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posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 11:17 AM
I did infact have a dream about aliens not too long ago. It is the only dream I have ever had about them. It wen't like this...

I am in the passenger seat of my mom's toyota 4 runner speeding down a local road called Folsom Blvd. I am sitting in the car looking out the winshield at numerous orb looking objects high in the sky. However, they were not orbs. They were intricately shaped crafts that seemed to have an exterior similar to an orb. But the shape was noticeable and there was no excess light gleaming from them. Their odd shape was nothing like I have ever seen before. It was not exactly a saucer but just... undescribeable? There was about 7 of the crafts above us. They were fairly easy to see because it was near sunset. Half the sky was pitch black and the other half had a reddish/pink color where the sun was setting. We were driving in the direction of the sunset. The crafts were in the middle portion of the blackness and the reddish/pink sky. My mom always keeps a disposable camera in her car and in the dream I started yelling telling her to get it out of the glove box. I rolled down the passenger window and sat half way out of it. However, there were so many bumps in the road I couldn't keep my balance. I reached in for the camera and then grabbed ahold of the seatbelt with one hand to balance myself as I sat out the window taking pictures of the crafts. It seemed like everytime I looked back up, there were more and more appearing. We kept driving and as soon as we passed a local intersection (Folsom/Power In) the sun had almost vanished and the objects were dissapearing. I still managed to see short glimpeses of them behind clouds in the night sky. Therefore they were not dissapearing, but only becoming hidden.

That is all I remember...tell me what you think.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by observe50
I have been doing some research have any of you heard about NESARA National Economic Security and Reformation Act.
Through my research if and when this Act is announced starships that have been sitting and observing will land and make contact within several weeks of the announcment. What are your thoughts?

I never heard anything about that, I don't know anything about it.

�The Reptilians really caught me now, of course my mind is just seemingly not perfect: They send me "wake up" sighnals using their inplant, which are very effective, as they sound exactly like real signals (on my phone, clock, etc). The big issue, is that I can't sense that it's originated from them, unlike those telepathic experiences that occur when I am fully aware. I can only logically expect these signals to be from them (and not the result pf dream/illusion), because of its nature and aim.

Well, the aliens baited me, that's the case, and seemingly I can't do anything about that. I guess, they know this.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by superslicksh0es
I did infact have a dream about aliens not too long ago. It is the only dream I have ever had about them. It wen't like this...
That is all I remember...tell me what you think.

Wow... great dream..! But watch out, they may come true, and you'll be in real trouble. Not all aliens are friendly, they may hurt your family (for the sake of their experiment)... you know, I don't have a mom, I guess what you feel about her and you can take care of her as long as you still have her, she's done you the path for you, now it's your turn to show her, where you are heading.

Dreaming of aliens is not just representing your lifestyle, but aliens are watching, and if your mind seems to be interesting, then your (and your family's) life is in great danger. This is where the US Gov't is making mistakes: sending radiowaves to the space about the humans? How silly thing? Dreaming is also sending "brain waves", and the aliens can read them. The problem is with the hostile ones...!

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by superslicksh0es
I did infact have a dream about aliens not too long ago. It is the only dream I have ever had about them. It wen't like this...
That is all I remember...tell me what you think.

Wow... great dream..! But watch out, they may come true, and you'll be in real trouble. Not all aliens are friendly, they may hurt your family (for the sake of their experiment)... you know, I don't have a mom, I guess what you feel about her and you can take care of her as long as you still have her, she's done you the path for you, now it's your turn to show her, where you are heading.

Dreaming of aliens is not just representing your lifestyle, but aliens are watching, and if your mind seems to be interesting, then your (and your family's) life is in great danger. This is where the US Gov't is making mistakes: sending radiowaves to the space about the humans? How silly thing? Dreaming is also sending "brain waves", and the aliens can read them. The problem is with the hostile ones...!

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 02:05 PM
Seems like not-that-bright-of an idea... sorry..

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by free_the_bikes
Seems like not-that-bright-of an idea... sorry..

Well, it's only my opinion, according to those murderous abductions and mind manipulations... nobody is safe, but if you draw attention, they'll find you. Aliens do everything they want, and if they need to ruin your life (or kill you), they'll do that to see the experimental result. If you are a US citizen, then the Greys have official permission to abduct you if they are interested in you...!!!

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 02:24 PM
I am going to start calling you SSS that name is to long, lol.
I try to have an open mind about everything and you said this was a dream which it very well could have been but I still have a quesion I would like to ask you. The reason is some abductee's say they had a dream only to find out later they had an abduction.
I want to look at this a couple ways.
I want to ask a question do you and your mother travel that road together and if you do is it a busy road? Something that you wrote I thought was interesting was about the sky part dark and the other reddish/pink. What concerns me about what you took notice to in the dream is in fact taking places in many areas.
Thousands of people are watching the skies and having private tests done on samples they collect.Here is actually something everyone here can do and let me know how your area is. Watch for planes (white) that look like they are making contrails watch the trails see if they disappear or if they spead to make the skies have a thin white coating. Some times planes are one behind the other fairly close or going in the opposite direction fairly close. Usually two or three work together but sometimes if you watch you can see a couple dozen when observing a large area. Our government is spraying things and many of us are trying to find out what is going on. Many have taken pictures and found orbs or what appear to be UFO's in and around these trails. On a heavy day the clouds at dusk appear pinkish/purple sometimes yellowish/orange. Since you mentioned reddish/pink it kind of fits into the catagory.
The many, many, many people I talk to are very concerned, tests shows the purple/pink clouds are caused by Barium Salts. They have also found fine Aluninum and a host of other things. Many are keeping a check in there states on the animals especially in the past six months there have been a lot of animals dying many more that is not broadcasted or written about. People looking into this are wondering is the government trying to control the weather for who control's the weather controls the world so to say. Why are UFO'S in trails are they observing and doing there own testing or is the air being prepared for for them?
Well, now I am rambling as I said it could have been just a dream or you could have had an occurance you are recalling or you could have seen what may be in the makings.
We all must watch the skies.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by observe50
The ships as you know are air and water.

Air and water. Like these?


posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by sanctum

Originally posted by observe50
The ships as you know are air and water.

Air and water. Like these?


Wow...! Very impressive! I guess, they are starships...:-DD

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 04:20 PM
Haha thanks for replying so soon Observe. Yes, I do travel that road a lot and yes it is one of the busiest roads where I live. I don't ever drive or travel with my mom though. What you said about my dream that maybe its something to come... well on wednesday october 13th (i remember because i took a train to san francisco the following day) i was in the passenger seat of my mom's car and we were driving on that road. the sky was exactly the same as in my dream and i had an extreme case of deja vu haha but without the crafts in the sky. oh well... maybe i'll see them someday.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 04:34 PM
No the cloud pictures you put up aren't what I am talking about but they are pretty neat.
Just look up at the sky every once in a while during the day and observe you will see I have no doubt there are thousands reported daily from all over the USA also abroad.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:42 AM
First I want to explain something with the Grey's I said there are groups within groups. I think I should explain this so you understand a little better.
As I said the ones I go to are in our deepest water's there are other groups so to say that are underground deep inside Mountains which you probably already know. A group deep in the Mountains on the East coast for example could be different then the group deep in the Mountains in the mid West and so on.
I said they can't breathe our air however they can breathe thin air (air with low oxygen) What we must be concerned about is we are destroying our rain forest and our plant life that gives us oxygen if we don't correct this and plant in mass one day our air will be thin and they could walk on Earth. Remember I am only talking about the ones I know. I do believe there are other beings that can breathe our air and are just waiting for Peace to make there contact but that is just my belief.

Also I have read threads here where some are seeing what they consider UFO's and people ask if they got pictures etc. Some people do have camera's they carry or cam's and do get pictures but what is exciting about a sighting is your thought process. First many sightings only last seconds and there isn't time unless you are fast and prepared with others that last longer many people are trying to process it in there mind is what I am seeing what I think it is, and don't think to take a picture but more people are waking up and watching the skies they just have to be faster and many are.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 10:47 AM
You know a lot about the Greys, I guess you are in daily contact with them. Whyt's interesting, is that they told anything about themself. How do they know, that if you get drunk, you won't lead the entire military to their entrance? Or if they torture you, you won't give the enemy more details? You know what I mean, you are only a human, and if anybody with the desired power takes you seriously, even your family or those near you would be under threat.

The Reptilians deal with me a lot more carefully, even at this point they know that it's not them under danger, but me. Still, what's my greatest defense, is that ppl are just unable to believe me, and it's very good for me. You get it?

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 11:01 AM
Anyway, there might be groups within groups (what I don't really believe), but let's assume it: They are hostile to us, but not for fun, or because they feel like it, only because they are experimenting on us with this manner. I am sure, that if the Greys find something interesting in a mutiliated corpse, all greys will get the test results, and all of them will know about it. Same with humans. If somebody invents or explores anything, everyone has chance to learn about it either in school, or through media. And because the Greys generally explored the hostile manner on us, they have no reason to treat us friendly, because this way already works well...!!

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 11:15 AM
Okay, so I read the first two pages of this thread and skipped right to reply, not expecting anyone to have said what I'm about to say.

Anyway, the pilot in me says this... Before there were concrete runways, there were grass fields. And how, before the time of charts, did people identify what was a grass field and what was an actual runway? Why there was 100' diameter concrete ring! So this is not something to signal UFOs, but something that pilots back in the beginnings of aviation used. You can still find these on the older grass strips. To see what i'm talking about, view this:

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 11:59 AM
No I am not in daily contact with them as a matter of fact many, many years may go by before anything happens then there could be contact a few times closely together this is how it is with me.
Writing and sharing is what needs to be done and with the net the word gets out faster. The way I see it, (you should know this as well) some believe some don't.
I only hope that people feel it in there gut that what I am sharing is what I have been shown or told.

cm: With the white circle that is what I was shown and told I don't know anything else JUST SHARING INFORMATON

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by observe50
No I am not in daily contact with them as a matter of fact many, many years may go by before anything happens then there could be contact a few times closely together this is how it is with me.
Writing and sharing is what needs to be done and with the net the word gets out faster. The way I see it, (you should know this as well) some believe some don't.
I only hope that people feel it in there gut that what I am sharing is what I have been shown or told.

cm: With the white circle that is what I was shown and told I don't know anything else JUST SHARING INFORMATON

Knowing that I have genuine paranormal experiences, and knowing how the Reptilians behave towards me every single day, your story just doesn't add up. It's simple: you know too much of that, which you shouldn't. You share things, which you shouldn't. Do you know, what happens if I try to share things about the Reptilians which I shouldn't? It's simple: I can't make it..!

Also, you should know that there are Reptilians on ATS, and they are curiously watching whatever is going on here, they are interested in people. I highly doubt that the Greys are present on ATS, they have better things to do with the US Secret Service, and the NASA. Greys are aliens, and they have their planet to live peacefully, only some are here to experiment on humans and abductees. Reptilians are native creatures, their planet is Earth, and whatever happens here, it concerns them. Greys just simply move away of for instance, a deadly nuclear war would take place.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 03:26 PM
When you say my story (which I don't consider a story they are my experienes I share) you say I know to much I can't help that all I am trying to do is share with all what has occured in my life.
I am helping the kids with there school work I will write later and explain everything and believe me you won't believe it but that's the way it is.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 03:36 PM
You know who I am, and I know who you are. It's a very serious issue. My question is: why the hell are you doing this? Before you ask: I am playing a game, because you attended it. That's the truth. But I have no idea, where does your vast effort come from?! Do you want to pick on you? Or do you want me to call you a crazy liar? You don't check on your U2Us, if you did, you could have saved a lot effort and creativity.

You just can't accept one simple thing: I learnt to behave.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 04:31 PM
I was about to respond to my last post but before I do I don't completely understand what you are saying here, could you please clarify. Also you said I don't answere U2U's what are they ,where do I find them. Until I hear from you I will check around for something that says U2U and see if I find anything.

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