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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: Willtell
Some rare good news

Recoveries: Chinese health authorities reported that a total of 20,659 patients have recovered and been discharged from hospital.

Yeah, well, show me the money...

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 01:46 AM
Some background about the BATS & VIRUSES

Bats, Bat-Borne Viruses, and Environmental Changes

The main risk for emergence of bat-borne diseases is directly linked to the development of anthropized environment and reduction of natural environments. It is often understood that deforestation and anthropization will lead to the disappearance of species. This is not always true and anthropized environments can provide an acceptable habitat for a large range of bat species, generating thus a higher diversity of bats and in turn of bat-borne viruses next to human dwellings. Anthropization generates a highly diverse environment in the vicinity of human, characterized by differing forest densities. Bats of differing ecology can find in anthropized environments niches compatible with their roosting and hunting needs. Natural environments are highly selective and compatible only with adapted species over a large surface, usually away from human settlements. In the exact contrary, anthropized environments provide a mosaic of ecosystems, very close to each other, each one corresponding to the needs of a given group of bat host. Insectivorous bats will find large populations of insects due to the presence of water, animals, and humans. Furthermore, house lights attract large number of insects at night. Houses and barns offer shelter for cave-dwelling bats while orchard and field can attract frugivorous bats. This environment is favorable to the occurrence of key parameters identified for virus transmission in large colonies of cave bats, i.e. shared roosting areas, close contact of different species, and regular introduction of infected individuals [45, 58]. However, in this specific environment, there is an additional aspect, the proximity of humans and domestic animals. Another recent example is the first report of the presence of human and chicken blood in the diet of Diphylla ecaudata vampire bats living in the highly anthropized Caatinga dry forests of northeastern Brazil [68]. This attractive effect of anthropized environments on bats and the consequent promiscuity of bats, domestic animals, and humans are most likely to increase the risk of direct transmission of viruses and to the probability to trigger the accidental process of emergence.

7. Deforestation trends and increased risk of emergence Bats have long rendered great services to mankind by acting positively on its environment and without living in a too close vicinity of human populations. However, by increasing the surface of cultivated areas and through the rapid growth of cities in the recent decades, men have drastically modified ecosystems which had remained in equilibrium for millennia. This evolution of ecosystems is even faster in Asia than in the rest of the world. Southeast Asia (SEA) is the region in the world that suffered the largest deforestation with a loss of 30% of forest surface over the last 40 years. In Thailand, agricultural lands represented 23% in 1960 and 40% since 1985 [69]. Similar trends were observed in other Southeast Asian countries [69]. In Cambodia, agricultural surfaces doubled from 15% in the 1980s to 30% in 2000. A similar trend was observed in Vietnam with an increase from 20% in 1990 to 35% today. In Indonesia, the growth was from 21% in the 1980s to 31.5% today. Deforestation is today linked to increased agricultural surfaces and to poorly managed urban growth. Owing to
evolving land use, bat populations are setting in area closer to human dwellings [70]. Anthropized rural environments are characterized by a wide diversity of landscapes comprising houses, barns, fields, orchards, and woods of differing density. Human dwellings are also established close to water which along with the presence of animals is favorable for insects and insectivorous bats. Unlike natural environment which are highly selective, these altered landscapes are acceptable by a wide range of bat species, usually not encountered together, which establish close to human dwellings. This results in a higher density of bat-borne CoVs in the close vicinity of human dwellings [70, 71, 72], and thus a higher risk of human infection through direct contact or contamination by urine or feces. An aggravating factor is that the human population growth is higher in suburban and rural areas generating thus a higher pressure on land use, agricultural land, and deforestation with the most common activities being farming, logging, and hunting. The recent acceleration of deforestation in Southeast Asia and all predictions based on demographic burden on land use clearly indicate that the risk of contact and of transmission of new microorganisms which could turn pathogenic for humans will increase. It is thus just a matter of time, chance to encounter appropriated targets (human or animal in close contact with humans) and viral mutations to adapt to new hosts. Similar trends of deforestation are occurring in South America, but landscape organization is different, and the human population density is far lower than in SEA making thus the risk perhaps lower. If the exact time and nature of the emergence cannot be predicted, the increased probability of encounter and occurrence of emergence-leading chain of events yielded by anthropized environment must be considered seriously.

So it seems like humans are causing bats to come closer, and to direct contact becouse the changes of environment..cutting trees etc..

They do cut a lot trees in Brazil amazon area also for example....some of the bats there might choose to move closer to human population.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: Rich Z
My take is that the media are already rodered to keep the situation under wraps. Some rich people need time to pull out their assets from the market and/or secure them against coming storm.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: Suspect1776
a reply to: Willtell

I found one of the articles Francis Boyle was referring to about a month ago when everyone was suspecting Bill Gates is behind this whole thing. I was not sure if it was the same virus at the time. I ended up doing some research on who was funding some of these programs at UNC and well it turns out Gates has been giving them money to them for over a decade. As I was looking more into the Gates foundation I noticed they also donated to Wuhan University as well. Yes they are in bed with UNC and Wuhan.

Another interesting thing I found connecting Gates and Baric, the doctor who led the coronavirus research, is a 900k dollar donation by the Gates foundation to NIH scientists in August of 2013. Then on September 9 of 2013 it was announced that Baric would lead the research of this coronavirus with a 10 million dollar grant for NIH. It's sad to see these people developing biowepons under the name of "research".

I believe the Gates and other elites might be behind more funding of this mad scientist lab at UNC. My theory is that they donate to organizations who fund these programs as a way of not having their names attached directly. Anyone with a brain knows when the Gates donate loads of money to something they want to have some influence of what goes on.

Gates donation to Wuhan University:

2015 article:

Ralph S. Baric (man leading this coronavirus research)

Gates NIH donation:

Baric NIH grant:

Gates Foundation Grants :

Donation to UNC for HIV prevention:

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 02:18 AM
Coronavirus outbreak raises question: Why are bat viruses so deadly?

Bats seems to have natural ability to act against reactive molecules, primarily free radicals, and also anti-inflammation response to react virus infection. Same virus in humans could cause massive inflammation responce that eventually kills the host.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: clay2 baraka

Intresting i just checked my promethease report and i don´t have any of those variants, so i guess i am better off. Spouse seem to have rs2048683(T) so not G and no others variants. When i have none of these and spouse has different one, so whole family should be ok... hmm In other hand we might not know for certain that these are only variants.

SNPedia for those who want check their own
edit on 23-2-2020 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 02:38 AM
Is anyone following up on the situation in Italy?

infections went from 30 to 70+ overnight. two deaths so far.

The affected cities are in lock down (red zones) nothing gets in or out. Police and military are guarding the red zone borders,they only allow specialized teams inside to provide the people with necessary goods. All events are cancelled. The Government warned about large money fines and 3 months in prison for anyone who doesn't respect quarantine measures, this includes staying inside your home and NOT go to the hospitals.

Can't find an English source for the above but it will be in the msm soon.

Meantime, some of my Italian friends on fb are saying that there is panic among the people in the entire country.

Italy towns in lockdown

Veneto regional president Luca Zaia said Saturday that the contagion showed that the virus is transmitted like any flu and that trying to pinpoint a single source for the cases or to establish a link to China no longer were effective containment measures. “You can get it from anyone,” he told reporters.

edit on 23-2-2020 by KindraLaBelle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: 1questioner

The CCP also blames the US as the origin of the coronavirus.

Don't think they would ever admit fault, "face" and that. No I think he means it literally, as in the CCP blame the US for creating the coronavirus bioweapon.
edit on 23-2-2020 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-2-2020 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-2-2020 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: KindraLaBelle

The 2 deaths in Italy :

1st death in Italy: a 77 year old man in Vò Euganeo (Padua). The man had been in the hospital for the past ten days due to other health problems. Schools and shops in the town to be closed in an attempt to prevent the virus from spreading, said Veneto governor Zaia.

1 new death in Italy, a 77-year-old woman with pre-existing conditions who was hospitalized a few days ago for pneumonia in the Lodi area (Lombardy region) and had contacts with the 38-year-old man.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 03:10 AM
New corona infected women in their 50s are serving meals for elementary school meals Ebetsu, Hokkaido. Well, the problem just keeps growing by the hour now here. Should have an update later. In Fukuoka, people have to take the subway, some lady that was infected road the subway. (everyone is on alert in case) Just not looking good in my backyard now. We finished our shopping now. We'll be staying put other then doc appt. and other errands . I did notice that in the grocery stores they are not leaving cooked food around that was not package. (very common in this country, kind of like a buffet ).

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: tetra50

no worries mate, the last big pandemic that hit hard was what the Spanish flu people that didnt die recovered in their life times.

without a major mutation this is probably not going to be a civilization killer, it might wreck economies for awhile but govts are not going away, and if we are not careful they will pass draconian style laws allowing them to use any and all means to control people, in their best interest of course.

It will suck, their will be many more deaths, but in the end the world will still turn the sun will still rise and people will still live.

I am not blowing it off I have prepared as much as I can, and me and the wife are prepared to bunker in with the boy for up to 3 months as long as water holds out.

But right now the economic damage added onto the potential supply disruptions scares me more than the flu, desperate people do horrible things and many people will be desperate when it hits the fan in their neighborhood.

So many people live paycheck to paycheck. What is going to happen when those paychecks stop because the places they worked at shuttered the place because of the pandemic? Won't matter if grocery stores are stocked or not, because a lot of people won't have any money for very long to buy anything anyway. But I seriously doubt that anyone will voluntarily allow themselves and their families to starve to death. So what are their options? Might not be a real good idea to be blabbing about to your friends and neighbors about how much YOU have stocked up on food supplies and the like. Nobody is going to be your friend if they have nothing and you have something they want.

Things could get pretty cold and cruel and you might have to make some very harsh decisions. Might as well be thinking about what you are going to do before decision time reaches you. You might have stored up enough food for your family to exist for 6 months, but if your friends and neighbors are knocking on your door starving, what are you going to do? Especially if you don't know if they might be infected or not. Yeah, could be some pretty harsh times ahead.

If you don't already have a firearm and some ammo, might be a good idea to be at least thinking about if you should.

We are going to be OK with water. We have our own well. And the wife runs all our drinking and cooking water through a distiller religiously.

My biggest concern right now is WHEN we should go into lockdown mode. Better to be too early than too late, I guess. But way too early and supplies could be used up and we would have to go out right in the middle of a firestorm contagion.

Anyway, IMHO. And YMMV.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 03:17 AM
South Korea have postponed the start of school by 1 week. Apparently that's never happened in history. There's going to be a lot of that over the coming months. I don't think 1 week will be enough either. When schools are out that's when folk will panic cos they can't go to work or have to find an alternative.

Re Italy, my mum has a friend there near Naples. I asked how she was doing. Completely oblivious was the answer. She was a little shocked, either she doesn't follow the news or it wasn't being reported much. This was specifically about the lockdown. Ignorance is truly bliss for some.

Edit to add: attendance at Italy vs Scotland rugby yesterday was 54,349. Expect a new cluster soon? That was Rome. Also Princess Anne DID attend. Will she be the new super spreader?
edit on 2/23/2020 by checkmeout because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 03:44 AM

originally posted by: checkmeout

Re Italy, my mum has a friend there near Naples. I asked how she was doing. Completely oblivious was the answer. She was a little shocked, either she doesn't follow the news or it wasn't being reported much. This was specifically about the lockdown. Ignorance is truly bliss for some.

Edit to add: attendance at Italy vs Scotland rugby yesterday was 54,349. Expect a new cluster soon? That was Rome. Also Princess Anne DID attend. Will she be the new super spreader?

Probably most people in Italy who don't use Internet are not getting information right now.

confirmed cases so far: 132
Protected suits and military in the streets.
all further sports events are cancelled

twitter: #COVID19italia #CoronaVirusitaly (most info is in Italian and French)

Meanwhile in the rest of Europe, the attention-seeking-msm virologists, are now saying one by one that this IS now a pandemic and calling for everyone to prepare NOW and not wait it out! That is about the opposite from what they were saying a week ago.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: KindraLaBelle

originally posted by: checkmeout

Re Italy, my mum has a friend there near Naples. I asked how she was doing. Completely oblivious was the answer. She was a little shocked, either she doesn't follow the news or it wasn't being reported much. This was specifically about the lockdown. Ignorance is truly bliss for some.

Edit to add: attendance at Italy vs Scotland rugby yesterday was 54,349. Expect a new cluster soon? That was Rome. Also Princess Anne DID attend. Will she be the new super spreader?

Probably most people in Italy who don't use Internet are not getting information right now.

confirmed cases so far: 132
Protected suits and military in the streets.
all further sports events are cancelled

twitter: #COVID19italia #CoronaVirusitaly (most info is in Italian and French)

Meanwhile in the rest of Europe, the attention-seeking-msm virologists, are now saying one by one that this IS now a pandemic and calling for everyone to prepare NOW and not wait it out! That is about the opposite from what they were saying a week ago.

I dont quite understand why they say it is now a pandemic. Numbers outside China just dont support it at all to maybe it is a psychological warfare operation then .

If i include Diamond Princess , it`s like 9 countrys with 23 deaths that pandemic ? What are they smoking ?
edit on 23-2-2020 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: liejunkie01 If buying rice, remember that white has less arsenic than brown depending on origin and lasts longer although less nutritious. Store all rice with a few bay leaves in jar or bag. Should also balance protein with beans or lentils like Diet for a Small Planet, Recipes for a Small Planet decades ago by Francis Moore Lappe who wrote another couple dozen books since. Can get beans in many bulk food stores as dried chopped, add water to make burritos, tacos, tostadas, bean and rice soup etc. Tomatoes also can be bought dried. Many bean dips and salsas made with dried ingredients! A couple bottles of curry paste can spice up rice. Buy miso (protects against radiation too) as that helps digestion and flavors rice. But put miso in a cup of hot water, dont cook it just dissolve it for maximum health effect. Dark barley miso groovy for gravy. Pickled ginger, kim chee, sauerkraut, homegrown or foraged greens, yummy rice additions.

Gomasio a delightful addition: organic raw dark or white whole sesame seeds lightly tossed in skillet with no oil, stir as they pop a bit, dont burn, remove, blend with salt to taste. I eat it by the spoon-heavenly flavor, no comparison with store bought. Ground up, gomasio a fat so store in frig. Cooking with toasted sesame oil adds a yuge taste to rice, especially when add garlic, onion, red pepper, egg, tofu, bok choi, tat soi I buy tomatoes in glass due to acidity affecting metal.

In general I stopped using pressure cooker due to high heat destroying health enhancing enzymes which is why raw food often preferable. But if I had to cook only on fireplace insert I would probably use it or if conserving fuel. Add Brewer's yeast to your larder, 2 T daily for vegetarians. Pressure cookers now for food a lot safer than ones parents used for canning. Mine from Switzerland was $150 1999 and cooks brown rice in 17 min. Models in last 25 years for cooking all kinds of food but not for canning food whether boiling water bath for Mason jars etc. in OR has a lot of indigenous seeds and other organic seeds, a seedsman for 40 years, 1 of the top 10 science students at Yale when he attended and PhD from Rockefeller.
See Dr. Alan Kapuler on YouTube-grows lemons in greenhouse which he sells, even a few avocados and bananas in OR!

edit on America/ChicagoamSun, 23 Feb 2020 04:23:47 -060029044704232America/Chicago by EarthShine because: remove words

edit on America/ChicagoamSun, 23 Feb 2020 05:03:14 -060029051405032America/Chicago by EarthShine because: clarity

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

According to WHO definition

What is a pandemic?

24 February 2010

A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease.

An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerges and spreads around the world, and most people do not have immunity. Viruses that have caused past pandemics typically originated from animal influenza viruses.


posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: 1questioner

Does that mean the CCP will admit they acquired the coronavirus strain they accidentally released from their P4 lab in Wuhan via espionage?

There is a good 10-20 years of peer reviewed literature that says people have been working on this capability. Link

American technology is at the forefront with a lot of this capability with things like CRISPR tech. I give America some kudos with the 'Gain of Function' clause. I do not let Bill Gates of the hook at this time with his public depopulation agenda. Bat coronavirus and ACE2 receptors managed to slip through this mark, got past posts that address it deeper if trying to catch up. To put all the blame on one nation at this stage is not accurate of the situation as I preserve it. Vicarious or a shared responsibility is where I see the real problem at this time.

Real footage in Wuhan and China ,coronavirus Coronavirus Covid19 中国武汉真实情况

Things are getting worst, local gangs forming and when the police do show up in much bigger numbers.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

The problem in Europe atm is that we are getting new confirmed infections every day with no link to China. I's not about the death count. They are saying you can get the virus from 'anyone' at this point and they don't have a clue where the next cluster is brewing. Taking border measures, canceling flights, etc... all became useless.

IMO, and on a local scale, when I see these virologists panicking, you better take their word for it and believe this is getting into Europe fast and the spread is out of control.
And this is just the stuff that gets out in the media. Makes you wonder what we don't know ...

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: KindraLaBelle

The wind is carrying it now all over the place.... possibly?

Also birds might be carrying it??

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 04:33 AM

originally posted by: dollukka
a reply to: Kenzo

According to WHO definition

What is a pandemic?

24 February 2010

A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease.

An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerges and spreads around the world, and most people do not have immunity. Viruses that have caused past pandemics typically originated from animal influenza viruses.


Seasonal influenza causes 4 -50 million symptomatic cases in EU/EEA each year, and 15 000 – 70 000 European citizens die every year of causes associated with influenza

Factsheet about seasonal influenza

And that is just Europe , my point is that the current numbers outside China are still low , not exactly yet more than what influenza kills .

I think it`s good to compare this corona bug deaths with influenza deaths , to have better wiew . If things change, and it clearly goes above influenza then i dont mind the pandemic term. Not even USA have confirmed new corona deaths.

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