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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: elitegamer23

February 1st

Coronavirus update: - 14,550 confirmed cases worldwide - 19,544 suspected cases - 304 fatalities - 2,110 in serious/critical condition - 328 in China treated and released - Biggest daily increase so far - 24 countries reporting cases

February 8th

Coronavirus update: - 37,553 confirmed cases worldwide - 28,942 suspected cases - 813 fatalities - 6,196 in serious/critical condition - 2,681 recovered - Most cases in China - 25 countries reporting cases

February 14th

BNO Newsroom
Coronavirus update:
- 66,887 cases worldwide
- 10,109 suspected cases
- 1,523 fatalities
- 10,757 in serious/critical condition
- 7,720 recovered
- Most cases in China
- Today: First case in Egypt
- 26 countries reporting cases

February 15th France had 1st death In Europe.
February 21

Coronavirus update: - 77,812 cases worldwide - 10,846 being tested - 2,360 fatalities - 11,529 in serious/critical condition - 20,867 recovered - Most cases in China - Growing number in South Korea - 29 countries reporting cases

All from bno Twitter

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:24 PM
There are rumors that there are 2 cases now in Turkey, in the city of Van. Wouldnt surprise me, because Iran and Turkey share birders and have intense trade.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Diamondgeezur

My family back home in Devon are saying similar, all things say “pods are here” but they went round places like Torquay an Plymouth and couldn’t see obvious signs ( for others there the major hospitals serving about half the south west in Devon !)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: deccal

Might put a stop to Russia’s offensive in the region!

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:30 PM

A surge in untraceable clusters of new coronavirus patients around the globe has caused experts to warn that 'containment methods are not going to work'. In South Korea, Singapore and Iran, clusters of infections are leading to a jump in cases of the new viral illness outside China. World Health Organization officials said China's crackdown on parts of the country bought time for the rest of the world to prepare for the new virus. But as hot spots emerge around the globe, trouble finding each source - the first patient who sparks every new cluster - might signal the disease has begun spreading too widely for tried-and-tested steps to stamp it out. 'A number of spot fires, occurring around the world is a sign that things are ticking along, and what we are going to have here is probably a pandemic,' said Ian Mackay, who studies viruses at Australia's University of Queensland. Viruses vary in how they infect. The new coronavirus - unlike its cousins SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, and MERS, or Middle East respiratory syndrome - spreads as easily as a common cold. And it's almost certainly being spread by people who show such mild symptoms that no one can tell, said Dr. Amesh Adalja of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Dr Adalja said: 'If that's the case, all of these containment methods are not going to work. It's likely mixed in the cold and flu season all over the place, in multiple countries' and gone unnoticed until someone gets severely ill.'

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

This is worrisome ... H1N1 serial killer on the loose..

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: AngelsDecay

Jesus man...smoke a J, take some phones and listen some good music, drink a beer, just relax my is made of ups and downs, like our lives, jobs, economy, etc etc....anyway, we all gonna die one day

Yeah, but who wants to be an unwilling passenger in the express lane?

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: Adphil28

Have to think sw U.K. is kinda low risk though, growing up in a village of maybe 4K people. And having little contact with the outside world up on Dartmoor that’s gonna be a relatively safe place to be in this event !

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

That mapn is already outdated.. for eg: Italy currently have 62 and South Korea 433 😨

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:40 PM

this is an important snip from the linked article
the ZOMBIE meme has come-to-our-reality

So, these supra-organisms of bacteriophage colonies are all highly advanced billions of years old machines for controlling an overabundance of bacterial life. They are the antithesis to life. Literally.

This is how versatile they are...they started to blame the testing kits; saying 10% of the testing kits returned a false result...but that is wrong...the bacteriophages no longer had the protein keys they were looking for with the testing kits because they had mutated beyond them.

This is how fast this thing is advancing.--->>

So...IF ONE of the COVID 'virus' enters your system and attaches to an ACE2 receptor it will commandeer that cell and begin manufacturing the COVID virus andfrom that point forwards you are the walking dead.

~~Essentially you are ASYMPTOMATIC while you are shedding virus because it is killing you as slowly as possible while you, as a Supra organism yourself, have no idea you are even ill~~ ? the 24+ days of incubation ?

At Last a comprehensible outline about the 'enemy'

I had another post which, on another thread, addressed the 'crown' virus as a combined 3 crown grouping & how it fits with the 7 headed, 10 horned Beast Kingdom that prospers at the End-Times (available if replies ask for it)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:41 PM
Don't waste anytime on China anymore its all bull# numbers..
Focus on South Korea...Iran....and Italy.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:41 PM
Is it time to stop flights in and out from everywhere?

for at least a month and see where we are at with this virus?

I know people will be worried about money and work but we dont really need that, all we need is some food and drink, no need to import food and drink, no need to go out buying clothes, no need for anything else really if you think about it, except some meds which could help stem the pain.

The only people who will care about money in these times are the rich and famous as they will see their bank balances dwindle. The rest of us have lived with moderate mount of money forever, so we'll be used to it.
edit on 22-2-2020 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: BowBells
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

That mapn is already outdated.. for eg: Italy currently have 62 and South Korea 433 😨

true, it is but i was just showing the spread aroun th world at current time

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:43 PM
I'm wondering if we'll hear anything in africa soon or South america?

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: celltypespecific

Wouldn’t bother with Italy or Iran either tbh,
Italy trustworthy ?, not really they’ve hidden real number of inigrants etc and that was before this!
And Iran!, seriously you trust them more than China?, they lied point blank about shooting down the Ukrainian jet even though every country knew and had evidence they did it!!!!

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: St Udio

this is an important snip from the linked article
the ZOMBIE meme has come-to-our-reality

So, these supra-organisms of bacteriophage colonies are all highly advanced billions of years old machines for controlling an overabundance of bacterial life. They are the antithesis to life. Literally.

This is how versatile they are...they started to blame the testing kits; saying 10% of the testing kits returned a false result...but that is wrong...the bacteriophages no longer had the protein keys they were looking for with the testing kits because they had mutated beyond them.

This is how fast this thing is advancing.--->>

So...IF ONE of the COVID 'virus' enters your system and attaches to an ACE2 receptor it will commandeer that cell and begin manufacturing the COVID virus andfrom that point forwards you are the walking dead.

~~Essentially you are ASYMPTOMATIC while you are shedding virus because it is killing you as slowly as possible while you, as a Supra organism yourself, have no idea you are even ill~~ ? the 24+ days of incubation ?

At Last a comprehensible outline about the 'enemy'

I had another post which, on another thread, addressed the 'crown' virus as a combined 3 crown grouping & how it fits with the 7 headed, 10 horned Beast Kingdom that prospers at the End-Times (available if replies ask for it)

As I have studied the Biblical text about it for over 30 years myself, I would definitely be interested in hearing what you have to say about it!

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 01:03 PM
Can it now be confirmed?
every person stricken with this virus is always contagious
possibly or more so to themselves
There is no proof of mutation
The WHO and media has been mum on this.

No way are we going to see the controls in China duplicated
we are not used to this
in western society,way too self absorbed
Much more reason to worry about mass panic,when this hits home.
I expect people to absolutely freak out.
The idea of a patients taking up a bed in hospital for up to 20 days is frightening.
People can't imagine nor will accept any of this until it's there turn to visit the doctor who
A. is at home sick, or
B. will be offered an 3 months.
The economic impacts could dwarf the virus.
worst case thoughts
edit on 22-2-2020 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 01:03 PM

~~Essentially you are ASYMPTOMATIC while you are shedding virus because it is killing you as slowly as possible while you, as a Supra organism yourself, have no idea you are even ill~~ ? the 24+ days of incubation ?

It's not trying to kill anyone as slowly as possible - it's just trying to replicate, like life tries to do. It just has the unfortunate side effect of killing someone. But only rarely for this virus - you act like anyone who gets this is doomed. Also 24 days? Why do people keep quoting the largest and unproven outlier? The AVERAGE is still around 4.5 or 5 days, I believe. Not 24 days.

Also - the biggest worry is this spreads as virulently and widespread as the flu. In the U.S. around 35k a year die to influenza. Multiply that by 20 - that's 700k dead if it spreads to the same degree as the flu. Unless it's more virulent - which it is. It's probably around a 2.5 (or higher), while influenza is around 1.3 R0. So, if it spreads unchecked, we could be easily looking at 1.4 million dead in a year - in the U.S. alone.

That's the real concern. That's not being a doomsayer, it's just reality. And that's without taking into account the possibility of catching it a 2nd time (not proven yet, but it's a possibility), and any mutations that might occur. I think all attempts to curtail spread should be taken - one and a half million dead in the U.S. (and possibly 20 million worldwide) is perhaps to some, "just life" and acceptable. I think any measures taken to prevent spread should be taken. I think most countries are either ill-prepared or not taking this seriously enough.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 01:04 PM
Wow... I just put CNN on to see if they are reporting much about this yet. The did a quick interview with some top US virologist who said its on the verge of becoming a pandemic. They were clearly trying to break the info slowly to the public without causing panic though because they immediately cut to their resident Dr talking about the flu numbers and they showed a side by side comparison of flu numbers and deaths from flu versus coronavirus. It was a blatant attempt to downplay coronavirus by showing the larger number of flu deaths. It was so ridiculously obvious what they were doing it was laughable.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 01:11 PM
See posts from last 48 hours mutation is confirmed at a rate of 20.024 mutations per year ( at least) see my previous posts on mutation s and convergence for that!
Id agree who is a muppet of the state

Saying “western society “ make it sound like eastern propaganda!
As yet is 0 reason for mass panic that the people behind these accounts want to see ( id point to Russia trying to destabilise the west on that as a basic ideal!”
The rest looks like bs designed to panic the public but that’s the eastern nations assuming the western ones are to dumb to differentiate the difference between real threat and some fake perceived themreat from states like Russia or what ever trying to use this to de stabilise western nations (ie there main threat!)
Please don’t bother with this fake bs we as people are smarter than this and see through it at a base level as outside interference !, it’s just a fake narrative that want to destabilise the west and we don’t having none of that fake bs!
a reply to: all2human

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