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So the Republicans are Terrorists now...

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posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:58 AM

reply to post by Krazysh0t

Are you kidding. The Affordable Care doesn't look anything like the plan that was first proposed by the Obama Administration. It's watered down and completely restrucuted because of Democrats giving in and compromising, over and over, to the demands of Republicans.

How quickly we forget!

There's no more compromise the Bill is a Law. The days of compromise are over. It's time to fund the Law!

You know Windword, you probably had no qualms when Democrats use every legislative trick in the book to get their way. When they say compromise, they mean give in. They bribed their way into Obamacare, how was that fair or legal?

You are the biggest apologist for Obama I see in nearly all your posts, but the same rules you use to judge Republicans, you ignore for Democrats. This is all a game and you do your job well.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:59 AM


There's no more compromise the Bill is a Law. The days of compromise are over. It's time to fund the Law!

You keep saying it's the law of the land and we should just comply. Seems to me the law can change. Remember Prohibition? It was THE LAW. It was repealed. Just because it is the law of the land doesn't mean we can't change it.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:00 AM


There's no more compromise the Bill is a Law. The days of compromise are over. It's time to fund the Law!

Are you for Gay marriage? That isn't the law of the land. Abortion was illegal at one time, "THE LAW OF THE LAND" and yet I bet you are pro death.

Hypocrite much?

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:01 AM
Whatever, like I said I don't feel like arguing with you guys. If it makes you happy you can be right. I really don't care at this point anyways. This is just more political theater to keep you occupied from our real problems. Enjoy it. We'll probably repeat this idiocy in a few months anyways.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:03 AM

reply to post by Krazysh0t

There's no more compromise the Bill is a Law. The days of compromise are over. It's time to fund the Law!

Laws are meant to be changed.

But what the dems want the dems get, just like a bunch of crying babies.

I see no harm in postponing the individual mandate for one year just like company's were allowed.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:04 AM



There's no more compromise the Bill is a Law. The days of compromise are over. It's time to fund the Law!

Are you for Gay marriage? That isn't the law of the land. Abortion was illegal at one time, "THE LAW OF THE LAND" and yet I bet you are pro death.

Hypocrite much?

There ya go! It's okay to change THE LAW OF THE LAND when YOU agree with the changes isn't it? Whoa boy, if you disagree with the changes? It's THE LAW. Yeah Windword. Nice cognitive dissonance there.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Phoenix

No where in the Constitution does it say Congress must approve spending on anything whether it be law or whatever - it is their choice and their choice alone - if Congress decides not to fund something then that's what their prerogative is until the people decide otherwise through the ballot box - the ballot box has spoken and sorry you don't like it but the Constitution has these checks and balances for a reason even though you may not agree.

They aren't proposing to "not fund the ACA", they are proposing to "defund the ACA"...big difference. The funding and appropriations for the ACA was built directly into the ACA legislation. It doesn't need this CR to be funded, it moves forward regardless, it is not affected at all by the government shutdown.

Plus, the Republicans have already dropped the "defunding" part of they are demanding that the ACA be delayed by a year. It has absolutely nothing to do with is their desperate attempt to try once again to defeat the ACA.

And yes, the people have spoken...the voted for Obama in 2008 and gave control to the Democrats in the Senate in the House based on campaigning on healthcare. The SCOTUS defended the ACA as Constitutional. And the 2012 election was a public referendum on the ACA, the public spoke and re-elected Obama.

The ACA is live now, there is no more delaying it or defeating it...the Republicans lost. This is just their last desperate death cry. They aren't fooling anyone, and they will suffer for it come next election.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:11 AM


reply to post by AlienScience

Why is it that your perfect leader can talk to a nation that support terrorists (Iran) but wont sit and talk to the republicans?

This is a Congressional job, not a Presidential job.

What do you want Obama to talk with the Republicans about? About them using the threat of a government shutdown to pass their agenda?

Let's be is the Republicans trying to get their agenda passed, not the Democrats.

You are a dolt then. I was hoping your original post was some form of satire or maybe just a drunken rant, but now I just realize you are really that stupid! Obamacare has been contended every since the the Cornhusker kickback and the several other back room deals and bribery that took place to get the necessary votes to pass this monstrosity. Every freaking poll has come out against this as says that the implementation for the employer mandate will devastate the economy and the middle class. It will destroy the existing system (which is the intent to get single payer) but in the same breath, send this nation into a tail spin the likes it's never seen. Trying to stop this train wreck or at LEAST postpone the employer mandate like they've done with the Unions and several other large corporations until a fix is in place is the REASONABLE THING TO DO! If they are doing it for their friends, then they need to do it for every employer!

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by AlienScience

When your obamacare fails in a few months are you going to blame Bush or us terrorist?

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:11 AM


When you are losing, blame Bush. Novel approach.

I would hate to see anyone not part of the problem get hurt, and quite frankly I like your post which disturbs me. I see this all as a set up of massive proportions. The PTB want us to want their blood. They want us to revolt. They want absolute chaos and yet I have had little visions of the society getting imploded and taken back to basic levels just to rebuild, but you know what will happen? China or Russia would march in and take over.

This childish debating and name calling is so typical on ATS now. I really would love to see D.C. shut down, I would love to see all their money disappear. I would love to see all these parasites who claim to be here to help us have to work an honest day in their life.

I see the Russian Revolution looming at America's door. The people rising up, the elites getting theirs and the horror of the evil within man manifesting is closer than any realize.

I feel torn. The idealists think grand thoughts, but reality isn't their utopia. We are very close to seeing horrible days here in America.

Actually. If china or russia tried a invasion you would see everyone stop fighting each other and turn on those idiots.. Not to mention the navy out at sea would most likely see them coming and get a warning out giving time for a defense to be erected in short order. If there is one thing that brings americans together its a fight against a enemy all of them dislike.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:14 AM


So what does wanting to modify the ACA have to do with funding the government? That is the only issue right now.

Obama and the Senate have both proposed budgets, and so has the House. Neither will pass the others budget...on that issue there is no blame to be placed besides both sides standing their ground. We could argue points within each budget and why or why they aren't good, but that isn't really going to get us anywhere. I will mention one point, these funding bills must Constitutionally originate in the House. So even when Obama or Democrats propose a budget, it is put into the hands of a Republican controlled committee who strips it down and enters it's own amendments...then present as "The Democrats/Obamas budget" when it is nothing like the originally proposed budget, which is why you will sometimes see Democrats vote against "their own budget".

Glad you asked! because the answer cuts the rhetoric,

This congress does not want to fund the ACA. If they pass another continuing resolution (blank check) then they by default would be funding ACA against their beliefs. According to their beliefs they wrote an exception into the CR that excluded ACA funding no differently than if it was stripped from within a traditional budget bill.

The current makeup of congress is elected according to the peoples wishes which at time of last congressional election driven by a backlash regarding ACA or Obama care.

The Senate and Executive branch of course wants to use government shutdown to force the peoples congress to fund ACA, not getting their way they tabled the funding of the government that was given by congress.

Congress did not defund the government - it defunded ACA - its the senate that tossed the governmental funding in collusion with the executive branch.

That's pretty clear to me what happened and presents no obfuscation of the subject.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:19 AM
What do you call those willing to throw the country under the bus
because they don't like the President? Because the law has LONG since
passed and even had a Supreme Court ruling in its favor.
Disbelief and digging your heels in is not an effective way to rule.

Remember the history of this congress with Obama;
The LEAST effective congress (house) in history.
The MOST obstructionist ever.
The LOWEST approval rating ever,& finally the MOST big oil billionaire money
spent to stop Obama by supporting crazies like
BIRTHER Sen. Ted Cruz. (born in Canada)

Would this be happening if Obama was a white Republican named Tripp Bristol?

Y'all happy with the likes of Charles and David Koch, Dick Cheney
Exxon, Casino billionaires and Karl Rove on your side?
Good company..

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:22 AM

More and more I am reading this everywhere. On the MSM, on blogs, even here in our little corner of the internet. People are calling the Republicans and the Tea Party Terrorists!!!

This is insane. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU. Shame on the newsites for printing this garbage, but mostly SHAME on you America, shame on every poster on this site that has posted this nonsense. To call fellow Americans Terrorists... Why? Because you disagree with them? Thats the lowest of the low, a downright shame and a slap in the face to everything this country stands for.

This is exactly what TPTB want. We are now turning on each other like rabid dogs. An entire segment is being labeled Terrorists... Where will this lead? No where I hope. But if people start being rounded up for their beliefs we only have ourselves to blame.

This is DANGEROUS, very dangerous talk guys. I can't believe I'm actually hearing Americans talking to each other like this.

To be quite honest, you sound like a terrorist with this post.

Considering your from Texas, a State that still remembers and considers itself a somewhat separate republic, gives you much more potential to be a terrorist, that is also a racist.

Do you own a gun? You need to be in some sort of no fly list gun registry because of your post here, along with owning gins, being a texan, and a terrorist.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:22 AM

reply to post by AlienScience

When your obamacare fails in a few months are you going to blame Bush or us terrorist?

I'll get back to you in about a year, when no one is complaining about the ACA and realize that all the fear mongering the Republicans were doing was just to try to stop something that will reflect positively on Obama.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by yuppa

Not once we are so beaten down. I am not talking about a tomorrow sort of thing. How well do you think people fight when they are hungry, sick, and desperate? Yes, imagine arming all the Jews in a camp after they are barely able to get up .... then seeing well fed soldiers and their tanks, planes, and equipment coming after them.

You people really need to realize this is all a well planned game. Right now we are in the pre-game show. It's coming and you all are really unaware just how bad they (PTB) plan no things getting.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:30 AM
You all keep saying Obama was elected. I don't believe he was. We haven't had fair open elections in years. The electronic voting machines assure that the PTB can put in anyone they want and we cannot even confirm the ballots.

There have been plenty of documentaries that show "sealed" ballot boxes open before counting. The seals are peal and strip, with no real security. They count them in secret, they are electronic which can be hacked in under a minute, and you all get to preach that he was elected.

Ron Paul voters proved their votes were not counted in several elections. This country has been taken over and you all who support Obama like it. I am glad one day there will be an accounting, and you should know that all of our hearts will be weighed, and many will be found to be wanting.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:30 AM


They aren't proposing to "not fund the ACA", they are proposing to "defund the ACA"...big difference. The funding and appropriations for the ACA was built directly into the ACA legislation. It doesn't need this CR to be funded, it moves forward regardless, it is not affected at all by the government shutdown.

The ACA is live now, there is no more delaying it or defeating it...the Republicans lost. This is just their last desperate death cry. They aren't fooling anyone, and they will suffer for it come next election.

I agree it was funded by a different congress - this one has the constitutional right to defund it - that simple. We'll just have to wait and see #1 if there's another election and 2# if so, how that turns out.

Again history is chock full of "live" laws that are now "dead" laws, usually because they were "bad" laws to begin with.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:31 AM
Two things are crazy about this and typical right wing contradiction.

First They cry and scream about how Obama never takes responsibility for anything and blames the right..yet they turn and around and blame Obama for the shut down. Nice job..

Secondly..When it came to a supposed black Kenyan which is and always has been proven to be a false accusation...they told us "it was never about race, it was about another person from foreign land speaking for Americans" , yet are perfectly OK with a white Canadian speaking for them...another good job there guys..

Oh wait one more thing..they love to use the polls as proof the majority do not want this, but call the poll takers liars when it is something they do not agree majority of Americans want stricter background checks..etc.

Why do we call that side the right when they are always wrong..

ObamaCare will have it's issues but it will not fail, no matter how much you cross your fingers, wish upon a star..etc

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by Phoenix

Glad you asked! because the answer cuts the rhetoric,

This congress does not want to fund the ACA. If they pass another continuing resolution (blank check) then they by default would be funding ACA against their beliefs. According to their beliefs they wrote an exception into the CR that excluded ACA funding no differently than if it was stripped from within a traditional budget bill.

The ACA is already funded, it is different than most government programs and laws. It is independent on budgets and CRs, it's funding is written directly into the legislation.

And you are ignorant to the fact that the Republicans aren't even trying to defund the ACA anymore, they have already dropped that. They are now pushing for a "delay" in the individual mandate...which has nothing to do with funding since like I said, it is already funded.

Neither are going to happen and Republicans need to realize this. The Democrats are only guilty of wanting a Constitutionally passed piece of legislation that was defended by the SCOTUS to be implemented as planned.

The only one causing a problem and the shutdown are Republicans that are stamping their feet about losing and wanting to stop it.

The Senate and Executive branch of course wants to use government shutdown to force the peoples congress to fund ACA, not getting their way they tabled the funding of the government that was given by congress.

Wrong, it is already completely funded. Which is why it isn't affected by the government shutdown at all. If it wasn't funded, shutting down the government would be enough to defeat it, but as you can see, that isn't happening.

Congress did not defund the government - it defunded ACA - its the senate that tossed the governmental funding in collusion with the executive branch.

LOL, what?

You can't be that naïve, can you?

The House Republicans added in ACA modification legislation into the Continuing Resolution to fund the government. The Senate amended that CR and removed the ACA modifications, leaving everything else, and sent it back to the House...the House killed it.

It is very apparent that you really don't have a clue about what is going on, you don't have the facts, you don't know that the ACA is already funded, and you I you keep referring to a CR as a blank check, which it is not (hint, you are confusing your rhetoric, the "blank check" talking point is suppose to go with the debt ceiling, not a Continuing Resolution.)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 11:38 AM
There is quite a lot of talk on this thread that is starting to make a lot of people sound like terrorists

Careful what you say

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