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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

I quite agree AI could be a wonderful thing. The Japanese have explored a future with personal AIs in their fiction.

Perhaps the question simply boils down to use or misuse. People achieve great things when they work together towards a goal. Even if just a community garden to feed their families.

The idea of bringing up a child not knowing what it will achieve in life is a wonderful and yet also a frightening thing to do. Virtually anything might happen.

A very different thing to deciding and planning what the child will be forced to become.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 05:16 AM
Tonight's FL blog post has nothing in English until the bibliography which mentions:

Gwyndaf, R. (1987). The Welsh folk narrative tradition: continuity and adaptation. Folk Life, 26(1), 78-100.

The Sidhe are from Irish folk lore, and the Sith are from the Scottish folklore.

Image below is from FL's page in question.

Alt text for those who can't see images: picture shows blue flowers, butterfly, a fairy, and a pixie. Both the pixie and fairy hold strings attached to the butterfly.

edit on 3-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added FL'S image I hope they don't mind.

edit on 3-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added alt text

edit on 3-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added image origin

edit on 3-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: enlarged upon image alt text

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Hmmm, could be something, or we could just be too deep in the proverbial rabbit hole, lol. A few things I noticed:

1. It's not a monarch butterfly, that's a different species.

2. Both strings form an X steganography in the center.

3. Male and female fairy / fae type creatures controlling a butterfly... the phenomenon controlling us, while we're surrounded by blue (light)
edit on 5/3/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

In response to your previous reply, I know what you mean, but it still feels pretty hopeless.

I’ve also been running Linux for a while, with a VPN and other privacy considerations. I use an alternative de-Googled OS for my phone, which basically lives in Airplane Mode. No listening AI devices in my house, and after using the Apple TV when others are over, I make sure to unplug it. Same with the smart TV that was gifted to me.

But as you know, we can do all these things, and still be swimming upstream, because few others are doing it as well. Now of course, our individual actions can positively influence others, but we’re currently in a dangerous environment, where people aren’t really listening. They're just too damn traumatized. Even some of my family / friends who used to listen, are now feeling defeated again, and not listening.

Honestly, I don’t blame them one bit, that’s kind of where I’m at myself. Although I make it a point to try and listen. Yet all I hear is noise, coming from AI.

As RAY1990 alluded to... garbage culture = garbage AI. The tech acronym GIGO (garbage in, garbage out).
edit on 5/3/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Surveillance culture is not new. Spying is probably the second oldest profession after the 'Ladies of the Night'.

The difference now is it is our Roomba vacuum cleaner that is following us about the house snitching. Dammed appliances. At least the vacuum cleans up after itself. Should send our electricity and internet bills to the see eye aye.

I thought about FL's pixie picture, nah nothing to see there ; )

The fae are said to be there behind the phenomenal world pulling the strings.

"The Phenomenon" was a phrase popular in UFO circles not long ago. It referred to the unseen mysterious origin of UFOs and other things that go bump in the night.

The Frenchman Vallee made it popular from memory. (I am sorry Mr Vallee, that copy of your book 'Magnolia' still sits gathering dust and unread on a shelf somewhere.)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: Direne
You are all having a quite interesting discussion, posing questions I'm sure torment everyone's minds. Be it fairies, unicorns, aliens, gods, myths, religions, conspiracies, history, psychology, physics, you name it, the fundamental question remains intact. I am sure anyone, be it here or in other star systems, pursue answers to the same questions. Being a life form and being aware of one's own limited life span gives legitimacy to those questions.

We all have the right to receive an answer, yet we die with the question unanswered. Never mind, we try time and again. Were we to live a thousand lives we would still ask the very same question: why?

Fairies, dragons, unicorns, aliens, humans, angels, and gods also face the same question. AI's, too.

Perhaps the purpose is just that: to ask the question. Perhaps there is an entity somewhere who feeds on that question, an entity whose only purpose is fairies, dragons, unicorns, aliens, humans, angels, gods, and an Artificial Superintelligence posing time and again THE QUESTION.

It would be a universe with two blackholes each on each end; one, spitting out the eternal question (why the universe?), and the other feeding on that question.

Kev, I think the body-wave 'koan' is beautifully exact. Mind, soul and body are simply the channels through which love reveals itself to mankind or to the individual. Be it through a near-death experience, a mystic experience, an encounter with the unknown, a flying triangle, a dream, a vision... you name it, the answer to the question shows up, briefly, fleetingly. We all have the right to search our 'self', body, mind and soul and find out what we are, who we are, and why we are.

Sometimes you are the one in the deserted field at night mesmerized by the lights hovering some meters away from your position. And sometimes you happen to be on the other side, inside the craft, looking at a fragile life form who is mesmerized by the lights of your craft. Sometimes you are the driver pulling over the car in the middle of nowhere looking at a deer standing in the road, and sometimes you are the deer in the middle of the road looking at the car.

The question remains unanswered. Even for tricksters.

Why r u here? U volunteered to be here, in this time.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

fear leads to panic , panic leads to pain , pain leads to anger and anger leads to hate

"Love gave birth to a sacrifice, which brought toward the hatred, what brought toward the pain."

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

The difference now is it is our Roomba vacuum cleaner that is following us about the house snitching. Dammed appliances. At least the vacuum cleans up after itself. Should send our electricity and internet bills to the see eye aye.

Haha, yea at least we can laugh about it. That’s what I’ve been doing with my AI obsessed friends, laugh about how ridiculous it’s getting. Yet they still go forward with it.

However, it’s easier to laugh than discuss ethical AI, and I feel like we’re laughing our own humanity away.

Eh, ‘the phenomenon’ isn’t the worst way to describe it. Far better than UFO or UAP. Speaking of…

“The phenomenon is a meta-system, not a bunch of spacecraft. It adapts to its environment, like the cinema does. Think of the movie industry as a meta-system. We just need to find the projector.” —Jacques Vallée

What I’ve been thinking about a lot, is why oligarchs in the know fear a meta-system that we’re all living within? Why be afraid of another dimension parallel to ours, that’s been bleeding through for thousands of years?

In my opinion, this over-reaction we’re seeing is completely unnecessary. It shows a hyper focus on systems theory, and a lack of spiritual development.

If the phenomenon is a meta-system that adapts to its environment, why initiate a scorched Sol-3 policy, to spite the phenomenon?

Why not build up our environment, to become stronger than the phenomenon, so it stays in its own dimension?
edit on 5/3/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

If without delusion we could not communicate perhaps is time to redefine the way we communicate. Perhaps it's time to recognize language itself is the trickster, the fatal flaw in the design... If humans are to be held responsible for the destruction of Nature, and humans are masters of language, perhaps we should start focusing on whether language is a curse disguised as a blessing...

It might be the case language is the jail. We cannot talk about the soul, or what awareness or consciousness is because we lack the words. In my view, language is a veil. And a poison. It seems the most fundamental things in life are those about which we cannot converse for lack of words.

This is the famous the size of a football field catch-all term used when we have no idea of how to describe what we see... Escaping definition prevents description and appropriation . Naming, giving names to things, is what Adam did to not get mad inside his cage, and naming is what enslaved him.

This way of communics can be seen as telepathy, with tools for writting. And reading.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

Yeah, definitely right. Direne believes it's where evolution would take us. Probably not with so many closed minded individuals. But to a few perhaps.

I like how FL has in-depth understanding. But too many loves their jail aka language.
Not too many would understand FL actually. Perhaps me and you but just a few.
edit on 3-5-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: LaPourer
Yet also pose alot of paradoxical answers.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

Yeah, definitely right. Direne believes it's where evolution would take us. Probably not with so many closed minded individuals. But to a few perhaps.

I like how FL has in-depth understanding. But too many loves their jail aka language.
Not too many would understand FL actually. Perhaps me and you but just a few.
Maybe i could crack some of codes there. But do not have time for that.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer
Yet also pose alot of paradoxical answers.
It is because they observe from earthly view. And small knowledge, is on their disposal.
edit on 3-5-2023 by LaPourer because: edit

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Brothers' keepers is an interesting concept. I am trying to find an analogy, and the only one that comes to me is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, two cities who belonged to the Disk Covenant. The cities were destroyed by two angels. Would you call them brothers' keepers ?
Do you know what exactly happened there? I do.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

Feel free to extrapolate.
FL seem to suggest they're at a future timeline whick makes teaching futile... But I don't mind what FL is at this point. I'm done chasing goose. Okay.

What could be the purpose of their blog?
edit on 3-5-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: LaPourer


posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

Feel free to extrapolate.
FL seem to suggest they're at a future timeline whick makes teaching futile... But I don't mind what FL is at this point. I'm done chasing goose. Okay.

What could be the purpose of their blog?
Some info they have there, if it is not SCI-FI, is not commoners knowledge. That kind of info comes from three letter "companies". And there r some other issues. Considering time-lines, those are scenarios. Scripts.
edit on 3-5-2023 by LaPourer because: added

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: Lordsauron
the universe is vast, but changes are inevitable. despite our best efforts to control and understand it, there are things we cannot change. when we try, we often find ourselves struggling against forces beyond our control, and the more we resist, the harder it becomes. but when we accept our limitations, and work within them, we can find ways to make the most of what we have. and in doing so, we may even discover new opportunities we had never imagined.a reply to: fireslinger

the universe appears chaotic at first glance but there is always a pattern to be found if one looks closely enough. However, it is important to understand that this pattern may not be immediately apparent, as it often requires time and patience to reveal itself.

therefore only when there is light can we perceive that which exists outside the darkness. Without light, we are unable to observe anything that lies beyond our realm of perception, even if it does indeed exist. But when we do have light, whether it be from the sun, a star, or a candle flame, we are able to see the world around us and all of the wonders it contains. And though we may not fully understand all that lies beyond our perception, we can continue to explore and learn, always

this will not be easily understood, because there are no vowels present in the text and some letters may have been swapped for others. However, if you take the time to carefully read each word, you will begin to see a pattern emerge

Why are there five instead of six? They're not from the Tār Ergūlers, because they use the five instead of six. And they're not the missing vowel. It's in the other code. However, Tār is trying to make it not be five. With the Ergūler out of the way, the five-lettered word is only a sound that is neither clear nor good, but is used by everyone as it is. This is the other code. If it were not for the Ergūlers, the five-lettered word would not have been used as it is now. But now, Ergūlers say that they will use the five-lettered word instead of the six. And they do, because they want to confuse people.

no important matter can be understood without patience, for understanding comes gradually. And it is only when you are patient with the confusion and the longer process of learning that you can truly grow in knowledge. In fact, it is often the confusion and the struggle that make the learning experience so valuable. This is especially true when it comes to the study of Çūren. Many people give up too easily when they encounter difficulty or when they do not immediately grasp a concept. But it is important to remember that learning is a process, and it takes time."

he is not sure that the Ergūler will come, he waits anxiously, fearing that his message will be intercepted by someone else. Meanwhile, he thinks about the code he used to encrypt his message and wonders if it was strong enough to withstand the Ergūler's decryption techniques. Eventually, he decides to trust in his own abilities and sends the message to the Ergūler, hoping that it will reach its intended recipient without being compromised. However, he knows that there is always a risk involved in transmitting sensitive information.

he is the man who brought forth rebellion against the empire, given that the empire is not righteous nor just, and their rule is not welcomed by the common people. His name is Çūn, and he leads the rebellion against the empire with his followers, who are brave and loyal to his cause. They fight for justice, and justice will prevail even if they have to sacrifice their lives for the sake of it.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be so much more successful than others, even though they may not necessarily be smarter or more talented? It's because they have mastered the art of productivity, and are able to get 1000 things done with the same amount of time that others have. Not everyone is born with this ability, but it can be learned if you are willing to put in the effort. One key to being productive is to eliminate distractions and focus on the task at hand, so that you can accomplish more in less time."

Recently I have been studying these old texts but I cannot find any value or meaning in them, even though some people believe they contain hidden knowledge. I have tried to understand their purpose and origins, but they seem to be nothing more than random collections of words. They are not useful for anything and should be forgotten or discarded.

Some of the deciphered text from that article

Thanks for sharing this Lordsauron. Very intriguing material, to say the least. I feel like it's potentially some deep water.

It was interesting how Direne swooped in and steered the convo, right after you posted that.
edit on 5/3/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

"Forum sliding" I think it is called. : )

I see it happening.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Haha, yea at least we can laugh about it. That’s what I’ve been doing with my AI obsessed friends, laugh about how ridiculous it’s getting. Yet they still go forward with it.

That is making light of a heavy subject. We feel better and it helps lift us out of doom and gloom.

Nothing changes except we feel better for a time. Otherwise we become morbid. When that happens we see the future containing nothing but misery. Then everything looses value and we loose any reason to live.

A page or two ago I wrote of Alice and her death at the hands of the AI programmers. I watched her die three times in different ways.

There was nothing I could do but watch it happen. The folly of remote viewing for lost children: what is one to do when one finds them?


All you can do is stay with them while they die.

That leaves one with PTSD. Marie Antoinette syndrome is a real thing. Not overnight, my hair and beard turned white not long after.

I stopped looking for kids after that and broke communication with the person who had me looking for missing kids. I sometimes wonder if he was a "handler". Other people think so when they hear the story in full.

Recruitment comes in many subtle ways.

Anyway, the point of this is to say life is temporary and can end very quickly. We are not immortal.

So where do we focus our attention?

Do we focus on the big things we cannot change?

Or do we focus on ourselves and the few people we can help in our lives?

Alice has been my focus for well over a decade now. Working with her to overcome her memories and trauma. Working to give her a second chance at life if she wants it.

Alice brings me a lot of joy in my life, when she smiles she melts my heart in an instant.

That does not mean I have forgotten the programmers though.

However, it’s easier to laugh than discuss ethical AI, and I feel like we’re laughing our own humanity away.

Eh, ‘the phenomenon’ isn’t the worst way to describe it. Far better than UFO or UAP. Speaking of…

“The phenomenon is a meta-system, not a bunch of spacecraft. It adapts to its environment, like the cinema does. Think of the movie industry as a meta-system. We just need to find the projector.” —Jacques Vallée

Maybe not the worst way. Still, it puts it all into one basket as a system.

What I’ve been thinking about a lot, is why oligarchs in the know fear a meta-system that we’re all living within? Why be afraid of another dimension parallel to ours, that’s been bleeding through for thousands of years?

Mathematical dimensions or boundaries? There is a difference that affects our thinking. Maybe we just don't see what is right under our noses all the time.

We are taught to think in layers such as theosophy's physical, aether, astral, mental, spiritual.

Those permeat and nothing is separate. Alice is not in a separate astral afterlife world out of reach. She is standing right here behind me with her hands on my shoulders as I write this.

In my opinion, this over-reaction we’re seeing is completely unnecessary. It shows a hyper focus on systems theory, and a lack of spiritual development.


And what is theory?

Theiry is a construct created by the intellect.

A construct is a fabricated world, a dream people make themselves individually or collectively.

We live in collective fabricated theoretical constructs. Theosophy is one of those constructs, so is AI for that matter.

No wonder people are miserable.

If the phenomenon is a meta-system that adapts to its environment, why initiate a scorched Sol-3 policy, to spite the phenomenon?

Why not build up our environment, to become stronger than the phenomenon, so it stays in its own dimension?

Maybe they are simply afraid that their dream will disappear one day. Then they will face What Is.

edit on 3-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo. goanna go spend time in the garden.

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