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So the Republicans are Terrorists now...

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posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:29 AM


Yes lets face the facts, the government is under control of socialist/communist who go mostly go under the title of Democrats. Shame on your for being a traitor to our country and the good people who want it back. I can only imagine how many hours of CNN and MSNBC you must watch.

I remember lots of discussion back in the 90's about misusing the term "terrorist" and the warning was one day it would be used to describe anyone who politically or philosophically disagreed with whatever regime was in power.

Of course at the time people scoffed at the warning because they just couldn't logically understand how anyone would mistake its true meaning - well here we are through the use of incrementalism regarding the morphing of language to change definitions and understanding of the original meaning of the term.

Kaboose, in support of your statement above a logical case can be made that traces a direct historical path of influence from Karl Marx and continuing through to this administration and its leader. That does not mean the everyday democrat or liberal believes that ideology - they are along for the ride as well as everyone else.

Like you I don't misuse terms like "terrorist" I actually will use the correct term - Communist, many that I would describe as American leftists have good intentions which are easily abused by the hard core cadre of communists that have usurped power in the democratic party. Used to be a time when members of both parties could reasonably lay claim to being patriotic and serving the interests of the nation - the differences were social policy - now each in turn seems to be overseeing the destruction by matters of degree.

I have no illusions that both parties are serving corporate interests strongly over the interests of the people, however, I discern one of those parties is controlled by those who wish the total destruction of the country as the end game result of their policies - I still wont misname them as terrorists - nope, Marxist and Communists is who they are.

Nikita Khrushchev was correct over 50 years ago.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:37 AM
The terrorist resides at
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, D.C.

Obama admin. knew about WWII veterans’ request and rejected it

Read more:

Vets threatened with arrest

effort by President Obama to make the people “hurt” so he can blame it on Republicans,
edit on 093131p://bWednesday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

edit on 093131p://bWednesday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:42 AM
How about this?

ALL politicians are terrorists. They prey on your fears and insecurities.

calling republicans terrorists is buying into the game. You're being played. Makes me smile on how gullible you guys are. Falling for the same tricks and gimmicks.

Its the same game. The only difference is the subject matter at the time.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by AlienScience

Nah. The Tea Party isn't really like that. A small portion is, but the larger majority had good intentions for a libertarian movement when it startedand stuck with it after it was cooptes out of hope.

I'm a libertarian and I've bashed the tea party myself, but being realistic? If what you say were truw then they would be going abiut it backwards. You can't expect to shrink the government while gaining more power over people.

I'm a libertarian, I'm pro marriage equality, pro choice, pro decriminalization of drugs.. help me shrink the government and ensure these things. Vote third party, stop voting for the lesser evil out of fear and vote for the only good out of hope.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

No one has to "try" to blame the Republicans for is directly their fault.

Maybe spend less time being outraged over what Fox News is telling you to be outraged about and put pressure on the people who caused this shutdown...the House Republicans.

They are playing you, and you are eating it up.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by AlienScience

Your advise goes both ways. Maybe stop listening to what MSNBC tells you as well. BOTH Republicans and Democrats are equally at fault. The Republicans for holding the nation hostage with the government shutdown and the Democrats for their stubborn refusal to negotiate with the Republicans at all. BOTH parties are equally awful. You are buying into the game just as badly as the person you are calling out for listening to Fox News.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:05 AM
The Republicans fault? The Fault of the Democrats? We are all terrorists now...we are terrorists if we do not approve of the administrations agenda. I am not even using Left or Right anymore just the administration or regime if you like.

The Obama regime is who is in charge. They are dividing the nation further by placing blame and controlling both sides. There are Left and Right leaning people on both sides who do not want it but the two party system has become a one party system. Progressives who control through fear, empty promises and economic warfare.

Fox News did not shutdown the government...the regime did to gauge reaction and because, quite frankly, they are broke. The tea party did not shutdown the government...the regime did and now, as stated earlier, anyone who has a voice against the regime is a terrorist. Congress did not shutdown the government, the regime did by not doing what they have done in political circles forever and that is compromise.

There has not been a budget in 6 years. Trillions of dollars spent and sent to other countries. Bailouts for CEO's but still the tea party or some other Republican rep is blamed because you idiots heard it on the JOn Stewart show. Someone whose brother helped rape the country of its money with Wall Street.

This has happened time and time again in history. Divide, break down, financially crippled and disarm a nation then offer a solution to get out and survive. Last time this happened there was a world war to thin the herd....

The Obama regime is in charge folks...not you, me or the 2 party system.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:06 AM

reply to post by Stormdancer777

No one has to "try" to blame the Republicans for is directly their fault.

Maybe spend less time being outraged over what Fox News is telling you to be outraged about and put pressure on the people who caused this shutdown...the House Republicans.

They are playing you, and you are eating it up.

I ask out of curiosity "is the house only doing what it is charged with doing per the constitution?"

Why I ask is because it seems to me that the founders gave the purse strings to the peoples representatives in the congress exclusively as a balance to the states representatives in the senate and the executive branch.

Crux of the matter which is swept under the carpet is that the executive branch and the senate has not followed the law and presented a budget for debate in the peoples house for years, would they follow the law then there would be no need for these "blank check" continuing resolutions which in my view has lead to the current shutdown.

Lets present a real budget and there would be no need nor excuse for all of this.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:14 AM

It's amazing isn't it?Yes, divided... we all lose.

Some losses are better than some wins.

For example losing the election would be better than being a republican.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:19 AM
When you are losing, blame Bush. Novel approach.

ACA is the Law. Yea, right. Its a tax. On the other hand, we have Immigration laws which are vigorously enforced, right? We have cross border gunrunning laws that are vigorously enforced, right? We have a transparent administration that is completely candid with Americans about everything, right? We have the DHS which is arming and militarizing police for our protection, right? (They did so good at Watertown catching one lone, injured suspect, right? EPIC FAIL)

I got sent to Vietnam on the strength of a lie. There was NO Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Do I get to call that jackass LBJ a terrorist? Oops, no, he is a Democrat. It was that bastard, Bush. My bad.

I would like to know if you little name callers out there are shaving yet. I have serious doubts based on the the childlike, simplistic name calling and Kindergarten level "debating" you are engaging in.

Take the entire 545 core people from the three branches of government, 545 poles and 545 nooses and make Pennsylvania Avenue look like the Appian Way after Crassus crushed Spartacus and his upstart slaves. Then start over.

There is more than enough blame to go around and those of you who are blind to that fact are a BIG part of the problem. Perhaps extra poles and nooses can be found for the diehards who can't see the forest for the trees.

We are on a slippery slope throwing the T word around. Watch it you don't slide into the pit with that stupidity.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:24 AM

reply to post by AlienScience

Your advise goes both ways. Maybe stop listening to what MSNBC tells you as well. BOTH Republicans and Democrats are equally at fault. The Republicans for holding the nation hostage with the government shutdown and the Democrats for their stubborn refusal to negotiate with the Republicans at all. BOTH parties are equally awful. You are buying into the game just as badly as the person you are calling out for listening to Fox News.

That's just complete bull.

The Continuing Resolution is not a place to put the fight about the ACA. Republicans put it there for one reason and one reason only, they thought it was the only way they had some leverage to force Democrats to do what they want.

Why should Democrats negotiate about an already passed piece of legislation in order to fund the government? The two have nothing to do with each other. This would be like Democrats using this funding battle to inject Immigration into...saying they will only pass a CR if their immigration bill gets passed.

If the Democrats tried that, you and everyone else would be crying bloody murder. And yet this is EXACTLY what Republicans are doing...and you think the Democrats should "negotiate" with them about it.

They have a job to do right now...that job is to fund the government. Democrats are willing to do that job, but the Republicans want to use it to get their way with the ACA.

If you don't see this, then I'm sorry, but you are blind.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:29 AM


reply to post by AlienScience

Why is it that your perfect leader can talk to a nation that support terrorists (Iran) but wont sit and talk to the republicans?

This is a Congressional job, not a Presidential job.

What do you want Obama to talk with the Republicans about? About them using the threat of a government shutdown to pass their agenda?

Let's be is the Republicans trying to get their agenda passed, not the Democrats.

So the Republicans that were ELECTED by Americans should never "try to get their agenda passed"
The reason the Republicans have as strong control of the House as they do is because of Obozocare being passed over the wants and desires of the American people.

But boo hoo, boo hoo, it's the law, boo hoo.....same thing the Democrats said of slavery in 1860

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Phoenix

I ask out of curiosity "is the house only doing what it is charged with doing per the constitution?"

Why I ask is because it seems to me that the founders gave the purse strings to the peoples representatives in the congress exclusively as a balance to the states representatives in the senate and the executive branch.

Crux of the matter which is swept under the carpet is that the executive branch and the senate has not followed the law and presented a budget for debate in the peoples house for years, would they follow the law then there would be no need for these "blank check" continuing resolutions which in my view has lead to the current shutdown.

Lets present a real budget and there would be no need nor excuse for all of this.

So what does wanting to modify the ACA have to do with funding the government? That is the only issue right now.

Obama and the Senate have both proposed budgets, and so has the House. Neither will pass the others budget...on that issue there is no blame to be placed besides both sides standing their ground. We could argue points within each budget and why or why they aren't good, but that isn't really going to get us anywhere. I will mention one point, these funding bills must Constitutionally originate in the House. So even when Obama or Democrats propose a budget, it is put into the hands of a Republican controlled committee who strips it down and enters it's own amendments...then present as "The Democrats/Obamas budget" when it is nothing like the originally proposed budget, which is why you will sometimes see Democrats vote against "their own budget".

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by AlienScience

Heh. I'm not going to get into a big argument with you. I'm already aware that if you aren't actually a Democrat you are a liberal and that mindset seems to be that the Dems can do no wrong. But I will leave you with this, the Democrats are only willing to work with Republicans if they get their way. Democrats are notorious at not compromising. The reason this issue became what it was is because of the Democrats refusal to compromise. When, as the Republicans, you keep trying to get a compromise going with your opposing political party only to be stonewalled every time, eventually you will resort to more drastic measures to try to get your way. It's pretty obvious to me as an independent who has zero vested interest in either political party.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

But I will leave you with this, the Democrats are only willing to work with Republicans if they get their way. Democrats are notorious at not compromising. The reason this issue became what it was is because of the Democrats refusal to compromise. When, as the Republicans, you keep trying to get a compromise going with your opposing political party only to be stonewalled every time, eventually you will resort to more drastic measures to try to get your way. It's pretty obvious to me as an independent who has zero vested interest in either political party.

What exactly are the Democrats demanding?

What is it that they want to "get their way" on?

Now think of what the Republicans are DEMANDING...and then re-evaluate your thinking.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

Are you kidding. The Affordable Care doesn't look anything like the plan that was first proposed by the Obama Administration. It's watered down and completely restrucuted because of Democrats giving in and compromising, over and over, to the demands of Republicans.

How quickly we forget!

There's no more compromise the Bill is a Law. The days of compromise are over. It's time to fund the Law!

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by AlienScience

I'm not talking about right now, I'm talking about the months and years leading up to this. This isn't an isolated incident. We went through a similar song and dance back in February and many times before that. Every time it's something like the Republicans want something and Obama and the Democrats refuse to budge on the legislation until they get EXACTLY what they want, which happens to be nothing that the Republicans want. You push em up against a wall and they will bite back hard.

I can already predict the outcome of this song and dance that is currently playing out now. The Republicans will lose the fight. They will eventually cave to the Democrats like what always happens, because they don't have any other choice. The Democrats will then rub their noses in it like they always do and then we sit and wait until the next impasse occurs.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

I'm not talking about right now

LOL, of course you're not.

At least you aren't now, when you were forced to give an answer. But I'm pretty sure that you were in fact talking about right now.

The rest of your post is just as wrong, I could ask you for specifics of what you are talking about...but I'm sure I would be met with another dodge of the topic.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:54 AM


That's just complete bull.

The Continuing Resolution is not a place to put the fight about the ACA. Republicans put it there for one reason and one reason only, they thought it was the only way they had some leverage to force Democrats to do what they want.

Why should Democrats negotiate about an already passed piece of legislation in order to fund the government? The two have nothing to do with each other. This would be like Democrats using this funding battle to inject Immigration into...saying they will only pass a CR if their immigration bill gets passed.

If the Democrats tried that, you and everyone else would be crying bloody murder. And yet this is EXACTLY what Republicans are doing...and you think the Democrats should "negotiate" with them about it.

They have a job to do right now...that job is to fund the government. Democrats are willing to do that job, but the Republicans want to use it to get their way with the ACA.

If you don't see this, then I'm sorry, but you are blind.

No where in the Constitution does it say Congress must approve spending on anything whether it be law or whatever - it is their choice and their choice alone - if Congress decides not to fund something then that's what their prerogative is until the people decide otherwise through the ballot box - the ballot box has spoken and sorry you don't like it but the Constitution has these checks and balances for a reason even though you may not agree.

Prior to 2009 it was normal business for congress to send individual funding bills to the senate - omnibus spending bills are not the norm nor is operating on continuing resolutions. Instead of "where's the beef" all should be asking "where's the budget"

As far as precedent for defunding existing law the democratic party controlled house did this in regards to Vietnam prior to its collapse and communist takeover. 1973 as part of "Vietmanization" we pulled out our soldiers and agreed by legislation to continue support via funding and material - the rug was pulled out though in 74' by democratic house majority - whether agree or not on subject matter there is an example of precedent.

Precedent that demonstrably led to millions dying by the way - remember Cambodia? A bloody precedent that one was.

edit on 2-10-2013 by Phoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:56 AM

When you are losing, blame Bush. Novel approach.

ACA is the Law. Yea, right. Its a tax. On the other hand, we have Immigration laws which are vigorously enforced, right? We have cross border gunrunning laws that are vigorously enforced, right? We have a transparent administration that is completely candid with Americans about everything, right? We have the DHS which is arming and militarizing police for our protection, right? (They did so good at Watertown catching one lone, injured suspect, right? EPIC FAIL)

I got sent to Vietnam on the strength of a lie. There was NO Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Do I get to call that jackass LBJ a terrorist? Oops, no, he is a Democrat. It was that bastard, Bush. My bad.

I would like to know if you little name callers out there are shaving yet. I have serious doubts based on the the childlike, simplistic name calling and Kindergarten level "debating" you are engaging in.

Take the entire 545 core people from the three branches of government, 545 poles and 545 nooses and make Pennsylvania Avenue look like the Appian Way after Crassus crushed Spartacus and his upstart slaves. Then start over.

There is more than enough blame to go around and those of you who are blind to that fact are a BIG part of the problem. Perhaps extra poles and nooses can be found for the diehards who can't see the forest for the trees.

We are on a slippery slope throwing the T word around. Watch it you don't slide into the pit with that stupidity.

I would hate to see anyone not part of the problem get hurt, and quite frankly I like your post which disturbs me. I see this all as a set up of massive proportions. The PTB want us to want their blood. They want us to revolt. They want absolute chaos and yet I have had little visions of the society getting imploded and taken back to basic levels just to rebuild, but you know what will happen? China or Russia would march in and take over.

This childish debating and name calling is so typical on ATS now. I really would love to see D.C. shut down, I would love to see all their money disappear. I would love to see all these parasites who claim to be here to help us have to work an honest day in their life.

I see the Russian Revolution looming at America's door. The people rising up, the elites getting theirs and the horror of the evil within man manifesting is closer than any realize.

I feel torn. The idealists think grand thoughts, but reality isn't their utopia. We are very close to seeing horrible days here in America.

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