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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

I’ve been gradually stocking up over the last 6 weeks, getting more tomorrow so I’ll assess what their stock levels are like too and see what others are buying.

Lots of rumours about confirmed cases not being reported on, I don’t particularly believe them but wouldn’t be surprised.
Thanks for the tips, I’ll be sure to check those off. Good luck to you and yours

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: ZeroFurrbone

Could be a problem for a lot of people. The government's of all countries should cancel bills for those in quarantine, paying them is unrealistic in that situation.

I don't have many bills being off grid and owning land. But if I was in town and renting I wouldn't pay them and worry about it afterwards. Survival is more important than money.

Italy's government said it is considering tax and bills exemptions for people in the towns on lockdown, including Michele's Casalpusterlengo.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:12 AM
In MI, Wayne State University just announced this morning that they have cancelled all travel abroad for their spring break courses. The students will still get credit, and it's nice to see that they are taking this seriously.

I also read this morning that the Geneva Auto Show was cancelled.

And, the governor of the state of MI is giving a live press briefing right now to 'assure' all of us Michiganders that the risk is low of catching it and how to protect ourselves. I'm being unfair because I haven't listened to the entire briefing but that was the second sentence out of her mouth.

Literally every news channel I flipped to this morning was covering the Coronavirus.

Edit: she said MI now has the tests and can get results back within four hours! Yes! She didn't say how many, but this is a start. No confirmed cases in MI, but they are watching several (but not sure where, they didn't say).

edit on 28/2/2020 by Tukota because: addition to text.

edit on 28/2/2020 by Tukota because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Exactly, it's a logistical nightmare more than a case of something dangerous on a personal level.

If you get it, it's not likely to do more than give you a hard time for a few days, but if you get unlucky, you'll be getting unlucky with everyone else who gets unlucky all at once and there will be too many to cope with.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: Halfswede

Things are not getting better inside China. The case count numbers... you can’t trust them. In thread 3 I posted a link to Epoch Times story that as late as Feb 22 Shandong Province was underreporting by up to 50 times. Not 50 cases, Not 50%... 50 times.

If Shandong is underreporting by 50 times then Wuhan and the whole country is.

Not too mention many in Wuhan Are welded, barricaded, locked, blocked, or walled inside their own homes. The authorities have no way to get a new infection or death count each day because they CAN’T.

I’ll get more info in about 8 hours after wife talks to her family. My friends are still same - locked down, quarantined, and pissed off. I only knew 1 person in Wuhan and I nor anyone I know has heard from them for 2 weeks. We got word last week that person was ok but we don’t even know how that friend found out.

It ain’t over in China and people are pissed off they are being forced back to work, in my post yesterday I detailed that with a link to one protest video on Twitter.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:15 AM
Radio reported this morning that Missouri had had 60 suspected cases tested and all had come back negative for what that's worth. No information on where those were.

Life rattles on ...

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

Eventually, it has to start leveling off. I would expect it to start in Wuhan/Hubei first and then work its way outward.

It's going to have trouble finding new hosts to infect.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: Tukota
In MI, Wayne State University just announced this morning that they have cancelled all travel abroad for their spring break courses. The students will still get credit, and it's nice to see that they are taking this seriously.

I also read this morning that the Geneva Auto Show was cancelled.

And, the governor of the state of MI is giving a live press briefing right now to 'assure' all of us Michiganians that the risk is low of catching it and how to protect ourselves. I'm being unfair because I haven't listened to the enitre briefing but that was the second sentence out of her mouth.

Literally every news channel I flipped to this morning was covering the Coronavirus.

I hate to inform you but I think you know it, it is VERY easy to catch if near an infected person, very easy and that is why the word is out now, we no longer can trace the origin of who had it first in many cases now. There are 54 cases now in Hokkaido , Japan and most of Hokkaido is very rural, just imagine Tokyo in a worst day of reporting infections?

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:19 AM
2 people from Princess Diamond have died today. One Japanese and one British. No details of age for the British case yet.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:21 AM
My husband says that his global company has declared no international or even domestic traveling for the next 60 days. Everyone needs to network globally. He is happy, and says, in the past week they actually have gotten a lot more work done. After 60 days, the company is going to find they get more done far cheaper than flying everyone everywhere. He is hoping it will continue.

My point in sharing is due to it is interesting that they have included no domestic traveling from locale to locale in the US.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:25 AM
Has anyone heard how the British couple from the Diamond Princess are doing? The Abel's. The last I had heard they had tested positive and were in quarantine in Japan.
edit on 28/2/2020 by Tukota because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:26 AM
been plenty of outbreaks in the past, swine flu etc...but never seen a global response like this before.
edit on 28/2/20 by shadowland8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: CynConcepts

I don't think we're there yet, but your husband's company isn't alone. My husband's company has had travel bans to Asia for a while and they added travel advisories for the EU on Wednesday. That last one is a two-week thing, but that's how the travel ban for Asia started.

Still they've been a heavy telecommute company for a while, so this isn't such a big adjustment for them.

I think there are more companies doing this right now than is being reported widely. I saw a report on one of the news aggregates about on of the big companies doing it, and I was like, "Well, duh, any smart one has been for a while now."

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:29 AM

The Governor of MI said we have the test kits and can get results back within four hours!

This is good news. Hopefully it is the case in every state in the U.S. I wonder though if a patient will still have to meet certain criteria to get the Coronavirus test with flu season so prevalent here.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: ZeroFurrbone
So how does one self quarantine for 3 months? The monthly pay in my country is 300$ or so. If we pay all the bills we are left with too few money to buy suplies for 3 months. Ita just barely enough for one month, and that only if we xontinue working cos if we skip even one day we get less and less money.

How would self quarantine work out?

If this is a depopulation tool (not saying it is... just if) then a three month quarantine will work according to plan. Think of the people that need medicine for diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure... etc. A lot of those medicines or at least the chemicals needed to make them are manufactured in China.
edit on b000000292020-02-28T07:41:26-06:0007America/ChicagoFri, 28 Feb 2020 07:41:26 -0600700000020 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: ZeroFurrbone
So how does one self quarantine for 3 months? The monthly pay in my country is 300$ or so. If we pay all the bills we are left with too few money to buy suplies for 3 months. Ita just barely enough for one month, and that only if we xontinue working cos if we skip even one day we get less and less money.

How would self quarantine work out?
Not easy I know. Luckily for us I am retired early so able to lock-down for a few months and keep kids off school, although I think they will shut the schools if numbers rise. In your case I guess its a personal call. Keep free of the virus and locked down at home and sit it out best you can or possibly lose your job. I know what I would do if the numbers climbed locally as long as we could stay locked down and safe. Good luck

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:36 AM
The Guardian - Live updates

Very interesting development demonstrating how the virus appears to be mutating from country to country as it spreads.

Researchers at Milan’s Sacco Hospital say they have isolated the Italian strain of the coronavirus, reports Lorenzo Tondo.

The scientists say the discovery will help to develop a vaccine and new treatments to contain the virus.

Early in February, Italian researchers from Rome’s Spallanzani hospital successfully isolated Covid-19 which allowed the country to immediately activate tests on patients.

“The virus previously isolated by researchers at the Spallanzani hospital is precisely the Chinese one, originating in Wuhan. While the coronavirus that we have isolated presents the viral strain spreading in Italy,” Claudia Balotta, an immunologist at Milan’s Sacco hospital, told the Corriere della Sera.

“Viruses reshuffle their genetic make-up to better bind to cells in the new host,” Tullio Prestileo, a doctor of infectious diseases at Palermo’s Benfratteli hospital, told the Guardian. “By spreading from one country to another, the virus originating in Wuhan will obviously reshuffle its genetic patrimony and the virus strain in China will be different from the one in Italy or Germany.”

Thanks to the discovery, the Italian researchers believe they can now “trace the journey of the virus from China to Europe and detect the date of its first spread in the country”.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:36 AM
In Canada, the tone of the message continues to shift to “prepare”, and notifying the general public about how things will unfold if the virus really takes off here. We have been given news about the quarantine and powers the government has (which are extensive), that we should stock up now, be prepared to go without schools and child care for a month, and what our health care system is doing to stock up.

These messages I call desensitizing the population... dripping the info to them so they aren’t taken aback so much if/when it happens. As much as I have been disappointed in how our government initially handled this (and perhaps a bit still about monitoring, testing, etc.), I am glad for a certain level of transparency now. Granted, I don’t ever believe that the media or general public has all of the knowledge and information at any time, nor should they.

This quote stood out to me this morning from Dr. Michael Gardam:

"At some point we'll have to shift into just screening people that are travelling, and it doesn't necessarily matter to where they're actually travelling from," Gardam said.

Dr. Michael Gardam, an infectious disease specialist and chief of staff at Humber River Hospital in Toronto, is a veteran of SARS and H1N1 and is watching this outbreak closely.

When is that point? The virus is clearly here... we have 13 who have tested positive (3 of them resolved). When is the right time?

I get not wanting to incite panic, the cost involved, etc. It’s a tricky thing.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Things have definitely escalated significantly in the past 36 hours... it's undeniable that we are in full-blown pandemic now with the number of countries it is in and how much it is accelerating in places like Italy, Iran, South Korea.

Many reports of tourists leaving Italy's hotspot and now EU has it all over the place.

Now in 53 countries including one(s) in Sub-saharan Africa

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: Tukota
Has anyone heard how the British couple from the Diamond Princess are doing? The Abel's. The last I had heard they had tested positive and were in quarantine in Japan.

There was a news report the other day stating that David Abel had developed severe Pneumonia. I think Mrs Abel was fairing better.

Its just broken on the news here that a British man from the cruise ship has died in Japan.

Sky News
edit on 28 2 20 by solarone because: Link added

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