a reply to:
Oh yes....there is a MOUNTAIN of evidence....lol....there are thousands of articles of evidence in situ....I just tossed a few bones out there to
rattle the cages of a few of the fiscally driven stakeholder group members. They arent the sharpest knives in the drawer IMHO and sometimes will do
fantsticlly helpfull things like trying to cover their tracks when you tweak them ....they have been doing this for years and every time they action
destruction or alteration of evidence or try to make deflectory pro-active statements like the con-job pirate thieving owner of a certain website just
made on Glob_l N_ws recently ....and just like ...lol...the transpaent "disclosure" Willis made in his Dellow article..well suffice to say it brings
the noose one small incrementel distance closer to full closure around an entire Groups cumulative figurative neck.
I do not specificlly recall the David Staples article but will certainly look it up......I am sure Barrie had some excellent insights........hold the
Fort....Jeesh .....THANK YOU BlueThunderr4ALL.....wow....I quickly googled Barrie and came up with some very very insightfull stuff immediatly.....I
will DEFINATELY be looking up the 7 part series you mentioned now.
I just read an aricle about the history behind the Carrot on the Oilers Championship Rings....and it reflected so much of the NHS philosophy that I
had to simply smile.....EVERYTHING ABOUT THAT DYNASTY PROCESS WAS SUBLIME.The ingredients which came together and how they came together to this day
just amaze me.There were divine forces at work which brought together onto one EveryMan page so many different colors and textures and layers in
terms of individual perspective personaliies and opinions ALL WITH ONE SINGLE COMMON DENOMINATOR....A WILLINGNESS TO BELIEVE IN AND TO DO ANYTHING IT
TOOK TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS....this WILLINGNESS TO BUY IN AND THE TRUST IT TAKES TO DO SO....stands out to me .Yes,there were some unique
non-traditional forces at play within that overall organisational dynamic.Twas simply beautifull.It was like a group of teenagers on a Saturday night
all turning their collective pockets inside out and happily and willingly throwing everything they had into the kitty to put together a Warchest for
Giggle Juice and Cigarettes....lol.Reminded me of being a young lad and going to see the Bootlegger for our little backwater Group of adventurers
for the 1st time ......lol...I organised and lead the expedition but had to work hard to recruit a taller boy to come with me because I was to short
to look old enough to pull it off on my own....lol....fundraising was easy but putting the right people in the right places was a bit more
tricky....although we pulled it off just fine....lol.....a tall Lithuanian buddy and 12 1970's bucks for the big bottle of "medicine"and we were in
like Flyn. LOl....I come by my teambuilding skillset quite naturally I guess upon reflection there BlueThunder4ALL....lol....cant say much about my
negotiating skill though because it seems like 12 bucks in the 70s for a 26oz'er was highway robbery lol.. up until now I had been crediting much of
my management acumen to my athletic endeavours but now I am seeing it all began much much earlier....lol.
You are absolutely correct about the lack of N/S end to end rushes and the keystone focus on possesion/transition triggers......this was a time in
Oilers Team evolution where "upper managements interference" was trying to force the Team to follow Taylor Halls individual skillset and they
insisted on using tactics which supported Halls N/S acumen this was IMHO a major turning point for the Oilers on many levels and I blogged the hades
out of the unnatural and dysfunctional Managerial focus back then.....and was suppressed......many many people only blamed Hall for this and back then
yes he and Ebbs were young and dumb and were not responsible for their self-serving impetus as much as a" suppossedly "experienced UPPER MANAGEMENT
CREW WITH THEIR FINGERS IN THE COACHES PIE RUINING IT were...today the idiots are doing the same thing with Conners skillset....they are now 86ing
Hallsy and shining up McDavid...the incompetants......they will never learn ....this is why I will break down McDavids complete game soon so they will
STOP THIS same dynamic from happening again.If Conner is sandbagged statisticlly now he will recover as he matures but the dum-dums at the helm will
stop their crap ,before it goes to far again.
The Oilers CAN make the current roster a Stanley Cup winning one next season......they CAN integrate all of the skilled players they now have .....but
as the NHS has been screaming for nearly a decade they NEED A BETTER PHILOSOPHY AND SYSTEM to make this happen...a NewAge one they have never before
embraced completely and honestly.
So basiclly its the same today as it was ten years ago....Oilers Upper Managements vanity and professionl pride continue to submarine the Franchise
and alienate it from sucess ,winning ,and the virtues of Champions which these fools claim to posses ....Moma2 and the NHS extended a hand of
friendship which was bitten because the Oilers were poisoned from within and were traitored by their site Mods behind Upper Managements backs which
led to the disconnect form the NHS and the disconnects continuance TO DATE..... Moma2 and the NHS kicked these same fellas in the cojones so hard so
many times they are all breaking crystal champagne flutes when they sing in the shower now.....but nothing has changed....lol.
There are some excellent NHS posts from pre-2013 which outlined to them WHY it was critical to better manage their shot selections and why it was
imperative in support of the possesion/transition focus [which they STILL dont grasp because of their lack of faith in the NHS and stats poisoning
fueling this perspective] to never blast way with un-policed slappers,the NHS didnt say to NEVER use slappers which is what has happened due to a
skewed stats focused interpretaion of the NHS data....Dellow destroyed sooo much and so did other stats hacks there before him.....but you are
absolutely correct in your observation of what was catalysing sucesses back then and of what is caalysing todays failures..
The NHS TSP or Tactical Shooting Program was in its infancy back then and today if its protocals are followed within the parameters of the NHS System
Management profile these shot decisions and the constellation of peripheral micro/macro-impacts are REMOVED FROM THE EQUATION and are managed by
There is a lot of discussion to be had surrounding these few core value System observations you have made BlueThunder4ALL...and maybe one day the 2
of us can sit down with some NHL Managers with ownership permission, cash to buy, and the balls and the foresight to RESPECT the NewAge
perspectives which we could quite easily provide to them.....I respect your ability to render Moma2s NHS philosophies concepts and tactics into
condensed and pointed commentary and to add to it congruently and I would so dearly love to see you behind an NHL Bench catalysing an optimal and
interactive communication conduit .
I need to whip up a batch of Rosehip tea before the game....I am using it to kick the everloving hades out of the killer flu going around I seemed to
have picked up.....works like a charm.....something about the methodology behind the bodys ability to uptake and optimally metabolise specific
volumes of specific good things in concert with of course a few other sequ ential natural motions ....another extension of the NHS philosophy at
I am going to post up during the Avs game....again I am not sure if the Avs will tune in.......but it matters not if they do ...fun is fun.