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moma2s NewAge Hockey System

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posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 09:47 PM
That is the first time I have seen a real NHL Goalie since Garth Snow began the long term con-job trend we have seen for decades.....finally we are seeing some that is how a Goalies suppossed to look.


Dont ask John anything he is a putz....just shut him up jeepers....hes an idiot.

Mr Sutter Moma2 wants those Rings someone owes him from those Kings Stanley Cups since 2012....including gthe one Moma2 is going to accomodate this year.You are Sutters from Alberta you how can you screw an Albertan? ON and those FISCALLY DRIVEN STAKEHOLDERS WHO GREW LIKE MOULD IN THEIR MOMMYS BASEMENTS SCREW MOMA2 but why would the Sutter boys not pay due respect to someone who has worked as hard a Moma2 has and as honestly as Moma2 has for THE GAME OF HOCKEY ABOVE ALL ELSE?????

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 09:56 PM
Come on lets see what McLellan is going to bring us to toy with now in the 3rd period has been fun so far.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 10:10 PM
They have greenlit the first forward to pick it up exiting the d-zone to go ALL THE WAY seperate them from the pucks with your sticks as you hve been Poiliot as I said hes suckholing tying to bust McDavid out with long passes.....HAMMER MCDAVID HARD EVERY TIME HE TOUCHES THE PUCKS POULIOT TO HES A HUGE TARGET.......see how easy it is to beat down the Oilers if you simply neutralise baby-Conner those sticks DOWN AND EXTENDED ON THE OILERS WHEN THEY HAVE POSSESION O YOUR BLUELINE BECAUSE THEY ARE SHOOTING QUICKLY...REMEMBER RUSH THEM FAST AND BLOCK THEM OUT looking to push pucks upice....

You might wan to layer Eberle or any small forward looking down picking up short passes on or around their own blueline from those d-men who are still making juicy passes ...weak ones up the middle and to the same spots within 4-5 feet either side of their blueline.Suicide passes when they are always put there IMHO.....I might wish to lay someone out there who has their head down cleanly.

Maybe someone would like to put the hmmer down on Nail Yakupov as well huh....hes a shooting maching tonight and he has a short stick so give him the stand-up contact especially if he drives the net from the side.

Nice job of knocking down Fallsy Hallsy...has anyone counted how many times he has been on his arse tonight so havent huh?

Contact on Pouliot and on to Baby-Conner and Pouliot they both have a bad temper and will likely take a bad penalty if you yank either ones chain.

Nice job of taking the late shot and yanking their collective it up ....shake em up....they are powder-puffs with no system structure or impetus.Have fun with it.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 10:18 PM
You got to find a way to finish thats the next step in your evolution as a player.....what kind of idiot statement is that?

The System is defunct....the Process is powder-Puff....the defense collapses more than Opera Winfreys willpower at the Buffet

Man those fellas on the Panel say some funny things....was that the moron in the middle saying way Louie said way a Pro said that....had to be Slappy did you enjoy the game dedicated to your yap.....was the dismanteling of an already pitifull Process to your liking?Do you have any more comments about how no one in the NHL cn "Scout McDavid" because he looks pretty anemic tonight here we didn even flex and break him down yet as an individual tonight....we toyed with him within the pitifull Process.LOL.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 10:23 PM
This ones over now.....I'm checking out..... lol....he was tapping Nail to tell him nice try.....stop whining John you putz.Moron in the middle. The NHS has shown how simple it is to neutralise the Oilers System focus by removing their d-zone exit buggers they just changed it 2 games ago and stopped banking it off the glass and out and have already been exposed hilarious thing of all is that that focus would have paid off gong-show will never end in Edmonton .

Katz has his terms.....and ON knows Moma2 is coming now hard...and John the moron in the middle you are the NHSs enemy so just wait for it pal you will be working at the noodle house sooner than later if Moma2 has anything to say about it .You can tell you con-job buddies at ON that their weak-kneed excuses broadcast on Glob_l New_ will not stop the Class Action pushes that will be coming .Maybe Moma2 will let you all work at Ood_le Nood_e when we rip it from your buddies broke hands....or maybe you van work at the Glass replacement business we will also be taking huh?

Lol...the fire alarm is going off and no one is doing someone looking to cash in on the Insurance before the old girl is shut down for good.


edit on 18-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 10:38 PM
The NHS claims THIS GAME ....Moron in the Middle....your last words were propoganda lies....trying to deflect from reality....the entire game was an ARSE-KICKING as soon as Moma2 shut down the Oilers d-zone only the 3rd period as your big yap tried to scream out as the door was hitting you in the one was for you Moron in the Middle...thats you John with the greasy bush-league putz....this will never end until you are gone .How bush-league of you to keep yapping BS defying
edit on 18-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 10:48 PM
Emphasizeing will and structure....John do us all a favor and zip it ok..... there was no definately no structure once they were couldnt even push back

The NHS found this beatdown to be BORING....EASY...and BORING....not worthy.

Moma2 doesnt even want to bother with this sad sack Oil Team again but we will dismantle them next game for Johns big mouth his poor attitude....oppositionally defiant I would dare say.

First ON catalyses the Habs and Isles beatdowns exposing the then d-zone exit and the n-zone traverse and ENDS THE SEASONS PLAYOFF HOPES Moron in the Middle catalyses tonights beatdown which exposes the "adjusted" d-zone exit and collapse defense and recent PP adjustment [now] and next games beatdown will simply be an ad-hoc slapdown....and the fun never ends huh?

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 11:19 PM
Nothing matters tonight except the point where the Wild changed their forechecking as directed and shut down the Oilers d-zone exit......there were a few more adjustments as per the NHS.....but the main thing is that the Wild were dialed in to ATS and made their adjustments on time as per the posts ,because we will be doing this a few more times before the season is over.This was a poor example of NHS work,I was baking a Birthday Cake and wrapping presents and wasnt really into it.I was trying not to give to much to McLellan and JW and Dellow to work with later.Just keeping it as vague as possible.
edit on 18-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2016 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: one4all

Every adjustment can be countered. The team that makes the fastest adjustments will be most advantageous. Making adjustments during the 20 minute intermission is the first step, but it is only effective if the opponent does not change their strategy for the next period. Thus the team will always be a step behind.

posted on Feb, 19 2016 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All

Precisely.....this is why the NHS is only a reflection of its creators innate is in terms of real-time impacts only a small piece of a much larger and more profound reality.When Moma2 is dailed in no opposition NHL Coach or Crew can compete with the speed of the read and reacts being piped directly to the Head Coach the NHS is supporting.There is a difference between an NHL team implementing and multi-tasking with NHS programs on their own as per Moma2s directions as many now do and an NHL team which has Moma2 in its corner in real-time as only one team[2 if Moma2 is bored during a game and chooses to spice it up and play both hands] may have....a MASSIVE

McLellan does not have the ability to present what some call a fluid Multi-System impact and therefore in terms of on-the-fly System counter-adjustments and anticipatory tactical projections he is not even in the same league as teams who use IDA and IDM .....simply put Todd cannot even really make his vision come to life in Edmonton because he cannot set up his San Jose style defensive zone focuses specificlly his blueline management/exit...this is why he refuses to abandon the "collapse defense" you see all of his sucesses have been generated using a particular focus the NHS ripped apart long ago.... everything which cues the Process is BEGINNING IN THE OILERS DEFENSIVE ZONE....this is terminal erorr really the most simple basic focus one could possibly use at the NHL which has ZERO chance at defeating an NHS focused opponent....the Wild could have scored 8-9 goals last night had they wanted to push the

I waited for something worthy to come back at the Wild between periods from McLellan but there was NO was pitifull....seems like he is hanging the players out now...making them walk the plank every night refusing to give them adjustments making them fight for it to see who will give up a feeling I get.

It was easy to see the NHS focuses Mclellan was implementing last night ....just by observing the patterns the Oilers puck carriers were projecting vi their playaction management processes....within short time it was clear they were focusing on offensively holding on to the pucks and skating for a defined distance and time and were relying on specific structured support to show up for them....they "thought" it was sneaky how they ran the supports in and they were using the puck carrier to initiate the timing of the supports....sure sure sure...but this is basic stuff man...come on they were hiting the offensive blueline so predictably that had it been ANY OPPONENT BUT THE WILD we could have countered terminally nd ran up a 10 goal game on them but the Wild are not used to working with the NHS online yet and do not lean towards a creative super-fluid base System focus so I tried not to overload them with data and to many adjustmens....the Hawks would have brutalised the Oilers last night because I could have opened up wide full throttle and Quenville would have been able to keep up to the incoming data stream really this is some bush league interpretation of NHS philosophy by the Oilers and some idiot is tying to buld a process which will coalesce around McDavid or a single player....they were trying to adjust their playaction management to CATALYSE around the puck carrier....they are thinking of building Process which focuses on McDavids strengths.....when they should be doing something similar but building around RNHs strengths as they should have been doing 2-3 yers Ralph was beginning to do.

What mcLellan was tying to do wasnt wrong....he just was facing Moma2 and had no chance against the read and reacts posted. Once his "pre-game" d-zone exit strategy was flumoxed he had nowhere to turn and he was forced into the Wilds wheelhouse had he happened to have the NHS help last night he would have ripped he Wild to pieces his ideas on breaking the Trap focus down were as we saw Bluehunder4ALL the Wild DIALED IN WHEN THE CORRECT DATA ON HOW TO NEUTRALISE THE OILERS D-ZONE EXITS AND FIRST PASS WERE POSTED......and that was all she I said during the game the Oilers gols were not process generated they were "superman efforts" ....individually catalysed efforts.I broke down the Oiler PP a little as well for old times I wanted to see that upspeed zone penetrating high-wide backdoor shooter get "laid out" with a clean hit center body mass just for kicks because Conner likes to slip in there its one of his old "habits" and this is the NHL where you must pay the

I could illustrate quite a few examples of Stolls IDA and IDM impacts on the Wilds game which we re shining through last Jarret Stoll knows what he is doing in terms of introducing the Kings most basic NHS presentations and the Wild are very cautiously implementing Stollys ideas.Is a slow process but Stoll has carried over some core value Kings NHS tactics which are as I said SLOWLY being implemented.To be honest these 2012 "old" NHS core value focuses are targetting and catalysing around the zone transition points ....they are more structured than the Hawks NHS interpretations are.....mostly because I built them around what the Kings already had going on in 2012 which was a Sutter driven "structured defensive focus" ....remember the NHS is simply a System Management Program which incorporates IDA and we can overlay it atop ANY System and optimise it to is fullest potentials ....which is why ANY SYSTEM CAN BECOME A CHAMPIONSHIP SYSTEM.

Someone took a big NHS driven leap of faith within the Wild organisation and it is and will continue to pay off for them if they are patient and continue to make small progressive additions and do not stray from their core value base System philosophy.

McLellan wishes to build a singular weapon and keep it consistant....he wants opponents to work around his solid concrete focuses....he wants to be a rock....he wants to consistantly throw hard jabs and heavy right hands so opponents to always be counter-punching him ......its his San Jose focus all over again. He HAS implemented a lot of the seemingly right things in terms of NHS impetus and I was with him 100% till I heard Dellow had not been fired and it was all over for the season ....however as usual in Edmonton everything he is doing is POISONED because of statistically driven inputs which compleely disconnect things on him every time he turns really the waters are soooo murky for the Oiler now with the con-job ON has done on the community in concert with Dellow submarining the Oilers that really an entire Citys Fanbase and an entire NHL Franchise have both been unilaterally been undermined by a fiscally driven stakeholder group and Katz doesnt give a darn .....and he is the only hope for NHL winning hockey to ever reappear in would take Darryl Katz 24 hours to turn his NHL Team into the singular most desirable destination for every single active NHL player ....all he has to do is retain the NHS to a personal services contract before someone else does and let it be known ....ENABLE THE NHS TO ENGAGE FULLY ON ALL FRONTS and let NATURE RUN ITS COURSE....which would mean as we all know a full and complete NHS purge of all things Dellow and stats focused and complete purge of ON in its entirity a fiscal crippeling of its crooked conspiratorial owners and a complete remediation of all Stakeholder group members including MSM writers and in particular Glob_l Ne_s connections ,with the exception of a few agreed upon members close to Daryls heart,these simple actions would in due course represent the decimation of the entire advanced/enhanced stats industry in one fell swoop.

You see BlueThunder4ALL.......even if Moma2 didnt tune in all season long and the Oilers made the Playoffs....they would NEVER MAKE IT PAST THE FIRST 4 GAMES.......because they would be dissected in real-time mere minutes....simply minutes with NO PREGAME PLANNING OR TRADITIONAL EPIC LEVELS OF WORK AND RESOURCE ALLOTMENT BY AN ENTIE NHL ORGANISATION...simply with ten minutes of Fan observtions coming from an Autodidactic Intuitive Empath who loves the game of hockey and roots for Oilers opponents .No one is going to fight this one CAN fight this influence.

Moma2 will spend a few more games popping the Oilers on the button because they/Dellow deserve it and to sharpen up for the playoffs......I mean we could tacticlly manage the free pops to corral MacLellan into doing something specific we wish him to do to effectivel HELP HIM know eliminate options by breaking down specific areas in sequence one by one leading him to water....but nope....we will only post terminal brief data-sets to lead him to the dessert instead where his teams bones will bleach under the heat of the NHSs sun.

Just focus on WHEN opponents adjust to the Oiler System projections and note the EXACT times will correlate to the data posts.Every team might not be tuned in to ATS right now its been while since moma2 was actively posting here during games ....I was just sure Stolly would be he posted up here I might consider helping the Wild out for kicks.I liked that Stolly had the brains to use the NHS in 2012.

edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2016 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All addition to your astute observations and comments I would add that in my experience most NHL Games involve a maximum of 2-3 "System Adjusments".....albeit this is slowly changing with teams like the Hawks who are becoming quite adept at the fluid creative Process focuses and triggers.

You are absolutely corect in saying thatif one is being dominated that between periods there is an opportuniy to formulte a tactical reply and the ownness IS UPON the Coaches to prepare EXACTLY THIS response....however one cannot simply come out gunning with what could be needless adjustments until one "feels" the same sting again ,although I guess if your arse is being kicked any adjustmant might be considered an really this speaks to how quickly one can read the opponens System focus at the beginning of every period.....which is where Moma2 kills it because it takes 1-2 shifts and thats all.

In 2013 during the Conference finals when the Kings were being remediated for not respecting Moma2....a program had to be formulated to engage a quicker read from the Hawks to begin periods.... we had slapped together a fail-safe called the ........I am not going over all of this google search .....NewAge Hockey System 2 minute I just did and you will find some really cool posts about how to give your team a bit of breather so you can get your bearings to begin periods where you arent sure how your opponent will be coming out.These search results also show you some examples of where to find old Moma2/NewAgeSys/NAS/BadMedicine posts which are all over

Moma2/ NewAgeSys/NAS offered this tidbit to McLellan already since he entered the equation......this focus has multiple benefits one of which is it gives a Coach a blank canvas upon which he may identify contrast or changes in opponents focuses much quicker than normal especially if adjustments and counters have been flying around .....just a kind of process stabilisation technique a coach can use to step outside of the sequence of adjustments/counters which had been happening before intermission.

The 2 minute drill is simply another way for Moma2 to try to bring a Coach using the NHS as close to being up to speed with Moma2 in the "read" part of the "read and react" equation as is humanly possible. It also acts like a big tall cool glass of calm-down Juice to a team in distress trying to get back into a game or a team trying to close out a game.

However because Moma2 personally uses pattern identification and autodidactic methods which combine Intuition and Empathy and to manifest anticipatory "read and reacts" ......well lets just say that there is no program on the planet which can save you from Moma2 if you are engaging in competition.You literally have 1-2 shifts and you are exposed AND retaliation of the TERMINAL VARIETY is already on its way......the 2nd or 3rd time you repeat the pattern you are burned and even if you have so many system looks that you can change every 2-3 shifts and your men can keep up which is IMPOSSIBLE TO EXECUTE still not enough because even wihin those types of volumes of changes patterns will emerge within the process and within individuals projecions of the

This is why Moma2 is worth more Gypsy Dollars than Babcock and McLellan combined.... because Moma2 can dial in ANY HEAD COACH using ANY SYSTEM which the Coach has a functional handle on and WALK HIM AND HIS MEN TO THE STANLEY CUP...... with a 100% one has stopped the NHS since 2012 and this season if you stay tuned in here you will see the Kings walked to the Cup again NO MATTER WHO THEY FACE.....simply because Moma2 will be a Kings Fan for the Playoffs to DRIVE HOME A POINT YET AGAIN.That will be 5 Stanley Cups in a row ping-ponged between the 2 Teams who first endorsed the NHS"unofficialy" .After this year we will be shutting these teams out .5 consecutive STANLEY CUPS is quite enough to prove a point. I wish to see a Canadian Team win next year.So it will

posted on Feb, 19 2016 @ 06:34 PM
link is some NHS data from May-2012.........Two4all...=/NHS/NAS/Moma2

Here is some inteesting reading about some innovative progreesive NewAge advances in International Hockey....if you are interested google up the management personell with NHL connections.
edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

This is one where we can see a comment about Moma2 Moma2 had already been suppressed and every post had been deleted by Oilers site Mods.Suppression at its best.
edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

This is a wee bit of background on how we birthed the Hammer and Anvil.
edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

Heres some neat stuff from Sidney commenting on some cool tactics Ralph threw out there.
edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

Here is some really really interesting NHS history IMHO prime stuff.

Heres an article by Will_s which he has now doctored to destroy have a LOT MORE but I have to run to the store and pick up some pickeling spices...chores suck huh?We will be back in a bit this is fun waxing poetic about the past.
edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2016 @ 09:31 PM
link the con-job article that tried to peripherally attribute the obvious NHS changes Eakins was "trying " to sucessfully implement at the NHL level as opposed to the AHL level to an imginary "swarm" System....this was the Winnipeg/Eakins connections early projection of the Fiscally driven Stakeholder Group which would eventually "plant" Dellow into the Oilers organisation using graft and lies.....the same type of graft and lies ONs owner tried to deflect on an MSM broadcast...he attempted a form of teflon disclosure by actually admitting that he and his group lied and misrepresented themselves online to"only" make sponser driven entities think the site had more traffic than was really there[which would be like playing with yourself and not make him liable which he in fact is] .....but he did this to hide the real motives of his groups online lies and manipulations and to deflect from the TRUTH which is that those actions were part and parcel of a MUCH BIGGER FISCALLY DRIVEN STAKEHOLDER GROUP ACTION WHICH PIRATED-SUPPRESSED AND FISCALISED NHS DATA BEGINNING PRE-2008 FROM THE OILERS HOME SITE AND THEN FROM OTHER ONLINE SITES INCLUDING ON......this proprietary Intellectual property DID NOT BELONE TO THEM and was denied to the Oilers and every NHL team and to NHL Fans everywhere both ticket buying and TV watching and online and these and mny more more complicated issues will be resolved in another venue off-line very very soon.

Heres an article by Bruce Arthur which is completely misrepresentative and an absolute con-job which tries to attribute the NHS impacts the Kings were generating to advanced/enhanced stats.....this was no mistake as future connective evidence of stakeholder actions will show.Som eof the ways players and coaches had their quotes misrepresented are classic con-job.

This article is a fine example of the stakeholder group screwing the Oilers by rtificially fluffing Dellow who was from dy one their and he entire NHLs poison pill.

This is an example of what Ralph Krueger was able to produce with a Roster which was learning the NHS.Hard to believe the Oilers Skyped this level of sucess for the Eakins con-job isnt it?By this point Oilers management was all-in to suppress and purge the NHS completely.

edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

Here is some data which explains in part how Stan Bowman came to embrace he NHS see comment #199 by NewageSys...enjoy.
edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2016 @ 10:37 PM
@BlueThunder4ALL.....and this my friend is why the Oilers were abandoned by Moma2 after a nice solid 6 game win streak had been nurtured out of them by Moma2.,and is why Todd McLellans 1st season at the helm of the Oilers went from PERFECTLY TIMED playoff push straight to PUSHOVER......because.....Dellows poisons.No apologies extended Todd ,you should have been informed so seek them elsewhere like maybe from Bob Nicholson.End transmission.

This is one of my favorites of hundreds and hundreds of pieces of evidence we is where the sweat was beginning to pool around Willis's bikini note his cheezy little "disclosure" a later date we present much much more "evidence" which will fully illustrate the little tweak the NHS gave him to elicit this "twitch" my my so much fun was and is still to be had with these con-job mental midgets.

@BlueThunder4ALL.....soon ....very soon....we will review Mr.Quinns officially documented innaugural use of the NHS at the NHL level with the Edmonton Oilers followed shortly thereafter by the audio of Stan Bowman identifying the NHS as the FUTURE OF HIS I am finally having some fun here. I will leave you with his little set of factoids which are unique posted earlier in this thread....

Mark Messier ....Maternal Heritage English
Moma2............Maternal Heritage English
Wayne Gretzky .Maternal Heritage English

Mark "Douglas"Messier
Wayne "Douglas" Gretzky
Moma "Douglas" 2

Marks son is named Douglas after his English Grandfather.
Moma2 is named Douglas after his English Grandfather.

Wayne Gretzkys Mom is English and his Dad is named Walter and he is Slavic/Polish
Moma2s Mom is English and his Dad is named Walter and he is Slavic/Polish
Mark Messiers Mom is English and his Dad is English he is also named Douglas

There are so many oddities it is spooky.....spooky.

Just saying.Moma2 had a hand on your Porsch Mess ,when you were fueling up on your way to Wizard lake and anticipated or "saw" your "issue" and hoped things would be fine which is how they turned out.They do say things happen for a reason huh?

There are more weird anomalies no kidding,but its to spooky.

edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2016 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: one4all

This is just the surface of the evidence shown is from 2014 until present time. Pat Quinn was hired for the 2009-2010 season and was subsequently shuffled away from coaching for the following year.

Did you ever read David Staples' Edmonton Journal 7 part series on "The Oilers Way"? It was a very interesting to learn about the insights from Barrie Stafford.

As for the Oilers and Avs Feb 16, 2013 game:

The game was not catalyzed by incredible end to end rushes but key possession/transition changes. The roster at the time did not use booming slappers for goals. I suppose an easy open net tap-in is more work than slapshot that has a high chance of being blocked by a player or the goalie. That then results in wasting time retrieving the puck in your own zone.

What is most beautiful about a power play is that it completely reveals a team's system.

edit on 20-2-2016 by BlueThunder4All because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2016 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All

Oh yes....there is a MOUNTAIN of are thousands of articles of evidence in situ....I just tossed a few bones out there to rattle the cages of a few of the fiscally driven stakeholder group members. They arent the sharpest knives in the drawer IMHO and sometimes will do fantsticlly helpfull things like trying to cover their tracks when you tweak them ....they have been doing this for years and every time they action destruction or alteration of evidence or try to make deflectory pro-active statements like the con-job pirate thieving owner of a certain website just made on Glob_l N_ws recently ....and just like transpaent "disclosure" Willis made in his Dellow article..well suffice to say it brings the noose one small incrementel distance closer to full closure around an entire Groups cumulative figurative neck.

I do not specificlly recall the David Staples article but will certainly look it up......I am sure Barrie had some excellent insights........hold the Fort....Jeesh .....THANK YOU quickly googled Barrie and came up with some very very insightfull stuff immediatly.....I will DEFINATELY be looking up the 7 part series you mentioned now.

I just read an aricle about the history behind the Carrot on the Oilers Championship Rings....and it reflected so much of the NHS philosophy that I had to simply smile.....EVERYTHING ABOUT THAT DYNASTY PROCESS WAS SUBLIME.The ingredients which came together and how they came together to this day just amaze me.There were divine forces at work which brought together onto one EveryMan page so many different colors and textures and layers in terms of individual perspective personaliies and opinions ALL WITH ONE SINGLE COMMON DENOMINATOR....A WILLINGNESS TO BELIEVE IN AND TO DO ANYTHING IT TOOK TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS....this WILLINGNESS TO BUY IN AND THE TRUST IT TAKES TO DO SO....stands out to me .Yes,there were some unique non-traditional forces at play within that overall organisational dynamic.Twas simply beautifull.It was like a group of teenagers on a Saturday night all turning their collective pockets inside out and happily and willingly throwing everything they had into the kitty to put together a Warchest for Giggle Juice and me of being a young lad and going to see the Bootlegger for our little backwater Group of adventurers for the 1st time organised and lead the expedition but had to work hard to recruit a taller boy to come with me because I was to short to look old enough to pull it off on my was easy but putting the right people in the right places was a bit more tricky....although we pulled it off just tall Lithuanian buddy and 12 1970's bucks for the big bottle of "medicine"and we were in like Flyn. LOl....I come by my teambuilding skillset quite naturally I guess upon reflection there say much about my negotiating skill though because it seems like 12 bucks in the 70s for a 26oz'er was highway robbery lol.. up until now I had been crediting much of my management acumen to my athletic endeavours but now I am seeing it all began much much

You are absolutely correct about the lack of N/S end to end rushes and the keystone focus on possesion/transition triggers......this was a time in Oilers Team evolution where "upper managements interference" was trying to force the Team to follow Taylor Halls individual skillset and they insisted on using tactics which supported Halls N/S acumen this was IMHO a major turning point for the Oilers on many levels and I blogged the hades out of the unnatural and dysfunctional Managerial focus back then.....and was suppressed......many many people only blamed Hall for this and back then yes he and Ebbs were young and dumb and were not responsible for their self-serving impetus as much as a" suppossedly "experienced UPPER MANAGEMENT CREW WITH THEIR FINGERS IN THE COACHES PIE RUINING IT the idiots are doing the same thing with Conners skillset....they are now 86ing Hallsy and shining up McDavid...the incompetants......they will never learn ....this is why I will break down McDavids complete game soon so they will STOP THIS same dynamic from happening again.If Conner is sandbagged statisticlly now he will recover as he matures but the dum-dums at the helm will stop their crap ,before it goes to far again.

The Oilers CAN make the current roster a Stanley Cup winning one next season......they CAN integrate all of the skilled players they now have .....but as the NHS has been screaming for nearly a decade they NEED A BETTER PHILOSOPHY AND SYSTEM to make this happen...a NewAge one they have never before embraced completely and honestly.

So basiclly its the same today as it was ten years ago....Oilers Upper Managements vanity and professionl pride continue to submarine the Franchise and alienate it from sucess ,winning ,and the virtues of Champions which these fools claim to posses ....Moma2 and the NHS extended a hand of friendship which was bitten because the Oilers were poisoned from within and were traitored by their site Mods behind Upper Managements backs which led to the disconnect form the NHS and the disconnects continuance TO DATE..... Moma2 and the NHS kicked these same fellas in the cojones so hard so many times they are all breaking crystal champagne flutes when they sing in the shower now.....but nothing has

There are some excellent NHS posts from pre-2013 which outlined to them WHY it was critical to better manage their shot selections and why it was imperative in support of the possesion/transition focus [which they STILL dont grasp because of their lack of faith in the NHS and stats poisoning fueling this perspective] to never blast way with un-policed slappers,the NHS didnt say to NEVER use slappers which is what has happened due to a skewed stats focused interpretaion of the NHS data....Dellow destroyed sooo much and so did other stats hacks there before him.....but you are absolutely correct in your observation of what was catalysing sucesses back then and of what is caalysing todays failures..

The NHS TSP or Tactical Shooting Program was in its infancy back then and today if its protocals are followed within the parameters of the NHS System Management profile these shot decisions and the constellation of peripheral micro/macro-impacts are REMOVED FROM THE EQUATION and are managed by the PROCESS ITSELF.

There is a lot of discussion to be had surrounding these few core value System observations you have made BlueThunder4ALL...and maybe one day the 2 of us can sit down with some NHL Managers with ownership permission, cash to buy, and the balls and the foresight to RESPECT the NewAge perspectives which we could quite easily provide to them.....I respect your ability to render Moma2s NHS philosophies concepts and tactics into condensed and pointed commentary and to add to it congruently and I would so dearly love to see you behind an NHL Bench catalysing an optimal and interactive communication conduit .

I need to whip up a batch of Rosehip tea before the game....I am using it to kick the everloving hades out of the killer flu going around I seemed to have picked like a charm.....something about the methodology behind the bodys ability to uptake and optimally metabolise specific volumes of specific good things in concert with of course a few other sequ ential natural motions ....another extension of the NHS philosophy at

I am going to post up during the Avs game....again I am not sure if the Avs will tune in.......but it matters not if they do is fun.

posted on Feb, 20 2016 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All more though on your last are absolutely correct in your assertion that a powerplay completely reveals a teams System...... one day soon we will share the Moma2s habit of using a basic traditional stats sheet to absolutely and 100% accurately build a System Template and a Philosophical Template on ANY NHL ADVANCED/ENHANCED HOCUS-POCUS LIES AND Dellowesque deceptions and poisons....just good olde fashioned traditional observations paired with true experience and acumen catalysed from dynamic familiarity bred only by HANDS ON COMPETATIVE DYNAMICS EXPERIENCE.... not the hairy-palmed hands-on-self indulging experience certain Oilers website owners learned sitting in their parents basements ripping off legitimate NHL Industry inputs and impacts.......

edit on 20-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2016 @ 09:30 PM
LOL.....interesting d-zone focus with sending 3 men in together gapped evenly.....Iginlas going to score from the periphery bar down.....5-6 feet over the blueline because the 3 man puck pursuit is leaving the outside wide open and the Avs are not trying to match numbers they are simply working hard sticking to their System and letting the Oiler have a numbers advantage and waiting for pucks to squirt out to the periphery.

The Oilers are tying to hit a fastbreak EVERY TIME off of the 3 man numbers attack on pucks in their zone.....they are trying to draw the Aves in or suck them in to the numbers game in their own zone and then QUICKSTRIKE THEM ON THE FASBREAK....they are trying to isolate peripheral players away from the playaction cluster they are trying to force to happen in their zone especially on the boards they can hope their skill outmatches the Aves....LOL....LOL...they re trying a bushleague way to isolate their skill guys....and let them go mano-a-mano .

The Aves just need to lay back and play the periphery and NOT LET THEMSELVES BE SUCKED INTO THE SCRUMS THE OILERS ARE TYING TO FORCE BY SENDING 3 MEN RIGHT TO THE PUCK ......just be patient and look to expose the oilers for sending 3 men in so fast be SKATING PUCKS TO THE NET asap when you pick them up on he outside....dont try to get fancy and overpass or set up with the passes.......and cover the fastbreak by sitting further back and engaging them stand-up on your blueline.

Activate the d-men to skte it right inevery time you pick up a loose puck coming out of those scrums on the boards.....AND.....keep it OFF THE BOARDS AND WORK IT IN FROM THE MIDDLE....their cheezy 3 man gang tactic won work if you dont play your game along the boards.

posted on Feb, 20 2016 @ 09:37 PM
Well done Avs...just keep it off the boards and work the inside and you will negate their attempts to draw your suppot into scrums in their zone along the boards where they will have a numbers dvantage and will be able to isolate your outside defensive support mano-a-mano using their speed and skill optimally...the Oilers WANT you to engage in those scrums on the boards and they are sending 3 men in high speed to bait you....jus stick to your program and remember tht when you do get pucks in their zone to TAKE THEM TO THE NET...SKATE THEM IN AND SCORE OR WORK THEM INTO THE MIDDLE AND NET FRONT.....dont get fancy and take pucks back to the boards.....simply keep pucks of the boards and rip them way to ty to isolte your d-men and support away from the playacton scrums so they can optimise their speed and the pucks way from the boards and they wont be able to collapse in with 3 men so fast and TRIANGULATE ON THE PUCKS......just patient and let them run in full speed with 3 men ganging send in any extra support to ty to match numbers like they want just keep it off the boards.

Look for your own fastbreak strikes when they are in your d-zone.

posted on Feb, 20 2016 @ 09:42 PM
Hall will always trail Draisaitl ...he will always let Leon do the work and he is not physical when he tries to get to the net front to pick up pucks leon will squirt out front to him, just engane Leon as you are doing and block out Hall keeping his stick neutralised because he is one-and-done every time .....or just knock him over either way they use the same basic play every time,so just cover Hall leons no doing much on his own from behind the the 3rd period Draisaitl will be so burned out from trying to push the river entering the zone with the pucks on his stick the line will be toast.
edit on 20-2-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

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