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All cops are crooked...seriously

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posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 08:03 PM
Cops are only human, and alot of humans are rosebuds, ergo alot of cops might be rosebuds.

[edit on 29-12-2005 by ADVISOR]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 08:55 PM
In Toronto, there is a saying between the cops, it's called the BLUE WALL OF SILENCE. It is meant to keep cops from rating on one another. In other words, it's their way of keeping each other from getting in trouble. So if a cop does something wrong, no matter if it is a minor offence or a murder, the BLUE WALL FO SILENCE will make sure that no one will ever know the facts and therefore no one will ever get in trouble.

I think that if someone is a criminal, you know where they stand and can deal with it. But if someone is a cop and is bad, criminal or prevents other cops from being busted for their crimes, then they are worse than any criminal. And they should get life in prison for doing so.

Not all cops are corrupt... but those that are legitimate are powerless to turn in those that are corrupt. Many cops busted for crimes in Toronto in the past have been let go instead of doing time. Why? What are they special?

I don't care how much pressure there is in the job, if you can't handle it then quit and find another job. Imagine the pressure on someone that is broke, has no future, no job and needs food, drugs or whatever else to get through the day. And that doesn't seem to be enough of an excuse for any cop. They see this type of person as expendable. Shoot first, and forget about the questions it seems to be the way of the cop today.

Look at the cops that beat the be-jesus out of the guy in New Orleans. Finally someone lost their job. What I think is that the cop sitting on the horse trying to prevent the camera guys from filming the assault, he too should lose his job or better, charge him with obstruction of justice. He tried to prevent someone from gaining evidence in a crucial moment of a crime that was happening. I love that the cops lost their jobs, but now they need to serve time in jail for assault. Learn a lesson for sure. And prevented from ever having any job that gives them authority over the public.

Has anyone notice that traffic cops seem to be mentally unstable. If they catch you speeding they usually have a fit. Just give me the ticket and be on your way. I do not need to get a lecture if I am getting a ticket. It is not part of the gig. There is no law that says I need to get a tongue lashing with my ticket. And then when you get to court with it, they all try and plea bargin with you. What's up with that? Then why did you give me the ticket I got in the first place?

Something is wrong with our police force and I totally agree, it must be revamped so that it is made up of outstanding people. Not drunk, anger management flunkies that it seems to be made out of.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 10:16 PM
Ok......... That was some reading to do!!
1. I have been a LEO for 18 years and I am one of the GOOD guys ok !
10 years on the road and 8 in SWAT. I was getting sick of getting crap for all the bad apples in the Dept. The City PD at the time was a joke! Then the 90s came in and a new kind of Sherriff was put in charge.
Let the political BS run. It's been that way from that time on.
creamsoda........ Sorry about your uncle being tazered! I was not there but do know that 50% of the Officers let there power go to there little heads.
We have fun with them here and have shot each other lots of times

(With the Vest on ) as not to get a hole in your skin, you still feel the volts tho...and the 7mph over the speed limit is just that. That's why it's called a SPEED LIMIT. We don't play unless you are over 15-20mph, There is no crying for getting stoped on that one.
creamsoda I am happy see that you like some of us! See if you can get a ride along for a day or 2 and see what kind crap we have to do day in and day out. It MIGHT change your mind some.
You might see why guys like Veltro hit the nail on the head!

spliff4020 nice work
P.S. love that avatar!
................ I am so sorry! those guys are just a**hats!
Please trying calling the STATE POLICE and give the names of the clowns that are giving you a bad time. If that does not work send me a U2U and I will give you some phones numbers that will!
That's about it guys...... Please have a happy New Year! And PLEASE drive,play and be safe!

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 02:36 AM
I can say this about my area, There are some decent Cops, The rest of them seem to be jerks, For example, Not to long a ago, Someone was killed by a Cop after the Cop ran a redlight at an intersection, The Cop was put on desk duty till the investigation was over, Thing is the tapes that they said theyd use to see what happened, didnt show anything as he didnt have his lights on so the camera wasnt on either, So a cop runs a red lgihy with no lights on, kills someone, and last I herd he was back on duty.... (there were witneses btw)

Just a few months before this I was in the car with my Mother, driving downtown, going straight, All of a sudden a Cop comes flying out of an intersection from the left, and into our lane, nearly sideswipes us my Mother had to slam on brakes to avoid a collision.. aluckily noone was behind us at the time, After this the Cop continued to speed down the road as if nothing happened.. still without lights or siren.

Cops around here are always speeding, and breaking pretty much every rule of the road, Howver if any of us were to do the same thing wed get a ticket...

[edit on 29-12-2005 by C0le]

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by Mr101Hazardous
I have been a LEO for 18 years and I am one of the GOOD guys ok

Every un-constitutional law you or the department you support enforced made you "crooked."

Also, the idea that your opinion is worth more because of your LEO status is false. I worked in law enforcement as well; I no longer do, because of an oath I took to uphold and defend the constitution.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by BasementAddix
I have seen ALOT of unfaitherful cops...both guys and girls...I cant say all...but maybe (rough estimate)...about 70% cheat or get divorced...

How's your day generally going to go when you get "all cops are crooked" spat at you day in, day out? You giong to have a cheery smile on your face when you get home?

What about when you go home after pulling a dead girl out of the river? Or a drain? Or you attended an accident scene where a group of students forgot to wear their seatbelts? Or you had to shoot someone?

The sh!t cops deal with is what destroys their marriages.

My old man was a screw for ten years and at the end he wanted out because of what it was doing to him and his attitudes, he didn't like who he was becoming after dealing with inmates all day, every day.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by creamsoda
It doesnt matter where you are, who you are with, there will always be a police officer with his eye on you. Ive not to be the one who hates everybody but I do know that cops have problems. Ive noticed that when somebody gets in trouble by a cop, the cop ALWAYS has something smart to say, even when you did not do anything wrong.

You think you've got problems, try dealing with the cops in SEAsia sometime. Any accident involving a foreigner was caused by that foreigner. Regardless of whether the police witnessed it or not. Case closed.

Any foreigner can be stopped for any reason and a "fine" demanded.

The one time a traffic cop asked me if I wanted the other guy charged after he crossed lanes without indicating on a roundabout and hit my front quarter I nearly fainted.

Then there was the cop just passing that stopped and repossessed my stolen property from the kid he saw steal it, clipped the kid under the ear and gave me my waterproofs back and rode on without a word.

That guy I wanted to reward just for doing his job. I'd never seen it before.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by HowlrunnerIV
Then there was the cop just passing that stopped and repossessed my stolen property from the kid he saw steal it, clipped the kid under the ear and gave me my waterproofs back and rode on without a word.

That guy I wanted to reward just for doing his job. I'd never seen it before.

And how was he certain that the kid was not retrieving property you had stolen from him?

Innocent until proven guilty, remember? He wasn’t doing his job at all.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by cavscout

Innocent until proven guilty, remember? He wasn’t doing his job at all.

Notice howlrunner was talking about SEAsia or Southeast Asia. Different countries equal different laws.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by Agent47
Notice howlrunner was talking about SEAsia or Southeast Asia. Different countries equal different laws.

Howlrunner, did that happen to you in Asia, or in a western nation as I suspect you meant?

[edit on 29-12-2005 by cavscout]

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by cavscout

Every un-constitutional law you or the department you support enforced made you "crooked."

Also, the idea that your opinion is worth more because of your LEO status is false. I worked in law enforcement as well; I no longer do, because of an oath I took to uphold and defend the constitution.

You did not read your paper work or understand the oath you took.
You have the wright to not to arrest just as you have the wright to make a arrest. It's called common seance! If I think the code or ordnance is un-constitutional or the law for that....... I will not make the arrest.
As for my opinion and what it is worth is not what you think of it. It is what others think of it and what it has to do with this post. So how could it be false ? You seem to have a problem!
We all have opinions here. That's what makes this site so great. We are all on the same page here! Some of us are that is

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by Mr101Hazardous
You did not read your paper work or understand the oath you took.
You have the wright to not to arrest just as you have the wright to make a arrest. It's called common seance! If I think the code or ordnance is un-constitutional or the law for that....... I will not make the arrest.

That said, have you or the department you support ever made an arrest for an unconstitutional law?

Do you honestly think that there is a single police department in the country that has not supported an unconstitutional law?

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by cavscout

That said, have you or the department you support ever made an arrest for an unconstitutional law?

Do you honestly think that there is a single police department in the country that has not supported an unconstitutional law?

I myself and the ones I am in charge of read what is on the Arrest Affidavit or Warrant . If there is a lack of Probable Cause and the summary of offenses is weak, We do not make the arrest. It could come back and bite us on the butt.
As to the other 1/2 of your ?............What are these unconstitution laws You talk of? Please put them down for me. There are some laws like in TX that If you pull one beer from the six pack you have to pay the six pack price for the one beer!

I think what you are asking is...... are there Depts. that run around that think they are Lord of the Lands? ........... Yep
That does not mean I like it.
By the way............ Happy New Year! & Have A Nice Day

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 02:31 PM
So what happens when the cop is "good" to you?

Here is scenario #1:

Nice young girl, driving her work truck, does not come to a complete stop at an intersection (stop sign) in a 25 mph school zone.

A cop patrolling the school kids traffic pulls her over and issues a $95 ticket. Is he a bad cop?

Scenario #2:

Nice young girl, driving at 2AM, lapsed registration, no license on her possesion (it was at home). Cop runs through her information, gives her 5 business days to get the registration taken care of, and sends her on her way. Is he a good cop?

Making these judgements against law enforcement based of off personal experiences is biased.

BTW- In both of those scenarios, the girl was me. Both in the same jurisdiction, too, before someone tries calling me on that. I'm sorry, but those people save me and my children from all kinds of unmentionable crimes every day. I respect them. I applaud them.

And as with the president, just because a man is unfaithful (or a woman, for that matter) does not mean that he or she cannot do their darn job!

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 04:35 PM
Creamsoda I agree with you on what your saying but at the same time you are generalizing them way too much.Ive met a lot of cops in my life and to say 95% are power abusing offices is kinda crazy

Originally posted by HowardRoark

Cops are generally smarter then the people that they have to deal with on a day in and day out basis.

Completely falsified first off, and besides you know very well thats not the type of "smart" he was speaking of. By responding in this manner your displaying the exact type of attitude that the officers he is talking about display. Are you a police officer HR ??

creamsoda, you watch too much "cops".

Ignorant statement. I live in a very large city and I see police corruption on a daily basis. Whether it be physical, racial, criminal . It happens and it happens everyday.

One of them said, "no, there's no innocent till your proven guilty here...your guilty as hell till your proven innocent" and then laughed at himself as if he had said something so very funny I found the whole thing distasteful!

Sad but when I do have to interact with police officers this is usually the attitude I expect, and its usally what I recieve.

If comments such as the one he made offends anyone, then the offended must be guilty!

Another ignorant statement. Glad to see some of us find it funny. (and no Im not guilty of any crime)

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 05:14 PM

I was only quoting instances that occurred to me in Cambodia.

Any run-in with the cops I've had in Oz where I got rough treatment, I deserved it. 99% of the time, they've been absolute legends

I was a bad boy as a kid, did some burglaries, a couple of other (non-violent, very minor) things. The cops cautioned me, twice.

At uni, I had been out with a mate. He'd drunk a lot more than me. I was counting mine and then gave myself a break before we drove home. The cops pinged me for a broken tail-light (the brake light still worked.) I blew 0.07, the limit is 0.05. I was (and am always, in Oz) very polite with the cops, they asked my mate if he could drive, when he answered they knew he couldn't. They asked me where I was going, I said home. We had had a five-minute discussion by this time.

They stuck the canary on my windscreen, told me I had five days to repair the tail-light, get the car inspected, return the inspection sheet to them and they'd remove the un-roadworthy. Or I could be fined if I didn't. They then told me to go home and if my car was seen again that night they'd do me for everything they could think of. Needless to say, I drove straight home.

In another instance a mate and I were walking home from the local to our hall of residence rather late one night. Being caught a little short we had to water someone's front hedge. A cop car happened to drive passed and see us in the act. It pulled a u-turn and stopped to discuss our situation. Again being polite to the cops they accepted that we had a very short way to go, were quite drunk, but were being quiet and orderly and let us go.

A different mate was accused of attempted rape. Naturally the cops didn't take kindly to it. But they didn't do anything to him, just made him feel like #. However, the investigation showed that he was innocent of the "charge" and he was never charged. The detectives that interviewed me were personable and approachable, despite me sharing a house with a guy accused of that.

Another mate had to spend the night in lock-up because when he was pulled up drunk on the way home (on foot) he told the cops what he thought of them.

People who get bad attitudes from the cops get them because they give them.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 05:49 PM
Now, I know full well that no good deed goes unpunished, so I really should not even bother, but it's just my nature...

Cop Buster, I have had my share of bad experiences with the police, believe me. I have very strong reasons to suspect that the local PD has intentionally covered up information in my grandfather's murder to protect someone who was an accessory after the fact- that was only last July, so believe me it's fresh in my mind.

That being said, even I have a hard time really agreeing with you because your style puts people on the defensive. Four-fingers back at me- I can be pretty harsh when I'm riled up.

Take it or leave it, but my advice, if you're really passionate about bringing awareness and encouraging change, is to sort of refine your style of presenting your views. Not everyone comes from where you come from or has the same experiences; this isn't just an idle teenage rant being held over a bong is it? It helps to assume that people will disagree and have to be convinced.

Generalities are generally to be avoided.

It is NEVER a good idea to speak in absolutes.

There's nothing worse than an angry friggin' never-ending, go-nowhere, worthless rant that never really tries to tell you anything that you could understand unless you already agreed... it just... it just sucks... it doesn't even need a reason, it just sucks so bad you know!?

You gotta learn some God BLEEP mother BLEEP respect for the powers that BLEEPIN be, because those BLEEP BLEEPS get really BLEEPIN BLEEPED when just go off, and it makes you seem irrational to onlookers.

OK, the above wasn't really intended to poke fun at you, I'm just trying to be a little entertaining with my explanation.
Anyway bro, in a nut shell, I'm just saying that I agree that there are certain inherent dangers in the kind of power that police are given, but they're kind of a necessary evil, so it's not always enough to hate them. Sometimes you've got to be able to give very specific real life examples of exactly what they have done wrong and exactly what needs to be done about it.

Also, if you really want to get things done about that, threaten the job of your representatives in the state legislature. Do it politely, do it intelligently, have the letter proof-read, but put together a good explanation of what your politician's constituents are upset about it and what they want done about it, have a few people sign it, and send it in. I know I've said this before- these politicians wouldn't keep getting elected if Americans would stop voting for parties and start voting for themselves.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 09:13 PM
Honestly its like all feilds there are good and bad workers. I as a blackman have gotten past the blame game, But at 30 years old I am still treated like a young teenage criminal.

I get pulled over often and sometimes they cant believe I own my car, expecting it stolen or something. I walked a block from my house after dark in a sweatsuit and was stopped and put in the gang data base(wtf). Alot of bad experiances with cops basically.

to answer your question yes some cops are corrupt some arnt . I know cops that drink and snot coc aine on duty, that let certain people operate.

at the same time there are good cops.

My father a very successful doctor in the midwest split from the doctors he partnered with and started his own practice. all the patients followed. The white doctors and the sheriff who happened to be a brother of one of the doctors , decided to create a sting operation to entrap my father. What they did was send fake patients in with fake doctor referels and papers to see him.

Keep in mind the front desk deals with all paper work and he sees patients and the papers the front desk writes up for related care needs .

They sat in the parking lot and video taped the traffic and actions off undercover informents and worked to build a case.

They eventually raided his office after 6 months or some and confiscated the fake documents and referrels and charged him with peddling pain killers etc.

Also keep in mind there were no complaints from anyone lodged against him , no deaths no problems what so ever other than a black doctor doing his job and being successful in a town with him being 1 of maybe 6 people of color living in the area.

its been about a year now and they are trying to give hime 20 years fro four counts and they went for the highest sentance..

in between this time they have misplaced or destroyed paperwork, lost witnesses and cant prove a thing, so its dragging out and they are running scared since he when to the fedarel courts to appeal the case. If he was guilty he would be in jail. I had to pay 25,000 cash to get him out of jail while he awaited for the case to go to court.

So yes this is an example of corrupt cops, but there are good cops

posted on Jan, 2 2006 @ 04:50 AM
I'd like to suggest a book to anyone interested titled "The Bad Boys of Butte" by Les Rickey. This book details the Butte MT police force during the last half of the 20th century, and includes many stories of corruption and dirty cops. There was a story in there about police intentionally setting an uptown retail store on fire, simply so they could burglarize it before the fire dept. arrived. I can remember a quote from someone interviewed in the book that said, "The only people you see driving around at 2 in the morning are either cops, drunks, or criminals. Sometimes they're all the same person."

posted on Jan, 2 2006 @ 08:14 AM
Considering the fact that they defend and uphold laws which are written by a system which is set above and beyond the reach of many of those they are supposedly 'serving and protecting'.

I didn't read the majority of the thread replies , I tire of wasting my time reading arguments made by uninformed ----------------...argue , argue , argue , the internet is working perfectly , they give you a bone , you fight over it , they watch , listen......good way of keeping track , don't you think ?.

The corruption starts at the top , *stuff rolls downhill , in the form of tazers , beatings and abuse , both verbal , and physical , AND WORSE!!!.

If only people in general were more responsible , gave it more than just a superficial thought.....many "officials" , would be un-necessary .

However , in my gleaning of the thread , I came across the old standby ,
" bla bla this\that , being a necessary evil , ..........."

A necessary "EVIL" , is still "EVIL" , if it supposedly a necessary evil , then are the ones who deem it necessary the evil ones? , some elements put themselves in peculiar positions , for peculiar reasons without even understanding why , and too often it is just accepted .

How bad do things have to get before some people open their eyes , if you are not able to see the truth yourself , not able to decipher it from the bull, well what then?.

*Do not attempt to bypass the profanity censors with creative spelling and special characters*

[edit on 2-1-2006 by dbates]

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