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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: Cmajlz

Great question.

This is changing rapidly. India would get supplies from China to produce in a reach around as many Chinese generics have been pull off the shelves.

The U.S. doesn't even manufacture vital drugs like antibiotics anymore, with the last penicillin factory closing in 2004.

Now that was a huge issue.

The biggest prescription drug crisis of recent years was the 2008 contamination of heparin, a widely used blood thinner. The FDA estimates that 149 Americans died and many hundreds more were seriously injured as a result.

What's responsible for the repeated drug safety lapses? The offshoring of the American drug supply to China and, to a lesser extent, India during the past couple of decades

The US can/does/will manufacture the "ingredients" as a National Security concern.

I'll link an article I quoted from, with it up with other references if interested.

Here< br />


edit on 02373333America/Chicago23_8America/Chicagoam by missed_gear because: dang phone spell check

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Rich Z

That's the one benefit where I am at, majority of my neighbors are military and farmers they have preps though they for sure wont call it that.

We are armed, and push come to shove I will default to protecting my family.

I am fully aware if someone comes begging for food for their kids who are there saying no will be extremely hard to do, the plus side is my neighbors are not aware of my preps.

I am hoping our base breaks open some of the MRE stocks for service member families if things start to go south, which would help a lot.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: TruthJava

originally posted by: Irishhaf
they have to call it soon, but they are holding off I do not doubt because the world govts are afraid of the damage to the stock markets.

most of my investments are in pretty safe locations right now, was actually considering moving into some riskier ventures before this started.

Going to be interesting to see how this plays out, how far will the ultra rich go to hang onto their wealth.

Looks like Warren Buffet is working his party for sure right now. Spent a RECORD 2.2 Billion in the last quarter and just recently dumped quite a few Apple Stocks. Almost as if he knows just what to do and when.

Think I heard a blurd that Apple has lost something like 49 billion in market share since the virus started, (I could be mis-remembering so take with a grain of salt) I hope nobody still holds their stock here.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Depending on how things go, we may end up packed up and out with my folks in the country. They have a well. They're already somewhat stocked because they always prep a bit against possible winter storms anyhow, and we may not want to stay where we're at in the city.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:45 AM

About 150 prescription drugs — including antibiotics, generics and some branded drugs without alternatives — are at risk of shortage if the coronavirus outbreak in China worsens, according to two sources familiar with a list of at-risk drugs compiled by the Food and Drug Administration.

Why it matters: China is a huge supplier of the ingredients used to make drugs that are sold in the U.S. If the virus decreases China's production capability, Americans who rely on the drugs made from these ingredients could be in trouble.

What they're saying: The FDA declined to comment on the list, but said in a statement that it's "keenly aware that the outbreak could impact the medical product supply chain," and has devoted additional resources toward identifying potential vulnerabilities to U.S. medical products stemming specifically from the outbreak....

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:56 AM
Wonder if it would be a good idea to store up on some Cinchona bark for tea? Seeing as they are using a Malaria drug...


From Bno Twitter

Huang Wenjun, a 42-year-old doctor at a hospital close to Wuhan, died of coronavirus about 3 hours ago. He's the 2nd doctor to die of coronavirus in less than 24 hours.

edit on 23-2-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: deccal

Ok, so you made this post yesterday, Feb. 22nd, about two possible cases in the city of Van, Turkey. Never in my life have I heard of this city before, but today, Feb. 23rd, I've come across news that an earthquake just hit that location, resulting in more than 1000+ building collapses.

Isn't this the perfect recipe for disaster? New virus cases spotted in that city, city infrastructure damaged (that will include water supply for some), people not being able to isolate themselves if their house/apartment building has collapsed, thus having to find temporary roofs at gyms and similar places, sharing their personal space with others who might be infected without knowing it...

Thinking with my "Conspiracy Theorist" side of my brain, imagine if weather manipulation was in a fact a thing, and some government decided to "create" this "natural" disaster in that specific city in order for the virus to further spread.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: hades84
How weird an earthquake hit Hubei on December 26th.

EMSC Hubei, China Dec 26 10:36 m4.9 d10

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:10 AM
Just saw towns near Milan are closed off, church services cancelled and greater Italy has banned touching the holy water at church.

Scares me just as much as Japan closing schools.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: misfit312

They're only using an anti-Malaria drug because they think it would interfere with how the virus attacks cells in a specific way. Unless your tea works the exact same way, it wouldn't do you any good.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: ketsuko


Wasnt sure the specifics how it was being used and all... Just know it contains quinine..

And was used in the past for Malaria.
edit on 23-2-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-2-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

I'm focusing on the antibody mediated pathway suggested by another member which was a good suggestion earlier in this thread, that could happen.

I believe you're talking about this one I posted (in case it's helpful to refer back to) - I have a laundry list of articles, studies, etc. that I've been saving

from Journal of Virology: Molecular Mechanism for Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Coronavirus Entry

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: misfit312

That's not to say that it wouldn't, but that you would have to really get into the weeds about how and why your tea is anti-malarial and how and why this particular anti-malarial medication is being used against corona virus and compare the two to see if stocking up on the tea would be of any use.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: misfit312

I have already put together some of a biography for Shi Zhengli here

Guo Deyin also brings up a reliant history here.

As for Wang Yanyi, not quite sure how they fit in at this time.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: SouthernGift

Put link to a WBRC story last night on the Anniston move but it was seemingly roundly ignored.

The location is 30 minutes from me and really cant think of a worse place to risk any chance of virus getting out as Anniston AL is a very popular stop-over point between Atlanta GA and Birmingham AL along I-20. Fact is one can be in Dallas TX within 12 hour drive to put in perspective.

Very heavily traveled corridor to say the least.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf

originally posted by: TruthJava

originally posted by: Irishhaf
they have to call it soon, but they are holding off I do not doubt because the world govts are afraid of the damage to the stock markets.

most of my investments are in pretty safe locations right now, was actually considering moving into some riskier ventures before this started.

Going to be interesting to see how this plays out, how far will the ultra rich go to hang onto their wealth.

Looks like Warren Buffet is working his party for sure right now. Spent a RECORD 2.2 Billion in the last quarter and just recently dumped quite a few Apple Stocks. Almost as if he knows just what to do and when.

Think I heard a blurd that Apple has lost something like 49 billion in market share since the virus started, (I could be mis-remembering so take with a grain of salt) I hope nobody still holds their stock here.

Since he did it early on, I wonder how he knew. I guess that's why he is a multi-billionaire and I'm not lol

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: FamCore

Yep definitely yours, I just needed to take a break from reading about it for awhile, I was biased against it for some reason like I was with the crossing the blood brain barrier.

The Witcher 3 had some great 4K updates to graphic mods and I’ve always wanted to do a death march run, needed a break.

Theoretically it’s very possible and could be similar to the flavivirus second exposure or other diseases. Bias happens, when it’s good we call it heuristics, when it’s bad we call it bias. They’re both the same thing and are why we have moved to evidence based practices in medicine.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Wang Yanyi is the director of the lab in Wuhan, I believe we pointed her out in thread 2 as only having written 2 papers and having limited experience vs the other candidates to run the lab.

Chinese Molecular Experts


I find it interesting that we outed those folks as culprits, people in this thread said no way it’s not man made, but now we circle back and it’s made made. Now Guo says these 3 will be blamed.

We are the news. The MSM has nothing on our collective brain power.

edit on 23-2-2020 by SpartanStoic because: Add link

edit on 23-2-2020 by SpartanStoic because: Add link

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: TruthJava

I am sure his connections in China told him it was bad before they bailed out of the country, or at a minimum warned him it could go south and protect his money.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: GlobalGold
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezo's Gulfstream G650ER jet, which seats eight and cost an estimated US$65 million, has arrived in New Zealand. Has Bezos has bugged-out to his bunkers in NZ?

I just googled it and appearantly they are buying up and installing bunkers in NZ.

bug out

I had no idea. Now my red flag radar is on overload. Thank you for the info.

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