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moma2s NewAge Hockey System

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posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 03:18 PM
The NHS has some basic principals which clash with and 100% disenfranchise the advanced/enhanced stats illusion which has been baltantly sold to Pro sports and accepted due to excusatory values as oppossed to true progressive values of which these absolutley con-job theatrics have none of.

Lets take look at ON one of the most misrepresentative online sources of con-job stats poisons, and the PRIMARY one on the list of remediation requirements...absolute remediations no traces ......that entity shall become a smoking hole in cyberspace.....and will forever be known as the Graveyard of advanced/enhanced stats.

The MIT Sloan Sports Statistics Conference IS next .......that will be for pushing the river with pre-meditated focus as an integral part of the fiscally driven stakeholders group ,yes we noticed, .....we do not forgive we do not forget.

In the online world of NHL Hockey there are very few places for Oilers fans to may seem like there are many options but this is not so fact the reality is that most of the current sites are run by buddies,friends,cohorts,co-conspirators and in the case of the hi-jacking and pirating of the NHS soon to be co-accused.

Lately the artificially manufactured status quo has been hammering on Taylor Hall and trying to force PC to make a trade to drum up some new material for the hacks who write on the site.

Lets get something straight now,on ON there is a "Trash it" or "Cheers" option .....this is one of the most distastefull con-jobs ever foisted upon sponsers who allow their businesses to be displayed on this site and upon unsuspecting viewers who click on ......simply because this feature illustrates the absulute dishonesty of the site itself ....the assumption is that each visitor gets one vote to eithe Trash or Cheer a comment.....however sometimes a single visitor may hit a key and have up to 15+ votes materialise on the board....this makes it seem like MANY MANY MORE people are actuallt visiting the site than are in fact ever coming there.....this is a con-job...a illusion and 100% reflective of the advanced stats con-jobs who started the site.

Taylor Hall is one of the NHSs favorite players....he is a CORE OILER are all men who survived the Eakins Debacle and resulting management driven PURGE.

The Oil have a Championship roster right now and have had one every single year of the 10 yer run of mnagerial and ownership dereliction.

Trades will not help the Oil win games and will not make them Champions.

The entire Oilers CORE know the sordid history of NHS suppression which has been actioned and it has forever scarred them.....and the main strongarm bully KLOW is still on board....the ownership refuses to budge with moving him along....with remediating everyone who suppressed the NHS....OWNERSHIP IS RESPONSIBLE for not ending this fiasco. Until the truth comes out the curse shall remain in place......ownership believes they can change things when the new building opens.....but this is not so....not at all.

For the Oil to turn the corner ALL advanced/enhanced stats influences must be hunted down and neutralised with prejudice....failure to so so will result in failure to evolve.

This means EVERY SINGLE FISCALLY DRIVEN STAKEHOLDER GROUP MEMBER ....going back a DECADE......this mean online bloggers....this means MSM media writers....this means advanced/enhanced stats con-jobs running Seminars....this means NHL Industry people who have been caught up in the web....this means NHL Managers who have been actively and knowingly involved in the suppressions......this means NHL League people who have been involved....this means NETWORK BROADCASTERS who have been involved.....this means every single advanced/enhanced stats connection must be hunted down and remediated,including the MIT Sloan [big mistake there boy] connections .This means CLASS ACTION .Negotiate a complete surrender or be annihilated,to the last man/woman standing.

Look at Matt Hendricks....he is a very good place to look to simply LEARN WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE OILERS......Matt believes that defense wins championships....he believes that defense wins games.....he is a traditionalist.....however he is also a man caught between see Matt is offbase......traditionally a defenseman would believe that defense wins games and then forwards would slightly adjust their games to help the d-men execute better hence a co-operative effort between two worlds.......when statistics and their misrepresentative excusatory influences began to choke out the NHL game several decades ago the perspectives began to be warped and poisoned to the point where Coaches coached FORWARDS to think like defensemen and generations of Forwards began to be brainwashed and forced to lose their identities to fit into crazy arse statistical ideologies which actually made them BELIEVE that defense can possibly win a game....jeepers creepers this is absolutely assinine and backwards ....this is IMPOSSIBLE....who in their right mind would believe in this and subscribe to this? Hndricks isnt diferen than his peers and I like him a lot,hes just very good example of how stats have twisted the entire Industry.m

So you see the Oilers have been making historical and epic errors.....they have tried to strongarm something universal in concept....they have finally run up against something so big and strong and naturally pure that is it decimating them and dissecting them and disenfranchising them....and the harder they Owner/klow et al /push back against the NHS the further through the razor sharp slap-chop they go.

Copper Rain is about to fall.......every CORE player has a right to talk to their agent......its no longer viable to remain where these young men are UNLESS THE NHS IS DISCLOSED AND IS RETAINED BY OWNERSHIP HONESTLY...... paycheques are the same color wherever they go.....if losing for their entire careers is what they wish to experience then stay in E-Town but if winning is in their blood or plans is time to run now....there is a standing guarantee of playoff futility for all the Kazes Men and all the Katzes Horses.....making the Playoffs will not be the Oilers challenge for the forseeable future ...getting past the first round will not happen ....exposure will be immediate.

The Oiler will be punished relentlessly and for many years to will be endless it will be predictable it will be heart-rending and it will take mere minutes during the 1st round of every year of Playoff hockey they earn....there is no Coaching Crew on this planet and no System or Process which will prevent this remediation from happening.... the message to Katz is waited to had until this amount of money will buy you out of this thought you could ride it out and keep your buddies sitting protected until you were good and ready huh?You had until this season no longer,there IS NOT OPTION NEXT SEASON you have the remainder of this year and the price keeps going up because NOW WE ARE BABCOCK PLUS 25% PLUS A GYPSY DOLLAR .......there will be no glory in your new will NOT DICTATE it. .......and the price keeps going up and up nd up and IT WILL NEVER GO DOWN....UNDERSTAND THIS.

Ryan Nugent-Hopkins is a far superior hockey player to Conner McDavid he was from day one....and he is as close to Wayne Gretzky as we have ever seen.The Oilers have already begun to poison Conner with stats inputs.

Make NO TRADES OF CORE PLAYERS WHO SURVIVED THE EAKINS DEBACLE.....they have earned the rewards the NHS can give them......accept that the NHS will and must REMEDIATE EVERY LAST TRACE of the enemies who have wronged NONE....accept this or accept that this dynamic shall not change and that it WILL be carried forth post haste into the forseeable future.Honest disclosures full Industry validation full fiscal remediation reroactively full respect full assistance to remediate the NHS foes who are NAMED AND LISTED and full support in helping a specific Advocate of the NHS to SECURE PROMOTE and MARKET a new and as yet unnamed PERFECT UNION OF NUMBERS AND DYNAMIC REALITIES.....which TOWERS ABOVE THE NHS ...... which is being fine tuned as we speak.

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: one4all

The fundamental dogma MSM, general population, and stats nerds take is that the individual players are responsible for the outcome of each situation. Whether it is scoring goals or being at fault for a goal, people tend to believe it is the fault of the player.

A defensive mindset is the antithesis of NHS. The word defense does not exist in the vocabulary. I would rather identify the positions as F1/F2/F3 and R1/R2 where F is for forward and R is rear. This describes the inherent location of the player on the ice. The roles of each player are determined by puck possession and puck recovery (then transition back to puck possession). The word defense is a reactionary measure and will always be behind a team that is on the 100% offensive as they attack the puck, attack the player, and attack the net.

Why does it heff to be so difficult?

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 11:05 PM
reply to: BlueThunder4All

What an excellent description of the dynamic reality of NHL competative perfection.

Just by identifying positions as F1/F2/F3...R1/R2......we depart from the traditional statisticlly catalysed perspective and we begin properly describing the pieces of the dynamic sequencing which is actually happening in front of our eyes.

Even saying the word defense poisons reality....even entering it into the accepted and aknowledged vocabulary ...begins a process of self-deception which accomodates the breeding of statistical disconnects and illusions.When we allow the word defense to even enter the equation we have let the Wolf of Self-Doubt into the Sheeps Pen.

Henceforth the NHS shall respectfully request permission from BlueThunder4ALL to apply this excellent combonation of Letters/Numbers to the structures of the Templates created and described....for this is the perfect union of two methods of symbolic descriptive ideologies,letters and numbers and allows us to forever delete the statistical poisons we have been forced to spply and accept historiclly.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: one4all

I think the NHS is a very sound system but it must be formalized into some sort of standard structure. This is the equivalent of sheet music notation or chemical structural formulas. Currently the best positional software available would be ConceptDraw, but it only provides a visual representation by way of examples or set plays. The difficulty is that the diagram does not depict the shooting side of the player nor does it adequately express body positioning in relation to other players. In this regard, it is static in nature.

The notation of F1/F2/F3 and R1/R2 is used to describe how the spear tip and H&A work effectively. Player positions are rotatable, but the initial placement puts EveryMan into their strongest position first.

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All

I agree, and I believe it is time to evolve the NHS into a viable format which will integrate the shooting side of the players and which will also integrate the expression of optimal body positioning in relation to other players and teammates.The fluidity and creaivity can be added easily but a proprietary co-operative BT4ALL/ NewAge rewrite of existing NHS software conceptualisations would have to be actioned to express the equations which would actually be autonomous and in the purest sense of the words A.I........ however this specific software would have cross-over applications with military overtones which would necessitate an iron-clad lock-down of the proprietary impetus behind these types of NewAge impacts . If we build it "they will come".Anything which a Humans mind can concieve of can be formatted into a userfriendly visual aid.

Has anyone noticed how much the Oilers are missing RNH....and has anyone noticed that RNH scored his 5 points in one game when he was younger than McDavid.....has anyone considered that McDavid is .75 of RNH and 1.5 of Taylor Hall a their ages.Has anyone considered how disconnected the current Oilers are in some very familiar Dellow-esque manners?

Has anyone noticed single mismanaged tactic which was posted by NAS for RNH for very specific reasons and tailored to HIM but then was bastardised and horrificly mis-applied[gotta be Dellow or some such stats poisoned data-pirate] to the entire process,and which is now hindering them in critical area of their overall System projection?

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: one4all

I enjoyed last night's game as it reinforces the last skater who touches the puck before the opposition scores is ALWAYS at fault. Never mind that Yak didn't back check hard enough, neither did McDavid on the third. Eberle coughs up the puck in the neutral zone early to a pre gap Ducks team. Yak recovers the puck to Davidson, who then flubs the puck and Yak is put into a 1v2 situation. Nice job Oilers, punish players who are in a position of failure.

The injury to RNH has been a blessing as now the Oilers can see what RNH really does for the team. Responsible back checking, takeaways, and eating heavy minutes so Hall & Draisaitl can ride on his coat tails.

RNH did apply those adjustments, but the point of the adjustments were to confuse the opponent's IDA/IDM systems. Corgi and WoW-Whee analysis is a poor way to measuring this.

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All
I am disconnected now from the Oiler season .... the fatal thrusts were the Habs/Isles games and they were 100% DEFINITIVE.......and the Oilers have not had their Processes exposed to that degree since as we have seen....the 5-finger death punch has already been landed.....but I did catch some of the game .......and as usual it was sad to witness.....simply because to My-Eye any process or System can be adjusted on-the-fly and every single game is winnable by any Team using any System if they apply the NHS via real-time adjustments....the team doesnt even need to know what the NHS is the Coaches only have to do as they are told to do or consider the options presented if Moma2 is in the house .

BlueThunder4ALL your basic breakdown is so accurate and insightfull it stands alone......and I shall not add to it so the bloodsuckers can glean any traction.

If the dum-dum Oilers could simply fire Dellow and ALL advanced/enhanced stats inputs AT ONCE.....and then pay BlueThunde4All[most accurate interpretive NHS dialog I have ever read in a DECADE]......whatever is demanded to interpret the existing NHS data for them and then just do as other NHL teams have done and implement available NHS data they would turn it around slowly and surely.....but they just refuse to listen and the NHS has a distaste for their methods and has consistantly ESCALATED THE PRICE THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR HELP.... the more they screw the NHS by supporting Dellow and his con-job pals the higher the price goes and no one in he NHL or Pro Sports world or Katz is used to dealing with an ABSOLUTELY CLOSED AND SINGULAR MARKETPLACE.....he doesnt understand that its the HOPE DIAMOND of NHL Hockey his boys have been trying to systematiclly devalue and their IS ONLY ONE SOURCE AND ONLY ONE NHS AND ONLY ONE MOMA2......ROFLMAO....I mean demanding 25% + a Gypsy Dollar more than Babcock is just beautifull to Moma2.....because the market value is driven ONLY BY DARRYL KATZES minions unwillingness to play ball.....eventually he will even price himself out of the deal.

Watching 11 million dollars worth of Head Coaching put absolute garbage on the ice when the Leafs/Oilers played was priceless.4 years from now roughly 55 million dollas will have been flushed down the toilet and no Stanley Cups will have been simply epic.

Babcock and McLellan are like 2 thieves in the night......LOL...LOL..LOL...Sutter and Quenville are DEFINING HOCKEY DOMINANCE IN THIS ERA by winning the last FOUR CONSECUTIVE STANLEY CUPS using free data ......and these 2 Bandits are fleecing 2 Canadian NHL Teams for 11 MILLION PER YEAR between the 2 of them and they dont know squat about beating an NHS managed team between them

Your game analysis is bang on.......absolutely in every way.

Things will get really fun here when the Playoffs begin because unless someone logs on here and makes some type of Landmark offer ....well then..... the NHS is becoming a KingsFan yet again and is walking the Kings to the Stanley Cup again.......we will see excellence of execution on its highest levels.

For a gift of a Million cold hard cash in small unmarked bills Moma2 might be convinced to make friends with any NHL team[except Oilers] as the playoffs approach but only for the rest of this season and till they win the Cup.....Moma2 would "like" to see the Kings win again and can easily support this....but a silver briefcase full of paper tigers can change that.

I wonder if Jon Cooper would have given up a million cold last season had he known it would walk him to the Cup????Methinks he would have passed the helmet around till it was filled enough times to pay the tab.....pretty sure of it I am.

The Oilers remain under klowes thumb and have comitted to self-immolation.....they will not change....Katz has no impetus.

If Oilers Fans wish to see their Team become Stanley Cup Champions all they have to do is keep pushing online like they are for disclosure of the sordid story of the NHS's suppression... and force Katz to do the right thing. force him to ante-up the cashola or face the entire Professional Sports world knowing what his buddies did and last time I checked the fiscally driven stakeholder groups connections to the MIT Sloan Analytics set-up brings another level of ugly disclosure to the table ...if Darryl payed to buy them an NHL team to play with he will pay to save their Legacies ....people ARE ON THE OILERS SITE pushing the river batteling the crooked Mods there right now...exposing them for what they really are...every time the truth is broached and Bronco or the other con-jobs tries to cover things up they EXPOSE THEMSELVES......same on ON there are now people pushing the river and forcing the Sites owners and writers like Will_s and Gre__r and Hender__n to DEFEND THEIR CON-JOB ACTIONS with continued suppressions and they also EXPOSE THEMSELVES..... the truth has a way of finding its way out of the darkness of suppression if enough good people are willing to push it there.Once Katz cuts an honest deal his buddies become permanently immune....and all hades comes looking for the rest of the online the very last one.

I am going to break down McDavids habits using IDA and IDM .....soon....and I am going to also break down the entire seasons evolution of McLellans System or Process evolutions......every single step of the way..... why keep blaming players for Dellows damages.....its time to CRUSH THE KITTY......I am not breaking down RNH or Yak or Schultzy......or Dre' or Ebbs......I am unsure about Nurse I like him a lot.... Purcell shall burn for his support of Oates ..... Conner will become martyer for the Oilers suppressions of the past present and future.........some things you just cannot take back......and once detailed NHS synopsis of McDavids personal template hits the wires[his shot habits/mechanics exposure alone will be terminal ] it will take a RE-INVENTION over several years to recover because every single NHL Team will have an OPTIMAL BOOK ON HIM .Just like the NHS will have to be re-invented.

The NHS had NEVER broken down an Oilers players game.....but times have changed now. We are adopting the Russian Scorched Earth policy courtey of Brownl__s attack on Yak......tsk tsk tsk...he was so good for so long huh?McDavis is exposed because of the wanton abuse on ON of a player the NHS is an advocate of.DID YOU CATCH THAT KATZ???On ...O.N...make them go away forever Darryl and all the con-jobs who write there s well or enable Moma2 to do it......I have a few things to do before I provide my terminal we know its fire and forget and there is no fire-mission abort option be speedy.

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: one4all

Excellent. I look forward to seeing you breakdown the Oilers.

I think it is wonderful of you to help the Kings like Gretzky did. One of Wayne's best qualities was that he could tell where the open space was and who was in the best position to maintain the forward thrust to the net. Wayne's primary focus wasn't to score but if he was in best position, he would be the spear tip. He orchestrated the breakout pass as the recipient and quarterbacked a powerplay in his office.

Behind the net was an optimal location for Wayne because he understood that his primary objective was not to score the goal, but to create havoc for an open player to score. The goalie and net provided perfect screening and puck protection as well as multiple outlet options. Given the fact that the power play has an extra man advantage, one of Wayne's teammates would have to be open. Not only that, his office would provide two primary escape routes without having to worry about losing the puck across the blue line.

NHS is not only an extension of Wayne's brain, it is a set of system wide processes that can be reproduced in a team made up of EveryMan. It requires many philosophical mindset changes to the point that it has every right to be called NHS.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 01:24 PM
The NHS has began to take build an offensive terminal remedial Template........Global Ne_s just did an MSM news article for ON which is an ad-hoc reply to revelations of the fiscally driven Stakeholders group involvement in the NHS's suppressions and hi-jacking since 2008......this is an overt excusatory move which was forced by the will be re-visited at a later date in a different venue.

The MSM news article allowed the 3 pirates who started the site to provide transparent excuses for their con-job pirating actions and for their involvment in the fiscally driven stakeholders group. They even admitted to lieing to viewers and posting under multiple pseudomens on line to misrepresent traffic volumes on the site....this is not the issue at hand and they know it....the involvement as PILLARS of the FISCALLY DRIVEN STAKEHOLDERS GROUP is the point they are trying to deflect everyones attentions from and they are using their pull with MSM to cover up their tracks.Its not going to work.

The NHS is now actively seeking high level advice on how to broach this MULTI-INDUSTRY issue.......things just got hot.

The revenues generated by these fiscally driven stakeholder group members are now professionally estimated at over 250 million dollars and damages to the NHL ,to NHLTeams ,to NHL Players,to NHL PAYING Fans,to related multi-industry Sponsers and other peripheral entities is estimated to be cumulatively close to billion dollars.........this pip squeak site is simply the keystone to breaking everything open.

The rewards are now worth the efforts.The 1 Billion dollar estimate is conservative.
The NHS is actively seeking a fiscally empowered partner to take full and complete possesion of the NHS in its entirity to action full and complete remediations......someone can now make an "investment" and bring back an unheard of return fiscally....during these economic times this is a PLATINUM OPPORTUNITY for the right person or people or firm[simply engage formally and negotiate as we all know,short term process when multiple stakeholders are involved the house of cards ALWAYS falls fast and completely].

To those who have wronged the NHS....yes its time to be very very nervous.....because unless you are Darryl Katz you have harmed his 1/4 billon$+ business irreparably and have done it from right the inside on the Oilers website via Mods pirating and suppressing data which basic cyber-forensics will show to exist enmasse and EVERY SINGLE TIME THE GROUP COVERED UP EVIDENCE THEY CREATED A NEW DYNAMIC IN ITSELF NOW NUMBERING IN THE THOUSANDS.... .....and we all know who owns that site where this all began and how they are now forever connected to the fiscally driven stakeholders group by have also colluded to artificially influence MULTIPLE INDUSTRIES .....and in this process have potentially cost every single NHL team potential fiscal gains as well as costed individual Playersrightfull contractual fiscal gains by formulating con-job entities to deprive them of negotiating impetus via the stakeholder groups is so so much more and to be Frank I have heard so much lately from incoming external advice in terms of hard to understand professional perspectives that theres to much to flesh out here.....something about multiple-Class Action

It would sure be nice to connect Glob_l to this entire fiasco huh?....see where I am going with this?Its been done already via writers >and the broadcast was simply escalation of existing Stakeholder Group participation by their employees...something about ignorance being no excuse somewhere in there huh? ,hope the bosses know whats been going on huh because I don think they do .....this is simply clinching the Noose one inch tighter around the FISCALLY DRIVEN STAKEHOLDER GROUPS PROVERBIAL NECK.

Hey all you Pirates ,Thieves and Con-Jobs.......can you feel the love yet?....I sure hope so because its been coming for a very very long time and when you get your first bear hug its going to be guaranteed to take your breath away.....biggests NHL Hockey site in the world huh....built in 2008 by 3 guys in their basements just innocently banging ideas around huh...huh? We will see ...we will see.Struds that face-off article was not"collaboration with you on anything" it was someone elses proprietary property....hope it wasnt represented differently by ANYONE AT ANY TIME huh?Oh yes ....I agree slappy we will let that be decided in a differen venue now wont worm has turned and you were warned long long ago....clearly.

To the FISCALLY DRIVEN STAKEHOLDERS GROUP I SAY THIS ......Better fill your pockets with rolls of Rainbow Colored tape because you are all going to need it by the time this battle is over.Every single Podcast interview article MSM commentary in -game support....ect ect ect....has or will soon been accounted for ,the entire CONSTELLATION OF PERIPHERAL ACTIONS EXECUTED BY THE FISCALLY DRIVEN STAKEHOLDER GROUP WILL BE OUTLINED AND MOMA2 WILL BE SITTING IN THE BOARDROOM USING IDA AND IDM TO MAKE SURE NOTHING IS MISSED ....NOTHING WILL BE MISSED...every Dynamic action and impact and resulting action and impact and so on and so on will be FULLY you thought the NHS was only good for hockey huh?

Buckle up fellas because IMHO the big fish will soon begin cutting their losses......I hope you enjoyed the ride you pirated on Moma2s coatails and invested your wrongfully earned Gypsy Dollars well while you could because the fall is going to be EPIC IN NATURE and the only question is how many people and entities you drag down with you.

To Kent @Fn now you know who you have wronged dont you? And you do know Moma2 has been ammasing data from every online source ...outside of the blogs ....for nearly decade right and your every step in ammasing your database is on the record ...right...Kent do you hear me?Do you remember? Do you have any idea how this is going to look in another venue,,,, same with Rob_n Brown-lee???You know this battle will only end one way dont you Kent?The RIGHT HONEST WAY because you know the entire NHS history including pre-internet is 100% out Kent and for old times sake and pripheral history I will spare you ....not so sure about Rob_n though I am up in the air with him right now. Consider this a gift Kent,dont waste it.

edit on 18-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All

Thank you for your excellent honest and insightfull comments BlueThunder4ALL.

I am sure you will enjoy the breakdowns coming down the pipe.

Your brief and very accurate anology of Waynes "Office" and what it provided to EXACTLY WHAT ATTRACTED ME TO THE DYNASTY OILERS PP....because I connected their 5on5 dynamic impacts to their PP impacts and correlated dynamic patterns which i had personal experience with in diffeent competative sports venues.

I am not sure how many times I posted this on different sites but I was an Amature Competitor and Coach and I used all of these NHS principals and philosophies myself during play and teaching they were part of my toolbox looong ago I just had to slightly customise the tools ....I simply never played hockey so I had to find ways to ground my existing acumen in a Hockey environment and perspective and when I tried it was impossible so I BUILT A BRIDGE.....I very much appreciate when I am able to read your concise comments....the NHS thanks you again.

I just watched the Glob_l Ne_s PROPOGANDA broadcast again which is being used in an excusatory manner by the fiscally driven stakeholders group........BlueThunder4ALL...... the gloves are off now and Moma2 is going for their throats.

The pirate in the broadcast is choking on his words and he is panicing and I can smell it so Moma2 is going for it now......time to strike.Moma2 is ACTIVELY SEEKING a powerfull advocate ....of the silicone valley level intellectual property type with resuorces to engage MULTIPLE INDUSTRIES . This is a Global search and International Partners are most welcome.But a specific waypoint has been reached how which was planned for nearly a decade ago for the NHS so Moma2 is only following the dynamic sequencing anticipated.

We are gonna see who has better advocates right now....and I am afraid for certain people once this enters a FORMAL VENUE and officially begins their legacies and personal reputations will not recover.Not the idiots on the site which recieved pirated data from the Oilers team site....nope they are meaningless they were simply representative of the virtual "rope" needed to build the noose.They will be fully remediated and no one will care,they were nobodies hiding in their parents basements to begin with and had no reputations or legacies to protect.This process CANNOT BE STOPPED ONCE IT BEGINS.

If you will enjoy the breakdown of the Oilers coming you will surely enjoy the other upcoming breakdowns.....right now Moma2 is reaching out for a Mercenary "investor".....and Moma2 is willing to give almost everything to remediate ,because the NHS was never created to be used as it has been by the FISCALLY DRIVEN MULTI-INDUSTRY STAKEHOLDER GROUP to decieve people and to steal........a group I might add which is now on the run and rightfully should be.

Please excuse the waxing poetic below BlueThunder4ALL.

Did K-Lowe know his Oil site mods who were his TEAMMATES were pirating someone elses property by suppressing source and funneling proprietary intellectual property or data from the Oil website to other businesses behind his back? I do not think he did....K-Lowe "defended" this arm of his business loyally when Moma2 tried to scream out what was happening and to help him out and then many things transpired which were manipulated artificilly by thie evil and growing group ....however the real question is this DID HE KNOW WHAT WAS BEING DONE BEHIND HIS BACK...and that his loyalty and impacts were being HARNESSED BY A FISCALLY DRIVEN STAKEHOLDERS GROUP which as it grew and gained strength and power via numbers RETURNED IN DISUISE FROM A SEEMINGLY EXTERNAL SOURCE VIA DELLOW to undermine his organisation in what could be one of the most epic deviant diabloical con-jobs in Professional Sports history???

I cannot help but reflect on the organisers of the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference and see a soft underbelly which will be exposed fully as being complicit uopn forensic investigation driven by IDA and IDM .....and like K-Lowe and Mac-T and others who were to differing levels VICTIMISED via a FISCALLY DRIVEN STAKEHOLDER GROUPS CONJOB and were DISENFRANCHISED MANIPULATED HARNESSED AND shall more innocent people be>......IMHO Darry Katz should make an investment now in the right direction and PURGE HIMSELF OF MANY EXISTING CON-JOB ORGANISATIONAL INFLUENCES which do NOT INCLUDE HIS BUDDIES WHO MOMA2 KNOWS DIDNT CATALYSE THIS ENTIRE DYNAMIC......empower Moma2 to action a Scorched Earth policy on his behalf and remediate at will.....before someone else with the fiscal impetus equal or greater to Katzes with a vested interest in working with the NHS in a non-hockey venue JUMPS ONBOARD and enables MOMA2 to begin full on actions which will then by proxy of different venue processes include many of Darryls assets and meaningfull connections. The GLOBAL S.O.S signal has now been sent and a Autodidactive Intuitve Empath has many many uses to a Fortune 500 Company or a larger non-sports related entity....this is about following through on something long term now as it has always been.....there will be EPIC RECIPROCAL BENEFITS to whomever becomes the NHSs ADVOCATE OR PARTNER OR NEW OWNER.Pro Sports Championships are simply easy to reel in...there are much bigger fish in the sea to be caught with the NHS unique rare and special type of net.....multiple benefits so to speak.

Who chose ON to be profiled on Glob_l.....? see the ongoing con-job will not hold water once this enters another venue which it NOW WILL WITH A 100% CERTAINTY DO.

A Million a year in revenues huh?MMMmm.I call that a baseline.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 08:30 PM
Its been a while so Im not sure if the Wild will be tuned in but if they are......the Oil have stopped using the quick one-and-out off the glass or boards.....sooooo....they are now taking high risk passes up the middle .....soooo the Wild simply need use an extended pursuit on the forecheck and stick on the defensemen ESPECIALLY NURSE...because they cannot recover if they are chased just a little longer using the stick to seperate pucks and 1/2 the body ....not booming checks just stay on them and seperate them from pucks ASAP .......look to pick off those high risk passes in the middle of the Oilers zone.....put the body on McDavid hard....between periods discuss that every man target only him with full center body mass contact so he cannot slip away use 1/2 body on everyone else send "message",dont look for ANY PUCKS ....every possesion he has tag him center CHEST ...all night long....let him try to get support it wont work out for him .....every time he touches it tag him and CHECK THROUGH HIM.

Keep on Nurse he bobbles the pucks lot and when you pressure him and he feels it he dumps it away much fster.

The Wild need to keep hitting them on their blueline standing them up....and PURSUE A BIT LONGER BECAUSE THEY ARE TRYING TO GET FANCY SO in your zone use extended pursuits like on your them for a second longer doggedly and seperate them from pucks use your stick extended fully and dont let them get off shots or passes.
Stop the Oil in their zone before they hit the n-zone.....they are trying to bring the puck in a bit late and upspeed .....and are trying to have 3 men hit the blueline together spreading the defense out as the upspeed puck carrier comes punching it through....stand the puck carrier up harrd every time.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 08:55 PM
The mouthy commentator with the greasy goatee doing tonights game is who we are dedicating this dismanteling to....

Nice I see the Wild are tuned in here...good job.

Excellent job of pinning them down in their zone.

Keep it up .

That goal was pure Yakupov skill as was McDavids they were not process catalysed so ignore them.They were one mn efforts with no structural support.

Just keep the Oil from exiting their zone the way they want to and your pressure will pay off....McLellan will come out with a different look in the 2nd but we will pick him apart no problems.

You need to use your sticks more in your own zone to get on the pucks...keep them on the ice and down but extend them and take way the pass/shoot option immediatly.The Oil are holding on to the puck waiting for their support to come cruising through so get in front of them and get your sticks out and low and extended into them in your own zone.You know they are all looking to hold on to it for longer thn usual so extend your pursuit and seperate them from pucks using stick extension and body positioning more than huge hits.....except on McDavid TARGET HIM ON EVERY POSSESION LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE DOING IT....remove their right arm ....their "excitement factor"....layer the Kid out if Johhny Gaudreau can take it McDavid can take it so HAMMER THE SNOT OUT OF HIM.....this is the NHL....

Obviously you need to lay some body on Hallsy bullying them a bit...Eberle...McDavid...Hall...Yk...Nurse...Schultz especially......get under their thin the low right post shot down on the ice for the forced rebound back-door .
Remember to Tag McDavid center-body mass on every possesion ignore the pucks and his passes simply check through him and punish him EVERY TIME.

That idiot fool in the middle of the panel is a fool....nd the scouting on McDavid just happened tonight here in pat......tag him on every possesion CENTER CHEST HARD AND DRIVE THROUGH HIM EVERY TIME BECAUSE THE OILERS DO NOT HAVE A SYSEM WHICH SUPPORTS HIM IF YOU REMOVE HIS BODY FROM THE PLAYACTIONS.....KISS.....just line him up EVERY IME he touches a puck.....and DRIVE HROUGH HIM CLEANLY CENTER BODY MASS.....there is NO SUPPORT FOR HIM SO DONT WORRY ABOUT HIM DISHING PUCKS OUT IF YOU COMMIT TO THE HITS....intentionally OVER-COMMIT TO CENTER BODY MASS DRIVE THROUGH HITS......

And bite me you goof on the Panel sitting in the are a propoganda machine .....and you are on the NHS list already know I will soon be COMPLETELY breaking down McDavids game and you are repeatedly spouting off about how no one has done it yet,you are a putz shave tha goofy goatee off LMAO slappy you cant stop me from taking Conners game apart totally and I havent even done it yet....tonights method is a KISS one which will expose the Oilers lack of System at how the Wild shut down their d-zone exit already??? Mclellan will adjust to this as he has to and we will rip him a new

Sorry Louie but these plicks have it coming ...its personal now.Sorry you have to sit next to that porridge eating fool in the middle.

edit on 18-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 09:06 PM
Pouliot is a huge target and he likes to dish it....he is LOOKING TO DISH IT TONIGHT AND HE IS A WEAK LINK get on him...hes a big guy and a big target......seperate him from pucks ASAP ....keep those sticks DOWN AND EXTENDED AND GET BETWEEN THE PUCK CARRIER and he playaction support because the puck carrier is holding on for an extended time by process.

Push for shorthanded goals because the d-men for the Oil WILL SHOOT TO SOON IF YOU RUSH THEM SO BLOCK EM OUT CHARGE THEM AND FORCE THE QUICK SHOTS ND TRY TO PUSH PUCKS UPICE ON THEM....go after their pointmen on the PP hard.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 09:08 PM
The Oilers PP is living on a backdoor shot from a man positioned up higher near the 1/2 wall so just pick that support out when they ty to penetrate there,get a body in front of that long range back-door play....hey just moved the backdoor shooter up and over.Same thing every time.cross-ice to the same spot.Lay the body on the guy trying to take the shot....lay him out because he is coming in with speed,stand him up as he looks down to shoot.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 09:13 PM
The Oilers d-men are collapsing again behind their blueline and they are coming together to one side together leaving the far wing open on the boards....look to suck them over by rushing the blueline like you are at 3/4 speeds with 2 men stacked to force the collapse and to draw the d-men together to one side and then simply RING IT AROUND THE BOARDS TO A STREAKING FAR SUPPORT MAN ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE coming in FULL SPEED OR UPSPEED timed o pick up the ringed puck ....and when he picks it up far side DRIVE IT ALL THE WAY TO THE NET ON FOOT EVERY TIME..

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 09:19 PM
Talbot is going down early so don be afraid to elease the odd puck from 3-4 feet inside the blueline up the middle bar down like everyone did to Dubby...the collapse defense always gives this shot and it exposes the tender as he transitions back into his net...... just look for big stride over the blueline dead middle of the zone and release BAR-DOWN on him and it will pay off.

Make sure you push for a SHORTHANDED GOAL BY GETTING ON THOSE D-MEN...and remember they are simply moving the back-door shooter who is penetrating with speed and picking up the pass up around the the 1/2 wall area .Simple play to stop them there and get on those pointmen coming at them hard forcing the quick pressured shot looking to block it with your body and push it back on them....the closer you are to your blueline when you block the shos the higher he chance you will PUSH I BACK ON THEM .....if you dont come out at them fast and hard with stick extended you will not push the blocked pucks past them you .... instead you will end up with deflected pucks making it into your zone.

Bob Nicholson and his crooked internal audit can bite me......con-job Bob.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 09:27 PM
If you do not hit McDavid every possesion center body mass and drive through him he will light you up and I am not seeing this being done by the entire team......get on it....and get those sticks DOWN ON THE ICE ND FULLY EXTENDED ASAP and TAKE AWAY THE SHOT/PASS OPTIONS......they are holding on to long and are looking shot so seperate them and extend your pursuits and CHASE THEM DOWN BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL GREENLIT TO RUSH IT 6-7 STRIDES EVERY TIME BEFORE THEY MAKE A DECISION......take advantage of this process projection and simply be like pitbulls and extend and speed up your pursuits and just cut in front of them removing them from the playactions....sicks down and extended extended pursuits with body position removing their pass options.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 09:33 PM
The Oilers are lazy on their line look for the quick strike by catching them .....look long breakout pass maybe if you cn cach hem on hose slow lazy changes huh? fun with it.

Stolly should drive a few pucks to the net for old times sake.Just snek it over the blueline Stolly and let them collapse down 6-10 feet sticking to the boards like you are THEN AS SOON AS YOU HAVE THEM COLLAPSED DRIVE IT HARRRRD INTO THE MIDDLE PUSHING THEM OVER.....if you can isolate sekera or Schultz do it....he is the weakest of them all when you drive in from the side on him,he stick checker so lower you shoulder and get greasy on his arse.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 09:36 PM
Hey goofy commentator in the middle .....maybe you keep your yap shut about no scouting being able to read McDavid and Moma2 doesnt bury the Oil huh slappy....naver mind the Yak missed and didnt tie it up so "what could have been" you idiot you cannot help but crap on Yak you do it by habit....remember we remember you and you are on a list slappy and have been for a loong time.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 09:39 PM
Hendricks played through the Ref....tha wasnt necessary Matt had his head up ....I hope they bury the Oil tonight for that considering a Ref was just abused horribly by a Player recently.That was disrespectfull by Matt and he knows it.

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