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" Climate Change Is Not A Hoax", says Obama!!??

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posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
Can you handle the truth? I think maybe but you're still stuck in wanting to believe agenda driven data that has people bringing it to the table who have been caught red handed fudging data to make a point.
Are you talking about climategate? That turned out to be nothing as I proved and official investigations proved. It was discovered that the climate scientists use of the phrase “neat trick” was an dishonest as saying, “I found a neat trick to solve this calculus problem in half the time.” Oh yeah, In their PERSONAL emails (that were illegally hacked into) the scientists called skeptics names! I would too, considering the lies etc being told!Of course you will say that myself and EVERY scientific organization in the world is part of the conspiracy! RUBBISH! For God’s sake man, if you don’t believe in science at least believe in your own senses. The weather is drastically different!

edit on 10-9-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

No am not talking climategate, but while we are there the hockey stick they gave AL gore was rubbish. Al says it is all real, there are alternative non polluting engines and Al saw one that wins 1st place EVER SINGLE TIME it is entered in alternative fueled cars. THAT is what I am talking about. Hanson fudged data, the met sites are located in bad places like next to buildings and their heat exchange units (VERY POOR CHOICES) etc.. Your in a dream world wanting to believe THEIR BS. Wake up and look closer at technology that could alter this. Solar does work, but not if you let your buddies make millions and walk away from the plant that makes them. That helps the R's when they lie and say it won't work and it hurts mankind getting away from overlords who want to control us not let us be free. Tesla was going to give us a truly cheap way of getting energy and we were going to use the naturally occurring electricity of the Solar System that Emanuel Velekovski called the "electric universe", But JP Morgan couldn't put a meter on it. How free would we all be if we weren't making money to pay for oil and the byproducts?

The fat cats who stand to make money off of our misery, trot out people who say the only way is tax tax tax but the truth is SOMEONE is holding back CLEAN TECH and doing real harm to the public's perception about Solar, Wind and Magnetic motors to name three ideas that would work. That is they would work for mankind without the thieves taking money from the US gov to pad their pockets while producing nothing but money to give back to the current administration. I work in the environmental field in a gov office, in a place where alternative energy is explored to replace oil and TPTB will not allow new tech, I know these things intimately.

I call bullus chitticus on the CIimate changers who say man can make a cycle stop or slow down dramatically in this warming and cooling cycle the geo-record appears to reveal. Remember, 'they' don't want to fix it 'they' want to get rich off it. That is a BIG CLUE!

The real truth is the SUN is geo-magnetically doing things we've never experienced before. Read about that if you want to really understand this problem.

edit on 11-9-2012 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-9-2012 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 06:17 AM
“No am not talking climategate, but while we are there the hockey stick they gave AL gore was rubbish.”

Your hockey stick “argument” was already busted in two from a site I gave previously!

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
“Mr. Al Gore has not even given up "plastic bags":
First, how do you know that? Do you have sources? What kind of nonsense do you read that would think that was an important fact? Al Gore (actually he is spot on about global warming) is not the issue. For example your simplistic reasoning would say something as absurd as,
1. Manson is a liar.
2. Manson said that 2+2=4
3. Therefore, 2+2 does not = 4.
This is why the fallacy you committed ( ) is absurd . Here is a list of other fallacies that you have committed, you find the particular ones. I am tired of teaching basic logic!

“Simpleton: You can't"fix"a"problem" until you define it.”
I will ignore the childish name calling and point out that you clearly have no clue about the subject. The problem has been defined. There is too much CO2 in the atmosphere and that is causing

edit on 9-9-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

I realize that quote is a response to 46ACE. However, it address’s the issue of Al Gore .
The issue is not Al Gore! Now you have changed the subject from “is global warming real and caused by humans (which has been proven, I’m glad you concede that!) to “the proposals to combat global warming are all wrong” . That is for another thread.

edit on 11-9-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Justoneman

The thing is, I don't need anyone telling me what I already know.

I can see what's going on around me..... And what's going on is something that causes concern.

Tobin said: 'The aerosols are active on a year to 10-year time scale, while the carbon dioxide has effects on a scale of hundreds to tens of thousands of years. 'The species in the first event are extinct but the groups are all recognisable things you could find around on a beach today,' he said. Tobin is the lead author of a paper in the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology that documents results of research conducted in a fossil-rich area on Seymour Island, off the Antarctic Peninsula. That particular area has very thick sediment deposits and, for a given interval of time, might contain 10 times more sediment as the well-known Hell Creek Formation in Montana. That means scientists have much greater detail as they try to determine what was happening at the time, Tobin said. The researchers took small surface core samples from rocks and fossils in the Antarctic sediment and used a method called magnetostratigraphy, employing known changes over time in Earth's magnetic field to determine when the fossils were deposited. The thicker sediment allowed dating to be done more precisely. 'I think the evidence we have from this location is indicative of two separate events, and also indicates that warming took place,' Tobin said. There is no direct evidence yet that the first extinction event had any effect on the second, but Tobin believes it is possible that surviving species from the first event were compromised enough that they were unable to survive the long-term environmental effects of the asteroid impact.

And then there is this about our seas.

Over the past 50 years, the salty parts of the oceans have become saltier and the fresh regions have become fresher, and the degree of change is greater than scientists can explain. Researchers are heading out into one particularly salty ocean region, in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, in the hopes of better understanding what drives variation in salinity in the upper ocean. Ultimately, they hope, research like this will offer insight on the dynamics behind the dramatic changes in the ocean's salt content. Many oceanographers have a hunch about what is going on: Climate change, Ray Schmitt, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, told journalists during a news conference Wednesday (Sept. 5). "Climate is changing all the time, and some of that change is due to natural variation," Schmitt said. "The 50-year trend we are talking about, most of us believe is really due to the general trend of global warming." Salt & the global water cycle This matters because the ocean is at the heart of the planet's water cycle: 86 percent of global evaporation and 78 percent of global precipitation occur over the ocean, according to NASA, the lead entity behind the project, called Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study (SPURS). Over the ocean, more evaporation as compared to precipitation translates into saltier water. Meanwhile, in regions where precipitation is favored, water is fresher. By tracking ocean salinity, researchers can better understand the global water cycle. Global warming is expected to intensify it, but current computer models do not predict the amount of change seen over the last 50 years, Schmitt said. Aside from an increase in evaporation caused by warming, such factors as winds can also contribute to changes in salinity. "We have a lot of questions about the basic physics we hope to resolve with this cruise," Schmitt said. In addition to instruments attached to the research vessel itself, scientists plan to deploy a variety of drifting, remotely operated and moored sensors. European researchers are also visiting the site and collecting data. Salinity data is also expected to come from the satellite-borne instrument, called Aquarius, launched about a year ago, as well as the global network of Argo floats, which measure temperature and salinity. [Satellite Gallery: Science from Above] The research vessel Knorr departed Woods Hole, Mass., for the mid-Atlantic Thursday (Sept. 6). The researchers will spend about three weeks deploying their instruments, leaving some behind for when they return. Due to hurricanes Leslie and Michael, the vessel's captain decided to travel quickly to the east and then south to miss the worst of the weather on their way to the study site.

I have been seeing evidence of a drowning Eco system everywhere I look.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 07:31 AM
“The fat cats who stand to make money off of our misery, trot out people who say the only way is tax tax tax”
Are you saying that the oil industries are not “fat cats”? Are you saying that they should not be taxed at a fair rate? That they should be given subsidies?

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 07:38 AM
What I don't understand, is how they can sit and blame people for driving their cars etc, when the problem isn't just the amount of carbon being released, but the amount of oxygen being released also.

Plants obviously give out oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, and they gobble up carbon to help make this oxygen in the photosynthesis process. Surely having loads more trees and rainforests would help tackle the problem, as it would oxygenate the planet a bit more, and gobble up a lot of this excess carbon?

For instance, like some toilet roll brands, for every tree used, they re-plant 3?

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posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
“It's not man made. It's nature made.”
Nothing personal but I will still stand with EVERY scientific organization in the world and not your unsupported speculations.

EVERY scientific organization that is infested with left- wing - loons who will sign onto

a global warming (tax the rich) agenda.

The scientists in the UK are corrupt. (on the payroll)

Let's have a global warming tax on all the millionaires and billionaires!

It won't do any good but lets do it anyway! It's fun!

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012

Originally posted by wittgenstein
“It's not man made. It's nature made.”
Nothing personal but I will still stand with EVERY scientific organization in the world and not your unsupported speculations.

EVERY scientific organization that is infested with left- wing - loons who will sign onto


What makes them Left wing? their are republican scientists as well that say the exact same thing.

It is this statement that got me thinking because he is right. Not about the scientists being loon’s part but there does seem to be a correlation between people on the left indorsing science much like those on the right indorsing the bible. I wonder if much of the problem with the people not accepting sciences findings on the matter of global warming has something to do with their religion.

It is something that has puzzled me for a while. When I spoke to the pastor at my church on the subject and his words were the scientists must be wrong because the bible says the earth will end by blah blah act etc. The diehard religious nuts will never except that man can or is destroying the earth because it goes against their religion. Science means nothing to these people I bet if we didn’t have absolute proof the earth is round they would still be screaming it is flat. There are some of these nutters out there that still hold firm to the belief that man and dinosaur coexisted like the Flintstones.
For them ignorance is bliss and nothing you say or no matter what proof you have they will not believe it or as one poster had said to me in another thread” if it happens it is gods will and it only means Christ is coming and we have no right to interfere”.

To me these people are absolutely nuts or maybe they think there magic underwear will save them. Scientist are the enemy of good in their eyes. IMO. You can certainly see that kind of thinking in some of there posts. They usually insult you say the science is completely wrong but offer 0 proof to back there statements. These sometimes are the same people claiming to have been abducted by little green men. I swear there are seriously strange people out there.

Religion can be a good thing but it should have no bearing over science. Religion if for your soul and science is for your life.
edit on 11-9-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 05:32 PM
“EVERY scientific organization that is infested with left- wing - loons who will sign onto”
What a weird post! OK every scientific organization in the world is run by a left wing conspiracy.

“a global warming (tax the rich) agenda”
Yeah, those poor rich that pay less tax then us

“The scientists in the UK are corrupt. (on the payroll)”
What unsupported rubbish .

Thanks for such a loony post. You have made more people realize that your position is absurd and mine rational.

edit on 11-9-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
“The fat cats who stand to make money off of our misery, trot out people who say the only way is tax tax tax”
Are you saying that the oil industries are not “fat cats”? Are you saying that they should not be taxed at a fair rate? That they should be given subsidies?

Oh the oil owners are the fat cats alright, I am saying "who do you think owns the oil companies"? and " How many are there now 4"? Follow the money and that is apparent who has that $ and gold and it is IMHO the 0.001% not the 1%. The owners of this world want their unknowing slaves to pay through the nose for oil and they sure don't want to replace their cash cow with clean energy until that oil is gone. That is my story and I'm stickin' with it.

To make matters worse the oil is abiotic, or not from animal and vegetable matter, so we have a lot more oil than people would have ever dreamed. They keep finding deposits and as I recall we should have ran out back in the 90's according to the data of the 70's, Titan, the moon of Saturn, is all hydrocarbons and dinos could not have lived there or everything we know is wrong about how planets form (and that may be the truth anyway).

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 04:37 PM
Just one man? Ya just lost!!!

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
Just one man? Ya just lost!!!

No, not happening and it is laughable you would think such a statement would help. The truth is the winner. I bring the truth and your bringing a closed mind is not helping this truth search you act like your about when your denying the truth. It matters not what you believe when you avoid reality, The truth will win out in the end, period. There most certainly is an agenda in this man made global warming hoax and I have heard high level EPA support my theory about keeping tech out of our hands that would make pollution a history lesson is the story to bring away from my contribution to this discussion with you. And then there is the Al Gore factor to this truth I bring you and you say nothing substantial about it him and his bogus data and stonewalling the tech for his profit at all.....?

Your not seeking the truth your seeking confirmation.

edit on 13-9-2012 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 07:06 AM
Hmmmm, nope just gibberish. Next!

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 08:47 AM
Can it not be that both sides of the coin are indeed half truths but when combined they are the absolute truth?

I'm in the middle and see both sides as having truth.

Is man hindering with his greed? Yes!

Is man distorting the truth? Yes!

Is the climate changing? Yes!

Does it always change? Yes!

Are we hurting the planet? Yes!

Most do not see the planet as a living entity. Whereas I do. She is moaning and with all the geo activity she seems to be in a state of unrest.

Are there ways we could help? Sure, if we are compassionate and try to personally help her out by being mindful of that which is causing her harm.

Is fracking a natural thing?


Cutting down tree after tree after tree?

Just some thoughts, no one crucify me. Lol

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 02:42 PM
Justoneman, the entire world's scientific community is enough confirmation for me.

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