARDS or just of being on a ventilator, but you need to realize that there are other things besides COVID-19 that can cause both ARDS or even just you being on a ventilator or even pneumonia which leads you down this route.

My brother-in-law's brother had a wife who died of ARDS several years ago. Obviously, she did not have COVID-19.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: Encia22
a reply to: butcherguy

I just edited my post. It's not David. The British victim did not reside in the UK.

I wonder how old the guy was?

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:50 AM
So putting on an ATS hat for a second....someone went to great trouble (for the entire planet) to murder just one very highly placed person living in Vatican City. I understand he is being tested for the virus now.
Who would be the #1 suspect?

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: Zrtst

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: Encia22
a reply to: butcherguy

I just edited my post. It's not David. The British victim did not reside in the UK.

I wonder how old the guy was?

Name and age have not been disclosed.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: elitegamer23

originally posted by: STEFANUSFendi
I am from indonesia, and our goverment say there is no corona virus here, i belive in them..if there corona here, there will be an outbreak with a big population mean to arogant but positif thinking is a good mind. sory for bad english. hope this pandemic over soon...warm regards from indonesia.

Maybe this virus will help us humans realize we’re all alike instead of our borders making us feel like we’re all different .

Stay safe mate! makes having borders even more important and shows globalization to be the spreader of disease and death

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:57 AM
I am under the impression if the news and information you have sent hasn't hit home yet , it probably never will . This is where i have learned to pick my battles . No doubt, it is hard to let the ignorance in our friends flourish but it is just another level of stress i have decided not to contend with. Best wishes to you and your friend a reply to: FinallyAwake

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: Oathkeeper73

originally posted by: elitegamer23

originally posted by: STEFANUSFendi
I am from indonesia, and our goverment say there is no corona virus here, i belive in them..if there corona here, there will be an outbreak with a big population mean to arogant but positif thinking is a good mind. sory for bad english. hope this pandemic over soon...warm regards from indonesia.

Maybe this virus will help us humans realize we’re all alike instead of our borders making us feel like we’re all different .

Stay safe mate! makes having borders even more important and shows globalization to be the spreader of disease and death

It also shows us the weaknesses of depending on a global supply chain.

We're all one is great until you realize that your refusal to keep things local has led you to depend on stuff from a group of people who suddenly cannot produce for whatever reason. Then instead of just them suffering, you all suffer.

Better to be locally self-reliant. Even if you do eventually form a more global mind in terms of other people, you can still keep your local community going in the face of disaster somewhere else and possibly work with other, unaffected locals to prop up the wounded entity as needed.

This is the idea behind individual self-reliance. Sometimes you have good years; sometimes you have bad, but if everyone is allowed to strive and proper according to their own needs and wants, hopefully, there is enough individual charity for neighbors to help each other through good times and bad as needed because someone will have had a good year to help the one who didn't.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Halfswede

Thankyou for that update on what you know. I agree, definitely shall be watching closely there actions! If they're building more facilities and not going back to work it must not be as controlled as they say.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:03 AM
Just postmarking for now.

Been spreading further last few days, now in Nigeria, Algeria and the 1 in Eygpt. 1 in Sao Paulo but I think there will be more in these areas!

Here in England and rest of UK there will no doubt be more, especially in major cities!

On a plus side, I have been hearing most people will only have mild symptoms!

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

There are currently 83,875 confirmed cases worldwide, including 2,869 fatalities.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:07 AM
I just heard from a friend in Sacramento. There is strong belief that the virus is in Sacramento and they are expecting an outbreak.
The quarantined at Travis AFB infected civilians and base personnel who then carried it into the community.
Now 2 college students in Sacramento have been in contact with someone who tested positive.

This may be the first cluster case in the US. Now we will get to see how they will respond. Do they intend to quarantine the city?
There are approx. 500,000 people so it would make a good first test case.
This is just so scary.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:08 AM
Todays work announcement about 5 minutes ago. Names have been XXXXXXXXXXXX out. Just another day in the new normal.


I believe You are well aware of the current Coronavirus situation.

As per official XXXXXXXXXX announcement:

- International travels are totally suspended

- All domestic travels are discouraged

- Onsite group meetings involving travelers from multiple regions should be cancelled

Now as discussed with XXXXXXXXXX today, how this applies to us:

- All Lab Tours are suspended.

- No external suppliers are allowed to enter the Labs for any reason.

In case You receive any question or request for a Lab Tour/Suppliers Visit, forward it to me and I will be in charge to discuss and check to the best of the requester's knowledge if they were travelling/been in contact with anyone travelling to high risk level countries. If there is any critical visit needed (i.e. calibration, UL testing, capital projects), You should let me know and each case will be reviewed separately.

If You accidentally get in contact with someone who was travelling to high risk countries (China, Japan, South Korea, Italy), You should immediately let me know, as the company's current policy is that You should be home quarantined for 14 days in such a case.

If Your spouse/relative etc. who You were in recent contact with was recently travelling to high risk areas, the decision is up to You whether You want and You think You should be home quarantined.

In any of the above cases, please let me know immediately so we can take actions and decide on how we should proceed.

Also in case of any other issue related questions let me know.

Thank You,

edit on 28-2-2020 by mikell because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: FinallyAwake
Please help.

My best friends father came back from Tenerife 3 weeks ago, and has had a nasty cold/flu for 3 weeks.

When I mentioned it might be a good idea to get some tinned for and supplies in case, my friend referred to the ncovid numbers and compared them with yearly flu numbers, and decided to "roll the dice" and not prepare.


His dad is feeling a little better, so my friend is going to see him later (for 1st time since Dad returned from hols) as they are going to a CONCERT tonight 😳

I've been sending him clips/info etc, but it sounds like he's looked at the ATS links and decided that we're all crazy on here? That's just an assumption I know, but it's the feeling I got from the call.

He's also due to go to tenerife for his OWN holiday in 12 days, and still plans to go, as long as flights are running.

Is there any info or new info that I could send him to change his mind?

I don't have time to go through all the pages to pick out the best info, but could someone send some recent bullet points I could copy and paste to him?

I don't think he'll listen to me, but 'will' look at info.

Thanks in advance and sorry for the cheeky request.

Stay clean!

I sure hope your friend will listen to any advice given!!

Don't feel bad though, I have dealt with the same thing. My bf thinks people who worry about this are: "a bunch of people afraid of their own shadow""people who think the government and everyone else is always out to "get" them - and CAUSE these bad things to happen"...etc. In addition, they WILL NOT listen to any news reports, articles, people from around the world who are going through it, and refuses to spend one penny on prep or getting ready just in case. And to boot, gripe because of the clutter from my preps (which are put in a tiny, tiny back room full of the landlord's spare furniture in terrible organization)! We don't/can't even use that room.

Sad thing is, we cannot convince people to get ready. We can keep trying, but ultimately we have to make some tough decisions going forward (if it does really take off in our areas) about who we go through it with and who we don't. You may have to stay away from your friend if they refuse to listen at all.

Best of luck to you my friend, let's hope it goes away, and stay safe out there

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:11 AM
Can anyone explain to me in real dumb terms what the 1000 point stock market fall today means in real terms for the average Jo who doesn't have stocks.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:21 AM
My friends have started to take the virus seriously now and are considering buying masks in the UK. They don't usually follow news and have recently passed it off as another. Today one of my friends today told me it's starting to get a bit worrying now.

As far as I know in the UK there are protocols in place but I feel the NHS will find it really hard to cope if numbers start to rise. I believe there are undetectable cases walking around the UK I believe there are homeborn cases in the UK.

The NHS advise people to stay at home if they have been in recent contact with anyone travelling from infected areas overseas. There are plans in place to isolate parts of the UK in a worse case scenario.

If you are in the UK its worth looking Civil Contingencies Act: Preparation and planning for emergencies

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