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" Climate Change Is Not A Hoax", says Obama!!??

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posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 04:42 PM
There may be a natural cycle going on, but what we're seeing goes far beyond that, though they're trying to hide behind: 1. technology and human activity causing it, so blame us, and if they can't get away with that, then 2. blame the cycle.

What they don't want is to be held accountable. But they are most definitely accountable.

Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP

Conspiracy Theory W/ Jesse Ventura: HAARP [Season 1, Episode 1] (Full Length • HD)

250 000 people murdered by them and I won't forget it, they want us to wake up and turn this around ASAP. They may be in a better place, but that doesn't mean that we have accept this murder incorporated shadow government running over us all.

Tsunami - Caught On Camera - P1

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:02 PM
Absolutely fascinating how some can come to the conclusion that the current climate change is all natural and is no big deal.

It's a fact that sudden climate change is in action, and has been well documented for at least 30 years now.

Why? Evidence points to man-made pollution. Burning fossil fuels is not exactly healthy for the majority of lifeforms on this planet. If you don't believe me, start your car, and take a deep breath from the exhaust-pipe.

But lets just say that "we don't know" the exact cause. What we do know is that climate change are REAL, and need to be dealt with NOW! Then we can point fingers at the cows, the sun or ourselves afterwards.

Taxing our way out of this is probably the most silly thing i have heard yet. Paying a tax for polluting, will make climate change go away??

Probably if all the money from this tax was used on extensive research in improving green-energy alternatives, it might have a chance. Just maybe. If we can send people to the moon, we sure as hell can do something to improve the environment. The problem is that it requires fundamental changes in peoples mindset globally, which is not very likely to happen, unfortunately. Ohh wait.. maybe the NWO will change this?

Most people don't give a sh*t, they just want their microwave-dinner and fall asleep in front of the tv when they get home from work. And can you blame them? People are tired after work, they don't have time to think about the environment, but rather worry about paying the bills. In 20 years from now, people will be so dumbed down, that you can convince them to help cool the planet, simply by opening the door to their refrigerator for a couple of hours daily.

Every problem has a solution.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by pluginkid

The scientists in the UK are corrupt. Didn't you read the ClimateGate emails?

Give scientists $$$ billions and they will tell you whatever you want to hear.

That includes cooking the books on global warming data.
edit on 8-9-2012 by Eurisko2012 because: (no reason given)

The climate gate argument is used far too often. Never mind the fact that that issue has already been addressed in this very thread. Climate gate was investigated and was cleared of wrongdoing by U.S. investigators in the flap surrounding e-mails hacked from a U.K. university. Fox news has reported this but they did not do a very big piece on it because that goes against their agenda.

Climategate Debunked again

Union of concerned scientists
edit on 8-9-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:43 PM
“The scientists in the UK are corrupt. Didn't you read the ClimateGate emails?”
The made up charges by the illegal hackers were found to be silly. For example, when a scientist said that he found “a neat trick” , it was as suspicious as a mathematician that said,” I found a neat trick to solve this calculus problem quicker.”
You really need to get more informed!

Also the idea that every scientific organization in the world of national and international reputation is part of a conspiracy is loony.
“Since 2007, when the American Association of Petroleum Geologists released a revised statement,[103] no scientific body of national or international standing rejects the findings of human-induced effects on climate change.”
Note that if you have a problem with trusting Wiki, they have provided the primary sources. Simply click, and you will have each organization's statement affirming the obvious fact that global warming is real and humans have greatly contributed to it.

So ALL the below organizations are part of the conspiracy?
National Geographic
Scientific American
American Meteorological Society
Royal Meteorological Society
World Meteorological Organization
American Quaternary Association
American Statistical Association
Royal Society of the United Kingdom
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Chemical Society[41]
American Institute of Physics[42]
American Physical Society
American Geophysical Union
American Society of Agronomy
European Federation of Geologists
European Geosciences Union
Geological Society of America
And every scientific organization of national and international reputation. All the above organizations have issued statements that humans have significantly contributed to global warming. NASA part of the conspiracy? American Meteorological Society part of the conspiracy? To believe that EVERY scientific organization in the world of national and international reputation is part of a conspiracy is loony!!

Some of the confusion that skeptics have about global warming is because they are not used to scientific methods. This next site address some of their confusion,
Here is a site that destroys the skeptic’s junk science “arguments”.
Of course the tin foil hat wearing skeptics will claim that is part of the conspiracy!! Is Bigfoot behind it all? LOL Since the skeptics reject the entire world's scientific community, where do they get their views from?

Most of the contraian nonsense was funded by the Koch brothers for their personal gain and had nothing to do with science. Unfortunately, the sheeple believed in the Koch bros lies. But the paid skeptics actually turned against the Koch brothers!

edit on 8-9-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

The Earth periodically heats and cools. Just like in the 60s it was 'global cooling'. Now it's global warming. In 2060 'global cooling' will be the hot political issue.

It's not man made. It's nature made. There is no stopping it unless we try to counter nature.

If it's man made, then why is Mars heating up to? Did we pollute our planet so much that it's leaving the atmosphere and polluting space?

This is common sense. I understand the media is fueling your fire and you want to spew the same nonsense because you believe what they say on t.v. but maybe it would be wise to do some research on the situation.

What happened to the polar bear stories? The guys who made this whole thing up are now under investigation for fabricating the entire story. It was all lies. The polar bears are NOT declining in numbers.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:58 PM
“It's not man made. It's nature made.”
Nothing personal but I will still stand with EVERY scientific organization in the world and not your unsupported speculations.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Athin
reply to post by MamaJ

The Earth periodically heats and cools. Just like in the 60s it was 'global cooling'. Now it's global warming. In 2060 'global cooling' will be the hot political issue.

It's not man made. It's nature made. There is no stopping it unless we try to counter nature.

If it's man made, then why is Mars heating up to? Did we pollute our planet so much that it's leaving the atmosphere and polluting space?

This is common sense. I understand the media is fueling your fire and you want to spew the same nonsense because you believe what they say on t.v. but maybe it would be wise to do some research on the situation.

What happened to the polar bear stories? The guys who made this whole thing up are now under investigation for fabricating the entire story. It was all lies. The polar bears are NOT declining in numbers.

I'm very familiar with what the earth is and what it does.

It stands to reason in my mind that you have not done your homework as I have.

People can talk the talk all day long, but what I look for is evidence. Show me .... Walk the walk!!!

When the global warming agenda began it began with a money making agenda. I get this.

Though, there was truth behind the theory as well.

Now, there is no such thing as global warming, we are witnessing CLIMATE CHANGING all the while WE ARE LIVING here to experience it.

People today are prepping like there is NO TOMORROW. lol

People are scared, who have been affected by such a change within their own personal states or countries climate change.

When things get worse, keep telling yourself we have no accountability therefor should not do anything. Tell yourself this while you watch a loved one or perhaps yourself suffer from such a change.

The earth and her inhabitants are aware something just ain't right!

Species are dying in drastic numbers. Plants are not being pollinated and so much more crisis is going on all around us.... Don't be fooled by your own negligence to research this in great detail.

Like I said in the op..... There is no debate here.

The conspiracy to make everyone think everything is ok is nothing but a crock of #!

The cycle of the earth is to evolve one way or another... With or without us she will make it.

What can we do as compassionate and caring people to maybe not reverse the process but to help ensure our own species.

Damn, I feel like Noah! Lol

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Athin
reply to post by MamaJ

The Earth periodically heats and cools. Just like in the 60s it was 'global cooling'. Now it's global warming. In 2060 'global cooling' will be the hot political issue.

It's not man made. It's nature made. There is no stopping it unless we try to counter nature.

If it's man made, then why is Mars heating up to? Did we pollute our planet so much that it's leaving the atmosphere and polluting space?

This is common sense. I understand the media is fueling your fire and you want to spew the same nonsense because you believe what they say on t.v. but maybe it would be wise to do some research on the situation.

What happened to the polar bear stories? The guys who made this whole thing up are now under investigation for fabricating the entire story. It was all lies. The polar bears are NOT declining in numbers.

If you have scientific data that backs your claims why don’t you post it? The entire scientific community has reached a consensus and your common sense goes against it please elaborate so everyone can see what you see.

No one denies that there are natural cycles of warming and cooling but man’s interference has accelerated that so instead of temperatures gradually rising like they have in the past it is happening at an exponential rate and by doing so the greenhouse gasses that are being released do not have the benefit of hundreds or thousands of years to dissipate. This causes a cascade effect by releasing more greenhouse gasses in places like Siberia from the permafrost feeding the whole cycle. This is man’s contribution to climatchange please take the time and read the papers for yourself because at the moment you do not seem to have a firm grasp on the science.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by inverslyproportional
reply to post by MamaJ

Global warming is a hoax period. The eartth is warmed by only one source, the sun. The sun is hotter than usual, making the planet hotter than usual.

You do the math.

How about you do the math and shows us your calculations that the sun is getting mathematically bigger and or at least evidence of this rather than your claim GW is a hoax.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by bobs_uruncle
reply to post by MamaJ

It's one thing to take personal responsibility and change your behavior to something smarter, more cost effective and ecologically friendly, it's what I do. It is entirely another to pay some @sshat politician to fix the problem for you. I totally disagree with politicians trying to do anything, because they do nothing well, the idiots don't even know how to delegate properly. And then there is the presumption that global warming is primarily some anthropomorphic problem that taxes will fix, pffft.

We probably do contribute to changes in the environment, obviously we have cities, concrete, hot bodies creating 500 btu each and additional energy input practically everywhere you look. But our damage level is probably less than 1% of 1% of what the Sun, transit through the spiral arm or the thermal conductivity increase through a mildly dispersed nebula would cause. To think as a species that we have the capaibility to control or effect much larger energy systems at this point in our socially immature development is ridiculous and extremely egocentric. What will happen, will happen and I am fine with that, if we are meant to go extinct we will, if not, we won't. We already screwed with mother nature a bit, let's not add more interference and really piss off the system.

Cheers - Dave

I understand what you are saying.... I really do.

It's the Presidents and congress job to see to it that life is had on this planet. It's a priority or damn well should be moreso than anything else!!!! Economy is important but without life.... There is no economy.

He admitted it. That I'm happy to hear even if it was all bs.... He said it. It's out here.... It's out in the world for people to ponder now and that in and of itself is a start. It's a start.

Hitting people where it hurts by raising gas prices and taxing carbon may just make people look for other alternative means. Maybe, just maybe we as a people can come up with our own personal solutions and not have to be taxed. I don't know what the overall solution is, I wish I did.

Speaking of the system..... We are all apart of this system and even have dominion some would say over said systems..... All of them!!! We live in a Universe!!!! Lol

Every cause... Every action..... We are responsible for making the world turn!!! We are more powerful than the world lets on. We have been so dumbed down its not even funny, but I won't go there.... This thread is not meant to now argue over whether or not we are spiritual beings having a material experience. I feel as though I could make ones head spin with information that has been thought of, but not in abundance.

We as people can change the course of an ELE.

I realize there are people who could care less about our species, but I don't lay down like that. I want to fight!

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
It's too late now anyway. We have reached the tipping point climate change is now driving itself. Ice loss in the Arctic is releasing CO2 and Methane at a rates higher than our energy consumption.

In essence, we have lit the fire, and it can't be put out. The fire of global warming will burn until all the carbon fuel is spent.

As the Antarctic continent thaws, it will release large amounts of CO2 and Methane.

What was predicted to happen in the next couple of hundred years will likely happen in the next couple of decades.

Mother nature is about to change the game.

She sure is.... And although I'm hopeful it's not looking good at all.

Time is not on our side anymore.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

I dont think ANYONE can debate climate change...
its the man made Global Warming theory that people do.
edit on 8-9-2012 by Aninonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 08:49 PM
People can debate anything. They can debate if the earth is flat. However global warming and the fact that humans have greatly contributed to it, is no longer debated in the scientific community. EVERY scientific organization of national and international reputation have issued statements that they affirm that global warming exists and that humans have significantly contributed to it.
edit on 8-9-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by HamrHeed

Oh' troll schmoll, stick it in a bowl and smoke it.
I love every time someone disagrees with someone on ATS, they're all of sudden trolls.
I'm not "trolling you".
I simply think this argument is ridiculous but I guess I've been deceived according to some.
It's very hard for me to believe it's totally natural and normal
that the Earth is changing this dramatically in such a short time.
I just don't buy it. Sorry Charlie
It's hard for me to believe that ALL these scientists are all in on the same conspiracy.
Not to say there's not scientists that are payed off to come up with crafted conclusions.
I know that goes on but I don't think global warming is a hoax.
I don't believe that humans are not contributing to this trend.
It's no coinky dink that since we've been burning fossil fuels,
we're seeing these changes in our environment occur this rapidly.
btw, what questions have I not answered?

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:39 PM
"it's the sun, do the math"


someone did

and here is the conclusion

“What has caused the gradual but systematic rise of two and a half degrees?” Muller writes. “We tried fitting the shape to simple math functions (exponentials, polynomials), to solar activity and even to rising functions like world population. By far the best match was to the record of atmospheric carbon dioxide, measured from atmospheric samples and air trapped in polar ice.”

if you disagree, please provide your data and methodologies

"it''s a cycle, the earth cools and warms"

true. but the cooling and warming is in synch with mother earth. not this time

The Berkeley project’s research has shown, Muller says, “that the average temperature of the Earth’s land has risen by two and a half degrees Fahrenheit over the past 250 years, including an increase of one and a half degrees over the most recent 50 years. Moreover, it appears likely that essentially all of this increase results from the human emission of greenhouse gases.”

do the math as you like to say ? +1 degree in 200 years. +1.5 degrees since 1962.


edit on 8-9-2012 by syrinx high priest because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by inverslyproportional
reply to post by MamaJ

Global warming is a hoax period. The eartth is warmed by only one source, the sun. The sun is hotter than usual, making the planet hotter than usual.

Seems easy enough to understand without the chicken little routine to me, I don't know how everyone else doesn't see it also.

They don't see it also because they know something about the laws of physics, and observed facts in the world.

The atmosphere shines in the infrared. This is an incontrovertible experimental fact. The natural greenhouse effect (prior to human intervention) has been around for millions of years and the lack of it would result in a climate like that of the nearly atmosphere-less moon, which is at the same average distance from the Sun as the Earth.

Changes in the solar output do affect climate as well. These have been measured. The particular experimental facts over the last 70 years show that solar output has not changed in any long term trend, but the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have changed. The consequences on experimental observations match those of increased greenhouse gases, and not with increased solar output.

For instance, increased solar output means more warming in equatorial regions, more in summer, and more in daytime, and warming stratosphere. Increased greenhouse effect means more warming in polar regions, more in winter, and more at night and a cooling stratosphere.

The factual experimental evidence is consistent with increased greeenhouse and inconsistent with increased solar output.

If your burning up is it because your skin is trapping to much green house gasses? Or is it that your standing too close to the fire?

You do the math.

People have done the math, physics, and experimental observations for many decades now.

You standing next to a fire is not the same because you do not have a gravitationally bound atmosphere in vacuum next to you.

The theory of greenhouse warming arises from many decades of serious physical experimental observations. These are more important than people's random "intuitive' suppositions.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:49 PM
of course he would say global warming is real because it is. and it has nothing to do with humans. But the carbon tax will be implimented to generate more taxes. That is the real reason he is addressing the issue.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ

Originally posted by pluginkid
reply to post by MamaJ

And just like I expected, the know it all's came out to attack. Like I'm going to believe a few ATS'ers
over SEVERAL scientists from all over the world.
Scientists that have came up with the same conclusion.
Scientists I might add, that have no ties with the oil industry
All you have to do is walk outside or turn on the news
to see that something dramatically is happening all around the world.
It's must be normal and natural right guys?

Let's just say we, the perfect little humans haven't harmed Mother Earth in any way what-so-ever.
Our perfect species ability to cut down millions of tree's,
spray harmful chemicals onto or food,hormones and
steroids shot into our animals and yes of course our massive use of fossil fuels.
(not to mention the endless amounts of oil we've spilled in our oceans)
Let's just say none of this is harmful to Earth in any way.
Don't you think it's time we get off foreign oil regardless of
the effects it has on our environment or not?

Don't ya think we should stop spraying chemicals and poisons onto our food supply?
or let me guess, that doesn't have any negative effect on us either right?
I think that this was the main awareness Obama was trying to make.
At least he can admit we have a problem with foreign oil dependency
Unlike Republicans who want even mention we have a problem. (And why would they
when a lot of their donors are oil companies??)

Regardless of what any of the 'know it all's" think you know, my gut and intuition
tell me that our environment is struggling. Something is off regardless of what
scientists are saying or not.
I'm curious, what do the non believers (of climate change) think we should do?
Do you think we should keep on living like we are?
Don't change a thing? Stay addicted to fossil fuels which we know we'll eventually run out of?
I'm so f@#%ing sick and tired of hearing people debate this obvious problem we're having.
Maybe when half the world is flooded and our population is cut down in half
will you people start to wake up and realize........
THERE IS A PROBLEM and we might just might be contributing to it

Exactly, and.... These are people who can be stuck with what they have and continue to support.

Money comes and goes, systems come go and go, SPECIES come and go, but the planet sustains.

I'm sorry, I'm like you, a fighter and no need to know it all, just enough to sustain and then some.

The Earth is speaking and its up to us to either listen or ignore her.

I wish we could all listen, be wise, take heed and help her so we can help our self and future generations.

Death happens, it's a part of life, I get that but I would rather fight for life and the end of destruction from power and greed. Self gratification is truly overrated.

I care.... Am compassionate for the kids of today's future and their children and so on. Life is abundant, we take it for granted like its always going to be. We have no idea what tomorrow will bring but we know that if changes are not made and made soon, life as we know it will no longer be.

Maybe the naysayers are right in their own right and if we just don't do anything then everything will crumble, the good will prevail and we can start anew with a lot less population and a lot less greed for self!!!!

Amen sister. I couldn't of said it any better.
I think there's no other issue that comes close to the environment.
It should be mandatory that we takes steps to preserve it.
As a matter of fact, people should want and be more
then willing to do whatever they can to protect it.
It's a freaken no-brainer to me but apparently this is
crazy to some folks on here

There's some topics that I can see either side of the coin.
I may not necessarily agree with the opposition
but never the less I try and put my self in their shoes.
However, folks that argue whether or not global warming is real blows me away.
I just don't see the point of making a conspiracy out of protecting our environment.
Really, what's the agenda? Raising taxes? Carbon tax??
Finding cleaner energy? Getting off of foreign oils?
I don't get it

Not to sound pessimistic but unfortunately I think we've let it go for to long.
I think the damages that have been done are irreversible.
I hope that's not the case
Only time will tell

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel

For instance, increased solar output means more warming in equatorial regions, more in summer, and more in daytime, and warming stratosphere. Increased greenhouse effect means more warming in polar regions, more in winter, and more at night and a cooling stratosphere.

I wanted to emphasize this, as it really puts the solar issue to bed.

it's not the sun people. if it was the sun, all the layers of the atmosphere would see an increase in temps. that is not what is happening

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:30 PM
Here is an article about the Arctic Ice.... Research this stuff if you really think there is nothing to it.

We gotta get awareness " out there" so we can all at the least, acknowledge our responsibility in this.

Google is your friend, reach out and touch someone! Lol

'Unprecedented' The Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) is at the forefront of Arctic research and its international director, Kim Holmen, told the BBC that the speed of the melting was faster than expected. "It is a greater change than we could even imagine 20 years ago, even 10 years ago," Dr Holmen said. "And it has taken us by surprise and we must adjust our understanding of the system and we must adjust our science and we must adjust our feelings for the nature around us." The institute has been deploying its icebreaker, Lance, to research conditions between Svalbard and Greenland - the main route through which ice flows out of the Arctic Ocean. During a visit to the port, one of the scientists involved, Dr Edmond Hansen, told me he was "amazed" at the size and speed of this year's melt. "As a scientist, I know that this is unprecedented in at least as much as 1,500 years. It is truly amazing - it is a huge dramatic change in the system," Dr Hansen said. "This is not some short-lived phenomenon - this is an ongoing trend. You lose more and more ice and it is accelerating - you can just look at the graphs, the observations, and you can see what's happening." Thinner ice

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