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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:04 AM
NEW: WHO says it no longer has a process to declare a pandemic, says old system with 6 phases is no longer being used - Reuters

From BNO NEWS Twitter

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

When I lived in cold Chicago, I understood that my vitamin D levels were low (It didn't even register on the blood test!)….and when I first moved to sunny Arizona, initially my vitamin D levels was normal.....then this last year, back to below normal levels......I drive a friggin convertible and my very English type skin is a nice golden tan color....nd I STILL register low....hmmmmmmm

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:08 AM

from 12 deaths out of 47 cases in Iran to 50 dead in a matter of hours

thats a high percentage rate out of how many cases.. 350 odd in QOM that they know of

and up to 215 cases in Italy already with 5 deaths.
edit on 24-2-2020 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: misfit312
For this thread you will need translate. Grain of Salt ..

It is about a lady in the Santa Clara County Area, her teen daughter attended a Superbowl party where people have came down sick. Her daughter now has Pneumonia and her temp won't go away but, since she didn't have direct contact with people from China they won't test her..... Even though people at the party DID have contact with others who returned from China. They supposedly told her it has to be direct contact not secondary.

She said her daughter is athletic and had never been sick like this. She's is calling everyone for a test but, no one is helping her. She is getting the run around.

This must be the same thing I read on twitter.... her brother said that they'd called several hospitals and none would do the test. She had been at a Super Bowl party and I THOUGHT I remembered him saying that someone there had been to China. The US is just not testing for it.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777

from 12 deaths out of 47 cases in Iran to 50 dead in a matter of hours

thats a high percentage rate out of how many cases.. 350 odd in QOM that they know of

and up to 215 cases in Italy already with 5 deaths.

On the wuflu news feed the Iranian government are staunchly denying those numbers

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel
NEW: WHO says it no longer has a process to declare a pandemic, says old system with 6 phases is no longer being used - Reuters

From BNO NEWS Twitter

I googled to find the article.... WHY didn't they mention this at all last week???? They have been implying they weren't ready to declare it a pandemic yet and now they just decide they don't use that term anymore?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:22 AM
Good evening/good morning, or just hello to all the ATS members here.
Update: Feb. 24, 2020 Monday 9pm Tokyo time---- around the world--New York : 7:00 am (hey guys, time to get out of bed)--London : 12 noon (fish and chips time, hmm, sounds yummy ) and of course our friends in Sydney : 11 pm (time for another beer)

Today has been a very rough and very difficult day and time for many people here in Asia ( yeah, I know Asia includes many countries going west, so I guess I should just say East Asia. I do remember saying many times "South East Asia" back in the late 60's and the early 70's (that war in Vietnam) though.
First I'd like to say something about South Korea.
1. It was to be a red alert at the beginning
2. Last I heard, A State of Emergency

So what does it look like in the stores there today. (hopefully, I can post some pictures, OK, I'll try now )

So as you see, the rush is on. I think even after receiving them pictures today, we even went out and bought more stuff. I feel it can easily happen here in about 1.5 hours if and when the govt. comes out and says something, but actually they did at 7 pm tonight. I 'll post in a bit.

Japan Update:
1. the health care structure in Japan at its current level can not handle a surge in critical condition virus patients (notice I said surge)
2. most industries at the present time are NOT prepared to handle the current crises that may spread to its employees (unemployment may/will rise )
3. Japan has a Corona Task Force (its where govt. info is shared with all Japanese) up till now, they have admitted some improvements should have been taken. I really like the "skating of their language".
4. Japan NOW is in the TRANSMISSION STATE ( I don't know the legal definition of that meaning), but I think it means "currently critical situation"
5. virus will spread (govt. words) better take this one serious folks (see I told ya, best to tell the truth up front, then play word games)
6. this is the said news (please pay attention to this and the time it took to say it) transmission of the virus can NO longer be identified (does that mean: its a pandemic situation now)? I don't know
7. Aichi Pref. ( ) is the 3rd in cases : 17 people infected 2-24-20
8. 2 Japanese people that stayed in Hawaii are infected (airplane passengers, hmm . what about them)
9. OK. folks I mentioned in a post (no gas stations open) that's not the case yet, but this is: 52 people that work the toll gates (where you pay money to drive on the road) have been told to stay home (self quarantine, hmm, family members anyone)?
10. 6 toll gate locations closed (no employees) getting bad, right guys
11. East Japan Railroad worker infected (office worker) other office workers , no info on them yet
12. Well, for those who want to come to Tokyo soon, the shopping district in Tokyo today (end of 3 day holiday) had much fewer people, less crowded and shoppers felt its a scary situation now) maybe good deals at the gift shops?
13. Diamond Princess , team of 3 govt. workers, all infected (possible due to regulations that to me seemed incompetent, ex: don't get close to passengers, yet one person had to hand out questionaires. crazy I tell ya
14. This includes the ship passengers and crew and those in Japan (850 known people to infected) always subject to change during the day, like every 3 hours news brief, hey can't go wrong with up to the minute updates
15. 4 new cases in Hokkaido today total now stands at 30
HOW DID IT START IN HOKKAIDO= A Chinese lady came with the infection and started the whole infection process. Sorry I don't have the date she was treated or any other info about her or her family
16. Hokkaido... one fire fighter 20 years bus driver 70 years old... one school employee
19. others ... company employee (yikes) teacher in public school (oh my goodness) this stuff just isn't getting any better
20. of the firefighter, his 5 other co workers have been ordered to stay at home (self quarantine , family members, chain reaction, who knows now
21. 2 schools will / have close (locations unknown by me) but one school will be close till early March
22. Japan will know the situation within the next 14 days how this virus will affect the people, the transportation, the schools, and the work force (personally, it doesn't look to promising)
23. Yes, the govt. said avoid going to the hospitals, only call the consultation center (probably all in Japanese) that can be a problem for the 2.2 million foreigners living , working and going to school here
24. to be continued tomorrow

Well, that's about it. Have you all read this topic:

I mentioned earlier where I'd post a picture of mask. I bought these at the hospital here. Its what the patients wear and possibly the doctors also. In about 2 weeks, hopefully the hospital will have a fresh supply. They cost about 12 bucks or a bit over 1100 yen. If I can get a limited supply, I'll let you all know and if any interest at that time, pm me.

been a busy day today
wife is in the teaching business , not sure how long she'll be teaching. this area, no virus's have been reported at the schools, hope it stays that way

Well, again I really appreciate everyone reading my post. I really feel its worth it, not only for you, but even for me.
edit on 0200000043232020-02-24T07:23:43-06:00234302am7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

edit on 0200000031542020-02-24T07:54:31-06:00543102am7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:23 AM
This is a reply to misfit312 and pasiphae... I screwed up the reply:

I had posted about Ontario, Canada’s criteria for testing awhile back. It included the caveat that someone had to be from the affected area of China, or have cared for someone who was, or been in direct contact with someone who already tested positive. That seems to me like a whole lot of people who may have the virus are excluded from testing. I note our public health site has the criteria, and about “approved for testing”

Perhaps you can look up the criteria for your state on their public health site?

edit on 24-2-2020 by NxNWest because: Screwed up the reply

edit on 24-2-2020 by NxNWest because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel
NEW: WHO says it no longer has a process to declare a pandemic, says old system with 6 phases is no longer being used - Reuters

From BNO NEWS Twitter

Well, that is some shady crap right there.

WTF is the excuse? The old system would have indicated that we have a global pandemic... and that is too scary?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

too late coz the news is already out

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:33 AM
I imagine the system was designed before they actually ever had to deal with a true pandemic of this size and now that the actuality is here they are starting to realize that none of the measures they had in place are actually sufficient.

That or someone said they could have a seat in their bunker if they didn't call it

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:36 AM
Thank you for the info.
Are the masks you have N95 rated? They must be the same type they use for tuberculosis, airborne pathogens.
Stay safe over there.

a reply to: musicismagic

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel
NEW: WHO says it no longer has a process to declare a pandemic, says old system with 6 phases is no longer being used - Reuters

From BNO NEWS Twitter

Well, that is some shady crap right there.

WTF is the excuse? The old system would have indicated that we have a global pandemic... and that is too scary?

So it's a pandemic. But the WHO have conveniently removed the word pandemic from their vocabulary.

They talk of a closing window of opportunity. Closing for who? Opportunity for who? Traders to move investments before they announce? Well now they won't announce, or is that announcement enough? The world is sick, and it wasn't a virus that did it.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: pasiphae

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel
NEW: WHO says it no longer has a process to declare a pandemic, says old system with 6 phases is no longer being used - Reuters

From BNO NEWS Twitter

I googled to find the article.... WHY didn't they mention this at all last week???? They have been implying they weren't ready to declare it a pandemic yet and now they just decide they don't use that term anymore?

This is exactly why I do not have any confidence in the system.

The keep moving the goal posts and changing the rules as it all unfolds.

Tell me how can you have a successful system and not even follow your own protocol and the processes for which you spent decades preparing for and teaching others? Answer, you can't.

Like my brother, people are waiting confidently in the word of the authorities.

But I believe this is a mistake.

I believe the numbers all across the globe are twisted and fabricated to meet each administration's goals and outlines on the best way to save face and attempt to prevent a panic.

But let me ask, how is that working out for the planet?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:41 AM
Active Cases

Currently Infected Patients

39,614 (77%)
in Mild Condition

11,568 (23%)
Serious or Critical

Serious or critical up to 23% from 21% couple days ago.

edit on 24-2-2020 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: lostgirl
a reply to: musicismagic

Thank you for all the efforts you have made to give ATS members a clear, linear 'view' of how the situation with this virus has been unfolding in Japan!

The way you have shared the official reports and the "street talk" information along the 'time line' just as you experience/witness each thing happening has been extremely helpful!!

I think this series of regular updates you've posted are a great resource for those of us in other countries to refer to in order to gage 'where we are at' as the virus begins to build in our areas..

One question:
You mentioned Tokyo Disneyland - have you heard if it will be closing? If you have not heard...

...could you please post 'loud and clear' if it does close?

My husband has had a 35 year career with the Disney company here in the U.S., so from our point of view -

- Shanghai and Hong Kong Disneyland closures were not such a shock, as the Chinese government owns majority shares of both and it makes sense they'd close 'their' Disney Parks along with all the other quarantine closures...

...but Tokyo Disney is corporate owned so if that closes, my husband will finally take me seriously as to the validity of my concerns regarding the 'far reaching' effects of this new corona virus, and my insistence that we need to be making preparations for the probability that it will be coming here..

Again, much thanks for all your posts, musicismagic!!

I've tried to follow up on Disneyland for you today. I got their telephone number and will call tomorrow. On their site, it had nothing about being said open or closed. It's a 3 day holiday here which ended today. Chances are they were open, but it is in Chiba and it is a hot spot for the virus. I'll call tomorrow after 10 am and I'll leave you a PM. I would think if its not closed yet, people are not going to go and the volume will be low, so it may shut its doors, but I'll find out for you.
Sorry it took me this long to get back to you. Hope you read this and let me know by PM, thanks.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel
I imagine the system was designed before they actually ever had to deal with a true pandemic of this size and now that the actuality is here they are starting to realize that none of the measures they had in place are actually sufficient.

That or someone said they could have a seat in their bunker if they didn't call it

It's referred to as the Spanish Flu of 1918, we know about pandemics and that they happen.

This latest betrayal by the WHO is like something out of Yes Prime Minister (old BBC satire about the government). They didn't mention this problem last week. And what, I'm sorry, you can't set off the fire alarm because you don't have the regulation hammer with the properly affixed chain?

We're on our own, folks.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: TheIrvy2

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel
I imagine the system was designed before they actually ever had to deal with a true pandemic of this size and now that the actuality is here they are starting to realize that none of the measures they had in place are actually sufficient.

That or someone said they could have a seat in their bunker if they didn't call it

It's referred to as the Spanish Flu of 1918, we know about pandemics and that they happen.

This latest betrayal by the WHO is like something out of Yes Prime Minister (old BBC satire about the government). They didn't mention this problem last week. And what, I'm sorry, you can't set off the fire alarm because you don't have the regulation hammer with the properly affixed chain?

We're on our own, folks.

I'm quite looking forward to hunting for their bunkers and coughing down their periscopes.
edit on 24-2-2020 by Oppenheimer67 because: typo

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: Thunderheart
Thank you for the info.
Are the masks you have N95 rated? They must be the same type they use for tuberculosis, airborne pathogens.
Stay safe over there.

a reply to: musicismagic

Gosh you got me on that one.
Here's what it says
BFE 3.0 um (um I don't know how to print that on the computer, but look at the picture, maybe you know)
PfE o.1 um
VFE 3.0 that has to do with virus's
PM 2.5 (2.5) um have no idea what that mean

These appear to be made in Japan. I don't see made in china on the box.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
I'm quite looking forward to hunting down their bunkers and coughing down their periscopes.

I will join you on that mission. As they have sown, so shall they reap. One way or another, karma finds you.

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