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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: Baablacksheep

Paying money to summon triangles. Bah!

And to think that for free I could literally take people to a place in a certain desert and watch triangles nightly do things much more impressive than just float around. Much more impressive. But alas I don't live where that goes on anymore. Oh well.

Do you still think those 'triangles' confirm Astr0's theories? to some extent?


Still? Never did. Nobody reads my posts from back then I guess where I tell what I think was going on with astr0.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

what a better way of obfuscating the truth, one thing 'he' said that was true is the 70/30 rule.

the triangles are real, or at least a version of them that are pretty impressive but time travel, very unlikely.

this site is visited by alot of people and if they can introduce a story that is believable(see 70/30 rule),and they introduce a good story that people WANT to believe and on top of that try and influence trusted members is a win/win, clearly people are still buying the whole story hook line and sinker.

when people say they want to see a ufo or BT i tell them be careful what you wish for because there is allot more that goes along with that, mostly in your own head but some of it isnt.

I TRULY believe that if you see one of a number of phenomena up close and personal that you were picked or noticed and that isnt always a good thing. I have had a few personal experiences that rattled my cage to the core and took years to integrate and once the woo was washed from my eyes(as much as possible) i saw it for what i THINK it is.


RFI,UFO,Ghosts, shadow people etc are a form of control, but by who and for what is the real question.

dont get me wrong i think there are real paranormal events but they are VERY rare and this CONTROL uses whatever 'mask' it needs to put you back into line.
edit on 25-9-2018 by penroc3 because: grammer

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

To me, the material of that time was a non-event
in every possible way, other than the guy who
lived in his mother's basement got a lot of notoriety.

Now.. if your experience was meaningful to you,
then that puts you in the same category with
other experiencers.

And to be fair.. there were various people who
got all excited in the beginning, who were "all in"
and who over time had their opinion evolve.

I remember the early stages the most.. I don't
recall the later, evolved opinions of people,
as it was a non-event and I lost interest in the
melodrama eventually.


posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: penroc3

No the triangles are real. Seen them on more than a few occasions.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: penroc3

No the triangles are real. Seen them on more than a few occasions.

As you might recall, I've never once doubted that you some 'triangles'.

And for all I know, they might well be some black craft you saw.

(I am not actually interested in aviation, jet engines and all that).

If you would like sometime, feel free to expound upon what you saw..
how close you were... what details you saw.... any unusual static
charge or the area being abnormally quiet..

It's been a really long time since back then, and I'm wondering if your
perceptions have changed.. or if it's just that you saw some hunk of
metal that did some interesting flight characteristics and there's
not much else to say.



posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

right i said as much, just that they aren't some mystical machine.

it just who's controlling them and to what ends(other than security), many of us have seen them and some closer than others.


did anyone listen to the link to ingo swans book? the description ingo gives there is shocking close the the object at RFI.

last post from me to save page space

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit

MM - what is Osborn's explanation for the provenance of the codes NOT being the internet, as you suspect? I've tried looking to no avail.

So did you actually read Osborn's stuff to begin with CB? The very basic part of it one can remember without even needing to look it up on the net. When I saw your pretty picture post, I was not entirely convinced you knew much re the binary code situation so I teased you a bit, of course I may be wrong but the dancing about re not been able to find stuff did not fit. A good argument is only as good as the information you have. Now that you have it you are much better placed to seriously discuss all of this if you still have the will to live, though the binary is not a subject liked here on ATS. With your background as a former judges clerk and one who thinks its possible Isaac Koi may have crossed your way, then you will be meticulous with details, at least I am assuming. Happy reading.

Also the Skip thing, there is something odd re that one and Jim. But I might get to that another time, its just something I noticed long time ago.

edit on 26-9-2018 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: Baablacksheep

I offered two TTSA-related researchers (and several more
by virtue of BCC perhpas), to do the "UFO summoning" for free,
so long as I was hooked up to monitoring equipment
so that something might be learned.

I don't actually want any money.

But if "free" isn't a good enough price.. then there's the
psychological trick where you charge a lot for something,
to increase it's perceived value.

Besides.. in all honesty... for me to do the summoning
thing again might kill me.. and I want to leave my
wife something.


No , don't do it again Kev it sounds way too dangerous!

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: pigsy2400
The biggest problem with Rendlesham in my opinion, isn't "alien" or "phenomenon"'s very much a human one.

The people involved, chasing thier own agendas, personal gain, character assasinating others, a need to feel more important, book sales, conference gigs, radio shows and lots of EGO willy waving.

It's disgusting that the whole lot of them, yeah I'm going there, I'm throwing the whole damn lot of them under the bus...considering they were military trained adults that served in the forces, it's surprising at the levels most of them have plunged to, to get one over on one of the other witnesses. I'm not siding with any of them either, none of them or those closely associated have come out smelling of roses.

Facebook posts berating one another and all the other nonsense, they should all be ashamed. What a waste of energy.

Because somewhere hidden under all this BS was something weird that happened in a forest in Rendlesham in 1980 that we don't fully understand, that's the mystery I'm interested in, not all this frat boy bollocks in the years after. It does nothing to help solve the mystery, it damages it if anything.


Then enters TTSA. Its not over yet Pig. It will be interesting to see how this pans out

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 12:56 AM
I think it is now soon the end of this thread. Mirageman, you certainly produced an interesting and informative thread . Thank you.

You also have to be doing something right when it reaches the attention of Jim and co who do not want others to view this site, amongst the others they have deemed misinformation.

I wonder if at the end of our life times, the words which Nick Pope has formally put out, will it end up been true.

I also spring back to the TTSA, Roswell and Rendlesham . Of course Roswell is the case that Nick himself said was dead and we should move on from . I wonder what Zondo thinks about that?

edit on 26-9-2018 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

I wonder if at the end of our life times, the words which Nick Pope has formally put out, will it end up been true.

Minds are like parachutes; they work best when they are open.

Nick Pope

Did he mean a leap of faith? Some people confuse their words and never realize it.

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Oh that's a cute one.

I meant this.

"I've gone on record saying Rendlesham might be the turning point in history that leads to the explanation of the UFO phenomenon"
-Nick Pope, Directorate of Defence Security, Ministry of Defence

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

I had to incubate the symbiote for 2 years first..and
"junior" kept making home improvements in my body.

Of course anyone who believes that they have a 'soul'
are in fact incubating a symbiote..

but I was leaning into it, so that it could finish it's
lifecycle in 'one lifetime'.

I don't plan on being a fool on that scale again..
I got the data.

Of course there are multiple explanations.. including
prosaic ones.. including mental illness.. disassociative
identity disorder, etc.

No matter what you want to call the chain of events,
I don't plan on repeating it.

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 10:29 AM

I want to make sure and thank you.. it has been your masterful
analysis of deception and 'stankiness' in UFOlogy in general
that put me on the right track in many ways.

RFI has been a perfect case-study for what's wrong with UFOlogy.

I'm making this my last comment on this thread.. and I hope
you start a new one and many others.. as ATS doesn't need
me for anything.. but you have been absolutely essential.

Warm Regards,


posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: Baablacksheep

I had to incubate the symbiote for 2 years first..and
"junior" kept making home improvements in my body.

Of course anyone who believes that they have a 'soul'
are in fact incubating a symbiote..

but I was leaning into it, so that it could finish it's
lifecycle in 'one lifetime'.

I don't plan on being a fool on that scale again..
I got the data.

Of course there are multiple explanations.. including
prosaic ones.. including mental illness.. disassociative
identity disorder, etc.

No matter what you want to call the chain of events,
I don't plan on repeating it.

Good. Your wife and puppy dogs are way more important.

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 12:41 PM
Let's see what future developments brings for Rendlesham, think we covered most other things

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 01:38 PM
To ensure that a link to the new thread could be made before this thread gets automatically locked down I've started a new thread here.....

Rendlesham Forest 1980 Pt II - Will There Be An Answer?

It has another recap but includes some of the newer information from this thread too.

Thanks everyone who made this an epic thread.

edit on 26/9/2018 by mirageman because: edit

posted on Sep, 26 2018 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Great idea!

Closing this one now to keep things in order.

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