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" Climate Change Is Not A Hoax", says Obama!!??

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posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 03:22 AM
Well that clears up alot. You really are starting to sound like a nihilist after that post.
From the beginning, I've questioned WHAT IS THE SOLUTION YOU ARE WANTING TO IMPOSE..
Pleasse stop beating around the bush.
What will save us from doom in your opinion?
edit on 8-9-2012 by HamrHeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by HamrHeed
Well that clears up alot. You really are starting to sound like a nihilist after that post.
From the beginning, I've questioned WHAT IS THE SOLUTION YOU ARE WANTING TO IMPOSE..
Pleasse stop beating around the bush.
What will save us from doom in your opinion?
edit on 8-9-2012 by HamrHeed because: (no reason given)

If you read the entire document at the bottom they state what needs to happen to avoid such a catastrophy.

I did state that was the most frightining document I have read but I must add I have not found a peer review to date that dissagrees with that report. If someone does find a peer review that does refute their findings I will happy to read and agree because that is some scary stuff.

I would rather the scientists be wrong world wide and look like a total asses in 50 years. I would welcome it. I would welcome the ridicule that I got for believing them.

Again I say look at this from perspective of being diagnosed with cancer but instead of geting one or two secound opinions you got the opinion of every doctor in the world and 96% agreed with the diagnoses would you still want to wait or would you want treatment right away?

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 03:47 AM
The biggest problem is admitting it needs to be done and so far there is a huge portion of the world that isn't ready to take that first step. Doing what needs to be done may be impossible but I think we need to try.

You know when people say that America is addicted to oil, it really fits.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

The reason I believe so many people refuse to look at the science is that it frightens them either that or people believe it is not something that will greatly affect them in their lifetime so they will leave it to the next generation to deal with.

Maybe there are some people who don't want to believe. I see believing as the easy way out. Wanting to fix something without knowing if there is a problem and if there is.. what the hell it is.. if it is even fixable at all. Really?

Fix it no matter what it is? Oke.. so I went along with that and left the "what to fix" question at ease..
When I ask for solutions I get some obama volcano earthquake moon mining shaaait.

Dare I even ask what one is personal doing to "fix it", or are people waiting on politics to address the "problem"?

Yo fix it people.... anyone? op?

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 08:29 AM


posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 08:30 AM


posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by pluginkid

grimpachi & pluginkid... it is good to know there are those on ATS who are not caught up in the knee jerk reaction to the pressing issue of our age. thank you for your concise words.

it boggles my mind how the conversation can be caught up in "Don't Tax Me", when the issue is far greater than the abstract illusion of $$$. any conversation that gets bogged down in $$$ is simply a Sleight of Hand distraction... a stall mechanic to keep the dialogue off of the true issue at hand; that we as a species need rectify how we treat this planet or suffer the repercussions of the Environment Holocaust we have caused.

there is a problem. it must be addressed. it is the Junkie and the Addict who refuses to admit they have a problem.

an argument that i have heard often here is that Climate Change is due to a "natural cycle" of the Sun. this is willful ignorance and plain silly. natural cycles do not occur as rapidly as the current Climate Change we are facing has.

another argument i have heard is that "it is arrogant of humans to think we have the power to change the climate of this world."

would a cancer cell say the same thing?

when the Engines of Society can no longer sustain itself, perhaps the myopic debate over semantics, politics and taxes will seem as petty as they really are.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:04 AM
“Global warming is a hoax period.”

Tin foil hat time. EVERY reputable scientific organization in the world has issued statements that confirm that global warming is a fact and that humans have greatly contributed to it. To say that every scientific organization in the world is part of a conspiracy is ridiculous! Who is in charge of the conspiracy? Bigfoot? Not only the above but N.A.S.A , National Geographic, Scientific American are also part of the conspiracy!!! OMG!!!
In case the same old junk science arguments are brought up Whoops I forgot is part of the conspiracy!!!!
Then of course the Oregon petition will be brought up
According to the Oregon petition if you have a B.S. degree you are a climate scientist!!! DUH!
Then of course “climategate”
The made up charges by the illegal hackers were found to be silly. For example, when a scientist said that he found “a neat trick” , it was as suspicious as a mathematician that said,” I found a neat trick to solve this calculus problem quicker.”
YAWN! The tin foil hatters are easy to debate and win against. Humans have contributed to global warming and the entire scientific community agrees!

I will still stand with,
National Geographic
Scientific American
American Meteorological Society
Royal Meteorological Society
World Meteorological Organization
American Quaternary Association
American Statistical Association
Royal Society of the United Kingdom
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Chemical Society[41]
American Institute of Physics[42]
American Physical Society
American Geophysical Union
American Society of Agronomy
European Federation of Geologists
European Geosciences Union
Geological Society of America
And every scientific organization of national and international reputation. All the above organizations have issued statements that humans have significantly contributed to global warming. NASA part of the conspiracy? American Meteorological Society part of the conspiracy? To believe that EVERY scientific organization in the world of national and international reputation is part of a conspiracy is loony!!
* Go here and for proof that EVERY scientific organization of national and international reputation has issued statements confirming that humans have greatly contributed to global warming.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:08 AM
It's really basic arithmetic. We have an economy set up to grow exponentially, with finite resources. Our efficiency of resource use is pathetically low. Our survival as a species is based around the use and distribution of these resources. It's extremely naive to believe we do not have an extreme impact on our environment, all you have to do is look out your window - we live in an extremely altered (man-made) environment, of course it's going to have an impact on a global scale. Almost everything in our man-made environment includes petroleum products, from our vehicles, roads, homes, even the paint covering our walls, to the appliances that reside inside them. We don't have unlimited oil. It'd be a nice thought, but it's not reality.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
“Global warming is a hoax period.”

Tin foil hat time. EVERY reputable scientific organization in the world has issued statements that confirm that global warming is a fact and that humans have greatly contributed to it. To say that every scientific organization in the world is part of a conspiracy is ridiculous! Who is in charge of the conspiracy? Bigfoot? Not only the above but N.A.S.A , National Geographic, Scientific American are also part of the conspiracy!!! OMG!!!
In case the same old junk science arguments are brought up Whoops I forgot is part of the conspiracy!!!!
Then of course the Oregon petition will be brought up
According to the Oregon petition if you have a B.S. degree you are a climate scientist!!! DUH!
Then of course “climategate”
The made up charges by the illegal hackers were found to be silly. For example, when a scientist said that he found “a neat trick” , it was as suspicious as a mathematician that said,” I found a neat trick to solve this calculus problem quicker.”
YAWN! The tin foil hatters are easy to debate and win against. Humans have contributed to global warming and the entire scientific community agrees!

I will still stand with,
National Geographic
Scientific American
American Meteorological Society
Royal Meteorological Society
World Meteorological Organization
American Quaternary Association
American Statistical Association
Royal Society of the United Kingdom
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Chemical Society[41]
American Institute of Physics[42]
American Physical Society
American Geophysical Union
American Society of Agronomy
European Federation of Geologists
European Geosciences Union
Geological Society of America
And every scientific organization of national and international reputation. All the above organizations have issued statements that humans have significantly contributed to global warming. NASA part of the conspiracy? American Meteorological Society part of the conspiracy? To believe that EVERY scientific organization in the world of national and international reputation is part of a conspiracy is loony!!
* Go here and for proof that EVERY scientific organization of national and international reputation has issued statements confirming that humans have greatly contributed to global warming.

Well that's a wonderful list of - Loons R Us -.

Truth be told, there is an agenda to try to sell the American people on the idea that

we are - solely - responsible for destroying the Earth with global warming.

It turns out that warming and cooling are 100% natural.

If the population of the Earth was - zero - we would still have an ice age in about

1,500 years. Don't fear the ice ages. They are natural.

The sun and geothermal heat are causing the warming on Earth.

Blaming mankind is a hoax and a poorly conceived hoax at that.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by spiritualzombie
Big Tobacco doesnt believe smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer and Big Oil doesnt believe burning fossil fuels causes climate change.

Didnt we already figure out man-made chloroflourocarbons cause holes in the ozone which contributes to global warming? Now I'm supposed to believe a billion cars, smoke stacks in every major city, and all the other man-made polluting elements combined in the world have zero effect on climate? How much effect on climate is okay before we decide to change??

What about the millions of planes directly stabbing all manner of crap into the higher levels of oxygen zones, oh wait those are everyday normal contrails, nothing wrong here.

Of course only the average person and REGULAR polluting companies are the focus of all the OFFICIALS.

Please find another way to tax us, the OP says, Climate Change is happening we need to do something about it, let us turn to the authors of most of our problems to fix it !!

Never mind the other planets all changing exactly at the same speed, the aliens there will be exterminated as well, STOP CLIMATE CHANGE !!

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by wittgenstein

Yes, indeed, we HAVE changed the climate, everytime we do ANYTHING...including building a house, cutting some trees down in the backyard.

However, many of us here, and elsewhere, would suspect that MOST of the change is being done on purpose, ON PURPOSE by highly advanced technology that WANTS IT TOO CHANGE!!!

And this tech is terra-forming the planet along with help from SOL.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

Well you better run off and send the UN some money so they can fix it, huh! As for 'scientific consensus' - scientists update and change their theories all the time. Only a fool would take any heed to what they say - climate change is just another tool used by the elite to usher in their NWO. They need to tax the people to pay for it. It's thinking like yours that has enabled the greatest amount of oppression on people all over the world in recent times.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by aardvark888
reply to post by MamaJ

Well you better run off and send the UN some money so they can fix it, huh! As for 'scientific consensus' - scientists update and change their theories all the time. Only a fool would take any heed to what they say - climate change is just another tool used by the elite to usher in their NWO. They need to tax the people to pay for it. It's thinking like yours that has enabled the greatest amount of oppression on people all over the world in recent times.

I think the UN only wants to steal money from the Millionaires & Billionaires.

Leave the rest of the - victims - alone.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:44 AM
“Well that's a wonderful list of - Loons R Us”
WOW! You must be an extraterrestrial because you know more about science then the ENTIRE world’s scientific community!!! Do you wish to be called ZOLTON or the full ZOLTON THE MAGNIFICENT?

National Geographic
Scientific American
American Meteorological Society
Royal Meteorological Society
World Meteorological Organization
American Quaternary Association
American Statistical Association
Royal Society of the United Kingdom
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Chemical Society[41]
American Institute of Physics[42]
American Physical Society
American Geophysical Union
American Society of Agronomy
European Federation of Geologists
European Geosciences Union
Geological Society of America
And every scientific organization of national and international reputation.
And all the scientists in those organizations are loons!? As I said tin foil hat time!!!

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:47 AM

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:48 AM
Here we go again. I used to believe in the Global Warming theory until I found out a few facts.
a) The hottest year on record was in 1997. In other words, the world hasn't set a new temperature record in 15 years. Hardly a cause for urgent action.
b) temperature and CO2 data generated from ice core samples, which were used by Al Gore in the movie Inconvenient Truth, show that temperature ALWAYS changes direction first and CO2 ALWAYS changes direction last with an average lag of 1,100 years plus or minus 700 years. This means that there were periods of at least 400 years when CO2 was still rising but temperatures had already started dropping and vice versa. Since the laws of chemistry and physics haven't changed, This clearly shows that CO2 does NOT cause rising temperatures. If there is a causal relationship between the two at all then, rising temperatures cause rising CO2 and the mechanism that explains the long lag time is average ocean temperatures which change very slowly.
c) CO2's ability to hold heat energy is logarythmic. This means that twice the amount of CO2 does NOT give you twice the impact on temperature. So rising CO2 will have a smaller and smaller impact on temperatures.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
“Well that's a wonderful list of - Loons R Us”
WOW! You must be an extraterrestrial because you know more about science then the ENTIRE world’s scientific community!!! Do you wish to be called ZOLTON or the full ZOLTON THE MAGNIFICENT?

National Geographic
Scientific American
American Meteorological Society
Royal Meteorological Society
World Meteorological Organization
American Quaternary Association
American Statistical Association
Royal Society of the United Kingdom
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Chemical Society[41]
American Institute of Physics[42]
American Physical Society
American Geophysical Union
American Society of Agronomy
European Federation of Geologists
European Geosciences Union
Geological Society of America
And every scientific organization of national and international reputation.
And all the scientists in those organizations are loons!? As I said tin foil hat time!!!

Well, they started small.

First this group then this one. Go ahead and add 2 more.

Then they had the snowball effect going for them.

Hi, i'm from Loons R Us and we have these 12 organizations joining our cause.

Will you join us? We are trying to save the Earth from evil human beings who are

destroying it with cow farts.

Please sign right here. Thank you. Hugs & Kisses! Bye!

Oh, don't worry about the science. We got some scientists on the payroll in the UK.

One way or another we will make Al Gores Hockey Stick graph into an end of the

world scenario.

BTW, if anyone brings us up the suggestion that the Earth is warmed by the sun or

geothermal heat just ignore them and label them - deniers -.

Then follow them home and throw a brick through their front window.

Fear & deception is the best solution for right now.

edit on 8-9-2012 by Eurisko2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Studenofhistory
Here we go again. I used to believe in the Global Warming theory until I found out a few facts.
a) The hottest year on record was in 1997. In other words, the world hasn't set a new temperature record in 15 years. Hardly a cause for urgent action.
b) temperature and CO2 data generated from ice core samples, which were used by Al Gore in the movie Inconvenient Truth, show that temperature ALWAYS changes direction first and CO2 ALWAYS changes direction last with an average lag of 1,100 years plus or minus 700 years. This means that there were periods of at least 400 years when CO2 was still rising but temperatures had already started dropping and vice versa. Since the laws of chemistry and physics haven't changed, This clearly shows that CO2 does NOT cause rising temperatures. If there is a causal relationship between the two at all then, rising temperatures cause rising CO2 and the mechanism that explains the long lag time is average ocean temperatures which change very slowly.
c) CO2's ability to hold heat energy is logarythmic. This means that twice the amount of CO2 does NOT give you twice the impact on temperature. So rising CO2 will have a smaller and smaller impact on temperatures.

The truth shall set us free.

Your CO2 figures are correct.

Global warming was never about Climate Change.

It was about gaining control of the general population through fear and deception.

- They have failed. -

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

for real?!?!?!?!?

have you not read this thread?

we are not talking about 1500 years into the future. we are talking about RIGHT now.

to deny that we have caused the problem is akin to a Junky admitted they don't have a problem.

we have a problem.

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