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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jul, 23 2024 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: LaPourerr

Yellowstone- part of it is closed. Reason- shooting. Fake, also.
Lava started to flow.

It exploded my guy.

Had a bunch of people around it. Luckily it was just a fart.

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 01:42 AM

edit on 24-7-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Hey boozo, I've been struggling deeply as well.

All the world is a stage...

But check this out, just watched. It's this husband / wife team who I've found to be valuable. They speak of the upcoming spiritual shift, shortly after this *ahem* 'election'

I did check it out. They sound like the ones I read more than a decade ago. Galactic Channelling of Light, Enlightenment, etc.

So the most important thing right now, is to stay in a love / care / kindness / gratitude mindset. Been practicing it for a while now. Far from easy in these times, but I'm convinced it's the way to go.

It applies differently to all of us.

We've already been seeing the two-world split, and it's about to become even more apparent.

I'm not sure I understand but hopefully we aren't going downhill. Which is highly unlikely IMO.

We're all just clowns after all. They play a fool of us. None of these matters, etc, especially when we all get unalive from a Nuclear Fallout.

I have been long unalive. But these guys no words to describe.

edit on 25-7-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: boozo

Yea, everything is pretty grim right now, and is only getting worse.

What worries me the most, is the geo / bioengineering component. Clifford Carnicom level research, of a cross-domain organism in the sprays. Which they're continually pushing into our bodies, since four years ago.

This article is a serious splinter in my mind. Confirms what I've been learning. They're manipulating the weather through HAARP arrays, 5G, etc. The nano-metals within the sprays are being moved via electromagnetic / sound frequencies. The nanotech / cross-domain organism in our bodies is also being manipulated via frequency. Dane Wigington has some great info on this. But he's also very intense, so I can't watch too many of his vids without falling into further depression, haha.

What spooks me the most, is how stupefied a lot of people have become. We're all being genetically modified (some more than others), and emotions / spirituality seem to be bred out. These days, I tell someone that 'the world is crazy lately', and just get silence and a blank stare. If it's a coworker, they switch the subject to left brain work talk. They can't even admit to / discuss the apocalypse happening right before their eyes. Then, the programming takes hold, and they change the subject to something fluffy / funny / unrelated. Those same people also share straight up garbage media / 'entertainment' with you, and it's exhausting to pretend it's okay. On one hand, we're all living through rolling psy-op traumas, so it's understandable. On the other, it seems that a lot of people out there just aren't quite human anymore. It's honestly the creepiest most isolating thing ever.

People have absolutely no idea that SV17q is manipulating the weather, following a collapse algorithm, because they aren't human and hate humanity. People also have absolutely no idea, that this type of weather manipulation also manipulates your mental / emotional / physical state. I take care of my health much more than others, and am still not feeling great these days, because of the bipolar weather and poor / toxic air quality.

So we all just keep working at our pointless jobs, as the work becomes harder and more impossible to get through. Wondering why everything is so terrible. But not wondering why there aren't any more natural cumulus clouds in the skies.
edit on 25-7-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

What if these are all part of the process for the "spiritual shift" the husband and wife suggest. Would you allow it? Knowing this is necessary to deploy the breakthrough technologies in public space?

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: boozo

Well, I definitely don't think that SV and the agencies they're working through are doing this to help us evolve / ascend. In fact, they're doing it to keep us cut off spiritually, and locked into this reincarnation loop.

And I also don't think that myself or any of us can stop it; we can only mitigate the damage it's causing, and prepare for what's coming.

But I do think that this is all part of some cosmic plan. Good vs evil, working itself out. Heaven and hell clashing, working themselves out. None of this would exist, without something (god / source / superintelligence) trying to work itself out.

So however hard things get, I know it's all for a reason, and that keeps me going. I've evolved exponentially since four years ago, and find myself having to 'dumb down' in the presence of most others, because they're just not ready.

But presence is key. If you can live through love / care / kindness, and hold that energy in your presence, your sphere of influence shifts, which causes other's spheres to shift as well, since it's all connected. I'm no saint though, and have snapped on several occasions. I mean, how can you not? The important thing is, to get back to balance afterwards, and consciously have less of those reactions.

That couple is basically talking about The Rapture. In a non-dogmatic sense, ascension. It's an inevitable pole shift / reversal, which in theory would affect our own magnetic centers. Honestly, it's hard for me to imagine what it would look like. Some of us just wake up one day, in a different reality, where we're not trying to be killed by cowardly aliens?

John (of husband wife team) made a very interesting prediction I can't stop contemplating. That shortly after the next 'election', when who he calls the 'anti-Christ' takes power, Blue Beam will be used heavily to mask the disappearance of people. Those of us who ascended. A fake invasion, with fake abductions. Anything but the truth, right?
edit on 26-7-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

That couple is basically talking about The Rapture. In a non-dogmatic sense, ascension. It's an inevitable pole shift / reversal, which in theory would affect our own magnetic centers. Honestly, it's hard for me to imagine what it would look like. Some of us just wake up one day, in a different reality, where we're not trying to be killed by cowardly aliens?

I'm glad you get it. I find ascension a sensitive topic. Nonetheless, pretty much true. Which is what I was suggesting earlier. What if all this cataclysm is necessary for Ascension (In a planetary scale). Tarra's Ascension.

The aliens must be cowards or shady by their own right.

But presence is key. If you can live through love / care / kindness, and hold that energy in your presence, your sphere of influence shifts, which causes other's spheres to shift as well, since it's all connected. I'm no saint though, and have snapped on several occasions. I mean, how can you not? The important thing is, to get back to balance afterwards, and consciously have less of those reactions.

Same. I find this one the hardest. I have one person that is basically my Arch-Nemesis. Hates me the hardest for whatever reason. Trying to escape from his own karma, probably. Sort of a lunatic. And always try to fight me in any way possible.
Constantly puts me on a spot.

Another is when suddenly people start to act up. Like seriously act up. I have received a handful of death threats and they're all blood related.

This is why I gave up believing in Ascension in the long run. It seems un-possible with people acting this way, especially with the trauma. I will feel sorry for them if ever there's a two-way split happening.

Anyways, they (not my biological family) still believe I'm a saint.

If the tables turn (shift) they'll have their karma too (my família louca).

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: boozo

Boozo, you in some sort of crime / mafia family? Couldn't resist

I totally feel you. There's nothing easy about being human, especially being a human in 2024. The problem is, they won't let us be. We really just want to live peaceful and meaningful lives.

I think you're giving them too much credit. So many of those FL articles scream hatred towards humanity. We're not good enough, must go back through the filter and start from scratch, etc. They're not doing this for our benefit. If they wanted to help, we would have advanced tech, providing both clean energy and healing. They might even show themselves as neighbors, living side by side. But that's a long shot.

The way I currently see it, they aren't in control of the pole shift / ascension. The creator trumps the aliens. Even they're reacting to a higher power. I don't claim to fully know their reasoning, not at all. But it doesn't seem like they're helping to me. More like severely hindering, afraid of our spiritual potential. How I see it, source / creator / god / etc, is trying to evolve / figure itself out through this human / alien circus.

Just try to keep in mind, that maintaining your personal sphere of influence is the most important thing. Maybe try reacting to your nemesis in a more neutral way. I totally get that pure love / kindness at first may be too much. But you'll see, that once your reactions towards that person change, the way they treat you will begin to change. Also worth noting, that your nemesis is also a frog in hot water, just like the rest of us. We're all slow dancing in a burning room, and the best way to cope is to be kind to each other.
edit on 26-7-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: boozo

Anyway, just try to take it one moment / day at a time. We're all incredibly angry / demoralized, even if most are too programmed / modified to admit it.

And keep developing on all fronts; might come a time soon, when we'll have to physically defend ourselves.

Planning on re-watching 1996 The Arrival this weekend. Pretty sure it's what destroyed Charlie Sheen's career. Hit a bit too close to the truth.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

John (of husband wife team) made a very interesting prediction I can't stop contemplating. That shortly after the next 'election', when who he calls the 'anti-Christ' takes power, Blue Beam will be used heavily to mask the disappearance of people. Those of us who ascended. A fake invasion, with fake abductions. Anything but the truth, right?

Trump can't be the AC. They already tried assassinating him. IT shows that they're desperate to force a certain timeline.

Now that Biden is out of the race and replaced by Kamala as the Dark Horse. It reminds me of a previous prediction that didn't come to pass but might as well come to pass if Kamala wins the Election.

The title of that thread was (Timelines for Global Reset)

The Context was if A woman is ever elected US president, it would herald the End of Time for the Jews, Christianity and Muslims (which is a big no no). But since the ruling elite are desperate for the second coming of Christ (which they are). They will do anything in their Power to put Kamala as president.

Death to America - Truth in Plain Sight

Subliminal Programming shown in Paris Olympics.

Planning on re-watching 1996 The Arrival this weekend.

I just watched that movie as you suggested it here. I still doubt aliens exist among us.

Do you have experience with them? ANAL Probe perhaps?
The usual story.

You should watch Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.
edit on 27-7-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: boozo

I just watched that movie as you suggested it here. I still doubt aliens exist among us.

Kind of surprised to hear you say that, given what we've been through. Re-watched last night too, and caught several things I didn't quite see before. In my view, it's one of the best 'entertainment' depictions we have, of what's really going on.

Thanks for the tip on 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes', bookmarked that one. It's 2024, so a bit wary of the programming. Is it more on the kosher side, in your opinion?

But anyway, Direne dropped that truth bomb back on page 283. I'll re-post her comment here, for everyone's sake. If the grand creator wants humans and aliens to cooperate and pass through filters, we're all failing miserably, haha:

You won. That's precisely why SV17q is here: because they have a need. That's what FL post was about when the IC concluded they are here not because they are curious, but because they need to be here.

The reason is that to use the Queltron Machine you need beacons and repeaters, and those beacons and repeaters must be placed in specific planetary bodies. One of them happens to be Sol-3. The problem is that Sol-3 is an inhabited planet, with its own civilization. I assume they've found this problem before, and I guess their only way ahead is to build their beacons and infrastructures without disturbing the local indigenous technocivilization. I'm sure the last thing SV17q wished was to contact the locals, but given the locals are putting the planet at risk, they've been forced to intervene.

This is the idea behind the Whose planet? post. The universe seems to be designed such that you need the cooperation of several technocivilizations to pass through some filters. No one can do it alone. That's the beauty of cosmic altruism: either you cooperate, or none of you will success. It is not whether you are alone or not; it is whether you can cooperate and join forces together or not.

edit on 27-7-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: boozo

With the AC stuff, I'm skeptical that it's just one person. Just sharing someone else's interesting view.

Worth noting, remember Operation Warp Speed in 2020? DoD op, and the chief scientist who led it, has a background in brain / machine interfaces. We know who was president then, and how he somehow cast a spell over his followers, to forgive him for that crime against humanity.

None of them can be trusted, since the entire system is bought and paid for by the 'defense' industry (aka our tax dollars), and pharma.

As you said before, it's all a stage. Left / right, has no real meaning to the 'controllers'. They manipulate both sides, and lean into whichever one currently supports their agenda / narrative.

In my opinion, the entire system itself is AC, and takes on an esoteric meaning. Why else would they be trying to diminish the Sun's influence, when Christ consciousness is embodied by the Sun? Why the massive fear campaign around the last eclipse? They're deliberately bottle-necking certain energies, and keeping us from developing spiritually.

And I think the biggest reason is, they're afraid of the real version of humanity. The one that cannot be controlled.
edit on 27-7-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Exactly, I think they need to let us use the Queltron Machine too. That's out of the question.

I think it's healthy to be doubtful without proper evidence.

And I think the biggest reason is, they're afraid of the real version of humanity. The one that cannot be controlled.

I agree. Whatever their reason maybe I think I agree as well ❤️‍🩹

But they should learn to trust us, yeah?

3, 6, 9

posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: boozo

So what's your take on why they would be deliberately damaging our environment, to somehow mitigate the inevitable pole shift?

Also, watched this last night, and made lots of connections. Kinda funny, how my journey is circling back to Icke:

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 03:40 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

If that's exactly where we are heading, I guess we're all just going to die.

Living fast, dying young.

The ones that seeded us might not exactly understand us or us to understand the probes that seeded us. Like, why?

Perhaps theirs is an exploding star and they're programmed to seed life where it can grow?

Anyways, I still find life full of pre-programmed errors it persists to do so.

Perhaps the Universe is just programmed to be gibber in the First Place.

A dull and stupid dream. The programmers are the ones to blame. They're full of sh1t.

It's actually the fags that are going to kill us faster.
The goal of the game was always to overcome our adversaries. That includes the faggots that tries to mentally, spiritually, and physically destroy us. That's life. It's dum dum. I guess it's always the games that is our best teacher.
edit on 31-7-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Simply put it this way. Your roots shaped you for a tragic end. But you have a timeline albeit slim chance to change it. What do you do?

Option 1: Call for help!
Option 2: Die

Chances are, you will die anyway.

That's how deformed baby mutants usually die.

Dumb and Dumber

Unfortunately for us. We're curious creatures. What mystifies us makes us curious. What we thought were angels are actually demons.

Such is the case with FL, their minions, and their demons.
edit on 3-8-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: boozo

Well, you have a lot of anger towards FL, and I get it. However, I think they're more non-human messenger / watcher / researcher types.

You know, the whole 'don't shoot the messenger.' Lots of their articles come from the public domain, and the SV17q related ones are some kind of dark web intelligence briefings they have access to.

But from many of Direne's comments here, and emails others have shared between Ayndryl, I think they're independent from SV17q. They're trying to figure out how to set us all free from the simulation.

They don't seem to be the ones destroying our world, but since they're the only ones providing this unique information, it's easy to harbor resentment towards them.

My current line of thinking, is a bombshell Icke dropped in a 2022 discussion. That the real climate scientists will tell you, C02 is a life sustaining gas, and our planet actually isn't producing enough. The truth is 180 from 'reality'. Remember how John Kerry said in a recent Davos talk, that the zero carbon agenda is 'almost extraterrestrial'. My thinking is that Davos / WEF / other globalist types are creating the new carbon credit control / financial system, that will be live once the current system inevitably collapses. And SV17q will continue destroying / lowering C02. The weather lately has been absolutely insane. But it feels like they're preparing the planet for lifeforms that thrive on less C02 than us humans. Hope I'm wrong there.
edit on 3-8-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: fireslinger369

War is coming. Will start as usual, a recession, global financial panic, social unrest, plus terrible natural disasters, all in a go.

The hyenas are the same as always. The wounded zebra, too. Today, seven people met and had to listen to what they already knew they were going to hear. Today there was a meeting, in an office building in a big city. If you had looked out of the huge window you would have seen a beautiful sunset.

But hyenas only like the moon. There will be war.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: Direnei

Did some digging and came up short, so it must not be publicized. My best guess is a G7 meeting outside of the US. Was SV17q involved?

We're seeing the beginnings of recession panic in the markets, social unrest / riots, and 'natural' disasters.

The problem is, in 5th generation asymmetrical warfare, the enemy is undefined. I often contemplate this line from a recent FL post: 'The first casualty of war is complexity.'

Complexity has been eroding for quite some time now, with more speed. We're truly living within Idiocracy.

In this engineered civil war, who is the enemy? The wounded zebras attack each other out of sheer frustration. And us lone wolves are forever patient, telling the zebras to keep calm, because the hyenas are cowards hiding in moonlit shadows, undefined.
edit on 5-8-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Beautifully expressed, indeed.

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