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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:37 PM

Community officers in a county in south-western China's Sichuan Province knocked on doors and ordered villagers to hand over their pets. Nanchong Missing Animal Aid Group claimed the animals were killed moments later on the street.

The organisation said the campaign was carried out at the township of Longcan in Peng'an County in Nanchong.

A distressing video shared by the group on its account on Twitter-like Weibo shows a number of bloodied dogs, thought to be dead, lying at the back of a truck.

It is said that the pooches belonged to families from the villages of Qianqiubang.

Another clip, shared by an animal activist, shows one officer who was wearing a face mask touching a lifeless dog by the side of a street while a few of his colleagues watched on.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:39 PM


posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: lostsock
a reply to: bally001 Here in Tennessee and already in the woods thankfully and planning on making an extra large vegetable garden and start canning. I know a lot of people live in the city but you can still plant tomatoes in pots plus a lot of other vegetables will produce in pots and planters either inside a warm window sill or out on a balcony. Butter lettuce is very easy to grow along as a ton of other veggies. If you live in a more rural area pick up a book on wild edibles and foraging. If the sh*t doesnt hit the fan then you have only wasted a couple of dollars on seeds and will have plenty of produce to share.

Not to divert to much for corno. I have the books gardening in hard times and the survivorman book. Good practical things to do. I recommend them.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: asdfa

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

originally posted by: madenusa
Government Deploying BORTAC to Sanctuary Cities.
there's another forum over the deploying.
I was just wondering if it crossed anyone else's mind, how covenant it would be for our government to have extra special forces in the city's if this corona virus gets loose and they have to declare marshal law like the city of Wuhan.
what are they not telling us.?
I haven't read anything about, I take credit for thinking out of the box.
I scare my self sometimes

I always assumed they would use mercenaries (sorry, we call them "private military contractors" now), like they did during Katrina..


Constellis AKA Triple Canopy. There is no more Blackwater

Yep, well aware. Blackwater > Xe Services > Academi > Constellis Holdings... they're under an umbrella type corporation, but most people still refer to their original name. Even a good friend of mine who still contracts with them a few times a year calls them Blackwater. Also, Blackwater is not all psychopath terminators. Case in point my friend is a Harvard Archeologist. Use your imagination on why they would hire such an academic.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Seriously Humanity deserves a Darwin Award!

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:56 PM
Update Feb 22/2020 - 11am

Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)

2 Toronto,Ont., 6 British Columbia, 1 London,Ont. Total 9+43=52
Update on Diamond Princess : 2016-020 Sunday Tokyo time 5 pm
Canada: 43 Canadians are currently infected
All 27 Philippinos that are part of the crew have tested positive.WOW

Feb 6/2020 Japan reports 41 new cases of coronavirus on cruise ship
near Tokyo, raising ship's total to 61
Feb. 7/2020 --- 3 more confirm Tolal at 64
Feb. 8/2020 --- 6 more confirm Total at 70
Feb. 9/2020 -- 65 more confirm Total at 135
Feb. 11/2020 - 38 more confirm Total at 173
Feb. 12/2020 - 44 more confirm Total at 218
Feb. 14/2020 - 67 more confirm Total at 285
Feb. 15/2020 - 70 more confirm Total at 355
Feb. 16/2020 - 14 more confirm Total at 369
Feb. 17/2020 - 85 more confirm Total at 454
Feb. 18/2020 - 88 more confirm Total at 542 - 65 of them show no symptoms
Feb. 19/2020 - 79 more confirm Total at 621 + 74 Japan = Total 695
Feb. 20/2020 - 13 more confirm Total at 634 + 94 Japan = Total 728
Feb. 21/2020 - 11 more confirm Total at 634 + 105 Japan = Total 739
Feb. 22/2020 - 17 more confirm Total at 634 + 135 Japan = Total 769

416 American passengers on board (380 now off ship)Feb 16/20
14 test positive among US plane evacuees from Japan coronavirus ship:State Dept

JHU press release about the development of the dashboard:

Save this Preparedness and Response Plan offline

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
"18 of 39 South Koreans who recently went on a group pilgrimage to Israel have tested positive for coronavirus."

A pilgrimage they won't soon forget!! A virus knows no borders.

As of this morning about 200 kids, teachers and staff are in isolation in Israel after coming in contact with this group of South Koreans on the same trip. Just saw it on the news. The authorities are on high alert.
Doesn't look good at all.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: WhiteHat

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
"18 of 39 South Koreans who recently went on a group pilgrimage to Israel have tested positive for coronavirus."

A pilgrimage they won't soon forget!! A virus knows no borders.

As of this morning about 200 kids, teachers and staff are in isolation in Israel after coming in contact with this group of South Koreans on the same trip. Just saw it on the news. The authorities are on high alert.
Doesn't look good at all.
South Korea reports 123 new coronavirus cases, fourth death

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea reported 123 new confirmed coronavirus cases and a fourth death from the virus, taking total infections to 556, the Korea Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (KCDC) said on Sunday.

More than half the additional cases were found to be linked to a Shincheonji Church of Jesus congregation in the southeastern city of Daegu after a 61-year-old woman known as “Patient 31” who attended services at the church tested positive for the virus last week. The woman had no recent record of overseas travel.

South Korea’s earlier cases were linked to China but the new infections center on Daegu, a city of about 2.5 million, and a hospital in Cheongdo, a county with about 43,000 people.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: asdfa

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

originally posted by: madenusa
Government Deploying BORTAC to Sanctuary Cities.
there's another forum over the deploying.
I was just wondering if it crossed anyone else's mind, how covenant it would be for our government to have extra special forces in the city's if this corona virus gets loose and they have to declare marshal law like the city of Wuhan.
what are they not telling us.?
I haven't read anything about, I take credit for thinking out of the box.
I scare my self sometimes

I always assumed they would use mercenaries (sorry, we call them "private military contractors" now), like they did during Katrina..


Constellis AKA Triple Canopy. There is no more Blackwater

Yep, well aware. Blackwater > Xe Services > Academi > Constellis Holdings... they're under an umbrella type corporation, but most people still refer to their original name. Even a good friend of mine who still contracts with them a few times a year calls them Blackwater. Also, Blackwater is not all psychopath terminators. Case in point my friend is a Harvard Archeologist. Use your imagination on why they would hire such an academic.

I worked for TC for a couple years. Solid group of guys. They bought the former blackwater. He probably calls them Blackwater because the average dumbass off the street knows the name.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 12:33 AM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777

Yeah, illegal migrants is a problem and any of them could be travelling with this virus!

I can't wait until this virus takes hold in Mexico and Central America and the flood begins of infected people believing they will get much better medical care if they can just crawl over the border into the USA. Yeah, that's going to be just swell....

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: liejunkie01

I liked your post

only by happenstance, I have stumbled on an effective way to store canned goods and buckets of 25lb sacks of rice &/or freeze dried vegetables & meat proteins in their mylar pouches...

I was doing indoor renovations and took out the door and shelving of a bathroom closet space (towels, etc)...Lo-&-Behold there was a 30"X30" floor-to-ceiling space that had access to the piping/drains for the tub-shower & the cooler air that is trapped under the house that has that 24-30" crawlspace below the floor joist system (a kind of Pantry cool-storage area)
I can't recall what those underground storerooms were called back in the early 20th century/late 19th century Settlers storerooms for apples & such.

in houses with crawlspaces, a hallway closet can be made into a pantry, tear out the floor, replace with wire or perforated plate metal & heavy duty metal frames and wire shelves theres a 27"X27"X60" 5 shelf rack for $50. on Amazon available that holds 300+ lbs easily... I don't know if the sandy soil in the crawlspace poises any dust problems, but a cool storage area for canned foods, without a refrigeration need or power necessity is a thing to enjoy,,,

just a head's up for preppers-in-place... the crawlspace plenum provides a cooler-in-summer/warmer-in-winter 50+ degree volume of air, for a year round pantry-storage area that is invisible to nosey neighbors in a residential community

stock up for a real-time self-imposed escape from the zombies

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 12:52 AM
I noticed Covid19Info.Live (formerly WuFlu.Live) is now showing deaths reported and recoveries reported as both counts and as a percentage of confirmed cases.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: EnhancedInterrogator

I've also noticed on that site the death % slowly creeping higher

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: St Udio

I can't recall what those underground storerooms were called back in the early 20th century/late 19th century Settlers storerooms for apples & such.

Root cellars?


An additional listing at Beta Sam:

Notice ID75A50120R50019
Current Response DateFeb 27, 2020
Last Updated Date Feb 22, 2020
Last Published DateFeb 22, 2020
TypeOriginal Sources Sough

In this listing is a word document that states the following:

The government is interested in attaining your current and projected inventory levels for PPE items such as N95 Respirators, Surgical N95 Masks, Coveralls, Tyvek Suits or equivalent Coverall, Gowns, Non-Splash Goggles, and Face Shields. We are requesting information in the attached spreadsheet to assist with the government’s response to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.  The information that you provide will allow the government to assess the current health care industry inventory posture given the increase in customer demand and the probable effects on the commercial supply chain and distribution network affecting these items. The government is interested in the current and future manufacturing capabilities, locations of manufacturing and raw materials, and an outlook on the industry. Please provide any additional information that you feel may be of interest to the Government when reviewing responses to this request.

The Government is planning solicitations for immediate coronavirus response needs, as well as making assessments for longer term needs, likely up to 5 years, for these PPE items. The Government is interested in assessing overall availability as well as encouraging domestic production and availability. As stated above, no solicitation(s) is/are available yet.

Personal Property Equipment (PPE) , N95 Masks, and Tyvek Suites

Additionally, is a contract for close to $400k for, "MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES."

The above mentioned contract will be performed in Belgium.


FT check your PMs.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: deccal
There are rumors that there are 2 cases now in Turkey, in the city of Van. Wouldnt surprise me, because Iran and Turkey share birders and have intense trade.

This is worrisome to me. A programmer that helps me with my sites lives in Turkey. I haven't heard a peep out of him in over 2 weeks now, after sending him multiple emails about some work he had done for me just prior to him falling off the earth. Been working with him for quite a number of years now. He usually gets back to me well within a day.

Internet firewall in place in that area (or even here), maybe? I think even if he were sick, I would have heard back from him by now.

Interestingly enough, we did discuss this coronavirus issue recently. So maybe we set off some red flags with that discussion?

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: WhiteHat

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
"18 of 39 South Koreans who recently went on a group pilgrimage to Israel have tested positive for coronavirus."

A pilgrimage they won't soon forget!! A virus knows no borders.

As of this morning about 200 kids, teachers and staff are in isolation in Israel after coming in contact with this group of South Koreans on the same trip. Just saw it on the news. The authorities are on high alert.
Doesn't look good at all.

I am going to have to ask God to help me and forgive me of this one, but WTF is happening out there?! this is nuts!! Oh, I sure hope the kids and teachers end up being ok.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: deccal
There are rumors that there are 2 cases now in Turkey, in the city of Van. Wouldnt surprise me, because Iran and Turkey share birders and have intense trade.

This is worrisome to me. A programmer that helps me with my sites lives in Turkey. I haven't heard a peep out of him in over 2 weeks now, after sending him multiple emails about some work he had done for me just prior to him falling off the earth. Been working with him for quite a number of years now. He usually gets back to me well within a day.

Internet firewall in place in that area (or even here), maybe? I think even if he were sick, I would have heard back from him by now.

Interestingly enough, we did discuss this coronavirus issue recently. So maybe we set off some red flags with that discussion?

I bet your friend is doing ok. He is probably just really busy with trying to find out what is going on. Maybe they have an ATS Turkey lol. We all know how much time that takes to keep caught up with the news.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 01:26 AM
Guysto be short and sweet, it's everywhere, everyone will get it,some won't die,most wont.prepare as best you can in case the power goes ,that's when it will matter.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
Guo’s Remark in 90 Seconds: CCP’s Coronavirus: Incinerators, Martial Law, Bio-Weapon, Pandemic

According to an informant who managed and coupled the incinerators with the quarantine hospitals of Xincang in Leishenshan, 40 mobile incinerators have been working for 24/7...

There are 400k incinerators having been deployed throughout China. The manufacturer has got an order for an additional one million incinerators. Those who died at home are many times more than those who died in streets or in the hospitals...

it is estimated by now that about 100k have been cremated per day.

At the peek of the Spanish flu, one estimation puts the death toll at 750k for one day.

the CCP has adopted a scheme: imprison the ill people in circled localities, perish them by mobile incinerators and bury their ashes locally...

the CCP is ready to name a few and penalise them as scapegoats. High on the list are Guo Deyin, Wang Yanyi and Shi Zhengli. The CCP also blames the US as the origin of the coronavirus...

The article gets into a few more topics like martial law, political stability and Hong Kong. At this time I find the political status of Hong Kong as a weak motivation for developing and releasing the virus. The uncontrollable and pandemic nature of this virus does not add up for a small regional issue. As for exactly who and why is a extremely hot political potato with a lot of chair shuffling and finger pointing going on. What is the real story with patient 0?

If Guo's sources inside China are reliable, he is dropping some big truth bombs in this article.

The CCP also blames the US as the origin of the coronavirus.

Does that mean the CCP will admit they acquired the coronavirus strain they accidentally released from their P4 lab in Wuhan via espionage?

Whereas the epidemic is out of control, the CCP has determined to take advantage of it. Wang Qishan, Jiang Zemin, Yang Jiechi command and implement to spread the virus all over the world. The coronavirus outbreaks are expected to sweep Japan, Cambodia, the US, Canada, Europe and Asia etc.. As all countries are overwhelmingly busy in dealing with the pandemic, no one has time to hold the CCP accountable for the truth.


posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 01:29 AM
Some more not necessarily rosy news:

A fifth person has died from coronavirus in South Korea, authorities confirmed Sunday. The woman was already in a serious condition when she arrived at Kyungpook National University Hospital in Daegu, where she was diagnosed, according to authorities. She died on Sunday. South Korea has reported 556 coronavirus cases, 309 of them associated with the Shincheonji religious group in Daegu. Police in Daegu said Sunday that they had deployed about 600 officers to locate the 670 members of the Shincheonji religious group whose whereabouts are unknown. Officers were visiting their registered addresses and using telecommunications service providers’ location tracking information, police said. According to the South Korean law on the prevention of infectious diseases, health authorities are able to seek help from police and telecommunication service providers are obliged to provide information when requested by the police. South Korea is experiencing one of the worst outbreaks outside of mainland China, where the majority of cases and deaths have been confirmed. The latest death puts South Korea on par with Iran for the most number of coronavirus deaths outside mainland China.

Israel plans to lock down borders.

The Health Ministry said Saturday that Israel would likely soon close its borders to non-citizens amid fears of an outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus, but later appeared to backtrack.

At the same time, South Korea protested to Israel over a decision to deny entry to some 200 people aboard a plane from Seoul.

A notice on the Health Ministry’s website posted Saturday said, “So far, checkpoints have not been closed to anyone who stayed in other places. However, checkpoints will most likely be closed soon to anyone who is not an Israeli resident.”

The sentence was later deleted with no explanation from both the Hebrew- and English-language versions of the website. Instead, the ministry’s guidelines read that while those who were in China within 14 days are being denied entry, “As of now, the borders have not been closed to those who were in other places.”

A ministry spokesperson could not be immediately reached for comment. 23/671176be-55bb-11ea-80ce-37a8d4266c09_story.html

The Chinese government reported 648 new cases of the novel coronavirus across the country on Sunday, as well as 97 deaths. This brings the total number of confirmed cases in the country to 76,936 with a total of 2,442 deaths from COVID-19.

● As of Sunday, three cruise ships have docked in Wuhan to house medical workers. A total of seven ships are expected to dock in coming days to help the city’s overburdened health care system.

● The number of cases linked to the Diamond Princess cruise ships increased again, with Indian media reporting that the number of Indian crew members aboard the ship who were confirmed had risen to 12. At least 643 people who traveled aboard the ship have been confirmed as having the virus.

● Iran has confirmed six deaths related to the coronavirus, the highest outside of China, while South Korea announced Sunday that it now had 120 new confirmed cases, bringing the total to 556.

HONG KONG — The Chinese government announced there had been 648 more confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus outbreak as of late Saturday evening, bringing the total cases in mainland China to 76,936, with 97 more deaths from the outbreak bringing the total up to 2,442 across the nation. Within China, the outbreak remains worst in Hubei province and its capital city of Wuhan, where the outbreak first emerged in December. The new official figures showed that the vast majority of new cases confirmed across China — 630 — were in the province, while all but one of the new deaths were in Hubei.

edit on 23-2-2020 by Jelonek because: (no reason given)

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