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Originally posted by FlyersFan
Originally posted by detachedindividual
ATS is on a "hate all the Muslims and Blacks" crusade at the moment
Truth is not hate speech. If there are negative things said about people who happen to be black, or negative things about the Muslim faith, that doesn't equate to 'hate all the Muslims and blacks". Truth is truth.
Or are you just not happy with the fact that some people here decided to wait and see what the police in Florida came up with as far as evidence against Zimmerman instead of grabbing the torch and pitchfork? Is that what you mean by hating on blacks? Being anti-vigilante somehow means also being anti-black? Or is it something else?? care to point it out to all of us so-called haters of Muslims and blacks?
reply to post by bobs_uruncle
Which begs the question .. what to do with this crap if it's in your mailbox? Will Germans have a mass throwing out of the propaganda? Will there be radicalized muslims looting and 'carrying on' because their so-called holy books are in the trash?
"Tulmud=Thamud/Torah/Tanakh"after reading up on these religions I saw nowhere that they have ever spoke of killing people that don't change to there way of thinking unless it was the Thamudaei, they are a form of Islamist dateing back to 715BC that worshiped Allah.
Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by DarthMuerte
Well I think your interpretation is off.
Have you ever read the Tulmud/Torah/Tanakh. I confess I havent but I have read enough to know there is some pretty messed up stuff in there. They dont seem to scare everybody.
Im sure you could take the Bible the wrong way if you wanted to.
Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
reply to post by FlyersFan
The more i see or read about this type of encroachment, the more i think about Hitler wanting to do something similar.... did he not come back as a Muslim? Its possible and now he is on the crusade again but only this time its not a german white guy, its a muslim from the ME and they are attacking from inside!!
I could be wrong but wasnt WWII fought to stop this kind of domination, one rule, one belief thing?
Once in Berlin, the Mufti received an enthusiastic reception by the "Islamische Zentralinstitut" and the whole Islamic community of Germany, which welcomed him as the "Führer of the Arabic world." In an introductory speech, he called the Jews the "most fierce enemies of the Muslims" and an "ever corruptive element" in the world. Husseini soon became an honored guest of the Nazi leadership and met on several occasions with Hitler.
He personally lobbied the Führer against the plan to let Jews leave Hungary, fearing they would immigrate to Palestine. He also strongly intervened when Adolf Eichman tried to cut a deal with the British government to exchange German POWs for 5000 Jewish children who also could have fled to Palestine. The Mufti's protests with the SS were successful, as the children were sent to death camps in Poland instead.
One German officer noted in his journals that the Mufti would liked to have seen the Jews "preferably all killed." On a visit to Auschwitz, he reportedly admonished the guards running the gas chambers to work more diligently. Throughout the war, he appeared regularly on German radio broadcasts to the Middle East, preaching his pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic message to the Arab masses back home.
To show gratitude towards his hosts, in 1943 the Mufti travelled several times to Bosnia, where on orders of the SS he recruited the notorious "Hanjar troopers," a special Bosnian Waffen SS company which slaugh-tered 90% of Bosnia's Jews and burned countless Serbian churches and villages. These Bosnian Muslim recruits rapidly found favor with SS chief Heinrich Himmler, who established a special Mullah Military school in Dresden.
Originally posted by Battleline
"Tulmud=Thamud/Torah/Tanakh"after reading up on these religions I saw nowhere that they have ever spoke of killing people that don't change to there way of thinking.
Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
"Tulmud=Thamud/Torah/Tanakh"after reading up on these religions I saw nowhere that they have ever spoke of killing people that don't change to there way of thinking.
Originally posted by Battleline
Originally posted by FlyersFan
Originally posted by tothetenthpower
How about one of every religious text in every house. How else would you be able to defend yourself against mass delusions and cult like behavior?
Excellent. Let me take inventory .... We have the Qu'ran ... a Qu'ran commentary ... The Bible (catholic edition) .. another bible (King James edition) ... a bunch of bible commentaries ... the Gnostic bible (called 'the other bible") ... some Summerian stuff ... Buddhist teachings ... but nothing Jewish ... Guess I'll have to see about getting some Jewish 'holy books' in the house.
Originally posted by Battleline
Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
"Tulmud=Thamud/Torah/Tanakh"after reading up on these religions I saw nowhere that they have ever spoke of killing people that don't change to there way of thinking.
Originally posted by Battleline
Well, isn't that pesky Flood in the Old Testament part of the Judaic tradition? I could well be wrong, but...
Originally posted by ElectricFeel
reply to post by Sahabi
After all the critics you have given here, im beginning to think that they bullied you out of the 'salafi-crew' instead that you left them... I can almost smell your frustrations lol
Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by Masamune69
I hate the west and I actually live here. Im not surprised that there are extremists when the American Army invades their land.
Originally posted by Sahabi
reply to post by Furbs
If I tell you, "Friend, beware of that snake! It is poisonous!"
Would this make me a fear-mongerer, or simply a friend trying to extend a warning?
Did I tell you to fear Fundementalists? Why should anyone fear a Salafi? They are mere human like you and I.
May Peace be with you.