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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 02:47 PM
Of course, I am very familiar with the Hessdalen affair and have investigated many (and seen two) of these things for myself. One in North Wales in daylight (at Llandrillo actually from the caravan that Paul and I stayed in often there in the late 1970s and early 1980s) and the other in the area of the Pennines about which I wrote my book 'The Pennine UFO Mystery' in 1983. That was at night and more like the typical Hessdalen effects.

I have investigated dozens of close encounters in the area of the Pennines that I am referring to. They have pretty much all of the characteristics seen in RF - from the physiological effects, to the time distorting elements, to rotating hovering amorphous shapes that physically interact with the environment (creating ground traces, wind effects etc) but otherwise behave almost like phantoms - and so forth.

I have for years called these things UAP to differentiate them from the alien imagery of UFOs that are most commonly ascribed. Simply so as to avoid any presumption about origin.

I am very sure that there are locations around the world where a combination of factors create window areas wherein extraordinary things happen. Not just lights. But also changes to the flow of space/time. I have come upon some remarkable examples in the Pennines of that kind of side effect in action. Some of them I wrote about in one of my last books on the subject before my hiatus (Time Storms).

Rendlesham fits this pattern very well.

The question is whether these are naturally occurring windows, or caused by other things occurring locally or they are induced as side effects from another phenomenon that is not immediately apparent - as in we see the consequences and assume they are the phenomenon - rather than the cause, which is largely invisible to our senses.

Given the number of cases that have had involvement from governmental investigation in ways that are far beyond the normal apathy of the air staff and that imply interest in science and research teams not simply number crunchers in Whitehall then I suspect there has been a lot of research in the UK.

And so without question it has been happening in the US and likely elsewhere.

Indeed the interest in the USSR in the Rendlesham case that led to what looks like surveillance on Brenda, Dot and I for for pretty much the only time in my 40 year involvement in UFOs is telling. Especially as it coincided with similar interference in a witness who had an RF like experience in the Pennines.

Someone, somewhere has been joining the dots.

I do not think there has ever been a cover up of knowledge about UFOs - in the aliens in a freezer kind hidden away from the world. I think there has been a cover up of ignorance. Ignorance and concern about the nature and origin of some of the UFO phenomenon and a belief that it potentially could lead to a massive technological advantage if its almost magical nature could be harnessed.

In that regard it matters little what UFOs are. Or whether they are alien, inter dimensional, time travellers or natural consequences of some side of our space-time environment that we do not yet understand.

Their existence within our midst stands out as the one key thing and there has been a game of poker afoot for many years balancing the need to investigate and collate data and fathom out what is happening without revealing to anyone else what agency A knows already in case it causes agency B to go there and look for it too.

RF potentially touches on the real essence of what UFOs are - and are not - and what we as humans in our present state of understanding of the universe have a hope in hell of fathoming out about their nature and their origin.

So the cover up is one of lack of knowledge - not actual knowledge. But also a realisation that there really could be scientific gold in dem dere UFOs.

Or, I suspect, more specifically - UAP.

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: Jayceedove

You made a very interesting point there is not considered. Surveillance due to the interest of the USSR.

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Autocorrect strikes again. I really need to get myself a laptop and stop using my phone.

I MUCH prefer your take on the theory. The group must have influence and resources, to be able to reproduce / generate what is a significant collection of artifacts accross ufology, SOM 101 and Majestic 12 being the best examples.

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: Jayceedove

So the cover up is one of lack of knowledge - not actual knowledge. But also a realisation that there really could be scientific gold in dem dere UFOs.

I have come to a similar conclusion. That the governments of the world do not actually know what UFOs/UAPs actually are. However they don't want their enemies (or allies!), me, you and anyone else to know what they don't know about the topic. If they can they want to glean new technologies from any advances in study of UAPs. But they conceal these studies in the hope of finding a breakthrough first.

By the way Jenny have you ever considered your own website or a blog? (Or if you have one are you able to give a link?)

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: Jayceedove

Do you have any theory on why the Pennines might be such an area? Geology, weather etc? I must get TimeStorms!

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 04:21 PM

This is a play on words not a typo!

This Thread In Summary

I thought this would be a good time to summarize at least some of the main points raised in this thread up to roughly some point in July.

Firstly if you want to skip through all but the main posts in the thread whilst it was still developing then the links are available here :

Click here for early summary

In more recent times there have been a number of developments.

• John Burroughs and Jim Penniston authored a book "Encounter in Rendlesham Forest" with Nick Pope. John and Jim (as of May 2016) no longer seem to wish to speak to each other.

• Peter Robbins (with assistance from Larry Warren) then released a series of pdf booklets "Deliberate Deception" attacking the perceived inaccuracies in the above book and has seemingly become distant from his one time friend Nick Pope.

• John Burroughs had to undergo corrective heart surgery in late 2013. After a long battle with the United States Veterans Association (VA) he finally won his case and his medical bills were settled by the VA in early 2015 based on what 'may' have gone on at Bentwaters. Strangely his medical records have still not been released. John currently co-hosts a radio show with Linda Moulton-Howe.

• Colonel Charles Halt returned to England for a speaking engagement in Woodbridge in the summer of 2015. He appeared to be revealing new evidence from Air Force radar operators Ike Barker and Jim Carey. They reported an object travelling at an extremely high rate of speed passed over the control tower and then it just stopped! But the story has been out there for a while. He is currently supposedly writing a book.

• Peter Robbins came back with a book "Halt in Woodbridge" to once again defend his work in "Left at East Gate" and his co-author Larry Warren after Halt's comments at Woodbridge.

• Adrian Bustinza, the NCO on duty on the 3rd night (Halt night), finally gave a live radio interview last summer. He seemed very confused as to what happened and it is not consistent with his previous statements. It also wrote Larry Warren out of the main story and consigned him to the periphery of events.

• Halt, Penniston and Burroughs all appear to have books in the works.

• Monroe Nevels the disaster preparedness officer claimed one of the objects in the sky sent a beam of light down that burned a hole in one of the WSA bunkers.

Next we come to the more recent discussions in the thread through May,June and July of this year (2016)

Larry Warren's Letter and Photos

click on the pic to see it full size

We uncovered photos that Larry Warren and Gary Heseltine had been using as part of speaking engagements and also an interesting letter Larry wrote to his mum back in 1980 (that is also featured in 'Left at East Gate).

Larry Warren’s letter home to his mother in early Jan 1981 was questioned for authenticity.

Despite his tales of his roughing up, kidnapping, drugging and debriefing in an underground base he tells his mother that there was a UFO over the Christmas period in the letter. Then in a strangely different handwriting that looks like it may have been added later because it is also cramped onto the last line it says :

" PS Ma, when I get home I’ll tell you the truth about the UFO. I can’t in the mail, they read it!["

Although intriguingly it also says :

They did find two landing sights [sic] – and supposedly some equipment left behind.

We also discussed Warren’s photo that featured in Georgina Bruni’s book but mysteriously not his own. (Left at East Gate).

And a 'candy floss plasma' one that has only been shown at conferences (to my knowledge).

Larry told Georgina that a connected friend took the pics. Then he changed it to say he took them. In fact he's never really been able to get his story straight. Like many other parts of his involvement in the RFI.

Is there any link to what our fellow ATS member alldaylong saw on Christmas Eve 1980 around 8pm in the Hockley Heath area?

digital recreation

See alldaylong's posts : click here

2B continued>>>>

edit on 5/8/16 by mirageman because: corrections

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 04:43 PM

Part 2 : Shot Through the Heart and You’re to Blame....

Who gave the VA a bad name?

We looked back at Kit Green’s comments on John Burrough’s damaged heart and how they relate to Rendlesham.

They are: Q # 1 ... How can it be true that medical records such as John Burroughs' could have been classified...Is this true? Is it sensible? What are the reasons? And, Q # 2 ... What caused his injuries (and several others present over the encounter) with the odd Air Form that emitted the Broad Band NIEMR?

It is true, his records...about a thousand pages, and to this day, still many hundreds, were in fact legally classified. In my 46 year career as a Medical Officer and physician with CIA [including as Staff Officer, Chief of Medical Intelligence/ Life Sciences Division, and Assistant National Intelligence Officer for Science and Technology]...I had, until a year of so ago...only seen a handful of truly 'classified' medical records: those of Adolph Hitler, John Kennedy's Autopsy, and recently...John Burroughs. ..........

Source :

And then a follow up provided by Springer:

That 'narrow RF bandwidth' I intended to specify is actually a 'BroadBand' NIEMR. It is a smaller portion of the RF range. It is at the "upper" end from high microwave and above including 10 GHz [millimeter] and Terahertz [sub-millimenter] wavelengths. This 'Broadband' NIEMR… micro-, -mm, and THz waves … cause molecular rotation, vibration, and especially intermolecular motion in human tissues. All these are dose-dependent, and can cause skin and central neuron heating, burns, sub–clinical to worse peripheral neurogenic, and connective tissue (including cardiac valve) injuries and growth of clones of cells into neoplasms. So : 'Broadband' NIEMR is a 'narrow bandwitdth' subset of the the much more broad Radiofrequency band … the [to me] most worrisome frequencies are above 300 GHz through 3,000 GHz. All these RF and NIEMR (and higher frequencies / shorter wavelengths) are below visible and of course even higher frequencies / shorter wavelength X-Rays.

Source :

And it was discussed in some length here : link

and here : link

"The well-reported Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters event is an example where it might be postulated that several observers were probably exposed to UAP [Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon] radiation for longer than normal UAP sighting periods."

Kit Green believes that non ionising radiation at specific bands, frequencies and waveforms stops behaving like non ionising radiation in the classical sense. Thus making the heart damage (and not skin damage) possible.

Truth is we do not even know if Burroughs was injured as part of the Rendlesham incident. His medical records from the time are supposedly still held as top secret. The settlement of the VA case and Kit’s comments do, however, give much credence to the fact that his injuries were sustained in Rendlesham Forest between the 26th and 28th of December 1980.

Halt! Who Goes Where?

The Halt tape and memo were also discussed and how at times others alleged that it may have been edited. It strangely does not include any references to the moment when Burroughs and Bustinza head towards the ‘light’.

Halt has confessed that he has other tapes in secured locations in case he loses his memory. Let’s hope he remembers where they are.

See : link

It has been mentioned a number of times that the 2nd night of the 26th/27th December 1980 is the least known about. But seems that Halt may have actually been out on that night and it is possibly the night when a lot more happened than has ever been made known.

Other questions were asked about Halt’s role :

• Why did Halt get the dates wrong?
• Why did Halt describe a craft with size estimates in his memo while such craft is not mentioned in the witness statements?
• Why didn’t Halt mention in his memo and lectures what happened on the second night?
• Why was Halt investigating the initial landing site two days later in a pitch dark forest?
• Why does the Halt tape suddenly jump to the second farmer’s field as soon as a strange object is hovering a few 100 yards from them?
• Why did Halt return at 04:00 and left the objects in the sky if he believed they were extra-terrestrial?
• Why leave Halt to write a memo to the Brits after such a large break since the incident?
• Why did Halt’s memo report details of a triangular craft?
• Why wait to alert the MoD until Jan 13th with a memo?

“The individuals reported seeing a strange glowing object in the forest. The object was described as being metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, approximately two to three meters across the base and approximately two meters high

None of the witness statements he had taken state that : link

It was even mused that maybe there was actually a 4th night of events : link

There is also the claim that the Halt tape contained Halt seeing the object close up and exclaiming "it's a m....” (the implication is that he’s saying machine) and then cuts off.

Halt refused to comment when the matter of something falling off an aircraft was brought up by Brenda Butler.

Some more discussion about Halt and his tape. Is it edited? Is there more than the one tape? : link

2B continued >>>>

edit on 5/8/16 by mirageman because: corrections

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 05:12 PM

Part 3 : No More Zeroes Anymore

Whatever happened to ..............Jim Penniston. The guy who was with Burroughs and Cabansag on the first night of the RFI?

Somewhere he lost the plot or some co-ordinates or his notebook or a metal detector. Or did he in fact add all those things?

We have looked heavily at Penniston’s basic story from his 1980 witness statement and compared it with his updated, upgraded and remastered story to include glyphs on a craft, a leisurely 45 mins inspection of the craft, his taking of photos, and then (with the photos not being enough) getting out his notebook and drawing a craft he never got within 50m of originally.

And how can we forget his binary codes.

Before we get to that though Penniston has claimed Burroughs was bought off by financially by the CIA, and is spreading disinformation. He claimed Burroughs injuries were NOT caused by the RFI and has his book coming revealing the truth behind the code. (Perhaps it will be a link to

More here : link

And we are still wondering when the remaining MoD files are going to get released

We briefly touched on why Penniston claims he got a binary download (converted to ASCII) when console games and the first home computers were already using BASIC or hexadecimal machine code as their programming languages.


Then a link to how sci-fi stories seem to form part of the narrative in many UFO cases.There were also questions about the landing site markings and plaster casts. The Christmas time temperatures never dipped below freezing point in the Woodbridge area so the ground was not frozen during daytime. The pictures of the ‘landing marks’ are disappointingly of little use as evidence. Whilst the plaster casts look nothing like the photos of the landing marks.

See : link

We also debated Andrew Pike’s investigations into plasma/earthlights in the area (note he was not working for the MoD and never has nor was he conducting experiments in the area ). One of his cryptic conclusions was :

Of all the strange things surrounding the Rendlesham case, one sticks in my mind more than any other. It involves one of the secretaries at the by understanding electricity in a way we have not yet mastered. That has stuck in my mind as a strange thing for a secretary to say, especially as she was so closely involved in the Rendlesham encounter and the official communications which followed.

See :

Not long after Tracy Farley and Gary Osborn joined the thread. Sadly they were banned for T&C violations. I am not allowed to discuss why they were banned in case I violate T&Cs myself.

I will merely say that Gary dismissed any talk of the weaknesses of Jim Penniston’s binary code story because he believed that there is something in the binary code that is beyond the abilities of Penniston to create by himself. He is working on a book with Jim and it will be interesting to see what comes of it.

Again on the sci-fi show theme there are echoes from Star Trek the Motion Picture with the binary code element.

I then revealed my own non-project that I was not releasing a book on April 1st 2017 '

Gary was given a lot of grief over the authenticity of the 'binary codes'.

And then Guest101 sprung on us all that Jimbo’s ‘binary co-ordinates’ miraculously matched exactly those given on the website :

See here : link

We also established (via Wayback machine) that they had been there for years before 2010 (when Jim revealed the codes). The exact match to the co-ordinates given was far too much of a coincidence. It all points to either Jim lifting them himself or someone else doing it and giving them to Jim : link

Then (via Gary) we discovered that Jim’s famous symbols he claims he saw on the craft of unknown origin at Rendlehsam also appear on a GPR metal detector.

We then learned that Penniston has a copyright claim over those symbols.

We also found that Jim had 13 and then suddenly 16 pages of binary codes in his conveniently loose leaf filofax style notebook.

What a mess!

I still wish Gary and Tracy the best of luck if you are still looking in. We may not have agreed on things. But
you were both always perfectly civil with me.

2b continued >>>>

edit on 5/8/16 by mirageman because: corrections

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 05:19 PM

Part 4 : Early Days

Things then turned to looking at the early reports coming out that no longer seem to form a part of the story.

• A craft was described as disk shaped with three legs from the mysterious Steve Roberts (JD Ingalls). Someone who appears to have hunted down Brenda Butler feeding her stories from the base.

• The crashed or recovered satellite theme was pushed early on by people like Dr. Alan Bond (and also CNN’s Chuck de Caro a little later).

• There is an interesting parallel to the Paul Bennewitz affair in that his home was broken into as were a number of the witnesses to the RFI. Then the strange ‘balls of light’ were observed in his home. Just as a number of witnesses reported them in Rendlesham Forest.

• One thing that did prevail in Adrian Bustinza’s story (and was repeated in his Aug 2015 radio interview) is that he was ordered to remove cameras from a British police officer during the 3rd night. This is a highly questionable act given that HM Police force have jurisdiction on crown property . If true then Bustinza and his commanding officer (Halt) were technically guilty of interfering with duties of a British police officer. Georgina Bruni did track down one of the officers allegedly at the scene. However he refused to comment.

Other early reports were stories of a crashed UFO being repaired. Small entities were seen and that the area had been cordoned off and an aircraft crash was being used as a cover story. A farmer who reported the story seems to have disappeared completely. There was also took of locals who saw nothing but reported their power tripping off or lights dipping in brightness. Some also noticed TV signals noticeably weakening.

2B continued >>>

edit on 5/8/16 by mirageman because: corrections

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 05:33 PM

Part 5 : Project Condign

We briefly went over Condign again.

It’s stated objective to :

.....determine the value, if any, of UAP sighting reports to Defence Intelligence...

For novel military applications.

And even though Burroughs injury claim was settled supposedly based on the paragraph in the report.

The well-reported Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters event is an example where it might be postulated that several observers were probably exposed to UAP [Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon] radiation for longer than normal UAP sighting periods

It also states that the Condign study used only a sample of UAP reports from 1987 to 1997.

This would take Rendlesham out of the game. Although it seems that the 'contractor' working on the files also was allowed access to earlier 'UAP files'. So we have a confusing conundrum.

Part 5 : “You’ve Been Shamed”

After a period of seemingly soap opera like squabbling and chaos we then turned to Larry Warren’s story. He seems to have been associating himself with not only Stevie Ray Vaughan but John Lennon, Yoko Ono, May Pang and even Ringo Starr. He even claimed he dated May Pang in the late 80s. He seems to be writing himself into their lives.

With Sacha’s comments (backed up by evidence) it seems Larry has sadly done the same with the RFI. Perhaps he had a small involvement on the 3rd night. Or maybe Bustinza was just being kind and throwing him a few crumbs. Then there is the faked memorabilia and threats made by Warren. Is anything else fake?

It’s all very unsavoury and throws doubts on his role in the RFI. Is it all fake? What then do the soil samples from Capel Green really point to? How does this leave the book “Left at East Gate” as a reference to the incident?

More importantly where does it leave Larry? Where does it leave Peter Robbins?

I'll pick up on the points raised over July and August at a later date.

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: mirageman

congrats on a great thread

And even though Burroughs injury claim was settled supposedly based on the paragraph in the report.

"The well-reported Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters event is an example where it might be postulated that several observers were probably exposed to UAP [Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon] radiation for longer than normal UAP sighting periods"

this sentence has about as much substance as the report itself imo

There is also the claim that the Halt tape contained Halt seeing the object close up and exclaiming "it's a m....” (the implication is that he’s saying machine) and then cuts off.

it might be postulated that he was probably exclaiming "it's a mirageman!"

however i think we can be reasonably certain now that the answer to your initial question is 'probably not'

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: aynock

it might be postulated that he was probably exclaiming "it's a mirageman!"


I think Guest101 made a similar comment way back somewhere in the thread. You are almost certainly correct.

However I would say that due to this thread's longevity we have actually managed to collate the following information that has not been covered by main stream media as yet. :

* Penniston's glyphs appear on a metal detector
* Penniston's binary codes (at least the global co-ordinates) have been extracted from an existing website.
* Larry Warren is actually a cuckoo in the Rendlesham Forest incident and really played a very minor role.

There are many more minute details that are still to be sifted through and we have to keep taking that trip through the revolving doors to eliminate the false information. Progress might be painfully slow but we have got somewhere.

edit on 5/8/16 by mirageman because: corrections

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Great summary! This really helps to keep everything together.

Tracy’s Rendleshan2013 Facebook page has been taken off the air a while ago by the way. She was posting personal stuff from Penniston and snapshots from this thread there.

Regarding the ‘second night’, maybe Bob Ball is the key to more information. In YCTTP the chapter about Ergeric tells how Ball was out in the forest on every RFI night. He must know a lot, probably even more than Halt. Panicking over a UFO is not exactly career enhancing, so maybe Bonnie asked Ball to put something else in his report to Halt?

In the 1984 CNN documentary Ball stated:

“We saw flying objects containing maybe other people or another life form.”

The roll of film with a picture of the UFO that was flown to Rammstein is also mentioned at 20:00 in the documentary. This roll of film may have been confiscated earlier by Bustinza.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: Guest101

Tracy’s Rendleshan2013 Facebook page has been taken off the air a while ago by the way. She was posting personal stuff from Penniston and snapshots from this thread there.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: Guest101
Tracy’s Rendleshan2013 Facebook page has been taken off the air a while ago by the way. She was posting personal stuff from Penniston and snapshots from this thread there.

Hi Guest101,

Tracy's Facebook page is HERE.

(Tracy has recently been reposting there some of the _very_ garbled retelling of one of my private conversations that John Burroughs posted on Facebook...).

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Jayceedove

So the cover up is one of lack of knowledge - not actual knowledge. But also a realisation that there really could be scientific gold in dem dere UFOs.

I have come to a similar conclusion. That the governments of the world do not actually know what UFOs/UAPs actually are. However they don't want their enemies (or allies!), me, you and anyone else to know what they don't know about the topic. If they can they want to glean new technologies from any advances in study of UAPs. But they conceal these studies in the hope of finding a breakthrough first.

By the way Jenny have you ever considered your own website or a blog? (Or if you have one are you able to give a link?)

Yes, we are on the same page here. I first started arguing this in the 1980s and noticed that the media were very uninterested when I did so. They wanted a simple debate between the pro ET believers and the sceptics who said all cases could be explained away as ordinary things given enough real effort. They appeared to think what I was saying was confusing the public for whom UFOs were a straight choice between spaceships and crackpots.

Indeed I recall the episode of the excellent West Wing where there was discussion in Bartlett's offices when some people came to discuss what they knew about UFOs. They were called crackpots in the episode title! That was around 1999.

I think this accident of media interest levels was probably helpful to keeping this under the hat - or - more precisely in my experience - with but rare exceptions - the lack of desire by journalists to bother doing any research when writing about UFOs as these were seen by them as an easy way to fluke a day off work writing silly articles that nobody will believe or care about.

TV documentaries about UFOs were in the 80s and 90s as stereotyped but were finding large audiences. I think that the Strange But True? episode we did on RF 20 years ago was the most watched UFO programme on UK television ever. With over 12 million viewers (about a fifth of the UK population).

This will never be bettered - even the top TV shows do not get that many viewers today - because the media has fractionalised now into hundreds of digital channels, self made videos and pod casts, blogs and forums. These provide far more breadth of ideas but spread thin and largely missed by the wider population. So cultural thinking about UFOs on a wide scale is not really maturing and - I suspect - remains pretty much of the order that we saw in the past.

Of course, another problem is that Ufology going on line and the active UFO community that ran local investigation groups in every major town and chased up cases, held events and conferences, ran PR operations and created a sub culture of literature that reached a wider audience has become very inwardly focused. The convinced talking to the convinced about stuff that they already know and just want to hear confirmed.

This is an inevitable consequence of social changes over the past decade or two and the dominance of the internet and social media. It has its plus points. Being confined to home 99% of the time I have had to improvise and use the new opportunities of this medium to chase and investigate cases myself. But it has made Ufology an introspective and not social medium in the way it was not that long ago.

As for whether I have a blog or web site. I am not very tech savvy so have no idea how to set things like that up. Ironically I used to have a blog before the internet existed - as this was pretty much the role of the magazine that I wrote from 1975 to just before I became a full time carer - Northern UFO News. It was my way to communicate with other interested UFO community members and groups my ongoing thoughts, ideas, concerns, news and brief case reports. It was never a magazine in the more traditional sense of articles and so forth.

Robert Moore very kindly put all of the issues from 100 onward (when I moved from hand printing to using a professional printers in 1983). It is possible all of these will find their way on line via Isaac Koi's amazing project to digitise UFO publications. Hopefully with all the ones from 1975 to 1983 added in along with the various special issues on set topics or cases.

If I ever find a way to create such a thing that does not go beyond my meagre computer abilities then I have long thought I should revive this magazine in free on line form (so even more like the blog it started out as). I kind of owe it to those who were paying around £6 per year to cover the printing and posting to whom I said when the last issue came out that I hoped to be back.

I was not expecting a 14 year hiatus but it would be nice to keep my promise to them, however belatedly.

edit on 6-8-2016 by Jayceedove because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 10:41 AM
[[Do you have any theory on why the Pennines might be such an area? Geology, weather etc? I must get TimeStorms!

There is some evidence for a geological association in some locations - such as Hessdalen and the Pennines.

But I think it goes deeper. I have had some interesting discussions with people who worked in nuclear facilities and particle accelerators about the unexpected side effects that they felt their research was creating. They made a point never to say so in public as the last thing they wanted was to risk compromising their research by a suspicion that their tech was accidentally and occasionally creating things that could create very strange environmental effects.
edit on 6-8-2016 by Jayceedove because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: Jayceedove

I've ordered TimeStorms and look forward to reading it. I do hope one day, you get to writing another book.

In your opinion, could there be any nuclear / electromagnetic connection with PC Alan Godfrey's encounter or abduction?

Have you ever heard of animal mutilations near Rendlesham Forest?

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Bennewtiz / Shag Harbour / Rendlesham / Berwyn / Roswell / MJ12

I wonder how many involved faked photos and documents? Of those, I wonder how many of those forgeries had a single common source?

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: Jayceedove

I've ordered TimeStorms and look forward to reading it. I do hope one day, you get to writing another book.

In your opinion, could there be any nuclear / electromagnetic connection with PC Alan Godfrey's encounter or abduction?

Have you ever heard of animal mutilations near Rendlesham Forest?

RF mutilations? No, I have not heard of such things to my recall.

Alan's encounter has many fascinating sides to it that have not often been reported.

For a start, it is not well known that I have a (loose) family tie to him and have known him for years. I kept this out of 'The Pennine UFO Mystery' when I wrote his story for reasons that made very good sense at the time. Though are not so relevant today.

Basically his sergeant at Todmorden was married to my cousin and both knew Alan well before the events and personally persuaded me to get interested in his story after it happened because of the way his superior officers were maltreating him to the horror of his sarge.

Alan and my cousin's husband got on well and he had defended Alan against the shocking abuse he was getting. I got to see some horrific evidence of what happened to Alan in the aftermath just because he reported what he saw.

Some of it tied back to the Zygmund Adamski death that happened half a mile from where Alan had his close encounter - which was 5 months after the Adamski affair. Alan, as you probably know, was first officer on the scene to that man being found miles from where he disappeared 5 days earlier with a never explained burn mark on him after going to a local shop to buy some potatoes in broad daylight. This man had no connection whatsoever with Todmorden as Alan knew because it was his job to investigate the case and interview relatives for the official report. Yet he was never called to the inquest despite his major role in the incident and despite that being held across three separate days of hearings where the coroner posed questions that Alan could have helped answer for the coroner.

It was my mistake that first linked these two things in public in a piece for FSR in 1981. Mistake because that was something the powers that be were very unhappy about. Both of us ended up being under surveillance as a result whilst we were working together and I was writing Alan's story into The Pennine UFO Mystery. It came as quite a shock to me at the time as I was never really expecting my interest in UFOs to be subject to such interest.

The links between these cases may well have been coincidental and a mundane cause lies behind Adamski's tragic death. Though the coroner on retirement years later still called it the most puzzling case he ever dealt with.

Either way Alan became persona non grata at the West Yorkshire police as a result of both this case and his own encounter so soon afterwards and so the former did at least need to be addressed as what I merely called in FSR 'a preliminary teaser'.

Alan - I should add - only saw any possible links when I pointed them out to him later as he was baffled about the internal handling of the Adamski case- but boy did he pay for my decision to go public.

As I explained in a recent series of articles updating Alan's case for Fortean Times - we now have a second witness to part of what he saw (the physical traces left behind) - and that, of course, has changed the case somewhat.

The correlation between this event and crop circles is also noteworthy - mostly because of the atmospheric conditions at the time in November 1980. Not that this prejudges the nature of crop circles but some of them - in my view - were a form of electromagnetic vortex - cause and origin unknown.

So that is certainly a possible factor here. Especially given the radio interference effects that Alan experienced on the night. And the effects that also befell other witnesses on a nearby farm who saw something that same weekend.

Plus I have researched a few other cases in the area where similar issues have been reported and where time anomalies and various other oddities seem to have occurred. Suggesting this is a factor common to the location.

That there are 3 or 4 other reported abductions within 2 - 3 miles of the spot where Alan's case occurred - all to different, independent witnesses at different times - seems unlikely to be a coincidence and is highly unusual.

So there is certainly an argument here for some correlation.
edit on 7-8-2016 by Jayceedove because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-8-2016 by Jayceedove because: (no reason given)

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