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Quake Watch 2013

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posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by ericblair4891

Wow! This is the first that I've even heard of carbon sequestration!

Did some quick digging, don't have much time right now,
but I found a mention of Germany in 2008 with this.
I want to find out more about how long it's been going on & who really started it!

My Native American genes are getting upset & are staring down my German genes!
My Irish genes are hanging back for now to see what happens!

A few links for anyone else who hadn't heard about this yet!
Not organized as I'm in a hurry & just slapped them onto desktop as I found them!

Let's store all this CO2 in saline aquifers & under ocean water!!!

What an arrogant lot we humans are!!!
edit on 7-11-2013 by wasobservingquietly because: Links were double.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 05:15 PM
wow...clean map...

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 11:14 PM
The west coast map looks like Swiss cheese with all these quakes.

Set map to one day all magnitudes to see what im talking about.

edit on 7/30/2012 by dreamfox1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 12:10 AM
M 3.2
7km SE of Edmond, Oklahoma
2013-11-07 21:50:05 UTC-08:005.0 km

Event Time

2013-11-08 05:50:05 UTC
2013-11-07 23:50:05 UTC-06:00 at epicenter
2013-11-07 21:50:05 UTC-08:00 system time

35.604°N 97.425°W depth=5.0km (3.1mi)

Nearby Cities

7km (4mi) SE of Edmond, Oklahoma
17km (11mi) NNE of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
17km (11mi) N of Midwest City, Oklahoma
18km (11mi) N of Del City, Oklahoma
18km (11mi) NW of Choctaw, Oklahoma

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 01:52 AM
Don't normally post here, but I found this interesting so I thought I'd share it here.

(I haven't been monitoring quakes for a very long time.. so has anyone else ever seen such an straight line like this before?)

The top left earthquake isn't plotted on USGS's main feed but here is a link to more info on it:

edit on 8-11-2013 by ragiusnotiel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by ragiusnotiel

It's almost like planted explosives.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by ragiusnotiel

Could you possibly give the source of the data? It is impossible to corroborate the data without this information. Thanks.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 04:36 AM

The west coast map looks like Swiss cheese with all these quakes.
Set map to one day all magnitudes to see what im talking about.

edit on 7/30/2012 by dreamfox1 because: (no reason given)

The whole world would look like swiss cheese if all mag 0.2 quakes were reported worldwide.

Considering there are millions of them every year < Mag 1, in my opinion the map is not something to be concerned about.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 04:39 AM

wow...clean map...

Clean map? Bad news!?

Hopefully that just a glitch in the data. I don't recall seeing it clean before, but maybe I am thinking about the All Iceland map.

At this time of year there should be more quakes due to the increase in ice loading. Now is the time for all good quakes to have a party.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by wasobservingquietly

What an arrogant lot we humans are!!!

Indeed. Arrogant in not only thinking that we can turn round the course of the natural cycles but that certain elements of the population can do so without discourse with those whom it will affect.

Arrogant that a certain element of the population has decided that our paltry input can affect the might of the Sun's output and it's control of the natural cycles, again without recourse to all the information or non-belligerent discourse.

Arrogant that pecuniary wants of the few are elevated above the needs of, and to the detriment of, the many.

Yup, arrogant indeed!

ETA: Carbon sequestration is about making money and nothing to do with 'saving the planet'

edit on 8/11/2013 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 05:08 AM

reply to post by ragiusnotiel

Hey Master Quake Jockey . . . was just reviewing the Tonga up through the SE part of Indonesia etc. area compared to the West coast USA area . . . I think I've asked you this before but I'm wondering if you have any further ponderings on the issue . . .

The Islands area in the Western Pacific has--relatively--a LOT of much deeper quakes than the whole West coast of the USA. There have to be implications.

I'm still ignorant on what those implications might be. Are geologists almost as ignorant? Is the average geologist more ignorant than you and Muzzy about such? LOL. NOT to contribute to a fat head syndrome for either of you . . . but I guess I'm more hopeful y'all might have some useful insights or ponderings more than the average geologist because y'all have a capacity to think outside the box.

Is the history of super quakes in either area markedly different?

Is the history of massive, relatively sudden movements markedly different?

Is the history of the TYPE of significant movement markedly different?

My meager understanding is that the Left coast is dominated by the ?strike/slip? San Andreas monster fault system???

Not sure what the major dynamics, structures of the Western Pacific would be other than the so called subduction zone. I forget your label.

It seems like the volcanoes in the Western Pacific are more dramatic? . . . as in . . . super massively more volitile in output?? And, I think more of them are closer together?

And how does either area compare to the Banda Acheh area where the undersea cliff of several hundred feet high suddenly appeared in a matter of seconds to minutes?

I haven't calculated the differences in population totals for comparable square miles/hectres.

I don't recall the differences in terms of the typical "FUTURE EARTH CHANGES" maps. I should look at the Hopi map.

Sorry if too much of this is redundant. Just felt like bothering you again about it after comparing the two areas on the 3D viewer again.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 05:16 AM

The traitorous, arrogant, demonized, ignorant, genocidal, traitorous, low class, Morlach jerks.

At least there is some sad comfort in knowing they'll harvest what they have sown . . . after they're done murdering however many billions.

[mostly joke]: Far better for the planet if they'd offer themselves to the nearest lava spewing volcano as a voluntary sacrificial offering to their lord satan. However, far from being virgins, I don't suppose even satan would get too big a thrill out of that. But at least their evil skull duggeries in this dimension would be ended.


Am sure glad God has the whole mess in His large capable hands . . . and will bring about HIs Peace and Wholeness in His time and ways.

What do I know about such complexities more than a gnat's fart's worth above nothing!

reply to post by wasobservingquietly

What an arrogant lot we humans are!!!

Indeed. Arrogant in not only thinking that we can turn round the course of the natural cycles but that certain elements of the population can do so without discourse with those whom it will affect.

Arrogant that a certain element of the population has decided that our paltry input can affect the might of the Sun's output and it's control of the natural cycles, again without recourse to all the information or non-belligerent discourse.

Arrogant that pecuniary wants of the few are elevated above the needs of, and to the detriment of, the many.

Yup, arrogant indeed!

ETA: Carbon sequestration is about making money and nothing to do with 'saving the planet'

edit on 8/11/2013 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 06:16 AM
West coast uptick still in play


- 113km WSW of Crescent City, California
2013-11-08 10:46:53 UTC

Event Time

2013-11-08 10:46:53 UTC
2013-11-08 02:46:53 UTC-08:00 at epicenter
2013-11-08 02:46:53 UTC-08:00 system time

41.315°N 125.431°W depth=2.5km (1.6mi)

Nearby Cities

113km (70mi) WSW of Crescent City, California
118km (73mi) WNW of McKinleyville, California
120km (75mi) WNW of Eureka, California
123km (76mi) WNW of Arcata, California
447km (278mi) SSW of Salem, Oregon


- 165km WSW of Port Hardy, Canada
2013-11-08 11:45:01 UTC

Event Time

2013-11-08 11:45:01 UTC
2013-11-08 02:45:01 UTC-09:00 at epicenter
2013-11-08 03:45:01 UTC-08:00 system time

50.326°N 129.677°W depth=9.7km (6.0mi)

Nearby Cities

165km (103mi) WSW of Port Hardy, Canada
318km (198mi) W of Campbell River, Canada
343km (213mi) WNW of Courtenay, Canada
371km (231mi) WNW of Port Alberni, Canada
503km (313mi) WNW of Victoria, Canada

edit on 7/30/2012 by dreamfox1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

The Islands area in the Western Pacific has--relatively--a LOT of much deeper quakes than the whole West coast of the USA. There have to be implications.

I thought I had made some sort of uttering on this, but maybe my memory is playing tricks on me.

I posed the question as to whether Cascadia is actually a subduction zone at all. There is little evidence as far as I can see. This might tie in with WBZ not actually being zones of subduction but as the result of EMST.

It appears to be that the amount of energy required to subduct a slab far exceeds the available energy and the 'spreading' plates seem to have lost thousands of kilometres of corresponding subduction.

I will try and find the time to go through each of your points again but as regards this..........

Is the average geologist more ignorant than you and Muzzy about such?

Absolutely NOT! The problem for the average geologist is that they are fettered by dogma. Quite why this should be I am not sure as science should be about always questioning everything and seeking answers, not sitting on one's backside accepting what the dogma says. Because the establishment of geology says zones subduct does not mean they do. Science calls accepted hypothesis 'theory' and say this is fact where as hypothesis is postulation and theory is accepted postulation that may be correct. There is very little about which one could ever say THIS IS FACT, even our own existence.

Muzzy and I, and all others on this thread, are not so fettered and are free to follow such lines of investigation as we choose. Sometimes they lead to nothing, but they get explored. That is the difference.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 07:48 AM
I have forsaken all other ideas, except the idea of being a detective.
The only thing that ever motivates me is a good mystery. (I also love humour but forget that for now)
I think I've cracked some big nuts. And trust me, I've never too noble not to remember where to find the nuts in a fight.
I think Jack the Ripper was the doctor. The elephant man's doctor. nuf said governr

But lately, the office has been quiet. I find no mystery in the hypocrisy in the Canadian political scandals. Nothing really that interesting in the news. I think the oarfish were just sick. One was full of parasites. etc

But this morning, I couldn't believe it, I found a true to life mystery... And, the mystery originates in the area of the planet where I've held the sights of my rifle. Oklahoma. With lazer scrutiny, I have reluctantly kept on keeping on. Besides, It's easy when I already keep watch on Arkansas. The seismo areas overlap. Forget Texas for now. The story is in Oklahoma.

It's a real whodunit.

It's the Case of the Lake that caused the quake.

here read this.... then come back if you want more of my thoughts....

You wanna hear a funny story? I too thought about the lake when it was happening. The swarm I mean. I wondered if was contributing. But once again, Mr. Holland is deflecting attention away from drilling. Even if the lake is a factor, the underlying cause is the pressures in the strata where they are pumping the waste water. It is pushing upward. And then when you push down, you squeeze. And in the case where your are also fracture a strata above the waste layer and below a full reservoir. Anyway, Oklahoma is not active because of nature. The whole state is active because the state government allows oil companies to drill everywhere. This just happens to be near a lake that has had some influence on the now active faults. But the faults are being activate and lubricated by the drilling and waste disposal pumping. The lake just gave the earth a hug.

But I think the moon was the real culprit. I was wonder about the lake at the time because wasn't it a new moon. Or was it near a full moon. I there is a tidal factor here. Probably even an erosion factor here. I mean within the layers of rock where they are pumping. When the waste water courses back and forth through the strata, it carves bigger and bigger passages and creates underground streams. This would be something like what happens at Yellowstone with the geysers. Except there, you get the plumping all gummed up with the (damn, what is it- silica- if i'm wrong - sue me) the pipes get blocked etc, and you get some cool water works for the tourists. But in the case of Oklahoma, all the back and forth with the water, the water which is effected by the tidal forces, all that back and forth destabilizes the crust. I hope there's no gigantic hidden magma plumes under that areas. Jeez, the could break up the crust to a point where the magma erupts through the ground. Wow. Patent Pending. Just kidding. They'll probably just cause a really large earthquake. Or, contaminate most of the aquifers. Or, bring monsters through some hole from another dimension.


I'm not checking grammar, nor train of thought... Good luck.

Really, there is no mystery here. Least not for me. Anymore. There's only two outcomes for the future. If they stop drilling and stop pumping waste water, they will avoid directly causing more earthquakes.

If they don't stop drilling and pumping, there will be more earthquakes, and it's really anyone's guess what comes next. It's like a bad sharknado-like plot line.

Please call me Hollywood. I'm not in the book, but I'm sure you can find me.

And for the record, there's been four earthquakes in Oklahoma in the last 24 hours. And there's a lake near by, hmmm, let's blame the lake. Damn, that evil nature. I often get the feeling that we are trying to kill off nature. Once, and for all.

edit on 8-11-2013 by ericblair4891 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-11-2013 by ericblair4891 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 07:59 AM

The west coast map looks like Swiss cheese with all these quakes.

Set map to one day all magnitudes to see what im talking about.

edit on 7/30/2012 by dreamfox1 because: (no reason given)

It looks like that most of the time.

The San Jacinto Fault Zone has the majority of small quakes in the neighborhood, which is a little troubling when you see it's been smashed and dragged northeast towards the San Andreas, and in particular towards the east-west trending section of it just north of Los Angeles

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

Your memory is great. It's mine that's older. Sorry.

Yes, you have commented . . . I just wondered, hoped, you'd had some more ponderings to share about such things.

Thx for your patience.

I still think I'd prefer you and Muzzy over several hundred average geologists. LOL.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 10:34 AM
USA October 2013 summary (data by ANSS)

Continental United States: mag less than 1= 3050, mag1= 1689, mag2= 342, mag3= 41, mag4= 2, mag5= 0, mag7= 0, total= 5124
Alaska: mag less than 1= 193, mag1= 91 , mag2= 80, mag3= 15, mag4= 19 , mag5= 5, mag7= 0, total= 403
Puerto Rico: mag less than 1= 0, mag1= 1 , mag2= 17, mag3= 20, mag4= 1 , mag5= 0, mag7= 0, total= 39
Hawaii: mag less than 1= 0, mag1= 112 , mag2= 75, mag3= 2, mag4= 0 , mag5= 0, mag7= 0, total= 189
=5755 events on the map below
interactive map

compare with other months, back to July 2013

edit on 11u31131113 by muzzy because: < symbol blew the text, changed to less than

edit on 11u31131113 by muzzy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 11:33 AM
Yellowstone October 2013 summary

mag less than =45, mag1=73, mag2=6, mag3=0, mag4=0, mag5=0, mag7=0, total=124
total energy released=0.962941672TTNT
interactive map
compare with other months 2013
compare with 2012
Data on the maps above is obtained from the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Seismic Network, University of Utah Seismograph Stations (formerly operated by the USGS Menlo Park), accessed through the ANSS (Advanced National Seismic System) composite catalog.
compare with 2011 (mag1+ only, Useless data)

edit on 11u31131113 by muzzy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by muzzy

Hmmm....did you notice...?
On the USA summary there's no place for 6's in Oct!
July through September there is, even though it was 0.

It just jumped out at me as I was observing!


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