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Russel Brand: The time for Revolution is now.

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:11 PM
You know what, reading over this thread and the various replies, you can clearly see the divide.

On the one hand we've got people who respect Brand for being so outspoken, highlighting important issues in an articulate, intelligent manner.

On the other we've got those who somehow seem to think Brand doesn't deserve to have an opinion. One side values freedom, the other side seems not to.

Even paxman...asking Russell what qualifies him to edit a political, the fact that he's human? What qualifications does one need?

Russell is free to state his opinions as are we here on he has a wider audience, and? That somehow calls his motives into question? Who are we or Paxman, or anyone for that deny him his right to an opinion, or to talk about political issues because he's a comedian/actor?

As for where did he come from...where does anyone come from? Do you only trust celebrities who have been in the public arena since birth? Because I don't iknow of many of those...he got where he is because, believe it or not, he's got some talent and is actually well liked by a lot of people.

This thread shows the two sides...those who admire Russell for being outspoken and saying it like it is want freedom, change - those who want to deny him his basic human rights perhaps think things are fine as they are, and are happy to talk as though brand doesn't deserve basic human rights.

I want to hear him, and so do's his choice to speak and our choice to listen, and your choice to ignore him. Nobody has the right to deny him anything but their attention. Some people are so trapped in the current mindset they're even denying themselves their own basic rights.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:18 PM
I've now actually watched the first video and agree with what Russell Brand says.

My thoughts are actually completely in line with his.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:18 PM
Also, I am very cynical of those who apparently know the future...what it would be like if this or that happened.

A revolution would mean massive bloodshed, we'd all die - this happened in the past. So? We can't, as a collective, supposedly intelligent species come up with any better than what we have?

Russell said it perfectly...there are other options, it's not one or the or white, there's a whole spectrum of gray we haven't even explored...he isn't telling us how it should be.

He's simply pointing out that how it is benefits the few while the majority get nowhere. He could easily spend his life raking it in doing stand up and films - I don't think money is his motivation.

I'm glad he's takin this turn over reent years because people will listen to him, and if he opens a few eyes then he's done something very few have done in such a spectacular fashion.

I have the utmost respect for this man.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by benrl

And the fools will beg and plead for change...........Guess what TPTB will give it to them.

How many times do we need to play the fool before we figure out this is planned. They create the chaos and then sit back knowing the people will beg for change.

I have an idea if you live inside America force them to follow the constitution and if you live outside the US fight to get the exact same document. This simple little document made 300 years ago is the only thing standing against worldwide conquest by the elite. We might have neglected it for a little while but the worm will turn again.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:21 PM
Double post
edit on 24-10-2013 by samerulesapply because: Accident

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:21 PM
All I can say is wow...
His seriousness in the second half of the video totally blew me away. And I think also Mr. Paxman.
I like this guy more and more, and am sure that "TPTB" like him less and less.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

It's a sad state of affairs that we cannot take people or things at face value anymore. Our natural impulses have become moderated by fear and indecision. It's not unusual for me to take a stance against the popular one for the sake of argument. I know little of Mr. Brand but we have to make everything pass our own "smell test" as it were.

What we saw with Julian Assange is much the same thing - it's an instinctive impulse to defend one with views similar to our own. I dare say women will give him Brand a listen if only for his looks. Many don't care what he says as long as they can ogle him. Groovy, we all need some eye candy now and then. But guys don't take political commentary seriously from bikini models.
How many women here have gone home with a guy because they thought he was all irresistible only to wonder the next day "wth did I sleep with him?". C'mon ladies, fess up time. You don't always use logic or common sense and you're often willing to surrender to an assertive male ( the jock who was a jerk, the bad-boy with no job, etc)

He's squealing about economic unfairness yet sitting on $15 million himself.
That reeks of hypocrisy to me but maybe I'm wrong, wouldn't be the first time or the last.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:30 PM
i have not watched the video, but,,,,i have a feeling next brilliant thing, will be" The Court of Star Chamber"

evolved from the medieval English king's council as a supplement to common-law courts, but though it served swift justice, it was ...

hes British,,it aint new,,just old,,real,,,old.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by benrl

This sounded great up until he started to blather on about socialism. This guy is a koolaid salesman that baits people in with a bit of truth, and then spins it around to imply revolution that will result in even more government. No thanks, I've had enough of government as it is, I sure as hell do not want any more of it!

I will keep the fruits of my labour until I am FULLY INDEPENDENT, then share, this way there won't be some greedy system trying to repress me and using things as leverage to social engineer.
edit on 24-10-2013 by TheLastStand because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Serdgiam

How do we fix them? Wipe the entire government and money system clean. Go to a bartering system, selling goods for goods/ services for goods/ services for services. Set up a completely new small small small government, whose only function is to keep the peace. Wipe away all big business and corporations, even walmarts. Open up local business to replace franchises, and require 5 hours per week of work for all able. Work would be directed locally, mainly for construction and farming. This is off the top of my head. If we all put our minds together we could create a think tank, and solve any problem. Constructive criticism, instead of meaningless criticism. Without money scientists would get the materials they needed without having to get million dollar grants, and new discoveries that stop fat cats from making major profits wouldn't be destroyed and suppressed. Singers would sing, painters would paint, etc. It would be a golden age of innovation with nothing to hold it back. I know this concept has holes in it, but help me point them out and find a solution.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:39 PM

reply to post by benrl

And the fools will beg and plead for change...........Guess what TPTB will give it to them.

How many times do we need to play the fool before we figure out this is planned. They create the chaos and then sit back knowing the people will beg for change.

I have an idea if you live inside America force them to follow the constitution and if you live outside the US fight to get the exact same document. This simple little document made 300 years ago is the only thing standing against worldwide conquest by the elite. We might have neglected it for a little while but the worm will turn again.

They tore apart the document once, I think a new constitution needs to be formed putting a more complete and permanent straight jacket on government, corporations, and taxes. People need to vote with their dollars, and give to individual causes, I think voluntaryism is the way to run a society. People should have the right to withdraw their consent effectively any time they choose. Before the system strips people of liberty, it should justify it on a per individual basis rather than paint us all with the same brush of generalizations.

The constitution was good, but it failed, now we need something that is even more solid and complete to keep evil at bay. People are not going to remain vigilant, and therefore, there needs to be more ways out of the system, and more provisions for independence and self-sufficiency established and codified into the document.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Zen24

how do u fix it,, well a real time example would be, say take the City of Detroit,for instance,,,,in all honesty, problem was greed.
fix it,,
the greediest are now in jail,,,
nature abhours a vacumn,,,and the suck comming from Detroit,,is starting to become noticeable,,

a new vacumn sucks clean.

ohhh they used too be preetyy good at making stuff,,in Detroit.


ohh and

ok,,,and cars

edit on 10/24/2013 by BobAthome because: (no reason given)

and some really good Restuarants,,
edit on 10/24/2013 by BobAthome because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:45 PM
I wonder why we hold the concept of democracy in such high if it's the absolute pinnacle of functional society...we've reached the limits as far as the ability to govern a nation is concerned.

I don't think this is true...democracy would be great if it actually worked, it doesn't. They privatised the energy companies against the will of the majority, went to war againt the will of the majority.

Democracy BLATANTLY ignores the majority time and time again yet people still cling to this notion that it's great...we're goven a handful of choices and come an election it's not who do we really want in power but more which is the lesser of x number of evils?

I don't vote and shan't because the options suck, quite frankly. that in itself is a political statement. Anyone who thinks that what we have is the best it'll ever be needs to get over it.

Some folk seem to think the only alternative to what we have now is inherently bad...I've had this conversation with people in the past who, as i said previously, had mystical powers, they could see the future of this theoretical notion, and it would be anarchy, death, war, destruction...not like what we've got now, eh?

Sad times. the sad thing is, this stupidity we live by is now more apparent and obvious that it has ever been, and people still defend it. We're doomed.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:46 PM

reply to post by Serdgiam

How do we fix them? Wipe the entire government and money system clean. Go to a bartering system, selling goods for goods/ services for goods/ services for services. Set up a completely new small small small government, whose only function is to keep the peace. Wipe away all big business and corporations, even walmarts. Open up local business to replace franchises, and require 5 hours per week of work for all able. Work would be directed locally, mainly for construction and farming. This is off the top of my head. If we all put our minds together we could create a think tank, and solve any problem. Constructive criticism, instead of meaningless criticism. Without money scientists would get the materials they needed without having to get million dollar grants, and new discoveries that stop fat cats from making major profits wouldn't be destroyed and suppressed. Singers would sing, painters would paint, etc. It would be a golden age of innovation with nothing to hold it back. I know this concept has holes in it, but help me point them out and find a solution.

You are on the right track -- remove the system's means of leverage over the people.
Redistribute crown land so that everybody has a place to live, with enough space to survive and live in balance with nature. Let the trendies live in their unsustainable (pretend sustainable) agenda 21 towns if they want (but forcing everybody to move to them is patently wrong), but let the rest of us whom hate living that way have an alternative. Open source solutions such as personal industrialized production of food in a secure and enclosed environment (automation and greenhouse technology). Sustainable power an heating such as that which can be delivered by the e-cat (if the bloody thing ever enters the public market, so tired of it remaining in government/corporate hands). Treat your own waste even. Everybody has individual needs and the system that each individual uses needs to be adapted to them -- why are we not empowering individuals with the tools (or the work to get the tools) to do this? (because the system has a plan and has offered you no choice but to comply).

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:48 PM
Russel Brand?!!! Famous only for being obsessed with sex and insulting people.

I guess this thread proves that Americans really are obsessed with Z list celebrities ......

I can think of 70 milion Britons I'd sooner listen to.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:53 PM

Russel Brand?!!! Famous only for being obsessed with sex and insulting people.

I guess this thread proves that Americans really are obsessed with Z list celebrities ......

I can think of 70 milion Britons I'd sooner listen to.

There's only about 63 million people living there.

As far as his "obsession" with sex and insults... I've heard more insults towards him than from him and his critique is towards a system that glorifies the monetizing of sex to sell us crap we don't need. I can't follow your logic.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by AndyMayhew

So, as a so-called z-list celebrity his opinion is invalid?

Are you a celebrity? If so, with which alphabetical letter would you categorise yourself?, if you ain't in the range A-Y inclusive then your opinion is less valid than Russels...hey - these are your rules.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:01 PM
I disagree with Brand, there are still FAR too many people who are brainwashed by the system. In a revolution, these duped citizens would side with the NWO, giving them a technology and numbers advantage. Most young people today favor socialism over capitalism, things are going to have to get MUCH worse before the masses finally awaken to horrors of big government.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by TheLastStand

Yes land redistribution would be a requirement. A city like New York has too many people and not enough land for farming to support them. Everyone would need to spread out and learn to broaden the word family. Learn to work as one unit, which a moneyless system would help in doing that. Think of how many more people we would all meet and have meaningful relationships with. That's the way it should be, instead of working all day and basically being closed off in an antisocial competitive lonely world. Without money, what would be the motivation for any crime? Besides mental illness? You might say, what if someone is starving? Well that's where the broadening of the word family comes in. We're all existing right here right now together, have compassion and share what you can. If the whole group did it, there would always be abundance. The only way a revolution would end the right way, the positive way is if communities across the world started to refuse money and band together.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:06 PM

reply to post by AndyMayhew

So, as a so-called z-list celebrity his opinion is invalid?

No, its as valid as yours, your neighbour's your neighbour's grandson's and indeed everyone else. And probaly your next door but one neighbour's dog.

Why not have a thread about the opinion of Fred Garretty from across the road?

Why do people think the opinion of someone famous for being a jerk is more valid than that of a tramp living under the bridge? But I bet you won't start a thread about the tramp's opinions, will you?

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