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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: Jelonek
I stand ready to be corrected by someone with medical experience here, but AFAIK once the snowball gets big enough the hospitals will stop accepting people? And promote staying at home?

Which will mean that thousands of sick and contagious people who will die if they don't get proper medical attention, won't get proper medical attention, will spread the disease further, and could quickly escalate into a situation were there are too many dead bodies scattered across our cities and anyone who doesn't leave those cities and get out into the unpopulated areas will die from cholera or typhoid.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:22 AM

originally posted by: Furryhobnob
a reply to: Jelonek
The UK are already saying if you think you have coronavirus then don't go to the hospital or your local GP.
Instead call 111 where they are telling people to self isolate at home. So they are already promoting that as they simply don't have the beds/staff here in the UK to cope.

Our GP's are full of older people wanting someone to talk to. Very sad situation. Getting an appointment is a nightmare. I couldn't get my ears syringed for 2 weeks a while back. No staff to do it. I was practically deaf for 2 weeks.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:28 AM

Fifth victim in Italy

In Lombardy, an 88-year-old man from Caselle Landi died. This was reported by the head of the Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli. The number of people infected with Coronavirus rises to 219

An evolving situation in Italy. So far the people that have died are elderly. But of course they will die first. The younger will put up more immune response but maybe in a week or so we will see those deaths too?

In this article they also talk about fake health workers coming to take swabs. And presumably steal some of your worldly goods. Humans being human I guess.

Met a friend for coffee. She's disappointed she might not get to go to Italy on her upcoming cruise. That's it. She said she will be gutted if it gets cancelled. I feel like I'm living in a different world.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: TheIrvy2

originally posted by: Jelonek
I stand ready to be corrected by someone with medical experience here, but AFAIK once the snowball gets big enough the hospitals will stop accepting people? And promote staying at home?

Which will mean that thousands of sick and contagious people who will die if they don't get proper medical attention, won't get proper medical attention, will spread the disease further, and could quickly escalate into a situation were there are too many dead bodies scattered across our cities and anyone who doesn't leave those cities and get out into the unpopulated areas will die from cholera or typhoid.

We haven't seen that level of civil dissolution in China but they have the population numbers to keep systems going. Will essential workers turn up in the middle of a pandemic in the UK? We used to get people phoning in sick every time there was a norovirus outbreak and I don't mean the ones who were actually ill.

I live in the West country. Our hospital has 900 beds which runs around 90 to 95% occupancy. Population c.250k. 20%ish are under 18 so we can perhaps hope they won't need ICU beds. But at 20% of people needing ICU level input that would be 40k beds. Obviously it won't be 100% infection rate and not all at the same time but we defo don't have capacity

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: checkmeout
Will essential workers turn up in the middle of a pandemic in the UK? We used to get people phoning in sick every time there was a norovirus outbreak and I don't mean the ones who were actually ill.

I've really been wondering this the past few days, watching the announcements of the deaths of doctors in China. I'm sure the majority of GPs in the UK have been looking at their nice houses, nice cars, nice life, and thinking "I might not go into work on Monday".

I know a lot of care workers who are legally bound to stay at their designated care facility until they are relieved by another member of staff. Would you go on shift if you knew there was a reasonable chance that you wouldn't get to return home at the end of your shift?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:06 AM
One of the old tricks to keep population under control - limit access to medical care.

And in 80s and earlier on some sci-fi authors dreamt of autmated, excellent healthcare for all humanity. New inventions! New ways to treat uncurable diseases! Bright future!

Shyeah right.

Population must be dumbed down, kept at poor health and always needing more than they can be provided with so they can be herded and used like good sheep they are.

Viruses such as this are so-called Great Equalizers because they don't care about whether you're rich or poor. However, rich can more readily isolate themselves and make themselves self-sufficent than average Joe and Jane. And the rich have access to all the best medicine and medical care in the world. No way around that.
edit on 24-2-2020 by Jelonek because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: checkmeout

originally posted by: TheIrvy2

originally posted by: Jelonek
I stand ready to be corrected by someone with medical experience here, but AFAIK once the snowball gets big enough the hospitals will stop accepting people? And promote staying at home?

Which will mean that thousands of sick and contagious people who will die if they don't get proper medical attention, won't get proper medical attention, will spread the disease further, and could quickly escalate into a situation were there are too many dead bodies scattered across our cities and anyone who doesn't leave those cities and get out into the unpopulated areas will die from cholera or typhoid.

We haven't seen that level of civil dissolution in China but they have the population numbers to keep systems going. Will essential workers turn up in the middle of a pandemic in the UK? We used to get people phoning in sick every time there was a norovirus outbreak and I don't mean the ones who were actually ill.

I live in the West country. Our hospital has 900 beds which runs around 90 to 95% occupancy. Population c.250k. 20%ish are under 18 so we can perhaps hope they won't need ICU beds. But at 20% of people needing ICU level input that would be 40k beds. Obviously it won't be 100% infection rate and not all at the same time but we defo don't have capacity

I tried making an appointment this morning. I'm in North Lincolnshire. Normally use automated service, but it was switched off. Speaking to reception, they asked what it's about:

I said it was for my better half, she had cold/flu like symptoms 2 weeks ago. Those subsided but then she had fever for 3 days/nights. That went away but she was left weak and achy and cough started to develop. Last couple of nights fever is back and cough is worse with chest pain.

Was hoping to get an automated appointment, then before going, ask if we should be coming in or dialling 111. We've had barely any contact with anyone. We live in the sticks and are like hermits. But our son goes to school and I may have brought it back from work. But no 'suspect' contact.

Instead of getting into any of that the receptionist just fobbed me off saying "there's nothing they can do, it's viral. Go to pharmacy". I was pretty annoyed because fever coming back and cough getting worse could easily be bacterial secondary infection, and what's a pharmacy going to do!?

They're already turning people away.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:21 AM
For this thread you will need translate. Grain of Salt ..

It is about a lady in the Santa Clara County Area, her teen daughter attended a Superbowl party where people have came down sick. Her daughter now has Pneumonia and her temp won't go away but, since she didn't have direct contact with people from China they won't test her..... Even though people at the party DID have contact with others who returned from China. They supposedly told her it has to be direct contact not secondary.

She said her daughter is athletic and had never been sick like this. She's is calling everyone for a test but, no one is helping her. She is getting the run around.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: KindraLaBelle
a reply to: Asgaard

(BE here) I feel lucky that both my mother and mil are taking this serious! They both live alone. I told them to start stocking up for at least a month and they did. What they don't have is masks and both are asking me for them. I'm not going to give them any though... they would feel 'safe' with a mask and leave their house, if they don't have any I'm pretty sure they won't set a foot outside their doors. I will bring them whatever they need should TSHTF, in and out the car, no personal contact.

Can't you arrange something with your grandmother?

I'm glad to hear that! You make a good point with the masks btw. It 'feels' safe, but, that's all. As far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong), these standard masks aren't even effective in protection against the virus. They are masks for people who already have a decease, so they don't spread it around that much (Bodily fluids). I think only the high-end masks are able to keep virusses out.

And, yes, I'm making arrangements. Worst case scenario, we all come and stay together. I think you should do the same, if it's possible.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: checkmeout
We haven't seen that level of civil dissolution in China

We haven't seen much of anything reliable out of China.

Please correct me if I'm wrong or if this has been proven a fake story, but I seem to remember a story over the weekend that had Wuhan residents in quarantine being told to reappropriate uneaten food in their neighbour's apartments. Since it can be assumed that their living neighbours are in a similar situation, their cupboards would be empty already with nothing to plunder, it's just going to be the dead neighbours with anything left in the fridge.

If that story is true, I think we maybe have seen that level of dissolution in China.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: Surveyor7
Harry Chen PHD twitter account was just suspended.

Oh NO! He's been posting lots of behind the scenes info of whats really going on. Not always verified & some possibly fake, but most very informative!

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: Asgaard

originally posted by: KindraLaBelle
a reply to: Asgaard

(BE here) I feel lucky that both my mother and mil are taking this serious! They both live alone. I told them to start stocking up for at least a month and they did. What they don't have is masks and both are asking me for them. I'm not going to give them any though... they would feel 'safe' with a mask and leave their house, if they don't have any I'm pretty sure they won't set a foot outside their doors. I will bring them whatever they need should TSHTF, in and out the car, no personal contact.

Can't you arrange something with your grandmother?

I'm glad to hear that! You make a good point with the masks btw. It 'feels' safe, but, that's all. As far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong), these standard masks aren't even effective in protection against the virus. They are masks for people who already have a decease, so they don't spread it around that much (Bodily fluids). I think only the high-end masks are able to keep virusses out.

And, yes, I'm making arrangements. Worst case scenario, we all come and stay together. I think you should do the same, if it's possible.

Get a P100 rated mask and extra filters. They cost a little more, but the P100 is the best you can get, and filters down small enough to stop the virus from entering.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:47 AM
Blimey I've only just noticed that today has seen first cases in Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iraq.

Looks like it's off and running through the ME now.

One interesting observation - the temperature in China varies wildly, it's from 7 C in some places to 20C in Wuhan (where the biggest spread has been).

In Iran, Kuwait & Iraq temperature is 17 - 23C - so similar to Wuhan. Afghanistan c17C.

Maybe that temperature is more favourable for the virus, which is why Wuhan is seeing more infected than other parts of China? - so as we head through spring and into summer it could really take off.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:49 AM
very good video from Dr John Campbell (uk based)
He has very measured videos since the start. He is now very concerned and goes through the numbers and also has a fair few sources (other clinicians)
His main points:
- He believes it is now a pandemic
- He feels we are in trouble as the 'serious cases' percentage is about 20% and our hospitals would not cope with this
- He is worried about Iran - a doctor caught the virus about 28 days before he died (and i think was in contact with patients for a lot of this time, and of course others)
- Also very concerned about Italy
- He is concerned about Indonesia and wonders how there are no cases there
- 18 of the 329 repatriated americans now have coronavirus

Well worth a watch to anyone following this

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:53 AM

China issues travel warning to the US, warning Chinese tourists they may be "treated unfairly"

China has issued a travel warning for the United States, warning that Chinese tourists there have faced mistreatment and accusing the US of overreacting to the coronavirus outbreak.

The travel warning says:

"Recently, due to excessive America’s epidemic prevention measures and the security situation in the United States, Chinese tourists have been treated unfairly repeatedly in the US. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism reminds Chinese tourists to raise their security awareness and not to travel to the United States."

China thinks USA is practicing "excessive epidemic prevention measures"??? And of course, they aren't I'm sure

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: checkmeout

You are. You are living in reality.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:55 AM

An Iranian lawmaker has claimed that 50 people have died, and blamed Iran's health ministry for failing to tackle the spread of the virus.

Ahmad Amirabadi Farahani, a lawmaker from Qom -- the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in Iran -- suggested that the outbreak was far larger than previously reported.

“10 people are dying in Qom daily, the number of people who have died from coronavirus until last night (Sunday night) is up to 50 people," Farahani told the semi-official News Agency Ilna on Monday.

via CNN

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:01 AM
Vitamin D for FuFlu

vitamin D wiki

And it's allready known that pesticides like roundup disturb vitamin D use in body....

vitamin D infections

edit on 24-2-2020 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: Power_Semi

my husband gets most of his news from Al Jazeera

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: checkmeout

originally posted by: TheIrvy2

originally posted by: Jelonek
I stand ready to be corrected by someone with medical experience here, but AFAIK once the snowball gets big enough the hospitals will stop accepting people? And promote staying at home?

Which will mean that thousands of sick and contagious people who will die if they don't get proper medical attention, won't get proper medical attention, will spread the disease further, and could quickly escalate into a situation were there are too many dead bodies scattered across our cities and anyone who doesn't leave those cities and get out into the unpopulated areas will die from cholera or typhoid.

We haven't seen that level of civil dissolution in China but they have the population numbers to keep systems going. Will essential workers turn up in the middle of a pandemic in the UK? We used to get people phoning in sick every time there was a norovirus outbreak and I don't mean the ones who were actually ill.

I live in the West country. Our hospital has 900 beds which runs around 90 to 95% occupancy. Population c.250k. 20%ish are under 18 so we can perhaps hope they won't need ICU beds. But at 20% of people needing ICU level input that would be 40k beds. Obviously it won't be 100% infection rate and not all at the same time but we defo don't have capacity

I tried making an appointment this morning. I'm in North Lincolnshire. Normally use automated service, but it was switched off. Speaking to reception, they asked what it's about:

I said it was for my better half, she had cold/flu like symptoms 2 weeks ago. Those subsided but then she had fever for 3 days/nights. That went away but she was left weak and achy and cough started to develop. Last couple of nights fever is back and cough is worse with chest pain.

Was hoping to get an automated appointment, then before going, ask if we should be coming in or dialling 111. We've had barely any contact with anyone. We live in the sticks and are like hermits. But our son goes to school and I may have brought it back from work. But no 'suspect' contact.

Instead of getting into any of that the receptionist just fobbed me off saying "there's nothing they can do, it's viral. Go to pharmacy". I was pretty annoyed because fever coming back and cough getting worse could easily be bacterial secondary infection, and what's a pharmacy going to do!?

They're already turning people away.

That is a relatively normal reception response. I'm usually very firm tho. It helps having a nursing background. In the past even out of hours GP tried to palm us off when the little 'un had chest symptoms (way before this coronavirus). They said something like we saw her yesterday. So I said, So you can guarantee me that a clinical picture in a child doesn't change in 24 hours? Got seen, dr was surprised how Ill she was and got antibiotics. So be firm. They do still have capacity at the moment.

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