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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: madenusa

originally posted by: ShortBus
I honestly don't think there is really any way to prep for this for some of us.

If I store up food, it makes the assumption I can stay in my house without having to leave. It assumes we will not have to leave, because if we do, we will only be able to take so much. If we have to leaves and I stored up gas, we'd have to take that, cause we couldn't be sure we'd get gas, but where would we go anyhow?

If things get so bad and they start shutting down schools and grocery stores and telling people to stay home, having masks and gloves and all that jazz will be pointless since you won't be going anywhere. But once people start running out of food, they will start going on looting raids to get food and then you have to start shooting people that want to get in your house for food. But if 20 people show up at my house, all with guns and start shooting my family and I, I don't think we will have the force to counter them.

When a person "Preps" it just seems like there as so many assumptions being made, both in what will happen and how it will play out, but there are so many wild cards.

Honestly, I think being dead would be better than trying to survive a worst case scenario. Am I the only one that thinks this?
live with the animals that's my plan back in the woods, avoid the humans.
you cant get out of this world alive.

Agreed 100 percent.

edit on 22-2-2020 by bally001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:03 PM

originally posted by: all2human
a reply to: JSpader

ya i second that
No way 6 months
unaffordable and where so store?
that's a sh-ton
like easy half living room floor to ceiling.

I have been thinking and looking into best foods to store for as cheap as possible. The major item that has seemed to work out throughout history is rice. You get 11 servings of rice per pound. You can get 20 to 25 pound bags or rice at Walmart and Sam's club for about $10 a bag. Now I know that nobody wants to strictly eat rice 24/7, but nobody wants to be starving without any food at all. This is why I have also bought canned goods and spices to add to the rice, or eat them separately for a break from rice. Number 10 cans of tomatoes can be bought for about $3 to $4 a can. I have more than that but do not feel like listing everything here.

All total at this time, I believe I have about 70 pounds of rice.

It is expensive to prep, but at $10 for 20 pounds of rice, it isnt a bad deal and could be the difference of being hungry or not. It could be a life saver.

As fear as water, I have been buying the 5 gallon water jugs at Walmart for $8 a piece and filling them up with the filtered water from my refrigerator filter. This isnt the most economical way, but it is effective at storing 5 gallons at a time. I also stumbled upon 4 gallon jugs filled at Sam's club for about $4.50. Which I think they go through a few of them and dont always have them in stock.

Storage area is the hardest part. How to compromise storage space versus living space. All I can say is heavy duty shelving.

Still working out the bugs and learning new techniques to affordably feed my family of 5 for an extended time.

Hopefully it never gets to a point where I need to implement such endeavors, but if needed, it's there.

edit on 22-2-2020 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

May I ask what ‘that something” is you found?

Did your depression dissipate/evaporate, or you’re just more to deal and can cope better?

Just curious (depressing times ahead I fear)

edit on 22-2-2020 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:04 PM
Broadcasting graduation ceremony following infection spread Chitose, Hokkaido is done by internet now.
In response to the spread of the new coronavirus, at the graduation ceremony of a vocational school in Chitose City, Hokkaido, the ceremony was relayed via the Internet, and parents and guests were asked to refrain from visiting.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: clay2 barakaall I read and hear is corona, nothing about immigrants except for this Bortac got my attention

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
they have to call it soon, but they are holding off I do not doubt because the world govts are afraid of the damage to the stock markets.

most of my investments are in pretty safe locations right now, was actually considering moving into some riskier ventures before this started.

Going to be interesting to see how this plays out, how far will the ultra rich go to hang onto their wealth.

Looks like Warren Buffet is working his party for sure right now. Spent a RECORD 2.2 Billion in the last quarter and just recently dumped quite a few Apple Stocks. Almost as if he knows just what to do and when.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

originally posted by: madenusa
Government Deploying BORTAC to Sanctuary Cities.
there's another forum over the deploying.
I was just wondering if it crossed anyone else's mind, how covenant it would be for our government to have extra special forces in the city's if this corona virus gets loose and they have to declare marshal law like the city of Wuhan.
what are they not telling us.?
I haven't read anything about, I take credit for thinking out of the box.
I scare my self sometimes

I always assumed they would use mercenaries (sorry, we call them "private military contractors" now), like they did during Katrina..


posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: TruthJava

originally posted by: Irishhaf
they have to call it soon, but they are holding off I do not doubt because the world govts are afraid of the damage to the stock markets.

most of my investments are in pretty safe locations right now, was actually considering moving into some riskier ventures before this started.

Going to be interesting to see how this plays out, how far will the ultra rich go to hang onto their wealth.

Looks like Warren Buffet is working his party for sure right now. Spent a RECORD 2.2 Billion in the last quarter and just recently dumped quite a few Apple Stocks. Almost as if he knows just what to do and when.

there could be 1000s sick in Chicago locked down in a hospital and our government would keep it quit.
you will hear about it on Facebook before the media says anything.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: ShortBus
I honestly don't think there is really any way to prep for this for some of us.

If I store up food, it makes the assumption I can stay in my house without having to leave. It assumes we will not have to leave, because if we do, we will only be able to take so much. If we have to leaves and I stored up gas, we'd have to take that, cause we couldn't be sure we'd get gas, but where would we go anyhow?

If things get so bad and they start shutting down schools and grocery stores and telling people to stay home, having masks and gloves and all that jazz will be pointless since you won't be going anywhere. But once people start running out of food, they will start going on looting raids to get food and then you have to start shooting people that want to get in your house for food. But if 20 people show up at my house, all with guns and start shooting my family and I, I don't think we will have the force to counter them.

When a person "Preps" it just seems like there as so many assumptions being made, both in what will happen and how it will play out, but there are so many wild cards.

Honestly, I think being dead would be better than trying to survive a worst case scenario. Am I the only one that thinks this?

This is my opinion on the matter. It will vary from person to person.

I believe that you cannot prep for everything. I believe that you can take precautions and prepare to a certain degree. If you take it one step at a time and begin sensibly with the most important items first, then you can start to prepare with other items later.

Of course if 20 armed vigilantes come to take your stuff, then you have a serious decision to make. Fight or flight. You might not make it.

When you prep it is also helpful if you look at it like it isn't a guarantee. There are no guarantees that you or anyone you know are going to make it. The only thing you can guarantee is that you can do the best you can and roll with it.

You seem to be overwhelming yourself with the what ifs. Start small and keep adding to your stash.

How bad do you want to try to survive? How hard do you want to push yourself to strive for the life of you and your family? That is only a question that you and you alone can answer.

There will be plenty of people that prep, maybe even myself, that will not make it through a crisis , but what I can tell you is by the simple act of attempting to do a little more than the next person, it does increase your odds at survival.

I'm no expert, but I will not think about death being better. My children deserve better than that type of thinking.

There are plenty of experts that also think they all have it figured out. I can tell you that none of us do.

Again just a little ramble about my opinion on this matter.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:23 PM
Over in the people are stupid dept...


Against the city government's order, the Christian opposition group is going ahead with their weekend rally. The leader told the congregation, "I spoke to a doctor. His case study shows that you can't catch virus outside."

Short video clip showing the crowd:

The city is Seoul, S. Korea. Amazing we're still here on this spinning rock.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:36 PM
"18 of 39 South Koreans who recently went on a group pilgrimage to Israel have tested positive for coronavirus."

A pilgrimage they won't soon forget!! A virus knows no borders.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: slatesteam

There has to be a reason you get out of bed each day, not just because society expects you to but something solid that will drive you to be better, to live a life instead of just exist.

For me it was the people I love, and realizing that suicide or laying down and quitting would hurt them far worse than the pain I was feeling.

So my default state since is always fight always try to improve my situation and try to be there for those I care about.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:37 PM
Excellent advice liejunkie01
No argument here

Although i don't think it will unravel at the rate you imply
theres still plenty of time to be decent,
but guarded yes.
If i can add the hazards of the 'go it alone' are plentiful
If we are really talking survival,assuming man's true nature rears it's ugly head,
it may be necessary to have friends in low places.
Conditions in North America could be a total gong show
for obvious reasons.
I think you would agree,this is partly why we have not been given the facts
so we don't lose our collective shts,and conditions you describe can be avoided

edit on 22-2-2020 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Thank you. While I do understand this may not be “IT”, so to speak, there are so many unknowns and the things we do know make for bleak forecasts.

Somebody stipulated earlier that if this virus isn’t naturally occurring, then we just have to ride it out...meaning wait for the last infected person let their medical outcome play out.

However there seems to be evidence suggesting that it’s highly transmissible (even when not showing signs, it sheds more than a Russian Blue), it’s well into the wild and possibly on the cusp of pandemic. All well and good (not really). But things like it can reinfect and even possibly the original host, suggest this thing isn’t going away any time soon....

Further speculation suggests that humans when faced with dire consequences, will do evil and stupid things against one another. Governments leading the charge....

I realize that the Spanish Flu was a game-changer, not ender, but today’s world is much smaller, military tech much more advanced, and this phone in my hand and about 5B others, isn’t necessarily bringing humanity any closer.

Just rambling now. Thank you for your insight.

edit on 22-2-2020 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

There are currently 78,773 confirmed cases worldwide, including 2,461 fatalities.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:18 PM
Guo’s Remark in 90 Seconds: CCP’s Coronavirus: Incinerators, Martial Law, Bio-Weapon, Pandemic

According to an informant who managed and coupled the incinerators with the quarantine hospitals of Xincang in Leishenshan, 40 mobile incinerators have been working for 24/7...

There are 400k incinerators having been deployed throughout China. The manufacturer has got an order for an additional one million incinerators. Those who died at home are many times more than those who died in streets or in the hospitals...

it is estimated by now that about 100k have been cremated per day.

At the peek of the Spanish flu, one estimation puts the death toll at 750k for one day.

the CCP has adopted a scheme: imprison the ill people in circled localities, perish them by mobile incinerators and bury their ashes locally...

the CCP is ready to name a few and penalise them as scapegoats. High on the list are Guo Deyin, Wang Yanyi and Shi Zhengli. The CCP also blames the US as the origin of the coronavirus...

The article gets into a few more topics like martial law, political stability and Hong Kong. At this time I find the political status of Hong Kong as a weak motivation for developing and releasing the virus. The uncontrollable and pandemic nature of this virus does not add up for a small regional issue. As for exactly who and why is a extremely hot political potato with a lot of chair shuffling and finger pointing going on. What is the real story with patient 0?

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

originally posted by: madenusa
Government Deploying BORTAC to Sanctuary Cities.
there's another forum over the deploying.
I was just wondering if it crossed anyone else's mind, how covenant it would be for our government to have extra special forces in the city's if this corona virus gets loose and they have to declare marshal law like the city of Wuhan.
what are they not telling us.?
I haven't read anything about, I take credit for thinking out of the box.
I scare my self sometimes

I always assumed they would use mercenaries (sorry, we call them "private military contractors" now), like they did during Katrina..


Constellis AKA Triple Canopy. There is no more Blackwater

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: asdfa

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

originally posted by: madenusa
Government Deploying BORTAC to Sanctuary Cities.
there's another forum over the deploying.
I was just wondering if it crossed anyone else's mind, how covenant it would be for our government to have extra special forces in the city's if this corona virus gets loose and they have to declare marshal law like the city of Wuhan.
what are they not telling us.?
I haven't read anything about, I take credit for thinking out of the box.
I scare my self sometimes

I always assumed they would use mercenaries (sorry, we call them "private military contractors" now), like they did during Katrina..


Constellis AKA Triple Canopy. There is no more Blackwater

There's a reason these ghouls keep changing their name..

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: bally001 Here in Tennessee and already in the woods thankfully and planning on making an extra large vegetable garden and start canning. I know a lot of people live in the city but you can still plant tomatoes in pots plus a lot of other vegetables will produce in pots and planters either inside a warm window sill or out on a balcony. Butter lettuce is very easy to grow along as a ton of other veggies. If you live in a more rural area pick up a book on wild edibles and foraging. If the sh*t doesnt hit the fan then you have only wasted a couple of dollars on seeds and will have plenty of produce to share.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: clay2 baraka

They actually were called Xi for awhile, no?

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