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Germany - A Koran in Every Household

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posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 10:28 AM
Go ahead.

Mess with a united Germany. See what happens.

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posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 10:29 AM


posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

Sahabi, just curious as to why you left Islam (not a challange just genuinely would like to know).

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

The more i see or read about this type of encroachment, the more i think about Hitler wanting to do something similar.... did he not come back as a Muslim? Its possible and now he is on the crusade again but only this time its not a german white guy, its a muslim from the ME and they are attacking from inside!!

I could be wrong but wasnt WWII fought to stop this kind of domination, one rule, one belief thing?

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:23 AM
So if we stay in a hotel.
you find the koran in the draw!

we are only just geting away from the oprestion of the church.
and we now have islam trying to koran (bible) bash us!

it has taken years to get religon freedom.
and the islams wont to Take it away again.
this has to be stop't

Do You wont to see islams on the street on sunday
beating any one who breaks THIRE laws and stoning them.
just for drinking alchole?
and no one can go to sports events on sunday.

we had any one the church did not like
geting hanged by them for witchcraft.
(they run out of wood for witch burnings.)

Do YOU wont to see things like That Again?
The Fight for freedom still goes on.
and people Still DIE for it.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:27 AM
I'll just burn it if they give me it, call me a heretic I don't care.
edit on 18-4-2012 by Surtur because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by exobiologist

I left Islam for a combined number of issues that I described in this thread:
Becoming Muslim: I Did Not Read The Fine Print

Additionally, through contemplation, meditation, and philosophizing, I came into the understanding of Self and Oneness:
The World Is Waiting On You To Liberate Yourself From Ego!
God: My Gnosis

All in all... an All Knowing, All Powerful, All Loving, and All Merciful God would not tell humans to separate or murder their fellow human for ideological reasons. I'm sure such a God is wise enough to bring about unity through peace and love. Either that, or I am more loving than God.


posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:34 AM
Man, I misread this thread title. When I first read it I thought it said...

Germany--A Korean in Every Household

And I thought, "WOW, how racist"....

And then I thought, :"Hmmm, I wonder if I could get one too"

But not for anything bad, just for like math tutoring, or taking pictures, or piano lessons...stuff like that

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

God bless your soul.

You have made the right decision, my friend.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Sahabi

The bigger picture? I don't think I even mentioned the bigger picture, I am simply focusing on my first-hand, inside knowledge of Salafism and radical Islam.

Salafists want me dead because I left the religion of Islam.

Muhammad himself made it clear that the penalty for leaving Islam was death

Sahih Bukhari, Book 83

Allah's Apostle said, "The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims."

University of Southern California

Note: Sahih Bukhari is considered a sacred Hadith by Sunni Muslims who make up 85% of Muslims worldwide.

If Muhammad clearly stated that the penalty for leaving Islam is death, what sort of religion is Islam? A death cult?

How widespread is support for the death penalty in the Islamic world?

Turkey 5%
Egypt 84%
Jordan 86%
Lebanon 6%
Indonesia 30%
Pakistan 76%
Nigeria 51%


So the opinion that people who leave Islam should be put to death is widely held in the Islamic world.

In what sense is Islam a religion of 'peace'?

edit on 18-4-2012 by ollncasino because: Spelling and other changes

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 12:16 PM


posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by DarthMuerte

Never mind the fact that you can't go to a Western hotel and not find a Bible in the room. I don't see the logic in people who exclusively bash Islam, without bashing all organised religion. It makes no sense and actually comes across as a layer of overt religious xenophobia hiding covert racism.

To say "yeah I know all about it" and still talk about it the way you do means you're either lying or ignorant.

Speaking of extremism, you sound extremely right wing to me. Are you a Christian yourself?
edit on 18-4-2012 by arollingstone because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-4-2012 by arollingstone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by arollingstone
Never mind the fact that you can't go to a Western hotel and not find a Bible in the room. I don't see the logic in people who exclusively bash Islam, without bashing all organised religion. It makes no sense and actually comes across as a layer of overt religious xenophobia hiding covert racism.

You appear to be somewhat unaware of the actions of Muhammad.

• Muhammad led armies of over 10,000 soldiers and spread Islam by the sword, conquering the Arabian peninsula before he died.

Source: Islamic Imperialism: A History by Karsh, E. (2007)

• Muhammad laid down the death penalty for people who leave Islam.

Hadith Sahih Bukhari, Book 83

• Muhammad ordered people burnt to death for not praying.

Bukhari (11:626)

• Muhammad ordered the execution of the 800 Jews of the Banu Qurayza tribe.


• Muhammad both enslaved women and children of conquered peoples and was a slave owner himself

Sirat Rasul Allah - "Life of God's Messenger" (768 AD)

If the founder of Islam was clearly a man of violence who spread and enforced Islam through violence, why are people surprised when the fruit hasn't fallen far from the tree?

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Jesus Christ! First the Jehovahs Witness"s, then the Mormans, now some Islamic programmed drones will be knocking on your door to spread more religious*SNIP* Don't these people understand when they are being manipulated? Religion is a mechansim of control! Oh well, I guess it's everybody's right to remain ignorant.
edit on 4-18-2012 by Springer because: Don't circumvent the foul language censors

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by rival
Man, I misread this thread title. When I first read it I thought it said...

Germany--A Korean in Every Household

And I thought, "WOW, how racist"....

And then I thought, :"Hmmm, I wonder if I could get one too"

But not for anything bad, just for like math tutoring, or taking pictures, or piano lessons...stuff like that

Ahh, bless your seoul

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

HMM Im a bit confussed, When I read the Qur'an it didnt take me long to realise the Islam was not the religion of peace and Muhamad mpasbuh was nothing more than a vile terrorist obsesses with money sex and power who couldnt get a proper girlfriend. I think this would be bad for islams image which on the whole is probably a good thing

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:41 PM

edit on 18/4/12 by darthdamo74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

- I wouldn't call Muslims giving out free Qu'rans .. 'radicals' ... just because they give out free Qu'rans. There are plenty of Christian groups that give out big numbers of free bibles and that doesn't make them 'radicals' or dangerous.

No, but let a Christian stand on the street corners in a Salafist country like Saudi Arabia, handing out free Bibles in Arabic with the aim of getting one into every household, and see how long he lasts. I personally think these Salafists in Germany should be paid back in their own coin, by their own standards.

- Apparently this sub-group of muslims are called Salafists and are out of Saudi Arabia. So I'm not sure why they are in Germany giving out 25 million Qu'rans. Except perhaps because the group has called for a global Islamic Caliphate and this is part of that campaign??

Yes, Islam has cast a covetous eye at Europe since 712 AD, when they crossed near Gibraltar and invaded Spain, renaming it al-Andalus. Karl the Hammer turned them back at Tours in France, decisively, and ran them all back into Spain, or south into the sea. they've been miffed about that ever since, and their banishment from Spain intensified that. In their minds, Europe and Spain in particular already ARE Islamic, because Islamic feet one trod the ground their as masters and conquerors.

Even now, on the radical Islamic websites, Spain is STILL referred to as "al-Andalus". they tend to see al-Andalus as an Islamic territory in the throes of rebellion and apostacy, and some of the more entertaining ones see all of Europe in that light because of the Islamic invasions and wars that caught Europe in a pincer movement centuries ago, between Islamic Andalusia in the west, and the Islamic Balkans in the east.

They were turned at Tours in France and Vienna in Austria, and man, are they still pissed about that!

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
This will happen in the USA soon. You will be a hate mongering islamophobic racist if you speak out against it.

They can call me anything they like, but they'll be doing it from under 6 feet of dirt, so it will probably be sort of muffled.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by dashdespatch
reply to post by Germanicus

Wow quite a turnaround national socialist last week islamist this
(or do you you just like winding people up)

Lol I saw that one as well

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