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Russel Brand: The time for Revolution is now.

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:47 AM
If you want to get a good feel for Russell Brand check out his appearance on Norm MacDonald's now defunct "Podcast".

Norm puts Russell through his paces and Brand shows his mettle in the comedic vein. It's a little long and it seems obvious by the end that Russell can think of other things he should be doing, like maybe washing his socks at home, but it's fun.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:47 AM
Really like that dude

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:50 AM

reply to post by Asktheanimals

Where did Russell Brand suddenly appear from? Who is this guy and why should anyone listen to him regardless of wit or intelligence? What's he done to make him worth listening to is what I'm asking?

He has done nothing to make him worth listening too. He's just another celebrity that thinks he knows politics.

With all due respect what you state is rubbish.
He articulated extremely well some of the issues faced by so many people and their lives as a results of current systems government, which just dont work, only for the few! Paxmen agreed with much of what he stated! And he is right that vote or not for current systems government is irrelevant and a waste of time!

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Im with you , its all scripted actors.

He is scripted to say it, and these folks clap when the applause light comes on.

Also talk of Revolution means :
Death, Murder, Chaos, Insanity

Revolt this time will only bring Evil to our lands. Airstrikes, tanks on street, entire city blocks raided like in Nazi times.

They are being LED BY THIS MEDIA off the cliff!

All this anger is fabricated and facilitated by forces that want them eliminated from the world politic equation.

Its about dissolving our Nation actually.
Only we can defeat the USA thats why they are manipulating citizens into massive anti gov mentality.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:06 AM
I am undecided. Like some people have posted earlier, I thought the man was a bit eccentric, even a baboon in his early days rants and appearances, exploiting the publics' affiliation with someone who is "a bit out there"
However he is a comedian, and it is not unusual for a comedian to go all serious on issues of the day, and have a point of view that they incorporate into their persona. Hicks and Carlin to name but two. Now I am not saying he is or ever will be anywhere near their league (IMO), but only time will tell.
Naturally, our ego likes to affiliate with someone who shares a common purpose or goal, making it more difficult to condemn them, or see who might be pulling the strings.
Interesting to see Alex Jones pulling him in, what that to boost his ego or vice versa? Who benefitted most?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:10 AM
Russell Brand is currently being given significant airtime at the discretion of the BBC where he is allowed to talk of revolution, despite his history with the organisation. That alone should set alarm bells ringing.

As of yet, I don't believe I have heard an original thought from him.

I believe he is being promoted as a potential leader of some sorts and the fact this is taking place now seems like a significant move.

I believe he has attended David Icke events.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:11 AM


And his solution is a "socialist egalitarian centralized administrative system"?
No thanks. I'll have the opposite of that please.

So you want a capitalist, decentralized caste system?

Let me guess... you would be part of the caste that could own land, people, and make politcal decisions, right?

He wanted a heavily taxed redistribution system. Unless he also dictates how much a company can make, those taxes will just be passed to the consumer. So then you levy how much a company can make while taxing he living hell out of them, what happens to your innovation? And even in his Utopian society, there will still be the rich handlers unless he's looking for a total Anarchy style society at which we will revert back to the early bronze age!

I'd also like to add that Russel is a hypocrite as he continue to receives millions from his acting career but preaches how these corporate banker should redistribute their wealth to the less fortunate. Why doesn't he march to his own drum beat and only earn that of the commoner and distribute his wealth to the commoner? He won't as he enjoys his capitalist wealth given to him by his adoring commoners!
edit on 24-10-2013 by Bearack because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:23 AM
The response, fundamentally, to this video isn't about the fashion Russell chooses to wear, or how eloquently or verbose, dependant on the outlook you want to view it from is about. It is about the core of the message being portrayed and the underlying themes being mentioned. Themes and information that apply to an overwhelming majority of the worlds population and themes and information that need to be addressed. Whole heartedly addressed through all echelons of society, from political movements, academic thinking, to circles that incorporate the common man.

That isn't to say that revolution has to follow the same outcomes from history, the same history people use when they don't like the idea of revolution, the idea of change.

What seems apparent is that the idea of change although scary to some, is incredibly hard to apply and see through. Like so many people point out, the history of revolution isn't always pleasant and it can cause chaos. That isn't to say though that any attempt will meet the same fate and a historical perspective would be a good vantage point to use as a means of incorporating change that doesn't share the same fate or previous attempts.

The tricky moment arises then, that although revolution needs to happen, there is no laden blueprint to follow that makes the process easy or applicable to the current situation. If a paradigm changes, and this can be from any branch of thinking, whether scientific, political, philosophical, it is always met with hesitance, resistance, rejection, before it becomes accepted and moves into a workable model.

Perhaps we are at the cruxes where such a blueprint can be envisioned and mapped out, at least partially to help ease in the idea and reformation of a political change. So whilst the change occurs, there will be little casualties, of various degrees as there possibly can.

There can only be so long where this archaic and disadvantageous system can continue before an idea can be created and a change can commence and in that case I thank Russell for bringing awareness to this on a wider scale, because that is essentially what he is doing.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

How can we hope to change anything without sacrifice? Yes death, murder and the rest will happen but it's not like those things aren't happening daily. Forget about all the school shootings, 9/11, two world wars, Vietnam, Cold War, etc. How much longer do you want to allow this garbage system to continue and take the lives of innocents as it pleases?

Things need to change, don't let fear stop that from happening because now's a good time as any. At the same time there needs to be some organization and planning to the movement as we can't just have people needlesly running to their deaths. There's been enough of that. Fearing the worst and doing nothing sitting comfortably, or hoping some random person in politics will come along and fix everything (guarantee you it won't happen) is no solution either. He's at least opening peoples eyes even if it is scripted...Regardless, this # can't continue.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:35 AM

Robert Reynolds
Russell Brand is currently being given significant airtime at the discretion of the BBC where he is allowed to talk of revolution, despite his history with the organisation. That alone should set alarm bells ringing.

As of yet, I don't believe I have heard an original thought from him.

I believe he is being promoted as a potential leader of some sorts and the fact this is taking place now seems like a significant move.

I believe he has attended David Icke events.

I don't feel he has been given any special or significant airtime. His recent subject matter has been political but his publicity hasn't been enhanced in anyway. He's gradually built the momentum which has led to this interview.

I think the BBC invited Brand to be interviewed by Paxman in the hope he would crumble and be displayed as the clown or jester of the moment. They possibly underestimated him as Paxman was overwhelmed and unable to respond to Brands honest and collected argument. I think, as mentioned in an earlier post, that honesty is Brands main force as it's very difficult to put up a strong argument against it.

Regardless of the fact of whether his content and information is original or not doesn't matter as long as it's the truth.
edit on 24/10/2013 by heliopolis because: (no reason given)

edit on 24/10/2013 by heliopolis because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Robert Reynolds

I believe he is being promoted as a potential leader of some sorts and the fact this is taking place now seems like a significant move.

I believe he has attended David Icke events.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:39 AM
I'm shocked that Russel Brand is so polished and well-spoken, especially with a topic like this. I would have never of guessed that. Maybe he's a good actor because he sells that perspective of being a goof-ball comedian so well. I love watching his demolish this guy in this BBC video. Great stuff for sure.

"Wherever there's profit there's deficit"....
edit on 24-10-2013 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by benrl

I cannot wait until Russel Brand shows up to an interview and, instead of saying "Russel Brand - Comedian" on the bottom border of the station's flavor text, it will say "Russel Brand - Leader of the Revolution".

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:52 AM
The man merely mouths the things we ALL know.......
The revolution, if it ever happens HAS to be IN MENS hearts and souls.......
What would prompt such a course of action remains a mystery of the ages.....
Mankind remains caught up in a whorlpool of insanity.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:54 AM
Anyone else notice his resemblance to 'Jesus Christ' ?

Seriously, he does look like him (going by the many paintings, pictures, books etc...

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Given that all depictions of Christ were drawn by western artists, many years after his passing, and that all modern assumptions about his appearance are based on those bits of art, I would have said that the chances are that Mr Brand looks nothing like the original Jesus Christ, who was probably curly of hair, fairly wide of nose, and possessed of a distinctly Arab look, rather than the European appearance normally accredited to his good self, and which Mr Brand would more closely fit.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:27 AM

Anyone else notice his resemblance to 'Jesus Christ' ?

Seriously, he does look like him (going by the many paintings, pictures, books etc...

But... Russell Brand is white.

He is doing a tour called the Messiah Complex so maybe you are picking up that vibe.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by The 5th

I can agree with most of that.

I dont even agree with his brand of revolution. I dont want to see a socialist utopia which I see as a naive and childish outcome for a very real world and relevant human condition.

I do agree with what he sees as failing with the current system though, and that is where he makes sense.

I think we all have our own ideas as to what the best possible solution is. BUT as Mr. brand is a fan of Einstein and likes to quote him from time to time I feel it appropriate to reply to his personal choice of a solution thusly:

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." Einstein

That is why no socialist or communist venture into lala land will ever pan out.

We need to evolve our thought process, not perfect it.

There is no perfect system.

And as you said 5th, every revolution has a moment of doubt as to how to be fulfilled. Perhaps that too must evolve.

We must fight a new type of revolution so as to win a new prize of its victory.

Revolutions of mind are already something we know.

Staying with this same train of thought, perhaps we need a new type of revolutionary as well as a new type of revolution.

One not of righteous force, nor one of spiritual enlightenment, nor one of philosophical imagination......

No, We need one true to human nature. One of truth. Not in the sense of the word we now share, but a new definition. A new meaning.

It should encompass faith in the balance of life, not hope in fantastical outcomes for humanity. It should be centered on the balance of all things. A "simply is" reality.

As the sun that birthed us is high and this dirt we shall be laid to rest in is low, our truth must be self evident.

When that reality is the only acceptable form of reality that can be expected to exist we can then demand not for it, but defy all other forms of truth and then deem them false truths as they are.

Good and evil do not play a part, relative as they are to the sinner and the vindicated. No.

Truth in its most pure form must be translated into the very foundation of our notion of "truth"

There is a point where that concept is not relative...a point that every man alive today knows....when even though they know not what the solution is, the TRUTH is that this must change. Endlessly until it is correct because the TRUTH also is we will not accept any other truth or rather reality than the one we already know but have not known yet....yet.

It is still true. That is a concept only as relative as the time it takes to realize what that is. Like an adolescent that doesnt know what exactly he is until he learns what he is not.

Is an architect any less an architect just because he wasnt one when he was young? Similarly this truth is no less true. As the architect knew he was to be an architect by the clues to his nature leading him down a path that eventually revealed to him what his yearnings and inner calling was, this truth is in us already. It is the core of our very nature.

The clues lie in the fact that though we can have a slave mind, we can not have a slave spirit. Though we are capable of great wrong by our own standards, we are also capable of surpassing our "standards" / limitations to do great good.

That there is a spark in us beyond our ignorance of great brilliance and wisdom....if only we knew it.

These things are this truth in its mystery to us as we are.

When we are more, as we will be no matter the will of other men that would silence it, though they do not know that they too SHARE this same nature to themselves...when we are this thing we are not now, this truth will be revealed, and its presence will be known to have always existed....

That must be the nature of our revolution. That is the revolutionary in us all.

That will for change. That defiance of all that is not that truth. All that is not that outcome to that change which we will invoke into eternity and into oblivion if necessary.....

THAT is our truth, though we know it not in its full form.

It already is.....

edit on 10 24 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:31 AM

Anyone else notice his resemblance to 'Jesus Christ' ?

Seriously, he does look like him (going by the many paintings, pictures, books etc...

It' called the Messiah complex and that was the title of his last tour.

He is an intelligent and articulate observer of our times and someone who can reach out to many. However his reputation has been tarnished in many people's eyes due to his past behaviour and I don't mean his battle with drug dependency.

With the launch of David Icke's television channel in November, we will get to see and hear alot more from Russell.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:32 AM


Robert Reynolds
Russell Brand is currently being given significant airtime at the discretion of the BBC where he is allowed to talk of revolution, despite his history with the organisation. That alone should set alarm bells ringing.

As of yet, I don't believe I have heard an original thought from him.

I believe he is being promoted as a potential leader of some sorts and the fact this is taking place now seems like a significant move.

I believe he has attended David Icke events.

I don't feel he has been given any special or significant airtime. His recent subject matter has been political but his publicity hasn't been enhanced in anyway. He's gradually built the momentum which has led to this interview.

I think the BBC invited Brand to be interviewed by Paxman in the hope he would crumble and be displayed as the clown or jester of the moment. They possibly underestimated him as Paxman was overwhelmed and unable to respond to Brands honest and collected argument. I think, as mentioned in an earlier post, that honesty is Brands main force as it's very difficult to put up a strong argument against it.

Regardless of the fact of whether his content and information is original or not doesn't matter as long as it's the truth.
edit on 24/10/2013 by heliopolis because: (no reason given)

edit on 24/10/2013 by heliopolis because: (no reason given)

Spot on! Well said!
He is no clown. Extremely articulate and a smart cookie with a tremendous sense of irony/humour.

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