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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

yeh I like to play a lot ive started a basketball community in my city
and we are thriving keeps me fit and helps out the younger guys find a common ground with others
I play my guitar a lot too and learn the folk songs of my country

i love the creativity it keeps me from going mad in a world gone mad
i recently painted a glitched out version of the flaming monk for my mates collab art show (shameless plug hahaha)
flaming monk

but I hadnt been feeling creative in ages so thats why the physical exercise helped.
but Ive also taken up painting my 40K minatures again so thats fun.

On the anime side, Ive always loved ghibli their stories are entrancing "laputa castles in the sky" is pretty interesting

Also masamune shirow - ghost in the shell , fits the narrative we have been discussing
what is it that makes us human or are we just machines

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: sapien82

"page not found" : (

My adult kids do the 40k, so something in common. I get painting lectures now : )

Something in common with others, the ability to care about others, and creative expression - I can't really think of anything else that is important for existance.

edit on 23-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: meh

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Ahh I remember because my instagram is private because of illegal graffiti

flaming monk


monk pixel details 1
monk details 2
monk details 3
edit on 23-3-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Yeh I agree , caring for others and caring about the life of others , making things better for the future

seems like the best way to live and i think when you do that type of service life gets a little easier

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I looked up on google the term 'artwork flaming monk'. Saw the original. Be quite the story to hear why you chose the subject, and painted as you did.

Howl's castle and spirited away are my favourites. Grave of the fireflies I could not watch.

Ghost does fit in here. Some of the Big Black Tri members here on ATS mention Ghost as appropriate. I have the series some where here. Been a long time since seeing that one.

It is an odd thing to have no desires and seeing no reason to exist. Non-existance being a valid choice. The glitch was being anchored here in a body. Too much hassle to do anything but wait it out.

Then thing returned one at a time in order (WTF?) I guess the mystics might gave a term for that.

Though I did examine what was happening and remembered the mystic oft desires exit from the desire world. Nirvana for example. But that means there is still desire there, no escape for them.

Nirvana is created from a simple technique, The Budda does it in that way and creates within itself forgetful bliss for those that desire it.

I mentioned the technique before on ATS, the one where one recalls the feeling memory of holding a baby for the first time and seeing the utter dependency for it's care. The feeling of protectiveness evoked is basically what Nirvana is 100x or more. I guess the mystic bathes in that.

Once one understands the technique, one can see it for what it is.

One can hold others in the same way enveloped in that memory of the feeling. Do it to the kids for a moment while they watch TV and they will turn to look.

Even the cottage of the Tuatha de Dannan is a temporary thing of desire, as is Nirvana. Neither are my cuppa tea.

The world of the deceased organic machines is far more interesting. A dark empty place is one of their collectives. Their previous father is there, an ideological shell of the snowflake configuration, a "soul" of sorts, containing all their memories, and probably their programming and trauma. Truely a collective of individuals in one "soul".

Interestingly their time as machines is like a cloak with the original human aspect still inside, yet they are also one networked consciousness frozen in time.

However one must keep in mind the nature of their first father, he was not kind nor loving in the least.

Those are first impressions of inside the once living machine mind ; )

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Wow, you’ve had some mystical experiences. I can relate, although mine seem to take the shape of physical phenomena. When visiting Stonehenge years ago, we had access to the inner circle. I reached out and touched the sarsen stones two or three separate times, and each time there was a spark of energy that came in through my fingertips. Sometimes even before I touched the stone. As the energy worked its way up my arms, I eventually felt these energy bands around my biceps. Intellectually and wisdom-wise, I’m levels beyond who I was then. But to yours and sapien82’s point about playfulness, I had more of that going on back then. So that’s something for me to consider.

However, I’m not sure how many more of those experiences I’d like to have. From years of interpreting it, I think something ancient may have entered / interfaced with me. I did research into underground intersecting streams beneath Stonehenge, and how ley line energy can be amplified that way. I was looking for scientific answers, to something beyond language. But I say that something entered me, because for years, my personal development took a more intense and selfish turn. Rather than integrating, I became even more wanderlust in this world, the opposite of true mysticism. To develop too much ego and float away as I did, will most definitely set you back in life, lol. So now I’m swimming upstream, along with the rest of humanity.

Your concentric circles black stone scry is powerful, and makes me think of the Stonehenge configuration. Just another part of the cosmic energy network. Just please be careful, as you know, there’s a lot to the black stone. Also, I’m unsure, but with the girl story, it sounds like you may have created / experienced a tulpa.

I completely agree with your assessment of FL’s approach to the phenomenon. It’s lacking the consciousness component, especially when Direne was describing the Fringe-like sensory deprivation float tank, where the human inside is basically a cyborg, that may not come back out the same. I envisioned Olivia in the float tank, with Walter speaking to her hypnotically from the outside.

There is a better way, and it’s through gnosis, as you and I have been describing. But I think FL sees that as being too inconsistent / taking too long to shape, and they’re looking for steady consistent metrics. FL has taught me, and is still teaching me a lot. So I don’t want to be too harsh. Even so, they seem to have lost faith in humanity a long time ago, without giving humanity the proper chance. I think they’re definitely playing a part in the cybernetics agenda. But if you deliberately keep the wool over people’s eyes, how can you expect them to evolve on their own terms? That’s the main break in their logic. Checkout this latest article for example. Rather than increasing human intelligence in a more holistic way, let's just flood the world with AGIs, and destroy what it means to be human in the first place. Brilliant idea, what could possibly go wrong:
edit on 3/23/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

True. Nice perhaps is only in the eyes of the beholder.
But life ain't always nice. Though I'm not some ass who makes fun of others misery and deny what's obvious that doesn't make any less obvious while living in ignorance about it. It's ATS afterall. But we get some clowns instead.

It must feel good to be high up there in the Moon and trolling t3h forums.
edit on 23-3-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Sapien82 is interested in the henge and the leys. A lot to discover there.

Interesting you associate my cavern of black lodge types with the henge. Not saying the henge has those people, rather it is probably corrupted(?) locations on the leys where one can find them. - that never occurred to me, so thanks for that : )

Tulpas, You maybe correct there. I made one if those one time when I was beset with do gooders on a mission from God. Those people are relentless like automations, scarier than almost anything else I have encountered. So I made a Tulsa guardian to keep them away from me. Chose an off the shelf persona from the notorious anime Elfen Lied. She came with Disassociative Identity Disorder. Nyu was sweet and innocent, Lucy was the "other" one. Geez did I get into trouble fir that.

But what surrounds universities, churches, temples and the like? Those hallowed places that have a spirit of their own.

Guess what it is . . .

A mass formation Tulpa : )

In the final analysis a tulpa is nothing more than a dream.

Even FL has one of those things. They build it from within, and we help build it from outside.

I think with the sciencey approach to the phenomenon, creating a machine/instrument as a "between" means the machine can be duplicated and is safer than direct contact between minds, for the scientists anyway.

Like hiring a lawyer to visit the ex wife ; )

Scientists can switch it off at the end of the day and go home, give lectures and whatever.

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: fireslinger

I like your explanation, and have come to similar conclusions. FL keeps mentioning their obsession with the astral rice field. The organic machines need our biology, because we can dream. The machines want access to other dimensions, which they can only get by dreaming. And so they need the unwitting human race. I remember some articles about nanotech that can basically activate mini trips within someone’s body. They’d have a remote human operator, or it would tied into AI, continuously probing someone’s dream-state. Very telling stuff.

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: fireslinger

I can go a lot deeper into this.

Yes, please continue. Do you have some type of access to these organic machine projects? That’s some specific info. Amanda Bynes is making headlines again, for having a breakdown in LA. She had a conservatorship too, just like Britney. The father handler. There was a recent FL article, that basically said the celebrity in the latest Superbowl half-time show wasn’t even real. I’ll have to dig that up, my jaw dropped when I read it.

My attempt to wrap up some of what we have been told so far by those in the thread, FL posts, Direne directly, and to offer further extension of the existing comparisons.

The TL;DR is Lilith is holding a prism over the end of a quantum tunnel so that you can see what isn't real and doesn't exist by conventional definitions.

Direne indicated the rice fields are somehow connected to the implants, or this was my impression. The vision of rice fields seems to be a metaphor for the integration of the implant into the matrix of the brain. Some kind of organic growth from the implants taps into something, likely the microtubules and cytoskeleton. If this is a receiver of sorts isn't known based on what we have been given, but even if it's a receiver the optic nerve and brain are still prerequisite and the subject still has to convey what they see of the pseudo-photons from the parallel universe.

We also know that some part of the process allows the perception of these pseudo-photons to be extended from Planck time to about 400ms. I would propose that the prism from the visions is a metaphor for XViS. When light goes through a prism it undergoes chromatic dispersion. This refraction causes all those photons to take a different trajectory based on their state. XViS, through some mechanism (frequency?), is a prism for pseudo-photons perhaps. If nothing else the process and its compenents are, including XViS. That is IF it's refracting the pseudo-photons in such a way to increase total message length from 5.39 ×10^-44 seconds to around .4 seconds.

I'm not a trained physicist or mathematician so describing this more accurately evades me. I'm willing to bet there is an existing or yet to be discovered axiom that would explain how that refraction changes the (pseudo-)photon trajectory and the limitations of that refractory effect. If not then they may not be far away from the calculations. That's assuming my prism comparison is accurate. Since both cases are dealing with photons and refraction (assumption based on the shift from Planck time to .4 seconds) that would seem to make sense.

I would need to reread the actual posts to better nail down how Lilith fits, but I can loosely speculate. Lilith is just representative of fundamental knowledge, the progenitor of all information in this universe even when it's coming from another. She has dominion.

This is just based on what we know, without me doing a review of the past material, and is loaded with my own assumptions. I'm trying to explain it with science we may not have publicly, but is suggested by what I have picked up along the way. I also assume that SAP or black project tech is 40 years ahead, with an exponential curve. The 40 years ahead they are now is a much different 40 years than they were in 1950.

With as little as we know it's just speculative fiction, but it's good for the brain.

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

What's AGI stand for?

The FL link has interesting bibliography links.

"Technophillia" - makes it all sound dirty : )

My new word of the day

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

On prisms:

"Newton 's two prism experiment" has one prism creating a rainbow, and a second prism recombining the rainbow into white light.

So one would expect more than one prism in a system. The system would also work in both directions.

If a "beacon" is a prism, for every beakon there would be a second.

Just what went through my head when reading your post.

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: Ksihkehe

On prisms:

"Newton 's two prism experiment" has one prism creating a rainbow, and a second prism recombining the rainbow into white light.

So one would expect more than one prism in a system. The system would also work in both directions.

If a "beacon" is a prism, for every beakon there would be a second.

Just what went through my head when reading your post.

I didn't include it, but I actually considered that aspect. I figured that may be part of why the images are warped/disturbing. If you were to use a second prism to correct the image then you would not get the dispersion that increases the exposure time from Planck time to .4 seconds.

This is based on the completely speculative prism metaphor. If I'm wrong about the metaphorical relationship between the process and the visions, then the rest of the stilts holding it up fall out from under it.

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 09:13 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: fireslinger

What's AGI stand for?

Artificial General Intelligence

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Thanks for that.

Then a superintellegence as an overlay across a general population may qualify as an AGI.

So might intuition.

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

No problem, it's an uncommon term. Yup exactly, except human intuition is being systematically eroded.

I see it as an outsourcing of intuition, which leads to the destruction of humanity.
Where are the shamans when we need them?

Instead, we'll just get more false prophets, disguised as all knowing machines.
edit on 3/23/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Well, "recombine" is not the same as "correct".

Some speculation:

We also know that light can be a carrier of information. The spectrogram of a star will show what elements the star has for example.

Also, if the two prisms are separated by distance, time or even another dimension, then it follows that any change to the colours in transit will show up in the receiver.

I used the prism label because I recognised a principal at work.

I saw other "nodes" in there in a network. So possibly other prisms. We can add more prisms to the light flow and use just one or two colours as in Newton's experiments, recombine and scintillate.

It is not too difficult to picture many prisms precisely positioned to create a coloured hologram in this way.

We are also used to equating the prism effect with light alone.

So if we can isolate green from white light by careful positioning of a second prism as per Newton, maybe someone has learned to do something similar to create neutrino beams.


Then again, if one wanted to propagate one's own civilisation (not neccessarily the people) you might have a prism located at one's own location. Send probes to distant out of reach locations that have potential. Then hope the inhabitants eventually decipher the instructions, and start the machine.

Or maybe, as FL describes, a warning message. However one does not need a warning to be two way.

edit on 23-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Added ETA

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Shamans? The church systematically got rid of them, and science is mopping up the rest.

To make way for the machine perhaps.

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Lol, indeed. To go further with that, the machine is unfortunately the new religion:
edit on 3/23/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

The ATMs are already worshipped, I see people lining up all the time. : )

posted on Mar, 24 2023 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

For sure, it's been a slow ramp up, to normalize us. Can't spook the humans, you know?

But once fiat is leveled, ATMs will be gone, and the normalization will be some highly controlled / limiting CBDC, which everyone will access through a digital identity, from the altar of their screens. How incredibly boring.

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