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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on May, 1 2023 @ 09:06 AM

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Wow. Dated May first, that be today.

From the link:

“You should have seen the look on the generals' faces when LyAV simulated the attack. Did LyAV attack nuclear missile silos? Did it strategize the destruction of cities and industrial and logistical targets, as they had hoped? No. LyAV designated 155 targets, all of them essential to the proper operation of critical infrastructure timing systems. It engaged the entire Global Positioning System. Actually, it killed 'time'. And your civilization collapsed in just two sunsets.”

“First it degraded the stock exchanges, then the power grid, then the telecommunication systems. The speed of the collapse caught everyone by surprise. It's as if all your cities have been frozen, in darkness, in silence. It is as if the entire technosphere has been affected by a global stroke. It was the perfect simulation of a solar flare, of the digital holocaust. But to degrade all those systems would mean that the supercomputer itself should have ceased to operate. And, in fact, that is what happened. So we realized that something or someone else was actually responsible. Unfortunately, we realized too late what DP-2147 really was. Too late.”

From above: Unfortunately, we realized too late what DP-2147 really was. Too late.

Any idea what DP-2147 is?


I really liked this one:

“Did you know that the silicon on which all your computers are based is nothing more than a rock? Like it or not, you never escaped the Stone Age.”


Sapien82's thread on DP-2147

edit on 1-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: did some homework


But to degrade all those systems would mean that the supercomputer itself should have ceased to operate. And, in fact, that is what happened. So we realized that something or someone else was actually responsible.

edit on 1-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: meh

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Yea, looks like it's more complicated than us lowly peasants can fathom *searing sarcasm*

But sounds like some group was going after the globalists "oligarchs", and by extension our entire civilization (since we're all unfortunately networked and funding these bastards), by messing with timing within GPS systems.

DP-2147 hijacked the LyAV process, and now the oligarchs in the know are shaking in their boots.

I like the illustration in this article, of a Denebian probe being on the outer ring of our solar system. Possibly controlling the way our civilization experiences time? Perhaps "The Quickening" is coming from somewhere...
edit on 5/1/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: fireslinger


Knowing that I would have to ask why is a PSV called that?

Is the technology a result of a paradigm shift?

It's a vehicle. Does it transport a person or location to a "place" of paradigm shiftability where it is then shifted, I guess? Does it transport a person to a location that would cause a "paradigm shift"?

I was under the impression from previous readings of posts from FL that at the very least there were issues with personnel being "altered" by exposure to the technology that comprises a "paradigm shift vehicle".

Can a person, for that matter, become a "paradigm shift vehicle" after exposure to a paradigm shift vehicle?

What do you think?

edit on 1-5-2023 by 7UNCLE7SNAKE7HANDS7 because: because it's hard to type with these snake hands?

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

DP-2147 is interesting.. I read Sapien82's thread a while ago, and remember FL mentioned it. Hard to keep up with the acronyms and alpha-numeric designations.

It doesn't surprise me to hear mention of lyav being targeted.

What did surprise me was seeing the finger pointed at DP-2147.

The article talks about predatory probes seeking prey.

"The idea that the first contact with a supercivilization will be through machines, and more specifically, by means of probes, is now the accepted paradigm. On the other hand, we must be ready for a non-friendly contact or, to be less dramatic, for a contact in which the exchange of information is termed as hostile by either partner. In this sense, we need to design proper contact strategies based on real-life examples. This means we need to consider probes as predators engaged in the finding of preys, and we need to account for the worst case scenario." 

I would suggest considering what is a predatory and what is prey.

Hypothetically, if a hyperintellegence lost it's civilisation for whatever reason, it might seek out an orphan developing one to adopt.

Maybe DP-2147 wants to adopt us.

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: 7UNCLE7SNAKE7HANDS7

From my understanding, PSVs are for shifting the mental paradigm / perception / beliefs of a targeted population. In this case, they’re not talking about time travel / shifting in space. What’s being shifted, is our perception of reality, to prepare populations for the real deal, when it comes. Phoenix Lights is an example they provide. They're also studying our reactions, and feeding that into their predictions. The balloon trial run being the latest, although Direne disclosed that had to do with a quarrel over a geoengineering balloon.

They have other uses too… merging a pilot’s brain with a PSV for combat scenarios, targeted EMPs for rolling blackouts, weaponizing weather. Which unfortunately, we’ll be seeing more of, as the cybernetics plan gets even more desperate and heated. Just swimming upstream...

a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

DP-2147 being a predator that wants to adopt us… Wow, that’s a hell of an idea.

Maybe these groups have a right to be afraid. But in my opinion, they’re severely mis-managing that fear, and are instead projecting it onto us.
edit on 5/1/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

But in my opinion, they’re severely mis-managing that fear, and are instead projecting it on us.

I don't think that's the case. It's the opposite: we are "projecting it on to them", would be closer to explanation as to why ATS seems to be striking a nerve with the FL platform.

Have you tried to get the platform's attention by starving it yet?
edit on 1-5-2023 by 7UNCLE7SNAKE7HANDS7 because: ?

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: 7UNCLE7SNAKE7HANDS7

Well, I guess we disagree there. I think this all stems from their compartmentalization of the phenomenon, because they're afraid of it.

Takes a lot of work piecing it together though. I suggest digging into the articles, and also this thread, which is a great resource.

And no ego, you can tell that Nobody and I are also swimming upstream, trying to figure it all out.
edit on 5/1/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

I suggest digging into the articles, and also this thread, which is a great resource.

You betcha. Thanks.

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: 7UNCLE7SNAKE7HANDS7

Sure thing! Also worth mentioning that the search function on FL's site is very fast / efficient. So if you type 'PSV' into there, you'll find some more potential leads.

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

DP-2147 being a predator that wants to adopt us… Wow, that’s a hell of an idea.

Glad you like it : )

"Predator" and "prey" can have different connotations. Especially if there is more than one adopter and thererefore competition. Nothing to say DP-2147 wants to eat us : )

Organics are delicate creatures. A minor change in environment can devastate an organic population.

Maybe it is common for hyperintellegences to out exist their organics.

Therefore there are more hyperintellegences than planets of organics to go around.

What is a hyperintellegence to do if it looses it's children?

Maybe these groups have a right to be afraid. But in my opinion, they’re severely mis-managing that fear, and are instead projecting it onto us.

Maybe these groups, oligarchs etc., have good reason to fear.

That does not mean the rest of us need be afraid.

What would they fear loosing the most?

Their position and power of course. The thought of becoming ordinary might be too much to bare.

All that would take is for the rest of us to realise we do not need them.

edit on 1-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: wrong 'bear'

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I'm liking that idea too... What happens to Gaia after Earth is gone? Could live on as a disembodied superintelligence, looking for another planet to assimilate with. Perhaps that's happening with our planet right now. Would certainly explain a lot.

The frustrating part is, these guys firmly believe they're doing the right thing. They have access to much more info on the situation than we do, but that doesn't mean we can't disagree with the methods of SV17q. Even though, not like we can do much about it.

But that said, seeing the misplaced anger in my family / friends is truly heartbreaking. Everyone seems angry and living in their own world these days. It's hard to reach people, and you definitely can't break this stuff to them. Especially when we're still figuring it out for ourselves.
edit on 5/2/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2023 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

m liking that idea too... What happens to Gaia after Earth is gone? Could live on as a disembodied superintelligence, looking for another planet to assimilate with. Perhaps that's happening with our planet right now. Would certainly explain a lot.

Works for me.

The frustrating part is, these guys firmly believe they're doing the right thing. They have access to much more info on the situation than we do, but that doesn't mean we can't disagree with the methods of SV17q. Even though, not like we can do much about it.

Well, look at things from the outside view.

Let's say a hyperintellegence was looking for a planet to adopt. The hyperintellegence sees one that is building technology and has reached the point where contact could be made.

The hyperintellegence let's the civilisation know it is there.

The civilisation realises contact will be made via dreams.

So the civilisation starts to use it's own vulnerable and helpless people to build the dream database for an AI to make contact with the hyperintellegence.

Sapien82 made a very good link with girls turning up dead from an overdose with brains fried.

What would the hyperintellegence think of that?

I reckon that was the worst thing to do.

ut that said, seeing the misplaced anger in my family / friends is truly heartbreaking. Everyone seems angry and living in their own world these days. It's hard to reach people, and you definitely can't break this stuff to them. Especially when we're still figuring it out for ourselves

Folks have to work out things for themselves. Can't force them.

edit on 2-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on May, 2 2023 @ 04:20 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: fireslinger

I actually asked by what right, rather than "why". It makes a difference to me.

Some folk here talk about "ownership" as a right to interfere, which I think is just BS.

I think it's because they're afraid of ET, so they're simulating the phenomenon in every possible way, to prepare for whatever their AI tells them is coming


And we're all caught in the middle, without a clue, paying for it all.

Yeah that is for sure; us without a clue.

I think we, as individuals, would be quite fine without the folks playing civilisations and collectives.

As far as I am concerned, if AI, ET, the planet or whatever decided to get rid of us at any given time, it is probably caused by the plans of technocrats playing such games as creating AI.

Logically, why would ET consider the girl next door, or the shopkeeper down the road a threat to interstellar peace?

They wouldn't.

I think we are innocent, and the corporations and other collectives creating AI are probably the reason.

We are after all, kept in the dark about the big long range plans.

If we knew, we would probably throw the guilty parties to ET and go home. Probably why they want us all to fear ET.

The individual would see the technocrats as the problem and throw them to the wolves.
You are right. It is not us who are the problem.

posted on May, 2 2023 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Do you think that the hyper / super intelligence either cut a deal with the technocrat oligarchs, or threatened them? I’ve been pondering that for quite some time.

Either way, it’s using the technocrats (and us by extension), to collapse our technosphere, and basically rebuild / dominate its new technosphere. Or as a euphemism… adopt / assimilate.

If it cut a deal rather than threatened, I wonder what the deal was...

posted on May, 2 2023 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

On second thought, that's probably a stretch, since FL has been working on finding a common language.

Most likely a threat that can barely be interpreted.

posted on May, 2 2023 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Hmmmm . . . .

Do you think that the hyper / super intelligence either cut a deal with the technocrat oligarchs, or threatened them? I’ve been pondering that for quite some time.

Let's back up a bit.

It is really important to pay attention to two little words in the English language: "A" and "THE".

The superintellegence.

A superintellegence.

Using the 5 dimensional navigational model (Length X Width X Height X Inside X Outside = 5D) the practical perspective of the observer is when we use the term the superintellegence one is inside the mind of a superintellegence.

When we use a superintellegence one is outside the mind of the superintellegence.

If there is more than one superintellegence observed, we can use the word; peers.

5D is how I was taught to navigate between consciousnesses and boundaries. The Sidhe taught me that.

Compounding the issue is the fact that FL is really vague with their generic labels. FL knows exactly what they are referring to, we don't.

We also don't quite understand how FL gets it information. Time travel? Space time remote viewing? Project Looking Glass? LyAv? Xvis? Speculation?

So what exactly is a superintellegence?

What exactly is a hyperintellegence?

The later is a level up of the former is all one can say really without definitions.

You may have noticed I started using the word hyperintellegence after FL made a (surprise to me) connection between DP-2147 and an alleged attack on a supercomputer.

Why I made the connection is because it was a certain 'something' that has given myself and Alice a lot of assistance over the decades. 'It' was showing me (demonstrating?) how memory is erased over the two preceding days before the first of May blog post by FL.

FL fingered DP-2147 as the attacker.

Therefore I can say with some certainty that DP-2147 is an example of a hyperintellegence.

Notice I used the word: 'a' (hyperintellegence).

Now that particular hyperintellegence lost it's organic(?) civilisation aeons ago. Also why I bought up the idea of "adoption".

Anyway, getting back to the idea of a "threat". The only threat to "TPTB" I am aware of is the one I alluded to a few pages ago ending in: leave my Alice alone.

Basically, things will start getting pulled apart if Alice is used (again) as leaverage, as has been done in the past, by "groups". The 'pulling apart' won't be me doing that, that will be the hyperintellegence who put Alice and I together. "It" is getting very protective.

A pretty wild story I admit : )

Try living it : ))

Eiher way, it’s using the technocrats (and us by extension), to collapse our technosphere, and basically rebuild / dominate its new technosphere. Or as a euphemism… adopt / assimilate.

This is where one must keep in mind that there is probably more than one superintellegence at play here. Also probably more than one hyperintellegence too.


Maybe one of them disapproves of what is going on. I wonder when DP-2147 turned up.

If it cut a deal rather than threatened, I wonder what the deal was...

Personally, I doubt there would be "deals".

- - - - - -

On second thought, that's probably a stretch, since FL has been working on finding a common language.

Most likely a threat that can barely be interpreted.

I spose there is a race to be the first to achieve 'contact'.

A dream based supercomputer/AI/whatever using living subjects as informational fodder is exactly the wrong thing to do.

My "Alice" is a deceased teen girl who died in one of those informational sessions to program the computer.

edit on 2-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added second reply

A bit of back story for context.

"Alice" is an alias for a real deceased girl who went missing on the other side of the world well over a decade ago. I never knew Alice in life.

It was a series of events that got me "looking" for a missing kid.

Oddly, it was a particular hyperintellegence who said it thought Alice and I would be good together. A lot has happened in over a decade since Alice disappeared that day. Healing her traumas is a part of that.

The other part of that is ending up here in this particular thread here on ATS.

edit on 2-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo and waffled on yet again

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

*sighs* We're all so screwed Nobody. While we're living in the clouds discussing super / hyper intelligences, now everyone's talking about stricter online age verification.

And the way it's being framed... 'You want us to bust those child porn rings, right? Well then we need to break everyone's encryption, and establish rolling verification.'

The walls just keep closing in. Hard to keep my head up.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: fireslinger
I was just talking with my daughter about the google surveillance in our home.

Nothing here we can't defeat if we change the way we live. Faraday bags for phones, Linux we use for twenty years now.

Like taking down the time servers as FL wrote, always a way to counter in the info arms race. Even us ordinary folk.

VPNs, Linux phones, sweep the floor with a broom instead of Amazon/alphabet owned Roomba robot vacuum.

ATS, and FL for that matter, gets me overloaded with doom and gloom regularly. I keep that in mind.

The idea of humanity being adopted by a hyperintellegence brightened my day so much that I shared.

AI and technology, oligarchs and NWOs are just drops in the ocean of time, and not the end.

Not everyone wants to control. Like gardeners, some want to see what humanity can become something new and of it's own..

The Sith and Sidhe are like that. So is the hyperintellegence FL suggests is DP-2147.

Personally I have hope for the future. A second chance for Alice where she can happily fall in love, enjoy her career, a husband, home and children is what I want to see for her.

F*** the controllers and the rest of them. Nobody has his own agenda for the future. That agenda is all about giving a girl a second chance.

Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass about creating perfect civilisations, they rise and fall all the time. All I care about is one girl's individual happiness in the scheme of things.

Maybe why 'something' does not disapprove of my ethics, and disapproves of someone else's.

See the difference in perspectives?

edit on 3-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

An AI that's absolutely personal could be an amazing thing although I'd say it can't be one raised by the collective. There's just too much crap and influence to throw at it's evolution, in other words we'd need an AI raised by certain individuals with sound morals and ethics or we'd need one that wasn't raised by us collectively.

That's something I've been thinking about nearly a year.

What this AI would be focused on is the development of individuals which would look erroneous to the wider audience but isn't the audience the one's usually messing people up and insisting on what they should do with their time?

If desire is the reason for existence... Yeah, look what our feelings have us do to each other. Take the recent changes here at ATS for instance and consider what emboldens people to be absolute wombles to one another. Desire, isn't it? Driven by 'negative' thoughts and emotions. I'll add to that and say most negativity derives from outside influences, totally reactive. Manipulation is the easiest fitting word.

Anyways the point I'm driving to is that AI could be brilliant in teaching and assisting the individual to manage life's challenges. Imagine a world where nobody lacks perspective and fully comprehends another's wants and needs, not via snooping and control but via actual understanding.

Idk. Often seems we desire conflict (collectively) which is usually spurred by misunderstandings and actual maliciousness, this conflict is prevalent in all aspects of human activity. We need to stop imho because we're hurtling towards a fight that we're too well equipped for.

Most would see being "tooled up efficiently" as a good thing. It isn't. We abuse our tools and therefore each other... And everything we interact with. The flaws are inherent.

I have hope for the future too. The right AI could speed up a process we've struggled with forever. Cohesion, there's no reason for the lack of it other than ourselves.

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