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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: NullusSpecialis

The future folks probably already set things in motion. And we're probably just a teeny bitty part of it.

If you look carefully into Plus Ultra Society which is also an Org and Secret Society they have very similar story to which Direne have archived. I could care less if we won't fit into their narrative. See they already have their appointed King. We are just pawns in the Game.
Living like a King đź‘‘

The founding of the Org

Thus, led to the formation of a secret society of similar forward thinking and optimistic people. It was Verne who suggested the name. He remembered the the warning "Non Plus Ultra," given to the heroes of antiquity venturing into realms unknown. Thus, they called their society “Plus Ultra”, Latin for “further beyond”. By forming this society, they hoped to bring the best and the brightest people together to further drive progress and change the world.

First Expire meant?

On May 17, 1899, Plus Ultra scientists, working in Colorado Springs, detected small, electromagnetic signals of exotic origin. Using experimental technology, they traced the energy signals to a world very much like Earth, except unclaimed and unspoiled.


On June 30, 1908, Plus Ultra launched a rocket from Siberia carrying the experimental, exploratory aircraft, the Columbiad, to the Other World at 9:32 A.M. Later, at exactly 12:47 P.M. +U tried and failed to bring back the exposition by thru nuclear detonation. At 1:47 P.M., they tried again, and detonated another bomb. This time they succeeded, and brought the Columbiad back thru a rip in the fabric of reality, with just seconds to spare. Robert Peary reported that the terrain they had surveyed was rich in resources and hospitable for colonization. Filippo Marinetti, on the other hand, was visibly rattled by the experience, and for weeks could only muster one word out of unintelligible speech: Beautiful. These experiments would become known as the "Tunguska Event."


In 1926, Plus Ultra was performing experiments with subatomic particle beams to create a seemingly safer way to reach the Other World. However, by 1928, it was discovered, when the society's zeppelins burst into flames, that the experiments had caused the Other World to become uninhabitable. It took several years in man and robot hours to repair the damage.

By 1937, Plus Ultra began it's "Running Start" program, a technique in which society aircraft made portals to the Other World in areas where the fabric of reality is quite thin. Leading this program was Amelia Earhart. In June and July of that year, Earhart began her experiments along the equator, under the guise of a world flight. Aboard her modified plane, the Little Red Bus, She, a Faustus android, and her co-pilot Fred Noonan made several jump attempts in South America, India, and Asia. On July 2, they made their final attempt to jump in the Central Pacific. As they were about break thru the reality barrier, they were shot down by Henry Stevens, who was on a nearby island below. Amelia and the Faustus made it to the Other World, but at the loss of Noonan. Earhart was later able to make it an old Plus Ultra outpost and contact the others.

Continued... The tommorowland

By 1955, Plus Ultra had a permanent residence at Disneyland, which was created by member Walt Disney.

By 1966, Plus Ultra had recruited its last known inductee, Ray Bradbury.

It used to be my team. Now I don't know If I remember. They don't re-member me anyways.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: boozo

Do you think that The Other World is waiting for the version of humanity that passes through the filter?

But instead, since Atlantis and the disk cities before, we haven't gotten past the control structure weaponizing technology.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Everything he copied and pasted is about a movie based on a Disney attraction.

It's literally taken from a Disney fandom site.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: ksihkahe

Haha, thanks. Was thinking, never came across this 'info' before, but will play along.

*thousand facepalms*

posted on Oct, 2 2024 @ 05:51 PM
Direne, we're obviously beyond screwed at this point. Everyone is wearing a faux face, and just pretending. Some of us better than others.

I've been wondering, has there ever been a version of humanity to pass through the filter, into the real life? Or would that be the end of this cosmic churn, where we repeat the same mistakes, throughout different ages?

posted on Oct, 3 2024 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: fireslinger369

At first it didn't make sense to me what Direne was suggesting with the Planck's Length but it do make sense if it is Planck's Time. Anyways it seems she was suggesting a Planck Length measure of Time but half of that to enter the void or portal whatever you call it.

I'm sorry you've mistaken facts and faction though they always come by together like smoke and mirrors, life full of errors.

Though the secret society mentioned therein might not be fiction at all.

I agree it get worse by the day, the weather at least. The night after that post I had a vivid dream. It's still war after all and we were hit by a mega earthquake at the same time. #ed in all the ways we can be. This site is also #ed in some ways. People are #ed (taking things for granted)
Greed is everywhere, killings, missile alert. My Tsunami Dream also probably is caused by Warfare. I think we're #ed in all the ways we can imagine. And it's getting closer day by day.

I also would like a word from Direne. Where is you hiding when the SHTF? Can you clarify your theory of Planck Length and time? Or was it peak?
I understand if you would not respond. For Mother Russia (MonkaS)

posted on Oct, 3 2024 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: boozo

It's okay boozo. You did say 'The tomorrowland', but it wasn't too clear.

My dreams have been all over the place lately too. Some uncomfortable war time processing for sure. We're all in the trenches here, it's 5th generation. Wanted to share a piece from my apocalyptic poetry:

You tell someone the world is crazy, and receive silence with a blank stare.

It’s a product of the rolling trauma, immersed within an invisible electromagnetic nano interface.

So instead, they tell you something fluffy, funny, and unrelated.

What a cowardly way to collapse a world; controllers in hiding, while most have barely enough information to get by.

All we ever want, is to live peaceful lives; but these days, the enemy is undefined.

So we claw at each other, like cats with nine lives, waiting on the next event to further traumatize.

Remind that someone of the cowards ruling our lives; teach them to focus within, for that is where true power lies.

posted on Oct, 4 2024 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: boozo

Is Direne still here?

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 11:58 PM
I don't know if they are still here but, we should ask ourselves ... did their responses have some value for us? Do they really provide some value to our current situation more than elocuent and complex speeches, in the bottom, aren't they just spreading fear?

We are in a crucial moment, we just need to open any social media and see how hatred is rampaging everything. Don't you feel we have passed through this before?

The ancient ones reside now in the bottom of the ocean because they chose. Now, every time we see a message on the internet and we may feel tempted to respond with hate and rage, or in the street while driving or with that family member thay maybe is not our preferred one, remember, any action at any time we are choosing, we are literally building our reality. What are we gonna choose now?
edit on 6-10-2024 by BlossomHil because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2024 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: BlossomHil

We die today. Jk.
Perhaps an insight. But it isn't much of an insight if it doesn't help our situation.

Anyways, Tomorrowland was the only positive future. The light at the end of the tunnel. The "only" sustainable future. And, we must make the choice now. And I hereby appoint myself as the President of the World Committee to make the right choice and forever hold ourself accountable with all our choices and of the world we live in before it's too late. Cause it's already all too late actually now. Nothing much can be done to reverse the effects unless a lot of us die. MonkaS. I'm really sad. Like really really sad.

There's still hope. We must make an agreement. Hopefully we can make an agreement. Not to put out the light first. But chances are very very slim. So slim that the life in me already left my body. MonkaS.

posted on Oct, 6 2024 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Remind that someone of the cowards ruling our lives; teach them to focus within, for that is where true power lies.

Some of these or most if not all are just true psychopaths.

Just because they can doesn't mean they should.

Whatever made them feel the need to decide for the Planet is probably as simple they need it for their own benefits like they need the planet for the Queltron Machine like Direne mentioned here before.

But are they even symbiotically living with us? No. They are simply deciding whatever they deem fit for us or for the planet. They don't care about us at all. To them we're just pawns in a game. Expendable.

Is it just fiction when past and future meets in the present?

originally posted by: boozo
The shot heard around the world. They're going full bonkers boiz.

"It is always the same, presidents and prime ministers are either ambitious individuals who have received their training at prestigious diplomatic schools, and who see themselves as the ones ultimately in charge of their nation’s independence, or dumb clowns businessmen ruling a country; in either case, they all have a head and if you put a bullet in it that's the end for those presidents and prime ministers. You see, we cannot leave the future of the planet in the hands of people who die if a bullet gets into their heads, especially when the cost of a bullet is a mere $0.05"

Spoken like a true psychopaths.

Remember Shinzo Abe? Yep killed on the spot.

They call World leaders idiots đź‘Ž. We I believe as slaves of course, worse pets.

A warning shot to act up or lose your life. What's even worse is they're ready to kill billions of us in a War if they don't get things according to their plan.

"China dreams of leading by 2050 a number of international institutions that will shape the global energy landscape.  That would mean less transparency in emissions reporting and an improvement of its emissions targets, something we are not ready to tolerate. In the future, countries will embrace protectionism as clean energy industries rise in value, and that means the end of free trade. Maybe is time for us to place a new Idiot as prime minister there as a first step for its disintegration. And if that fails, then there will be no other way than a war. That's the grand strategy: preserving Sol-3 at the expense of humans, if required."

A brave new world at the expense of billions

"We designed, funded, and launched the global climate change denial groups not because we doubted global warming was an unfounded claim; on the contrary, we knew climate change was a coming reality, but we needed time to refine our predictive models and run simulations in order to know how the shift to renawable energies would impact our global strategy. We now have a roughly clear idea on the future's landscape and what to do to adapt to it. We know where the scarce water resources will be, we know where renewables will be feasible and where not, and we know where to locate hubs and how the supergrid will be arranged. And we are acting accordingly, now."

These guys are nasty

"there exists a distorted exchange rate between the yuan on the one hand and the euro and dollar on the other hand which does not reflect the real economic position of China. Moreover, China has so many energy plants working on coal that they can afford a low price for electricity. The labour cost in China is also low at the expense of civil and labor rights. This means energy plants and the Three Gorges Dam will be a key military target during the first days of attack"

They do Expirement with our lives but not for the benefit of us.

Forget about symbiotic relationship.
edit on 6-10-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2024 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: Brotherman
a reply to: boozo

Is Direne still here?

I don't mind the whereabouts.

But she does visit other threads from time to time like the Hezbollah Explosion in Lebanon.

Hezbollah Terror Attack

Future meets present and past.

The future past

SV17q reports on Hadda signals being detected in downlink telemetry of Chinese Tianhui satellites via Valinta QR eavesdropping (dated April 2019)

- President Trump forced to ban American telecommunications firms from installing foreign-made equipment that could pose a threat to national security (dated May 2019)

Hadda Tech

Another fiction.

"in that particular simulation DENIED discovers that cell phones being manufactured by DENIED carry a firmware that, under specific conditions, causes the cell phone to explode. The software executes a module that overheats critical components which are in touch with the DENIED explosive. The company is fully funded by SoftBank and the target market was China."

Hopefully this one stays a simulation.

"according to the simulation, Ampere Computing produced millions of explosive 64-bit ARM server processors that by 2025 were present in all hyperscale cloud providers all over the world. The simulation then modeled what would happen when the triggering signal is embedded inside a BeiDou satellite GPS signal, that is, what would happen if all active cell phones in the world explode at the same time, leaving millions of fatal casualties and severely injured users, plus all of the cloud providers being suddenly disrupted."

edit on 6-10-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2024 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: boozo

I'm liking this wave you're on, and completely relate to the deep sadness. It runs deep, because we can't properly express it to those in our lives. Not even close. We're living in a parallel reality, that the surface world can never grasp. Like an unacknowledged unorganized ragtag secret society.

Been meditating on our situation a lot. It's ironic, how the control grid is feared. When in reality, the control grid fears our potential.

My parents recently got the latest iPhone for free, and were so excited by the fact that something like that is free in this world. On the surface, it seems great. But the greater reality, is that Apple lobbies in DC, is involved with defense contracts, and in return is unwittingly subsidized by us. The revolving door between government, military, and big tech. All for the sake of building up the control grid. We all know that Apple is overvalued, but few really ask why. They created a new state of the art surveillance device, and are giving it away for free.

It's really just cowards building up a control grid, through silicon tech and bioengineering. I think it's possible to live a relatively 'normal' life, by mitigating it all. Which has taken me painstaking years of research and trial / error. Recently got a used Resonant Light Rife machine, and it's absolutely next level. Once others see that you're on the path, they slowly begin to listen.

The problem is... even though mitigation is possible, there's no mitigating these harsh environmental changes. And of course, a nuclear / war scenario is also pretty impossible to mitigate. As Direne mentioned, everything is hitting at once. As you mentioned, the weather just gets worse and worse. It can be 50 degrees, with 98% humidity, and a terrible 'Air Quality Index'. Perhaps SV17q grows a heart, and introduces technology to repair the damage. Doubtful. If they just need the planet to install beacons, we would've been left alone. Instead, they're doing that, as well as re-engineering humanity. The beacons will survive, but we won't.

If they didn't fear our potential, they would be working with us, and helping us become more conscious. Instead, we get suppression of everything human, a stunting of true intellect on every level, controlled through silicon and biotech.
edit on 7-10-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2024 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: boozo

Hey man thanks bro. I miss the old conversations we've had in the past.

posted on Oct, 8 2024 @ 12:18 AM
Nothing stays the same, everything changes. The difference is that there are times when everything changes too fast.

Like the sea. It can go from being absolutely calm to rippling and, in minutes, huge waves can rise. To sail on it is to be subject to change. Sailing is not a choice, it is an obligation. Once born, you have to sail the sea of life. Yes, sometimes you get shipwrecked, but usually you dock in port.

Today's world is not like yesterday's, nor does it resemble tomorrow's in any way. I believe that we must all be calm, not lose our reason, not go crazy, and be patient with the sea. It is a world ruled by old men who do not love life and who paint darkly every heart that dares to beat. For them there will be no tomorrow: you cannot hate and sail at the same time.

(No messiah is coming, no kind alien; no miracle is going to happen. The sea will dawn serene, or it will be furious, but either way it is necessary to keep sailing. Staying on the beach is not an option).

posted on Oct, 8 2024 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: Direnei

Catherine Austin Fitts recently said on The Solari Report (paraphrasing), that it's not a collapse being engineered. It's a composting, and we have to gracefully do everything in our power, to not be composted.

Do you agree with that sentiment?

posted on Oct, 8 2024 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: Direnei

Yeah everything changed very fast like the Death of a certain individual or a birth of an offspring.

What is dumb though is when someone plays with fire and expect not to get burnt.
Like a storm, it's brainless and you can't control the sails under a storm. And it's therefore justified because it's just a storm right? Could never go wrong with a storm.

Anyhow it is not me simulation to control what goes and comes around.

posted on Oct, 8 2024 @ 09:43 PM
This is a great discussion, thought I'd share. Been following the work of David A. Hughes. He's one of the more articulate voices out there:

posted on Oct, 9 2024 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: Brotherman

Yeah man, what's up? How's life been doing you?

posted on Oct, 9 2024 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Interesting interview, and interesting book. It sad when people forget it is all about class struggle, but no matter how the ruling class wants it hidden reality always wins: it was, it is, and it will always be a class struggle. The few hyper-rich are a weapon of massive destruction. They are unsustainable. And expendable.

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