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All cops are crooked...seriously

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posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 07:23 AM
Dont just say that males have a problem with it, then you might start something saying that you are discriminiating against males. Ive seen ALOT of cowardly females have to deal with the police too. So its not just the males, im sure more than 80% of women think that ALL men are sex crazy cowards who only think with the little head. They think that we are all bad and that they never look on the good side of us males. Trust me ladies, males have as much as a tough time as you do.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 08:30 AM
You know I have been out on several calls where parents or uncles and aunts where the ones under and investigation and so we would be talking to them, then out of the blue comes this tug at my pants leg . This small voice almost in tears and beggin says mr policeman are you going to take me to jail , please dont take me to jail. I kneel down and tell the kid you are not in trouble here why do you think you are going to jail , the kid says because I was in here and every one has to go to jail because mom and dad are doing bad things and I was told that all people go to jail in the house and not to tell anyone whats going on here or they will come and we will all go to jail.

Now to me it sounds as if the seends of hatred are already placed in this kid , and it only gets worse when you have both parents going in and the child has to be taken to an intake shelter in the back of a police car, they dont understand that isnt jail , they just look at it as they are not at home and a bunch of doors are locked around them.

Parents know this is going to feed the hatred and fear they have already instilled in the child and are teaching these kids from the get go to cover up for their own crimes kids , shouldnt be screwed up like this but they are.

Most times these kids end up in and out of the system on their own crimes as a result , and that is the worst part that child is now the parent of the furture and all ready to continue the cycle.

[edit on 23/2/2005 by drbryankkruta]

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by zerotime

I might be getting a little Freudian here but I think that the people who hate all cops do so because they are cowards. (I’m not flaming – this is my honest theory). No matter how tough males verbally pump themselves up to be the reality is often that the average guy is a coward, but that is only exposed when confronted by a difficult situation. No matter how evolved human beings pretend to be the fragile male ego is controlled by masculinity. When the masculinity of a male is bruised a lot of hate emerges as a defense.

One of the main jobs of a police officer is to hold a presence of authority so that they can be in full control the situation at hand. When a police officer is confronted with a person who is committing or suspected of committing a crime the officer will use training, authority and intimidating on the suspect to get them to “crack.” A suspect cracks and spills his guts when the level of fear has crossed a breaking point. It is the duty of the police officer to essentially break the willpower of the suspect, and in doing so the officer also crushes the masculinity of the suspect. That type of damage is very psychologically scarring. The emotional injured person then lashes out in the only way possible by hating all police officers because they identify the uniform as the source of their fears. We always hate what we fear.

So, in my opinion, when a person says I hate all police officers or all police officers are bad (which are obviously ludicrous statements) what they are really saying is that a police officer made me feel like a coward and damaged my psyche.

i never thought that till cops did me wrong man. i would love to get in the octagon with any of the officers i mentioned previously, or the one in this thread.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by drbryankkruta
While I am finding frustration with the lack of people that just dont understand I would say that the language here goes a bit far and could catch the attention of a mod, we dont promote views effectively by cursing and insulting. It would also stand to advance the goals of those who stereo type cops as all the same , I would respectfully submit that an appology for the a word thing would better serve us all.

ill just take the warning, thanks. also, i only said all of the cops i ever dealt with were corrupt or crooked, and IMHO they are.

i choose my battles wisely and this is one i am vehement about. once you have experienced the system first hand you will be disgusted too im sure.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420

ill just take the warning, thanks. also, i only said all of the cops i ever dealt with were corrupt or crooked, and IMHO they are.

i choose my battles wisely and this is one i am vehement about. once you have experienced the system first hand you will be disgusted too im sure.

I would say it one more time , I was one the wrong side as jeuvenile , and when I turned 21 switched sides so I have insight from both sides of the line. I know the system better than most for the fact I have done both sides. I even worked in prisions for years, so I have a triangular knowledge of the system and if I even finish my education I will have a four course meal of it by joining the judicial side of it . I know more than I want to know

That still didnt excuse the language used you can exspress your discust while maintaining polite relations , I tell you what look at it this way , you know what I took mostly from your conversation was the memory of the rudeness not your point , it seems to me its more beneficial to get your point across not your attitude , but that may just be me , as I cant speak for others here.

Dont loose the point in short sightedness, for division and hatred are a line most thin , easy to cross one way but not to return to the other......

by Dr. Bryan K. Kruta
Nov. 2004 for purposes of elections.

[edit on 23/2/2005 by drbryankkruta]

[edit on 23/2/2005 by drbryankkruta]

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:28 AM
Everyone should agree to disagree, and do so with class , You will look better in the long run .....the other person more then likely wont.........I would rather be classily dressed , then gutter worn ........Mr politician.

By Dr. Bryan Kruta
Sept. 2004 for Pres. Run offs.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:45 AM
see thats the problem, the system isnt good enough for all. i get points taken and a warning, thats how it works. i took it like a man and thats the end of it.

Everyone should agree to disagree, and do so with class , You will look better in the long run .....the other person more then likely wont.........I would rather be classily dressed , then gutter worn ........Mr politician.

ok i dont get this respect but i should give it back? doubt it. I'd rather rock jeans and a t and be me.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420
see thats the problem, the system isnt good enough for all. i get points taken and a warning, thats how it works. i took it like a man and thats the end of it.

Everyone should agree to disagree, and do so with class , You will look better in the long run .....the other person more then likely wont.........I would rather be classily dressed , then gutter worn ........Mr politician.

ok i dont get this respect but i should give it back? doubt it. I'd rather rock jeans and a t and be me.

I can deal I slip on my hole filled jeans every once in a while , but keep the class all the same ,,,,,,Cheers

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 07:03 PM
"So, in my opinion, when a person says I hate all police officers or all police officers are bad (which are obviously ludicrous statements) what they are really saying is that a police officer made me feel like a coward and damaged my psyche."

hahaha wow. i was gonna throw some more cents in but it looks like this will be closed shortly.....screw it lol......its just funny to hear it that way.....hmmmm i don't like the 50(i've delt with)cuz the crotch grabbin & gun to my head...pretty much strips u of any control, any masculanity or however u spell that....but on the flip side, its not my ego & ishthat bothers me when ish like that happens,its the money that goes by by if im charged with something not that i would be but that sums it up for me.


oh yeah, check the sig the self centered controling ppl r the corrupted

& they're in every category listed there lol later

[edit on 23-2-2005 by AKAELI]

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 08:13 PM
Don't like being searched? Well, the police don't exactly enjoy searching. But, in order to ensure that people don't end their own lives or the officers, you have to. You'd be surprised what people carry...machetes, shotguns, knives, syringes and all sorts of other craziness.

You people simply don't understand. You are all hostile because there's some poor bastard out there, who has to violate your personal space so that he doesn't get stabbed or shot so he can go home to his wife and kids. These people go otu there, try their best to clean up the streets (despite the courts' revolving doors) and YOU people hate him for that.

Unreasonable hatred of the police doesn't exactly endear them, you know. Try treating them with respect, and they might do the same.


posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by DeusEx
Don't like being searched? Well, the police don't exactly enjoy searching. But, in order to ensure that people don't end their own lives or the officers, you have to. You'd be surprised what people carry...machetes, shotguns, knives, syringes and all sorts of other craziness.

You people simply don't understand. You are all hostile because there's some poor bastard out there, who has to violate your personal space so that he doesn't get stabbed or shot so he can go home to his wife and kids. These people go otu there, try their best to clean up the streets (despite the courts' revolving doors) and YOU people hate him for that.

Unreasonable hatred of the police doesn't exactly endear them, you know. Try treating them with respect, and they might do the same.


I agree I dont like searching either even more so when I am searching a vagrant of sick person because of not only risks to my health to the smell , and forget even thinking about liking searching a poor guy whos only mistake was to get puking drunk and you have to search and the person almost pukes on you , and bloody suspects , I hate having to be always tested for hepititis c and hiv and aids , but so that everyone can stay alive and safe I have to. My health be damned when it comes to protecting lives and going home at night , and having a suspect that I didnt have to take out I made that call 2 times and the men I had to take out I looked in the eye , you know what though if they would have just gone with the flow they would not have been tempted to fight and die rather than be searched......That two sets of eye are the hardest thing to see , I blame myself for not being able to talk them out of it and into a search so we could all go home.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 03:12 AM
How dare you apologize to any of them. They are all demented, mentally and morally stunted grunts. Anyone who gets into the profession of righting tickets, busting people for curfew, jaywalking, and doing drug busts is a worthless piece of #. They know exactly what kind of profession they are getting themselves into. They know exactly what kind of power they will have and that's what draws them to the job. Americans are sick in the head as a whole, the majority of them are borderline sociopaths, escaping the label by being cowards. Give them total control over another persons life and they will abuse the power. Anyone who becomes a cop would prefer to taser someone rather than help them.

They can't get away with oppressing just anyone, just poor people and some lower mid class. There is a war going on in this country, it's against poor people. The drug war is just part of it. The WOD isn't aimed at drug users in general, but poor people drug users or not. They know they can get away with doing anything to a poor person, anything, ANYTHING. That means, they can run a train skull#ing a poor person after having killed their family including pets, if it should happen to get news coverage, which is unlikely, the worst they would get is paid vacation or transferred to a different department. They all know this, they abuse the power. They will deny it of course, if they aren't oppressing you they will put on the act that they are the kindest nicest person in the world who like to show some tuff love to horrible rapists and the like. When really, the bad guys they are supposed to lock up aren't their taste, they would rather pick on a guy who will sit there obediently. Though I'm sure they love a good hunt.

Not all members of law enforcement are oppressive. Some are professional about #, still doing #ed up things but at least within the confines of the law. The grunts though, the guy you see turning on his lights to pull a U turn at a red light, they are oppressive worthless scum. They think of you as a toy and get a kick out of having the entire road ahead of them and an army of scared citizens behind them. They get thrills out of playing God with the lives of poor people.

I read the warning not to use profane language, and in this case I broke the rules, knowing exactly what the rules are. I read the TOA. I don't really give a #. What the police are doing, what this country is doing all over. Within the country and all over the world. Is far worse than me using the phrase skull# to describe it. So right me a ticket, err, ban me if you feel I'm being so God damned disruptive. I'm bringing this up because I find it odd you see. I have visited many forums and many discussion sites. I don't think any have edited my cursing and made threats before. Now, this is odd to me because I tend to think of conspiracy theorists as more on the liberal end of the spectrum than the conservative.

Censorship seems to contradict what the site is about. It makes me wonder if the people running the place didn't just think, hey we can make cash with ads by drawing in a bunch of white trash and don't really have any respect for it's members or share the same beliefs. I'd think government agency wanting to figure out how ignorant people are to hidden issues wanting to spread fictitious tales of extraterrestrials, amongst other cover-up stories. Since you're affiliated with the site that brought me here rather than your own entity I'm thinking the former.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 03:40 AM
Well, your comment irritated me. The fact that you actually believe I'm a coward and aren't just saying it to piss me off doesn't help. It's not being called a coward that irritates me, it's your way of thinking.

I hate police officers not because they made me feel like a coward, they never have. Because throughout my life they have made me feel helpless, have made me helpless. From imprisoning my mother and other family members for victimless crimes, and in one case a wrongful conviction, to sticking me in jail. I hate them because they do this to people all of the time. I have seen it happen to so many I couldn't begin to count. Helplessness is the worst posable feeling I could ever feel, the harsh reality of being oppressed. I hate them because they torment people, mostly people who have done nothing wrong. I hate them not only because they attacked me, and ruined the lives of many innocent people whom I care about, but also because they do this to millions. They have never made me "crack". They have simply #ed me over without me saying an incriminating word. Never put fear in me, only anger and hatred, towards humanity for loving them even.

The truth is, being associated with government you'll deny it even in your own mind, police are the cowards. Id go one on one with a cop any day, throwing blows or shots. I wouldn't lose. Cops are the ones who fight dirty, 2-20 Vs one, then they cuff you making you further defenseless, then beat you, shock you, shoot you or whatever they feel like doing at the time. 2-20 vs one, wearing vests, packing .45s shotguns and assault rifles. Against unarmed people. Should a gang get big enough, even with all their overwhelming power, being the cowards that they are the'll stay the # out of the gangs area. Letting murders and rapes go on. Them, not the gangsters, are the ones being given immunity to the law, money, power, and weapons. Given all this so people will think they are being protected, yet the gang of police is more harmful than any street gang. They murder and rob more people, they beat and abuse more people than any street gang would ever think of doing.

Because of fools like you, this massive gang will only continue to get more powerful, and more evil.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by WolfMentality
I read the warning not to use profane language, and in this case I broke the rules, knowing exactly what the rules are. I read the TOA. I don't really give a #.

So you choose to use profane language...despite having some idea that is not acceptable on this site? A Warn then is to be expected. However, as you say, this is of little importance.

The thing is that it is important on this site. People are most welcome to discuss their viewpoints...but viewpoints don't have to be coloured with expletives. Those are the Terms of membership to this site...and they are terms that the greater majority of us find little problemm adhereing to. If however this is a problem for you, then might I suggest that ATS is not the site for you.


posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 08:29 AM

I am sorry you and Jprophet420 both seem to think the disrespect and language
you use seems to be that , that you think gets you point across. All I and possibly others made from this was your lack to follow the rules , not your point at hand.

Yes some law enforcement officers are drawn to the job by guns and lights on their cars, but I almost missed that point for the hatred and disrespect that was used to prove a point.

It only made me wonder if a person is so willing to disrespect people for trying to do a job that some actually sincerly think will help others and you respond the way you do , that maybe the feelings you are expressing here and in the manner you are may be the cause of your problems.

I dont care what your reasons are for hate and blaighten disreguard , but
you should atleast respect those on your side who do follow the rules because they feel that behavior like was displayed was a distraction even to them who agree.

You know I respect and value the opinions of you both, and enjoy talking about this issue with you two despite the fact I have to weed through all the spewing going on to get at what you are actually saying.

I can garuntee you in fact I dont like the fact the proffesion exists , but I would rather do it then do something that never contributes at all.
and law enforcement although my longest proffesion was not my most cherished , I am a fire fighter / medic-first responder/ and Chaplain as well
why? well thats easy I put my life out there for the simple benefit of trying to do something to contribute to society good people or bad , all are cherished by me.

You know it tears at me to do the job most of the time because I can symathise with both sides of the story, my bother and I were often on the wrong side of the line when we where in our teens , but thank GOD I found a way to be more productive before I ended up into the hate filled existance I have seen all through this thread.

I am going to leave this with saying despite you ways I respect you and hold no ill will for your opinion I just wish I could have been able to receive the opinion in the way you intended which was to make a point.

I am sorry you have run into those that have in your opinion done you wrong but dont blame us all , some of us actually care and dont want to have to do some of the things we have to do, but we do them because we care if someone lives another day or at least I do.

I harbor no ill feelings against either of you I just wish we could have talked in a productive manor without the hate.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 11:59 PM
AKAELI, WolfMentality

These are feelings of fear, dominance and emasculating. The police held power over you. Everything, including the anger, that these posters are experiencing is 100% psychological.

The first thing that Akaeli mentions is that the police touched his private area (don't like the 50(i've delt with)cuz the crotch grabbin). Another man has sexually dominated him. Controlled him, if even only for a short time, and made him feel a loss of control and ashamed. The helplessness, the frustration, and the fear – all go hand in hand.

I think there is also some irresponsibility happening in these police situations. If you have children then step up and do not skate on the wrong side of the law for the sake of your children’s future. And if you do get caught then take some responsibility for your own actions. Blame yourself and not the police. Most people know what they are doing is wrong, they do it anyway, get caught, and then want to blame everyone in the world except the person in the mirror.

There are also some hard questions that I think people need to ask themselves. If you’ve had 50 run-ins with police officers should you maybe consider changing your life habits? I do not even believe most hard-core criminals have 50 run-ins with the police. Unless of course these are intentionally exaggerated numbers used in the attempt to get around the real issues. To put it in perspective, I’m not even sure that I have seen my dentist 50 times over the course of my lifetime and I see him twice a year since I was probably 5 or 6 years old. Also, on a side note for WolfMentality, the police cannot convict anyone. That is the job of the DA’s office.

I think anyone can honestly say there are bad police officers, just like it can be said that there are bad schoolteachers, bad doctors, and bad plumbers. There will always be a percentage of people who are bad at their job. However, making statements that an entire field is corrupt shows that something has occurred that has damaged that person’s mind to the point where it is skewed the ability to have basic common sense or logic. And that is something that a professional should help you deal with before it ruins your life.

[edit on 25-2-2005 by zerotime]

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 05:38 PM
Their are good cops and their are bad cops just like with everyone else. I believe they are basically bought and paid for just like the media. They have a certain quota they have to fulfill and their hands are tied on certain issues. This is what one San Pablo cop revealed to me recently.
I am a server at a local restaurant popular with cops. One day I approached one and wanted to know why nobody was doing anything about the massive red light runners and other reckless driving that has become rampant in San Palo where I live. Being a San Pablo cop himself he was fully aware of the situation. Looking completely embarrassed, he hung his head and replied "It's out of our hands." He went on to explain how San Pablo has a huge illegal immigrant population and 90% of these reckless drivers were no doubt part of that group. He then went on to explain how if the police started a massive crackdown on these offenders, the Hispanic liberties Groups would claim police harassment.
My husband drove half block to the store the other day and forgot to fasten his seat belt for such a short trip. You better believe he got a $90.00 ticket for this first offense.
Good cop bad cop? Or stuck in the middle?

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 05:52 PM
Wow, I have a cousin that is a cop.

I would trust him with my life, my friend.

Like it was already stated, you obviously are holding some sort of grudge...


posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by WeBDeviL
Wow, I have a cousin that is a cop.

I would trust him with my life, my friend.

Like it was already stated, you obviously are holding some sort of grudge...


you would trust him with your life because you are his cousin, would you trust him with MY life? or anybodies? what about his partner, you would trust your life with his partner instaed of him?

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 07:47 AM
99% of cops will do the right thing if they are called to...I dont like everyone I work with any job...but it doesnt make them bad (i.e corrupt) cops...

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