I am honestly scared that people are taking this man so seriously.
As a young person, I honestly feel bad for all the other young people have allowed themselves to be swindled into believing this occupy wall street
neosocialist movement is the answer that solves the problems created by crony capitalism.
Among other things, he talks about this under class that isn't being represented by their government. But why is this? Why is it that even though
these people in the "under class", who do vote despite what Russell says, feel like they're getting screwed? The answer is because to the people
running, it's a competition to beat the other guy. Historically, the "under class" has proven to vote more liberally. But why? Is it because people
who lean right want to purge all poor people who aren't white? Of course not. However this is common perception simply because the people that they
continue to vote for repeat this over and over again. They say these things because they want to get elected. And once they get elected, they could
give a rats ass about the people who put them there. The truth is that these (not all, mind you) left leaning candidates that claim to represent these
people in the under class need poorer people to get elected, and thus, they keep these people poor so that they don't lose their base.
I think all young people should be embarrassed that they've gotten sucked into this system. You need to wake up and realize that you've been taken
advantage of. You stand and protest wall street, yet you listen to the lies and propaganda of the left as they talk about holding CEOs and bankers
accountable. We young people are so quick to vote these people in with the belief that they hold our interests at heart, but for some reason we are
unable to see that it is these very same people that enable wall street and other crony capitalists. (I.E bailing out of the banks, ect.)
I think he makes a good point when he says that the problems of the people aren't being adressed by those who hold power, but for some reason people
who preach this sort of message are the first ones in line to hand over their vote to someone who pushes ideas such as Russel, but ends up doing the
opposite. They are not represented, but not because of evil capitalists. They aren't represented because the people they keep voting for keep screwing
them over. They promise a better way of life, but once they're elected, all they've proven themselves to be good at is lining their own pockets and
keep the poor people poor.
Why is it that the people from my generation have this idea that prosperity is something that is granted to you by government? Government doesn't
create prosperity. While there are social programs that can be beneficial, expanding the welfare state only creates more problems than it solves.
Socialist egalitarianism? Massive redistribution of wealth and heavy taxation? I don't even know where to begin with how poisonous these ideas are.
Most of my generation (people born in the 80s and early 90s) don't have any idea about recent history, or they would know how #ed up places like the
U.S.S.R were. They are so reluctant to recognize the hard ships that socialism and communism create. If those systems were so great, and the
propserity were to come from the government, why did the U.S.S.R fall apart in 1991? Why doesn't North Korea have the highest standard of living? Why
did so many people flee Cuba in the late 1970s and early 1980s? Why is it that they fled to America and not another socialist country?
Russel Brand, while admitting that he has no idea what our current system should be replaced with as far as specifics are concerned, is advocating the
removal of the very system that allows for social mobility, and suggest to replace it with a system that forbids it. He is advocating the removal of
the idea, "If you work hard enough, you can be successful."
I pose a question to ATS, and to anyone who believes in Russel's way of thinking: if we were to impose massive taxation and massive redistribution of
wealth, where is the incentive to work hard? If you cannot reap the rewards of your own hard work and instead are forced to give your hard earned
money to someone or something that hasn't earned it, where is your motivation to continue?
My message to other young people: don't fall for this bull#. The soviet union fell for a reason. People fled Cuba for a reason. North Koreas sucks for
a reason. Capitalism creates wealth, prosperity, opportunity, and jobs. Big government statism destroys those things. Don't be fooled yet again by his
ideas. Use critical thinking skills. The revolution we need isn't political. It is intellectual.
edit on 11/2/2013 by UziXxX because: (no
reason given)