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Your Money Is No Good Here: How Our Upside Down Flag Caused Local Business Owner to Turn Us Away!

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posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:30 PM


Seems damn important in American society to me.

Different times, Trep. 200 years ago the flag was used by any nation to represent physical holding of a region, city, fort, or even nation. That's what the song was about... not so much the flag itself, but the fact that it's presence still flying over America indicated that the country had survived the war of 1812 without losing any land to the British (who would have quickly flown the Union Jack as a symbol of their land seizure).

Simple fact, the world scarcely fights for spoils anymore. The flag represented both retaining already held property and claiming spoils from battles... Once the world started fighting wars more for profit, false principals, and corporate interests the flag's part in those wars became purely a tool of racheting up nationalistic fervor. It's kinda like you wearing your red and gold on Sunday. Cool sentiment, shows which side you're cheering for, but ultimately it's little more than a symbolic gesture of allegiance.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Well put Burd but I don't think I've read a more depressing post.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:37 PM

reply to post by daryllyn

Many veterans have close friends that were killed and many of us associate disrespect of our flag as a disrespect of our fallen comrades. I get the "Distressed Flag" comment, but rightly or wrongly you were asking for it. You are lucky it wasn't worse. Our flag is draped over coffins and presented to the loved ones of the fallen at the funeral. Think of someone else when you exercise your freedoms that someone else died for.

Maybe no one should say Merry Christmas anymore, because the Muslims might get offended.

While are at it... maybe we shouldn't celebrate Halloween anymore because, the JWs might get their feelings hurt if a kid knocks on their door asking for candy during trick or treat.

Maybe we shouldn't let straight people get married so as not to offend members of the LGBT community who cannot legally marry.

Maybe we shouldn't have any more babies so we don't upset the infertile.

Maybe we just shouldn't do or say anything anymore, so we don't inadvertently upset someone or offend anyone's sensibilities.

I don't mean any disrespect, but, do you see the problem with limiting our own freedom of expression so as not to upset someone else?

I feel that this notion of trying to always be politically correct, and always walking on eggshells for the easily offended, is a huge problem in this nation.

I have the right to express myself. You have the right to not agree or be offended. You don't, however, have the right to dictate how I should personally use that right, based on your associations and feelings about whatever it is that I'm expressing.

I have a deep respect for our military, past and present, for all they have done for us. I have many family members that are either currently serving or have served in the past. I apologize if you have taken offense to what I have said, but I will not apologize for exercising my God given rights.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:40 PM
Comic break from intense political discussion.

While are at it... maybe we shouldn't celebrate Halloween anymore because, the JWs might get their feelings hurt if a kid knocks on their door asking for candy during trick or treat.

As a person raised JW I would pay good money to see this payback.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Agreed and we have been planting Old Glory after 1812 plenty too:

Marines at Iwo Jima

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by daryllyn

Great opening statement, Great thread !!

It seems that division of opinion is a fair comment. Too bad the guy didn't want to know why your flag was in a "statement" status...cause you are indeed making a statement, here !

Your win, his loss. Spend your hard earned money elsewhere...


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:52 PM
What you Sir, have experienced is the liberal agenda. Obviously, this individual was a liberal and/or democrat otherwise the Tea Party perception wouldn't have offended. While the liberal agenda dictates accepting everyone no matter their belief, life choices, race, nationality, etc...if you have a different option, you are the enemy. See, you can "be" anyone, you just can't have a view, opinion or position on anything. can agree with them, but other than are trash.

So please continue to fly your flag as you do, because this country needs people willing to say that our views and opinions matter MORE, that who or what we are. We are not black, gay, white, poor. We are Americans...and our views are our votes. Destroy the liberal agenda by any means possible.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:56 PM

What you Sir, have experienced is the liberal agenda. Obviously, this individual was a liberal and/or democrat otherwise the Tea Party perception wouldn't have offended. While the liberal agenda dictates accepting everyone no matter their belief, life choices, race, nationality, etc...if you have a different option, you are the enemy. See, you can "be" anyone, you just can't have a view, opinion or position on anything. can agree with them, but other than are trash.

So please continue to fly your flag as you do, because this country needs people willing to say that our views and opinions matter MORE, that who or what we are. We are not black, gay, white, poor. We are Americans...and our views are our votes. Destroy the liberal agenda by any means possible.

It's ma'am, but thank you for your reply.

Disclaimer: I thanked this user for their reply but didn't intend for it to appear that I agree with the entire message he posted.

I don't call out every post I don't agree with. Someone can have a different view than I, and I don't feel the need to always jump into a debate.
edit on 25-10-2013 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:11 PM


Simple fact, the world scarcely fights for spoils anymore. The flag represented both retaining already held property and claiming spoils from battles... Once the world started fighting wars more for profit, false principals, and corporate interests the flag's part in those wars became purely a tool of racheting up nationalistic fervor. It's kinda like you wearing your red and gold on Sunday. Cool sentiment, shows which side you're cheering for, but ultimately it's little more than a symbolic gesture of allegiance.

In the end the Flag means different things to different people, as is the nature of a symbol, and I have no doubt the above is a true for you...but it is not for me and that is the crux of it.

Is not the very act of flying the flag upside down meant to provoke the differing sentiments people have for the symbol?

So it's symbolic power is not up for debate, but rather it's symbolic power is the reason for the debate.

What is the message?

Some would interpret it as a call to insurrection?

The American flag in distress, and the Gadsen flag offered as a substitute?

And whatever the history of the Gadsen flag, it is has been indisputably adopted or hi-jacked...pick your the Tea Party.

And if any doubt of intent was left unspoken...A sign to accompany the display..."Impeach Obama"..

The American flag means different things to different people and it would be a better world if we all respected that fact.

To you, it is a symbol of "spoils" and "corporatism", a cynical device to exploit misguided patriotism.

To those that have been handed that flag at the funeral of a loved one, it has an altogether different meaning.

And for what it is worth...The premise that our forefathers saw it as a banner for spoils fails in my opinion, but of course I appreciate you having a different view.
edit on 25-10-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:14 PM
This may come across as rude, but I just dont get it. What do you hope to accomplish by flying the flag upside down?

Seems like an attention getting thing to me. And then people are upset when that attention is negative (as if this WOULDNT elicit negative attention).

I dunno....maybe Im missing something....

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:14 PM

reply to post by SuperFrog

Please tell me that you don't see OPs post politically motivated with one party behind it...

And what party would that be?

I think you just answered that:

"Destroy the liberal agenda with any means necessary."

Got it.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by intrepid

That was a quoted reply from someone else. Not my words.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:22 PM

reply to post by intrepid

That was a quoted reply from someone else. Not my words.

Uh huh but this doesn't look like support though, right?

It's ma'am, but thank you for your reply

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by daryllyn

thank you for sharing your story.
this is a glimpse of what we could expect if our nation or our economy would collapse. neighbors and friends and relatives can/will turn on you.
in the small town I grew up in, everyone knew everyone. i'm guessing your town is the same. if this is how a neighbor will treat you, think about how a stranger in a large town or city will treat their fellow man. the mob mentality is quite frightening.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:25 PM
Pussification of America. Someone always gets butthurt. You have your beliefs....he has his. Keep your money and keep on a keeping. Ain't no thang but a chinken Wang.

All that should matter is you and yours. Everything else is like a pimple on your butt. It might irritate you for a coffee cup but it will go away. You fly your flag upside down sir!!!! I will salute you!!!!!
edit on 25-10-2013 by catfishjoe because: too add more awsomness!!!

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by intrepid

I thanked him for the reply, and corrected him calling me "sir", it doesn't mean I agree with everything he said.

Just because I didn't call him out, shouldn't imply my agreement.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:50 PM
The guy is blinded by fake patriotism and statism ... I would call him a freedom hating democrat and see what he says .... If he denies it, then point out to him that is exactly how "party" politics work ... divide and conquer ....

I would prefer to lend or deal with fiscal responsible Tea Party people .....

And this guy has been "gaslighted" about the Tea Party where TPTB have tried to define the party in negative context

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:52 PM
it's one thing that he cancelled your prior business agreement and he stated his reasons for doing so, but why do you all have to judge him to be in the wrong? doesn't he reserve the right to express himself too?

a lot of the posts here are hypocritical... if you really practice what you preach, then perhaps its better to accept his cancellation with grace and move on to find another small town car guy without having the need to post here and ask/wait for others to justify your "condemnation" of the former small town car guy's choice to cancel the business deal.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

It is only negative because people are dumb as a stump and don't know crap about displaying the flag.... Their ignorance is the only factor here ....

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:03 PM

Pussification of America. Someone always gets butthurt. You have your beliefs....he has his. Keep your money and keep on a keeping. Ain't no thing but a chinken Wang.

Love it, catfish! You got it right. Somebody is always crying because they're butthurt over something somebody else says or believes.

I have one of those flags, folded nicely in a triangle, that was presented to me at a funeral, taken from a flag draped coffin and presented to me. I hope not to receive any more like that, but chances are, since we are all about war, it may just happen again. I keep it in a case and am holding it for my daughter.

Know what I cry about? When I'm at a social gathering in which they sing the national anthem. I just cannot put my hand over my heart anymore. I see the flag and I cry over what it has come to represent....and how far we as a country have fallen. How ignorant the citizens are now of our heritage, and the brave men and women who fought to create, and then protect, this nation. We have gotten spoiled, flaccid, fat, and stupid.

My heart cries bitter tears seeing our devolution into idiocracy. How easily we are fooled, led astray, and led into crowded cattle pens, while we're told that we're free. Our rights are whittled away, one at a time, and people say that it's for the "good of the country", so that we can be "safe".

Our last vestige of freedom is free speech, and freedom of expression. The OP sees her country as in distress, and many agree. I find that the people who are quoting how to handle the American flag, and the various little rules regarding its use, have no problem with our constitution being not followed as it was written. Which is more important? A rectangle of cloth, or the constitution and the bill of rights? If the constitution is being ignored, I think it's fair game to use the flag in such a way as to indicate distress over that fact.

Just my own opinion, however. If you're butthurt over it, I'll donate some cheese for your whine-fest.

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