So I live under a rock and dont really know much about celebrities and such. Dont watch TV, dont watch most movies released. Dont know more than 20
celebrities names, if that many. Just dont.
I have spent the last hour or two watching stuff from this fellow, brand.
I have to say, he isnt about politics. Is isnt some celebrity calling for political this or that.
He is just honest. He is more just about life.
To use his own words when speaking about any issue and apply them to him... his persona has been appropriated and used to rebrand him as something
He probably does want a revolution, or more to the point, change. The same way we all do. I dont even think that those who perpetuate this system of
crap we call a world are not even tired of it themselves. It must be maddening.
He is insane, in an honest way. There is no pretending with him about keeping any semblance of sanity. What I mean is, the agreed image we all
portray, even to ourselves, that we are in fact sane and others insane does not exist with him. How liberating...and dangerous. Like a real risk of
loss and gain.
No inhibitions, no pretense, no preconceptions.
That is dangerous, but I feel he does it gracefully. He makes the gain.
He is more of a pan, or trickster. A "loki" when placed in a room of "gods"...celebrities.
He doesnt think like them though. He isnt about that. I honestly believe that.
He is very human, reprehensively, admiringly, simply, human.
If you watch his mannerisms and his responses to any situation...he is just being a mirror. That is valid.
In the videos offered in this thread for example. When faced with a conflict he will become conflictive and go as far as the instigator is willing to
go. He doesnt shy away from a thing his own mind offers and less so from nonsense other people put before him.
I dont think he is a revolutionary, or even someone that fancies himself as one. That is just something that other people have taken notice of and
then proceeded to bring before him to further elaborate on that subject of interest to them. He is no more a revolutionary than anyone here who wants
change. He may know what brand of revolution he would support, but that is no more being a revolutionary than knowing what type of jet airplane you
would fly if you could makes you a pilot.
Like one analogy he made in one of the videos I watched with him. He talked about a coke commercial with a sexy lady. You see the sexy lady holding a
coke and since you know you want the sexy lady, you then think you also want the coke.
Similarly we know we want change and though the person we see is just some random person we know we have issues with, we then think we also have
issues with the change we want. That is why that aspect of him is amplified, because he makes so much sense and as such can be used as a tool to
invalidate such desires in us.
I have to honor this man. He does not lie in the important sense of the word. He is human, and true.
He may be over sexed, a little narcissistic, self gratifying..ect. or what ever other chip in him we see..BUT we only notice those things about him
because we are those things ourselves and we are upset that someone broke the code by not hiding it behind the persona we all chose for ourselves so
as to perpetuate some form of mental opiate to make reality more tolerable, since admitting that there is no sanity or insanity would throw our little
minds into chaos and strip our minds eye of the horizon of perfect order lying just out of our reach.
No, I feel his attitude and disservice in that sense is actually of great service to us. I like his style. I like his honesty.
I also feel he likes himself. Its hard to actually like who you are. When you do, you know you are doing something right. When you dont, you admit to
yourself that something is wrong, if only to yourself.
I am happy I got to know of him. Glad to see other mortals out there not pretending they have eternity to finally be themselves. Ugly, petty, vain,
noble, dignant,
Good for him. I dont usually like celebrities. In fact I like none....but him, I like as another human.
Hold it down guy, where ever you are.
edit on 10 24 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)