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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Oct, 9 2024 @ 06:09 AM
One might write a horror fictional story called The Last Of The Immortals. A story of how the age of mythology ends with a group of immortal men so fearful of dying that they would even murder their own kind. The first to go would be the immortal women and children lest, hidden somewhere, they might grow up and turn against them. Not even sons would be born to them. What for? Old immortal men terrified of death would not think of heirs and legacies. They would only think in terms of threats.

Of course, I would not call them Vampyrs. That would be inappropriate.

edit on 9-10-2024 by NullusSpecialis because: shpelin mastake

posted on Oct, 9 2024 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Direnei

I watched yesterday morning, then took a long walk after work, parsed some things out, and came back full circle with a deeper understanding of our situation.

The ruling class fears us, so they do everything in their power to perpetually generate fear. It’s even seeped into our truth seeking community, through controlled opposition and suggestion. So how ironic, that most of us fear them, when we possess things that they don’t. The fortunate ones such as myself have family, love, gratitude, a safe stable life. Everything at our fingertips, to live as decent a life as we can, within a hollow control grid.

I have healing technologies, that to my family seem otherworldly. I’m often blown away by them myself, and it truly gives me hope. Shifts my perspective to syntropy, rather than entropy. But fortunately, some of my family listens when it comes to supplementation. My focus is on proper nourishment / mineral balancing, and mitigation.

I’m once again choosing, moment by moment, to no longer live in fear. No more reacting emotionally to deliberately charged headlines, or even alarmist claims within the seeking community. It’s all about mitigation of the technocratic nano state. I think it can be done, since the fear-based ruling class will do everything in their power to rule from a distance. They don’t want to get their hands dirty, so we can live relatively free lives, as long as we keep our bodies / minds / spirits clean. And of course, stay away from the coastal areas. They want our land too. However, I think it’s also due to accessing Atlantean ruins (coast of Florida). Many reasons to their geoengineering madness. I’m beginning to see SV17q’s role more clearly now. They’re trying to tame the ruling class?

Of course, we have to be prepared, but without fear. I’m seeing that collapse is the composting of the current financial system, into a technological bio-nano financial system. Quite the twisted sinister genius, how fear creates panic, which creates spending / stocking up, which creates shortages. As well as their deliberate attacks on our supply chain. It’s not a full blown nuclear AI financial meltdown. It’s shifting into a digital slavery system. So we also must keep our digital lives clean, secure, and consistently seek alternatives to big tech. I can’t stop my family from getting the latest iPhone, but I’m so grateful that they’re finally listening to my health piece.

This line from an FL post really stuck with me… ‘Fear shrinks perspective’.

Consciously easing fear, moment by moment, and living with love / gratitude while taking right action, is how we can inch towards freedom. The idea is to positively influence your own environment, and humbly admire the ripples that creates.

posted on Oct, 9 2024 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: fireslinger369

There is an underground movement (underground, literally) fighting The System. It's called CPS, Coalition of Peripheral Systems. Sometimes they fight in coalition with The Activity. Some believe that SV17q is The Activity, and others believe that CPS is The Activity.

In any case, it is obvious that the ruling elite wants people to kill each other in stupid wars. Polarization is precisely an invention of the ruling class to prevent people from revolting against them, storming their palaces, their mansions, their banks and their villas. For the ruling class it is essential that you believe that your enemy is your neighbor. That way all your attention is always on immigrants, those who have a different ideology, those who have a different skin color, those who speak a different language, have a different gender, or whatever best triggers your hate. Those who are not like you.

And so, while the poor kill each other, the ruling class can survive and perpetuate itself. What the ruling class did not count on is that Nature has an agenda in which the human species is totally dispensable. For SV17q the ruling class is totally dispensable. For the Peripheral Systems Coalition The System is expendable. And for The Activity it is not clear what is indispensable and what is not. It won't be known until they decide to make contact, if ever.

An ecosystem that does not include dreams is doomed.

posted on Oct, 9 2024 @ 06:35 PM
You should call them hegemony.
Doesn't matter what you call them the name stands for itself. That's their legacy.
What's your legacy? Go forth and be plenty, kill them all.
Is two sides of the coin.

a reply to: NullusSpecialis

Heaven and Earth shall pass but let it pass now.

Even the Father is not righteous for the Son.
For what is his Legacy? but torment and sacrifice.
Don't you ever forget they consider you a

biological robot

. Worse, you're just a simulation. Hypocrisy at its finest.

But evil shall conquer and all of these shall pass. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
edit on 9-10-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2024 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: boozo

Worse, you're just a simulation. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Well now Boozo . . .

Does it really matter if I am?

Does it really matter if we all are? The world?

Is that cat just a hologram, a simulation? What about the children playing on the street?

If they are just holograms or simulations, why do we feed and care for them? What if we stop caring? After all, they are just simulations aren't they.

Simulated misery and death will still hurt. The simulated authorities will still arrest us for simulated cruelty.

Reality is reality.

Actuality . . . , that which lays behind our reality. Can you see it? Can anyone really know what is actual?

I can't.

So why not play the game.

The idea of chess and time is intriguing. Not time travel. What would be the point? One would simply be a tourist.

However, if it means placing (taken) pieces back on the board . . .

Well now, that is interesting.

edit on 9-10-2024 by NullusSpecialis because: neatness and clarity

posted on Oct, 9 2024 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: Direnei

I really appreciate the disclosure, the fact that there’s a resistance brings some hope. So the enemy is not SV17q; the enemy is the ruling class. The hierarchy is obfuscated on the FL pages, but I can understand why. This is the game beneath the game.

Do you think that Nature (aka Sol-3 intelligence / consciousness) is reacting to the geoengineering of the ruling class? Perhaps if Nature is not respected, and her rules are being unnaturally warped by humans, then she will make certain that humans are wiped out.

Then it seems we have two forms of ‘natural’ disaster, and the lines are becoming more blurred. Ruling class made, and Nature made?

posted on Oct, 10 2024 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

There are no natural disasters. Nature does not create disasters. Technically, a disaster is when a natural hazard meets a human population. And there is nothing like 'natural extreme weather'. Weather is just weather. What it is usually called "natural disaster" is always man-made.

The problem is when there is an increase in the likelihood or intensity of weather conditions, and that increase in the likelihood and intensity of, say, hurricanes, is just a consequence of human activity. You cannot avoid hurricanes or droughts, but you can avoid those hurricanes and droughts to become 'a disaster'. In a normal situation, Nature has hazards, but not disasters. Certainly, a hurricane slamming into land where no one lives is not a disaster. Hurricanes in Mars are not a disaster either, but if you happen to set up a permanent base there, it will become a disaster for you, not for Mars. In the end, however, it is just Martian weather: you turned it into a disaster.

So yes, there are just weather, and man-made disasters. If you consider a river, a rock, the ocean, "a resource", then you should expect your worldview to be shaped such that in the end you consider Nature as a mere resource, something you abuse, and exploit, and trade with it. When that is the case, you should expect Nature to be your enemy. If you disrupt Nature, rest assured the end result won't be the one you expected. Terraforming, that is, making a planet habitable for humans, necessarily requires to make it habitable for all other life forms that coexist with you and that, all together, make of you what you are.

Geoengineering the planet for your own benefit is simply irrational; actually, doing things for one's own profit is plainly unnatural. Nature does not like unnatural things.

To create a planet you need collisions, high temperatures, gravity, radiation, and all kind of extreme physical and chemical conditions. Then you'll need magma. To sculp a landscape you need earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, blizzards, drought, volcanos, tsunamis. You need oceans and an atmosphere. Then will come the forests, the valleys, the rivers, the mountains, the deserts, the jungles. And then, only then, life.

Once intelligent life emerges the first thing it must learn is this: the Universe is just a work in progress.

posted on Oct, 10 2024 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Direnei

Fair point, they're weaponizing language as well, by calling it 'natural'. Another invisible enemy to blame, to impose more climate controls.

Another realization that struck me, is the naming convention for the storms. Always a first name. Personifying it softens the emotional blow around their abominations.

Never thought this would show itself in the mainstream within my lifetime. Biased as anything, but nonetheless:
edit on 10-10-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2024 @ 05:49 PM

Another realization that struck me, is the naming convention for the storms. Always a first name. Personifying it softens the emotional blow around their abominations.

Traditionally, the big storms were named with girl's names only. The reason being was probably instinctive knowledge. Like calling ships "she".

They all have spirit, and that spirit is feminine. In the age of science, the instinctive knowledge has been cast aside. Giving boy's names to storms is just modern day ignorance.

Nature works according to the law of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Chop down the wrong tree and you're destroying someone's home. Is it really all that surprising, for our homes might be destroyed in turn?

posted on Oct, 10 2024 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: NullusSpecialis

Good call, Milton. They're breaking convention.

posted on Oct, 10 2024 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: fireslinger369

They are breaking convention. Boys are boys and girls are girls. Really, if you named your son Linda, that would be child abuse.

posted on Oct, 10 2024 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: NullusSpecialis

Wait, you didn't get the memo? Storms are non-binary in these 'woke' times.

posted on Oct, 10 2024 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Memo? What memo?

Now, if we could just get "Milton" to flip her skirt, this would not be an issue.

I did read the other threads where the "coincidence" of naming a hurricane "Milton" linked back to some dead fella in a black and white photograph, along with a heap of other "coincidences".

So do we really have a group of evil geniuses thinking these things out and putting all these coincidences and numerology into the public eye? What for?

So the question might be; is a group of evil geniuses with heaps of spare time at work here, or is it something else?

Maybe something like a collective subconscious bringing small things to the surface?

It could also be something else at work. I would think FL is well aware of "it" and probably has a name for "it"

My own thought is something fractile is at work here. A planetary like consciousness? Maybe something impartial and intellegent is giving us clues to something important. Like cause and effect.

posted on Oct, 10 2024 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: NullusSpecialis

I also think that it's a planetary consciousness, pushing back against the geoengineering. And it's happened before, the past is just replaying. Like we're in some cyclical cosmic processing circuit.

Still not entirely sure what to make of Terrence Howard, but I keep thinking back to his analogy, of Earth violently shaking the flea called humanity from her back. Kind of grotesque, but possibly true.

They're getting sloppy with these back to back mega storms. There's an urgency to their madness, and some are picking up on it. I just hope that 'some' eventually turns into 'enough'.

posted on Oct, 10 2024 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Kinda like a Mandelbrot thing? History repeating itself.

I wonder if time follows a similar thing with timelines, and a timeline is like one of those black bugs. The Mandelbrot is apparently a 'mathematical object' (whatever that is). So it stands to reason, if indeed so, that time travel is just a mathematical problem.

posted on Oct, 11 2024 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: NullusSpecialis

That's pretty trippy. It's the same old story, of our technological hubris taking us down. Atlantis: Amelius group using technology for spiritual development. Belial group using it for destructive purposes, eventually ending the civilization. Tower of Babel: Direne mentioned that's a geoengineering tale. We're in the midst of a similar situation.

We keep going in circles, because we haven't successfully blended technology with spiritually. It's always one or the other. Look at how spiritually devoid society currently is.

I think technology is our main filter, and we haven't passed it yet, so that we can live the real life, instead of this tiresome dream.

posted on Oct, 11 2024 @ 02:52 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Short lives and short memories?

Maybe spirituality AND technology are the problem.

Maybe because most people aren't really interested in either spirituality or technology. Both of those have to be aggressively marketed to the public with threats of dire consequences if we don't have them.

Very few people would go to church if they were not threatened ; )
edit on 11-10-2024 by NullusSpecialis because: added for clarity

posted on Oct, 11 2024 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

but in this case we are like bacteria on her skin
and you know fine well we cant shake the bacteria of our bodies
auld gaia must realise we are a part of her body

we are all one thing in the end

posted on Oct, 11 2024 @ 04:45 AM

posted on Oct, 11 2024 @ 09:36 AM
I believe none is the wiser irl.
If I'd take mine for example, I could barely trust anyone. Those you trust barely know what's best for everyone.

And every one else couldn't be trusted for they're either ignorant, conceited, or both. So, none is the wiser. We may know much but we could barely do much on our end. It's an ultimate fail scenario.

I already buried myself inside her so you know what's cooking.

If you're a saint without much resources then you're just a sheep, worse a prey. Life is a trap, I wouldn't suggest to anyone. Who is even God seriously. It created life straight from hell.
edit on 11-10-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

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