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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

you know im not that bothered about the destination
its all about the journey right

Im having a good time and doing my best to be kind along the way

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: LaPourer

so is the issue more about getting off the earth before it chooses to wipe us out

we have overstayed our welcome

and should go off world and colonise some other rock
Ouuuu, but that is aBIG BIG BIG issue, for some, how and where to flee. Our bodies are not for universal travels, good.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Direne

That’s a really good point, seems we’re in a catch 22.

Globalist groups who believe that AGI is necessary for the coming ET threat, and are expediting the agenda, which is failing, because humanity isn’t emotionally / ethically ready to handle it.

But from reading between the lines, we’re running out of time to holistically / organically become emotionally / ethically ready for a real AGI.

So instead, it’s being forced on us, which will force a civilization collapse.

I thought that you / they want the collapse to happen, to restructure from the chaos, but perhaps not in this way?

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Originally posted by fireslinger
The AI exists in what’s perceived as our future, and there are travelers that it sends back into our time, to make course corrections. However, the travelers are sent back in the form of consciousness, not bodies. Hosts are chosen, and the host’s consciousness is either suppressed by the invading consciousness, or dis-integrated in a sense, from that host’s body. Some cases of split personality disorders begin to make more sense. It’s sending agents back in time, to make course corrections, to avoid some potential future that the AI can see. I think that potential future is, destruction of our civilization by an invading superintelligence. So instead, SV17q is culling us. As I mentioned, neither scenario is good for us. Tough to stay positive these days.

I’m convinced that this 2016 sci fi show Travelers is trying to tell us something. The show has an AI that lives in the future, called ‘The Director’. And it sends travelers back via consciousness transfer.

After reading that article a few days ago, it solidified my hunch that this could be the case. The ET situation is complex. We’re dealing with several species, and perhaps one of them is in the form of a future AI. Also, the superintelligence, Giselians, Denebians, who knows what else.

This all reminds of an interview by L.M. Howe on phenomenon radio…Where they talked about “The 9” and the “Collins Elite”…One story talks about the DOD, who thought the were talking to aliens but turns out it was something demonic.

One group even tried to weaponize the paranormal phenomenon but I believe it was concluded to be “too dangerous” and the program was shut down…

The whole interview is a real eye opener…

Very interesting quote at 35:33…

“These worlds or Dimensional levels are not seperate regions spacially divided from one another so that it would be necessary to move in space in order to pass from one to the other; No…the higher worlds completely inter-penetrate the lower worlds, which are fashioned and sustained by their activities of penetrating dimensions.”

I’ve got a theory that the UFO/UAPs can traverse dimensions and that as a buy-product of their technology, dark entities from other realms can hitch a ride and enter into our world; the dark entities see it as a type of invitation, as they tend to have to be invited in; which goes back to the old vampire Lore days.

- JC

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 05:48 PM
Re-reading a heavy hitter, which ties into the current discussion. Direne, any hints on 'They' here?

They claimed that ordinary social reality maintained the power of what they called ‘Atlantean White Magic’, a kind of elite conspiracy which they said had secretly controlled the planet for millennia. They claimed to traffick with demons who had told them many secrets drawn from a ‘Lemurian’ tradition of ‘time-sorcery’ that contained within itself everything that was and will be. Lemuria was supposedly an ancient sorcerous culture populated by nonhuman beings.

They celebrated what they saw as the imminent destruction of humanity by the forces of technocapitalism.

On consciousness transfer:

I painfully discovered that my memories were lies, my mind had literally ceased to be my own, and that I had been possessed instead by alien commands, and demons. This was the result of a malfunction during the uploading process as previous experience showed that a person would not believe that anything has changed, despite a massive difference in his conscious state. This is why we required travelers to be deeply out of touch with their own conscious experience, something that obviously failed in my case.

The uploading process is destructive in which the original brain is destroyed. No way to revert it. This is so because the hologramer made us in his image and likeness, though unaware if its existence.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: Joecroft

Nice, I have looked into the Collins Elite, but not sure if I listened to that particular discussion. Will have to check that out.

That quote does seem right, and fits with Nobody's correction to my theory. We're dealing with intelligences outside of space / time, so it's probably more of a universe / dimensional jumping, rather than conventional time travel.

My theory is that UFO / UAP / dark entities / demons / angels are one and the same. Excluding black budget craft, of course. Just depends on the current cultural beliefs / reference frame.
edit on 4/27/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

It's for what, both pleasure and pain?
I've spoken of breaking barriers. I can't believe they would take it literally. If you can't break it high might as well break it low.

For someone like Musk it's "interesting times"
To someone like me and the "victims of war"
It's crazy times indeed. Can't get any crazier actually. Its outrageous and certainly dehumanizing... All time low.
edit on 27-4-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer
For someone like Musk it's "interesting times"
To someone like me and the "victims of war"
It's crazy times indeed. Can't get any crazier actually. Its outrageous and certainly dehumanizing... All time low.

Totally agree boozo, been having trouble pretending in the surface world lately. Trying to stay positive, and placate those around you is exhausting.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

From the link, someone is talking to Norea:

ask yourself whether human identity can survive the enhancing of your own cognitive systems, for you can possibly be enhanced, but at the cost of losing what makes you human."

In these things of conscious transfer, of the memories of other Beings, of being in multiple places as once. It is vitally important to remember who one is.

Otherwise, there is the possibility of becoming that someone or something else.

. . . at the cost of losing what makes you human."

To experience the memories of others, is to be that Being for a time. It can be overwhelming.

The question then becomes;

Who am I? What am I?

To regain one's own footing as a human, one must, in turn remember who one is.

Who am I? I was born in a certain place at a certain time. A family, a home, friends. A birth certificate that tells me when and where. I am an ordinary human and nobody special really.

The struggle is to keep one's own footing and not become the something or someone else. One really does need a very strong sense of self.

The knowing obtained from the experience is not lost.

To "remember" being a small blue light on the grasslands held in the hands of a human girl and looking into the wonder and kindness of her eyes is something I will never forget.

Nor what it is like to be a wild pole cat.

But I am human here and now, and not a small blue light nor anything else.

I spose one shifts the experience into the subconscious, whatever, it is never lost. Nor is the knowledge that came with it.

To use dream immersive VR technology runs the same risk; the risk of becoming someone or something else. My guess is they have lost a lot of people to their gadgets.

It takes practice, and a lot of hard work to stay ordinary and not to become one with something else.

edit on 27-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typos

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 09:44 PM
Question to anyone who knows or willing to answer.

Where does sleep paralysis come in at in all of this talk.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

The interesting part of that quote for me, is (most likely Eleleth) telling Norea that AI / the intelligent machine is a gift from her, and giving Norea a grave warning about it.

Learn this, Norea: a machine that is more intelligent than humans will be better than humans at designing machines of universal destruction. Before accepting our gift, ask yourself whether human identity can survive the enhancing of your own cognitive systems, for you can possibly be enhanced, but at the cost of losing what makes you human.

I wonder if the path of technology leading to AI, is a catalyst for all universe simulations. Maybe an ET agent introduces it into the universe, then observes.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Hmmmm, I think the giver of the "gift" should have known better than to give it to Norea. Direne said a few things about this matter. I tend to agree.

Technology may lead to AI. Yet technology was not inevitable nor the only way forward. There is the organic way too. I would not suggest there is not a third or more ways either.

Still humans are toool builders, never content with their own tallents, always wanting more. Even if simply the mystic desiring escape from this world.

There is an obvious contradiction in the mystic way in his desire to escape the desire world. That desire will keep him here as long as he desires to leave.

What then mystic? Will you walk through that door, or stay? Would it even matter? Even Nirvana is an obvious trap. What now mystic?

I digress.

There are other ways to do things other than technology.

Technology is just another Nirvana. A dream . . . .

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: cenpuppie

Sleep paralysis is when your mind is active but your body is asleep.

Try meditation. It happened to me several times while meditating. Probably one of the reasons why I lost interest.

But it is perhaps the first step to OBE. Since your mind is awake and you want to move your body but can't.
Perhaps what's left to do was severe yourself from the body completely and viola OBE.
Lucid dreamers alike believed then we have metaphysical bodies which is attached to our bodies with a silver cord.

We could perhaps learn from FL about OBE or not.
edit on 28-4-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I keep having these insights, that true mysticism is integrating further, not escaping.

But integrating further into what, an abyss? We're living in the upside down, and lately I've had no desire to integrate further.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Yeah, integrating with what exactly . . .

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: cenpuppie

This link seems relatively thorough on the scientific explanation: sleep paralysis

Hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations are part of sleep disorders too. The former is disturbances before sleep and the latter when waking up which can be associated with classic sleep paralysis. Hypnagogic states are fairly common.

I've never had the mobility issue myself but I've had things bleed through from dreams, approaching sleep I can have issues but the timing usually says stress or insomnia is the culprit. It's actually quite common although I suspect most simply forget their experiences or put it down to those mini dreams we can have approaching unconsciousness.

In layman's terms sleep paralysis and hallucinations are when the unconscious and the conscious are active, dreams become real in essence. That whole inability to move is usually associated with disorders like PTSD or anxiety, I'd have said that's often based on the Amygdala overriding everything else (fight or flight, me no thinky) but obviously a lot more brain activity is going on during such events, it's common to see things and feel things.

Great question!
Hopefully others can go more in-depth with it because all I've got is personal experience and a mild interest in how the brain works. I find medical definitions miss a lot out since the purpose of investigation is often based on clinical treatment of such issues.

To add: It's very possible to control dreams as the individual, autonomy in dreams can be as simple as realising it's a dream state. It's from then on the 'fun' starts. I guess what I mean by that is the brain activity issues around sleep/awake work both ways.
edit on 28-4-2023 by RAY1990 because: More to add but I'm hardly an expert

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 04:15 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: LaPourer

you know im not that bothered about the destination
its all about the journey right

Im having a good time and doing my best to be kind along the way
That is ok. Proper way. Noone of us do not know, what king of luggage we brought here with us-past traumas.
Have you/anyone else, managed to figure out that number 5, that was mentioned, and is quite connected to present day "situation on Tarra"?
And is connected with "next destination"?

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 04:29 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

It's for what, both pleasure and pain?
I've spoken of breaking barriers. I can't believe they would take it literally. If you can't break it high might as well break it low.

For someone like Musk it's "interesting times"
To someone like me and the "victims of war"
It's crazy times indeed. Can't get any crazier actually. Its outrageous and certainly dehumanizing... All time low.
From one point of view, it is for experience of positive and negative, emotions. Body we are wearing is not who u/all of us, r. On "etheric body/souls/spirit" etc, u can get attachments, "luggage". Let say that u have experienced destruction of a home planet and broight that trauma with your self+attachments(lets say spirit of an animals). So, in the first place, it is not "dehumanizing" as you/every body were not a human to start with. Things to feel, negative one, are to learn what for future u do not want to carry on with u. And those feelings are not only yours, that u sense. As we all do.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

I guess you are referring to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter

the only planet / dwarf I can think of would be Ceres

which is the largest body within the belt

lots of interesting names on Ceres as well

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Ksihkehe

well yes , LyAv is a super computer machine intelligence being trained to dream
and it requires training data
so having dreamstates recorded then studied it will then be able to simulate its own dreams based on real human data

we dreamers are just the training data

but aye "astro's" thread on dream harvesting for inter stellar travel is another parallel thread coincidence so it seems.
maybe its all linked anyway

as for Xvis from what I gather from what Direne has mentioned its for studying information from another dimensions albeit only for 0.4 ms at a time as any more and it fries the brain "neural exhaustion" or brain death of sorts (can write it off as a crazed serial killer)

which Is why I mentioned in another thread about 17 prostitutes showing up dead with "coke" in their system and suffering "neural exhaustion" what better test subjects than the homeless , drug addicts or prostitutes , people who arent going to be missed.

I mean surely its all connected
I often wonder about why so many people go missing now , missing persons reports etc
are they all just being used up like test subjects "spent cartridges" to gather the data for their experiments.


I mean there is 7.6 billion of us , surely a few million wont be missed right especially if they are "useless" or have a low enough social credit score or are deemed undesirable

I mean lets put things into perspective , they alluded to the pandemic as a test in FL posts as an experiment , on an LyAv post .
The US government have been caught out testing MK ULTRA before, the japanese , chinese and nazi germany were all testing on humans
until they got caught and Nuremburg trialed

So # knows what goes on in this day and age
arent we all expendable in wars for profit anyway , what makes us think its any different with human testing for science exotic science experiments

Thought I would bump this post.


"Chatgpt" fed dreams, various mental states, dying and what happens at death, instead of words.

An interface with dreamstates would be one thing. Crossing the boundaries is another.

The "looking glass" is a doorway, Alice can go to and from. If Alice can do that, then so can "others".

edit on 28-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: hmmm

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